4,697 research outputs found

    Fluctuation dynamo amplified by intermittent shear bursts in convectively driven magnetohydrodynamic turbulence

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    Intermittent large-scale high-shear flows are found to occur frequently and spontaneously in direct numerical simulations of statistically stationary turbulent Boussinesq magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) convection. The energetic steady-state of the system is sustained by convective driving of the velocity field and small-scale dynamo action. The intermittent emergence of flow structures with strong velocity and magnetic shearing generates magnetic energy at an elevated rate over time-scales longer than the characteristic time of the large-scale convective motion. The resilience of magnetic energy amplification suggests that intermittent shear-bursts are a significant driver of dynamo action in turbulent magnetoconvection

    The Older Population and the Aged Patient

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    Modern medical practice requires that the physician and other members of the health team have full appreciation of the impact of disease and disability upon identifiable groups of patients and recognize how nonmedical factors affect treatment and prognosis. It is important for the physician to have some idea of the patient\u27s socioeconomic status and the actual and potential number of patients with not only a common diagnosis, but also similarities in their living conditions. With such knowledge, the physician can be much more realistic and efficient in his therapeutic efforts. Persons 65 years of age and over are commonly referred to as the older population. Brotman (1968) recently identified the special characteristics of those 75 years of age and over, referring to these people as the aged. This subdividing of the older population is of considerable value, as the important health and socioeconomic facts common to a specific group can be lost in the mass of the older population

    Lagrangian Statistics of Navier-Stokes- and MHD-Turbulence

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    We report on a comparison of high-resolution numerical simulations of Lagrangian particles advected by incompressible turbulent hydro- and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flows. Numerical simulations were performed with up to 102431024^3 collocation points and 10 million particles in the Navier-Stokes case and 5123512^3 collocation points and 1 million particles in the MHD case. In the hydrodynamics case our findings compare with recent experiments from Mordant et al. [1] and Xu et al. [2]. They differ from the simulations of Biferale et al. [3] due to differences of the ranges choosen for evaluating the structure functions. In Navier-Stokes turbulence intermittency is stronger than predicted by a multifractal approach of [3] whereas in MHD turbulence the predictions from the multifractal approach are more intermittent than observed in our simulations. In addition, our simulations reveal that Lagrangian Navier-Stokes turbulence is more intermittent than MHD turbulence, whereas the situation is reversed in the Eulerian case. Those findings can not consistently be described by the multifractal modeling. The crucial point is that the geometry of the dissipative structures have different implications for Lagrangian and Eulerian intermittency. Application of the multifractal approach for the modeling of the acceleration PDFs works well for the Navier-Stokes case but in the MHD case just the tails are well described.Comment: to appear in J. Plasma Phy

    Extreme-value statistics from Lagrangian convex hull analysis for homogeneous turbulent Boussinesq convection and MHD convection

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    We investigate the utility of the convex hull of many Lagrangian tracers to analyze transport properties of turbulent flows with different anisotropy. In direct numerical simulations of statistically homogeneous and stationary Navier-Stokes turbulence, neutral fluid Boussinesq convection, and MHD Boussinesq convection a comparison with Lagrangian pair dispersion shows that convex hull statistics capture the asymptotic dispersive behavior of a large group of passive tracer particles. Moreover, convex hull analysis provides additional information on the sub-ensemble of tracers that on average disperse most efficiently in the form of extreme value statistics and flow anisotropy via the geometric properties of the convex hulls. We use the convex hull surface geometry to examine the anisotropy that occurs in turbulent convection. Applying extreme value theory, we show that the maximal square extensions of convex hull vertices are well described by a classic extreme value distribution, the Gumbel distribution. During turbulent convection, intermittent convective plumes grow and accelerate the dispersion of Lagrangian tracers. Convex hull analysis yields information that supplements standard Lagrangian analysis of coherent turbulent structures and their influence on the global statistics of the flow.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, preprin

    A Comparison of Four Approaches to Discretization Based on Entropy †

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    We compare four discretization methods, all based on entropy: the original C4.5 approach to discretization, two globalized methods, known as equal interval width and equal frequency per interval, and a relatively new method for discretization called multiple scanning using the C4.5 decision tree generation system. The main objective of our research is to compare the quality of these four methods using two criteria: an error rate evaluated by ten-fold cross-validation and the size of the decision tree generated by C4.5. Our results show that multiple scanning is the best discretization method in terms of the error rate and that decision trees generated from datasets discretized by multiple scanning are simpler than decision trees generated directly by C4.5 or generated from datasets discretized by both globalized discretization methods

    l. suis medication of piglets with Baycoxo 5% against coccidiose and for stabilisation of the microflora against intestinal infections and reducing the application of antibiotica and vaccines against diarrhoea with E.coli and Clostridia

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    After the oral treatment of all p1glets 3 - 5 days after birth with Baycox 5% we found a better intestine health in the suckling and in the flatdeck period. ln this study there was a reduced diarrhoea dunng suckling and in the flatdeck.With the Baycox• therapeutic the vaccination program against E. coli and Clostridium perfringens Typ C and the application of antibiotica to the weaners could be decreased for nearly 40 % during the breeding period. AII pigs got better health status with higher weight gain and uniformity

    Haemoglobin and size dependent constraints on swimbladder inflation in fish larvae

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    In developmental studies of fish species (especially physostomians) it could be demonstrated, that the lack of haemoglobin during larval and juvenile stages is a relatively common phenomenon. Generally it is linked with body translucency. In representatives of the families Galaxiidae, Osmeridae and Clupeidae, partly reared, partly observed immediately after being caught in the wild, it turned out, that this condition coincides with a considerable delay in swimbladder inflation. To determine the moment of its first inflation, larvae placed in a hermetic chamber were observed under a dissecting microscope. While lowering the pressure, the expanding swimbladder showed whether or not its content is really gaseous. The reason postulated to be responsible for the delayed inflation is that larvae lacking haemoglobin do not have the possibility of oxygen transport to their buoyancy organ by means of the blood. Apart of this, capillarity force calculations and body force estimations show that with decreasing size the constraints linked with surface tension increase overproportionally. While in larger sized larvae like trout we could demonstrate inflation by swallowing air, in species with small larvae this was not the case. Below a certain size, even in physostomians, the ductus pneumaticus is no alternative to the blood pathway for swimbladder inflation

    DPP-4 inhibitor dose selection according to manufacturer specifications:A Contemporary Experience From UK General Practice

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    Recently, 2 dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4) inhibitors, sitagliptin and saxagliptin, adjusted dosing specification from creatinine clearance to glomerular filtration rate, more typically reported in routine laboratory tests. This cross-sectional study examines all DPP-4 inhibitor initiations that require dose adjustment and the dose selection using data from UK general practice. Results indicate that 34% of patients taking a nonlinagliptin DPP-4 inhibitor were given a higher dose and 11% a lower dose than specified in the Summary of Product Characteristics. This reinforces the deviation from Summary of Product Characteristics prescription of DPP-4 inhibitors identified in earlier studies despite improvement in compatibility with routine reporting. (C) 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc

    The Spatio-Temporal Structure of Spiral-Defect Chaos

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    We present a study of the recently discovered spatially-extended chaotic state known as spiral-defect chaos, which occurs in low-Prandtl-number, large-aspect-ratio Rayleigh-Benard convection. We employ the modulus squared of the space-time Fourier transform of time series of two-dimensional shadowgraph images to construct the structure factor S(k,ω){S}({\vec k},\omega ). This analysis is used to characterize the average spatial and temporal scales of the chaotic state. We find that the correlation length and time can be described by power-law dependences on the reduced Rayleigh number ϵ{\epsilon}. These power laws have as yet no theoretical explanation.Comment: RevTex 38 pages with 13 figures. Due to their large size, some figures are stored as separate gif images. The paper with included hi-res eps figures (981kb compressed, 3.5Mb uncompressed) is available at ftp://mobydick.physics.utoronto.ca/pub/MBCA96.tar.gz An mpeg movie and samples of data are also available at ftp://mobydick.physics.utoronto.ca/pub/. Paper submitted to Physica