47 research outputs found

    Exploring music listening patterns: an online survey

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    An online survey was carried out to explore how respondents listen to music recordings. It was anticipated that the listener’s preferences would be influenced by various factors, such as age, music genre, the contexts in which they listen, and their favored methods of music consumption. Consequently, the data were collected to analyze these relationships. The survey, structured as a web application, encompassed 23 questions, with seven specifically aimed at defining the respondents and the remainder contributing to the dataset for analysis. The results reveal a prevailing preference for listening to music via streaming platforms. Respondents predominantly engage in passive listening, where music becomes a background presence without commanding their focused attention. Moreover, the data also highlight a noteworthy correlation between preferred music genres and the age of the listeners

    NPM1 directs PIDDosome-dependent caspase-2 activation in the nucleolus

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    The PIDDosome (PIDD–RAIDD–caspase-2 complex) is considered to be the primary signaling platform for caspase-2 activation in response to genotoxic stress. Yet studies of PIDD-deficient mice show that caspase-2 activation can proceed in the absence of PIDD. Here we show that DNA damage induces the assembly of at least two distinct activation platforms for caspase-2: a cytoplasmic platform that is RAIDD dependent but PIDD independent, and a nucleolar platform that requires both PIDD and RAIDD. Furthermore, the nucleolar phosphoprotein nucleophosmin (NPM1) acts as a scaffold for PIDD and is essential for PIDDosome assembly in the nucleolus after DNA damage. Inhibition of NPM1 impairs caspase-2 processing, apoptosis, and caspase-2–dependent inhibition of cell growth, demonstrating that the NPM1-dependent nucleolar PIDDosome is a key initiator of the caspase-2 activation cascade. Thus we have identified the nucleolus as a novel site for caspase-2 activation and function

    The International Limits and Population at Risk of Plasmodium vivax Transmission in 2009

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    Growing evidence shows that Plasmodium vivax malaria is clinically less benign than has been commonly believed. In addition, it is the most widely distributed species of human malaria and is likely to cause more illness in certain regions than the more extensively studied P. falciparum malaria. Understanding where P. vivax transmission exists and measuring the number of people who live at risk of infection is a fundamental first step to estimating the global disease toll. The aim of this paper is to generate a reliable map of the worldwide distribution of this parasite and to provide an estimate of how many people are exposed to probable infection. A geographical information system was used to map data on the presence of P. vivax infection and spatial information on climatic conditions that impede transmission (low ambient temperature and extremely arid environments) in order to delineate areas where transmission was unlikely to take place. This map was combined with population distribution data to estimate how many people live in these areas and are, therefore, exposed to risk of infection by P. vivax malaria. The results show that 2.85 billion people were exposed to some level of risk of transmission in 2009

    Global Analysis of Cellular Proteolysis by Selective Enzymatic Labeling of Protein N-Termini

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    Proteolysis is a critical modification leading to alteration of protein function with important outcomes in many biological processes. However, for the majority of proteases, we have an incomplete understanding of both cellular substrates and downstream effects. Here, we describe detailed protocols and applications for using the rationally engineered peptide ligase, subtiligase, to specifically label and capture protein N-termini generated by proteases either induced or added to complex biological samples. This method allows identification of the protein targets as well as their precise cleavage locations. This approach has revealed >8000 proteolytic sites in healthy and apoptotic cells including >1700 caspase cleavages. One can further determine substrate preferences through rate analysis with quantitative mass spectrometry, physiological substrate specificities, and even infer the identity of proteases operating in the cell. In this chapter, we also describe how this experimental method can be generalized to investigate proteolysis in any biological sample

    Antitumor activity of antimicrobial peptides against U937 histiocytic cell line

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    We investigated cytotoxic activity of antimicrobial peptides of different origin (both naturally occurring and synthetic), structure and known mechanisms of action against human histiocytic lymphoma cell line U937. The strongest cytotoxic activity against U937 cell line was shown by Pexiganan MSI-78, followed by Citropin 1.1, Protegrin 1 and a synthetic lipopeptide, N-α-palmitoyl-l-lysyl-l-lysine amide (Pal-Lys-Lys-NH2). The cytotoxic activity of the peptides was more dependent on the time of incubation than concentration. Only for the lipopeptide, whose mode of action was restricted to disruption of electric potential of the cell membrane, the correlation between cytotoxicity and concentration was almost linear. The high cytotoxicity of Pexiganan MSI-78, Protegrin 1 and the lipopeptide could be basically explained by their membranolytic activity leading to necrosis. However, in the case of Citropin 1.1, the cell membrane integrity was disrupted only slightly and independently of the peptide concentration. Therefore, some other mechanism of action might be responsible for its strong dose-dependent cytotoxic activity, e.g., membranolytic activity leading to apoptosis. Furthermore, TNF-α production due to LPS (lipopolysaccharide) stimulation was suppressed by the presence of Citropin 1.1, Pexiganan MSI-78 or Protegrin 1, but not by Buforin 2 or the lipopeptide. Our experiments have shown that cytotoxic activity is not limited to some specific molecular structure of a peptide, but rather to the length of the peptide chain as it is likely to affect the efficiency of the tumor cell membrane disruption and interaction with LPS

    <i>Cuentos en el aire</i> : Programa de narración y difusión cultural

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    Cuentos en el aire es un programa creado por Hugo Alejandro Chávez y Analía Ouviña, que sale al aire desde marzo de 2008. Con un tema y una consigna por programa, se suceden narraciones a cargo de los creadores del espacio, narradores como María Teresita Minelli y también por parte de los invitados. En esta entrega, el tema fue "Los inmigrantes, a los que les fue bien y a los que no tan bien", con motivo del mes de inmigrante que celebra la ciudad de Berisso. Los invitados son Roxana Bajcic, Julieta Meronés Wejda, Demetrios Klimis y Ana Sánchez. También se escucha música alusiva: un ritmo folklórico croata, un sirakis. Se entrevista telefónicamente a la docente y narradora Silvia Lynch.Radio Universidad Nacional de La Plat