174 research outputs found

    Méthodologie basée sur des membranes pour la gestion de la reconfiguration dynamique dans les systèmes embarqués parallèles

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    National audienceLa reconfiguration partielle et dynamique donne une nouvelle dimension pertinente et efficace à la conception des systèmes embarqués parallèles. Toutefois, en raison de la complexité de ces systèmes, assurer la cohérence et la gestion du parallélisme lors de l'exécution reste un défi majeur. Ainsi, des modèles d'architectures et des méthodologies de conception assistée sont nécessaires pour permettre la gestion efficace de la reconfiguration matérielle. Notre approche est inspirée des modèles, à base de composants, bien connus dans le monde du logiciel. Le modèle que l'on propose est basé sur des membranes enveloppant les composants du système. L'objectif est d'améliorer la productivité de conception et d'assurer la cohérence de la gestion des changements de composants virtuels réutilisables (IPs) ainsi que le changement de contexte. Ces membranes sont distribuées et optimisées dans le but de concevoir des systèmes autoadaptatifs

    Deux définitions de la collégialité et leur articulation: le cas d’un diocèse catholique

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    Cet article identifie, en arrière-plan des conflits observés entre managers et professionals, deux définitions de la collégialité, l’une comme forme organisationnelle propre (bottom up), l’autre comme procédé de gestion bureaucratique (top down). Il propose un examen exploratoire des modalités d’articulation des deux définitions en s’appuyant sur une étude de réseaux de prêtres dans un diocèse catholique français. Il interroge enfin les effets d’une rationalisation organisationnelle trop étroite dans laquelle la collégialité n’est utilisée que comme procédé de gestion bureaucratique top down. Cette dernière prend toujours le risque de stériliser le travail des experts en ignorant le premier type de collégialité, celle qui est fondée sur la nature des tâches non routinières conjointement accomplies par les membres grâce à une structuration organisationnelle endogène de type bottom up.Against the background of the conflict observed between managers and professionals, two definitions of collegiality are identified: on the one hand, as a specific organizational form (bottom up) and, on the other, as a procedure of bureaucratic management (top down). A study of networks of priests in a catholic diocese in France is used to explore how these two definitions are related. Questions are raised about the effects of a too narrow organizational rationalization that uses collegiality only as a top down, bureaucratic managerial procedure. This always entails the risk of making the work done by experts sterile because it overlooks the first type of collegiality, which is based on the nature of the nonroutine tasks that members perform jointly thanks to an endogenous organizational structure of a bottom up type

    Membrane-based design and management methodology for parallel dynamically reconfigurable embedded systems

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    International audiencePartial and dynamic reconfiguration provides a relevant new dimension to design efficient parallel embedded systems. However, due to the encasing complexity of such systems, ensuring the consistency and parallelism management at runtime is still a key challenge. So architecture models and design methodology are required to allow for efficient component reuse and hardware reconfiguration management.This paper presents a distributed persistence management model and its implementation for reconfigurable multiprocessor systems on dynamically reconfigurable circuits. The proposed approach is inspired from the well-known component based models used in software applications development. Our model is based on membranes wrapping the systems components. The objective is to improve design productivity and ensure consistency by managing context switching and storage using modular distributed hardware controllers. These membranes are distributed and optimized with the aim to design self-adaptive systems by allowing dynamic changes in parallelism degree and contexts migration. Simulation and synthesis results are given to show performances and effectiveness of our methodology

    Integrated functions among multiple starch synthases determine both amylopectin chain length and branch linkage location in Arabidopsis leaf starch

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    This study assessed the impact on starch metabolism in Arabidopsis leaves of simultaneously eliminating multiple soluble starch synthases (SS) from among SS1, SS2, and SS3. Double mutant ss1- ss2- or ss1- ss3- lines were generated using confirmed null mutations. These were compared to the wild type, each single mutant, and ss1- ss2- ss3- triple mutant lines grown in standardized environments. Double mutant plants developed similarly to the wild type, although they accumulated less leaf starch in both short-day and long-day diurnal cycles. Despite the reduced levels in the double mutants, lines containing only SS2 and SS4, or SS3 and SS4, are able to produce substantial amounts of starch granules. In both double mutants the residual starch was structurally modified including higher ratios of amylose:amylopectin, altered glucan chain length distribution within amylopectin, abnormal granule morphology, and altered placement of α(1→6) branch linkages relative to the reducing end of each linear chain. The data demonstrate that SS activity affects not only chain elongation but also the net result of branch placement accomplished by the balanced activities of starch branching enzymes and starch debranching enzymes. SS3 was shown partially to overlap in function with SS1 for the generation of short glucan chains within amylopectin. Compensatory functions that, in some instances, allow continued residual starch production in the absence of specific SS classes were identified, probaby accomplished by the granule bound starch synthase GBSS1.ANR Génoplante GPLA0611GEuropean Union-FEDER, Région Nord Pas de Calais ARCir PlantTEQ5National Science Foundation DBI-0209789Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología BIO2009-07040Junta de Andalucía P09-CVI-470

    Identification of a novel a-L-arabinofuranosidase gene associated with mealiness in apple.

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    In order to investigate the genetic bases of the physiological syndrome mealiness that causes abnormal fruit softening and juice loss in apples, an integrative approach was devised, consisting of sensory, instrumental, biochemical, genetic, and genomic methods. High levels of activity of a-L-arabinofuranosidase (a-AFase), a hydrolase acting on the pectic component of the cell walls, were found in individuals exhibiting the mealiness phenotype in a segregating population. The expression levels of the previously uncharacterized apple AF gene MdAF3 are higher in fruits from plants consistently showing mealiness symptons and high a-AFase activity. The transcription of MdAF3 is differentially regulated in distinct genomic contexts and appears to be independent of ethylene. Thus, it is likely to be controlled by endogenous developmental mechanisms associated with fruit ripening. The use of integrative approaches has allowed the identification of a novel contributor to the mealiness phenotype in apple and it has been possible to overcome the problems posed by the unavailability of near-isogenic lines to dissect the genetic bases of a complex physiological trait in woody perennial species

    Identification of a novel α-L-arabinofuranosidase gene associated with mealiness in apple

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    In order to investigate the genetic bases of the physiological syndrome mealiness that causes abnormal fruit softening and juice loss in apples, an integrative approach was devised, consisting of sensory, instrumental, biochemical, genetic, and genomic methods. High levels of activity of α-L-arabinofuranosidase (α-AFase), a hydrolase acting on the pectic component of the cell walls, were found in individuals exhibiting the mealiness phenotype in a segregating population. The expression levels of the previously uncharacterized apple AF gene MdAF3 are higher in fruits from plants consistently showing mealiness symptons and high α-AFase activity. The transcription of MdAF3 is differentially regulated in distinct genomic contexts and appears to be independent of ethylene. Thus, it is likely to be controlled by endogenous developmental mechanisms associated with fruit ripening. The use of integrative approaches has allowed the identification of a novel contributor to the mealiness phenotype in apple and it has been possible to overcome the problems posed by the unavailability of near-isogenic lines to dissect the genetic bases of a complex physiological trait in woody perennial species

    Functions of maize genes encoding pyruvate phosphate dikinase in developing endosperm

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    Maize opaque2 (o2) mutations are beneficial for endosperm nutritional quality but cause negative pleiotropic effects for reasons that are not fully understood. Direct targets of the bZIP transcriptional regulator encoded by o2 include pdk1 and pdk2 that specify pyruvate phosphate dikinase (PPDK). This enzyme reversibly converts AMP, pyrophosphate, and phosphoenolpyruvate to ATP, orthophosphate, and pyruvate and provides diverse functions in plants. This study addressed PPDK function in maize starchy endosperm where it is highly abundant during grain fill. pdk1 and pdk2 were inactivated individually by transposon insertions, and both genes were simultaneously targeted by endosperm-specific RNAi. pdk2 accounts for the large majority of endosperm PPDK, whereas pdk1 specifies the abundant mesophyll form. The pdk1- mutation is seedling-lethal, indicating that C4 photosynthesis is essential in maize. RNAi expression in transgenic endosperm eliminated detectable PPDK protein and enzyme activity. Transgenic kernels weighed the same on average as nontransgenic siblings, with normal endosperm starch and total N contents, indicating that PPDK is not required for net storage compound synthesis. An opaque phenotype resulted from complete PPDK knockout, including loss of vitreous endosperm character similar to the phenotype conditioned by o2-. Concentrations of multiple glycolytic intermediates were elevated in transgenic endosperm, energy charge was altered, and starch granules were more numerous but smaller on average than normal. The data indicate that PPDK modulates endosperm metabolism, potentially through reversible adjustments to energy charge, and reveal that o2- mutations can affect the opaque phenotype through regulation of PPDK in addition to their previously demonstrated effects on storage protein gene expression

    Neurobiological degeneracy and affordance perception support functional intra-individual variability of inter-limb coordination during ice climbing

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    This study investigated the functional intra-individual movement variability of ice climbers differing in skill level to understand how icefall properties were used by participants as affordances to adapt inter-limb coordination patterns during performance. Seven expert climbers and seven beginners were observed as they climbed a 30 m icefall. Movement and positioning of the left and right hand ice tools, crampons and the climber's pelvis over the first 20 m of the climb were recorded and digitized using video footage from a camera (25 Hz) located perpendicular to the plane of the icefall. Inter-limb coordination, frequency and types of action and vertical axis pelvis displacement exhibited by each climber were analysed for the first five minutes of ascent. Participant perception of climbing affordances was assessed through: (i) calculating the ratio between exploratory movements and performed actions, and (ii), identifying, by self-confrontation interviews, the perceptual variables of environmental properties, which were significant to climbers for their actions. Data revealed that experts used a wider range of upper and lower limb coordination patterns, resulting in the emergence of different types of action and fewer exploratory movements, suggesting that effective holes in the icefall provided affordances to regulate performance. In contrast, beginners displayed lower levels of functional intra-individual variability of motor organization, due to repetitive swinging of ice tools and kicking of crampons to achieve and maintain a deep anchorage, suggesting lack of perceptual attunement and calibration to environmental properties to support climbing performanc

    Characterization of pullulanase (PUL)-deficient mutants of rice (Oryza sativa L.) and the function of PUL on starch biosynthesis in the developing rice endosperm

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    Rice (Oryza sativa) allelic sugary1 (sug1) mutants defective in isoamylase 1 (ISA1) accumulate varying levels of starch and phytoglycogen in their endosperm, and the activity of a pullulanase-type of a debranching enzyme (PUL) was found to correlate closely with the severity of the sug1 phenotype. Thus, three PUL-deficient mutants were generated to investigate the function of PUL in starch biosynthesis. The reduction of PUL activity had no pleiotropic effects on the other enzymes involved in starch biosynthesis. The short chains (DP ≤13) of amylopectin in PUL mutants were increased compared with that of the wild type, but the extent of the changes was much smaller than that of sug1 mutants. The α-glucan composition [amylose, amylopectin, water-soluble polysaccharide (WSP)] and the structure of the starch components (amylose and amylopectin) of the PUL mutants were essentially the same, although the average chain length of the B2-3 chains of amylopectin in the PUL mutant was ∼3 residues longer than that of the wild type. The double mutants between the PUL-null and mild sug1 mutants still retained starch in the outer layer of endosperm tissue, while the amounts of WSP and short chains (DP ≤7) of amylopectin were higher than those of the sug1 mutant; this indicates that the PUL function partially overlaps with that of ISA1 and its deficiency has a much smaller effect on the synthesis of amylopectin than ISA1 deficiency and the variation of the sug1 phenotype is not significantly dependent on the PUL activities

    The barley amo1 locus is tightly linked to the starch synthase IIIa gene and negatively regulates expression of granule-bound starch synthetic genes

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    In this study of barley starch synthesis, the interaction between mutations at the sex6 locus and the amo1 locus has been characterized. Four barley genotypes, the wild type, sex6, amo1, and the amo1sex6 double mutant, were generated by backcrossing the sex6 mutation present in Himalaya292 into the amo1 ‘high amylose Glacier’. The wild type, amo1, and sex6 genotypes gave starch phenotypes consistent with previous studies. However, the amo1sex6 double mutant yielded an unexpected phenotype, a significant increase in starch content relative to the sex6 phenotype. Amylose content (as a percentage of starch) was not increased above the level observed for the sex6 mutation alone; however, on a per seed basis, grain from lines containing the amo1 mutation (amo1 mutants and amo1sex6 double mutants) synthesize significantly more amylose than the wild-type lines and sex6 mutants. The level of granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) protein in starch granules is increased in lines containing the amo1 mutation (amo1 and amo1sex6). In the amo1 genotype, starch synthase I (SSI), SSIIa, starch branching enzyme IIa (SBEIIa), and SBEIIb also markedly increased in the starch granules. Genetic mapping studies indicate that the ssIIIa gene is tightly linked to the amo1 locus, and the SSIIIa protein from the amo1 mutant has a leucine to arginine residue substitution in a conserved domain. Zymogram analysis indicates that the amo1 phenotype is not a consequence of total loss of enzymatic activity although it remains possible that the amo1 phenotype is underpinned by a more subtle change. It is therefore proposed that amo1 may be a negative regulator of other genes of starch synthesis