97 research outputs found

    Multiwavelength Observations of the Hot DB Star PG 0112+104

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    We present a comprehensive multiwavelength analysis of the hot DB white dwarf PG 0112+104. Our analysis relies on newly-acquired FUSE observations, on medium-resolution FOS and GHRS data, on archival high-resolution GHRS observations, on optical spectrophotometry both in the blue and around Halpha, as well as on time-resolved photometry. From the optical data, we derive a self-consistent effective temperature of 31,300+-500 K, a surface gravity of log g = 7.8 +- 0.1 (M=0.52 Msun), and a hydrogen abundance of log N(H)/N(He) < -4.0. The FUSE spectra reveal the presence of CII and CIII lines that complement the previous detection of CII transitions with the GHRS. The improved carbon abundance in this hot object is log N(C)/N(He) = -6.15 +- 0.23. No photospheric features associated with other heavy elements are detected. We reconsider the role of PG 0112+104 in the definition of the blue edge of the V777 Her instability strip in light of our high-speed photometry, and contrast our results with those of previous observations carried out at the McDonald Observatory.Comment: 10 pages in emulateapj, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    DE Canum Venaticorum : a bright, eclipsing red dwarf–white dwarf binary

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    Context. Close white dwarf–red dwarf binaries must have gone through a common-envelope phase during their evolution. DE CVn is a detached white dwarf–red dwarf binary with a relatively short (∼8.7 h) orbital period. Its brightness and the presence of eclipses makes this system ideal for a more detailed study. Aims. From a study of photometric and spectroscopic observations of DE CVn we derive the system parameters that we discuss in the framework of common-envelope evolution. Methods. Photometric observations of the eclipses are used to determine an accurate ephemeris. From a model fit to an average lowresolution spectrum of DE CVn, we constrain the temperature of the white dwarf and the spectral type of the red dwarf. The eclipse light curve is analysed and combined with the radial velocity curve of the red dwarf determined from time-resolved spectroscopy to derive constraints on the inclination and the masses of the components in the system. Results. The derived ephemeris is HJDmin = 2 452 784.5533(1) + 0.3641394(2) × E. The red dwarf in DE CVn has a spectral type of M3V and the white dwarf has an effective temperature of 8 000 K. The inclination of the system is 86+3◦ −2 and the mass and radius of the red dwarf are 0.41 ± 0.06 M and 0.37+0.06 −0.007 R, respectively, and the mass and radius of the white dwarf are 0.51+0.06 −0.02 M and 0.0136+0.0008 −0.0002 R, respectively. Conclusions. We found that the white dwarf has a hydrogen-rich atmosphere (DA-type). Given that DE CVn has experienced a common-envelope phase, we can reconstruct its evolution and we find that the progenitor of the white dwarf was a relatively lowmass star (M ≤ 1.6 M). The current age of this system is 3.3−7.3 × 109 years, while it will take longer than the Hubble time for DE CVn to evolve into a semi-detached system

    High-resolution ultraviolet spectroscopy of PG1159-035 with HST and FUSE

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    PG1159-035 is the prototype of the PG1159 spectral class which consists of extremely hot hydrogen-deficient (pre-) white dwarfs. It is also the prototype of the GW Vir variables, which are non-radial g-mode pulsators. The study of PG1159 stars reveals insight into stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis during AGB and post-AGB phases. We perform a quantitative spectral analysis of PG1159-035 focusing on the abundance determination of trace elements. We have taken high-resolution ultraviolet spectra of PG1159-035 with the Hubble Space Telescope and the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer. They are analysed with non-LTE line blanketed model atmospheres. We confirm the high effective temperature with high precision (Teff=140,000+/-5000 K) and the surface gravity of logg=7. For the first time we assess the abundances of silicon, phosphorus, sulfur, and iron. Silicon is about solar. For phosphorus we find an upper limit of solar abundance. A surprisingly strong depletion of sulfur (2% solar) is discovered. Iron is not detected, suggesting an upper limit of 30% solar. This coincides with the Fe deficiency found in other PG1159 stars. We redetermine the nitrogen abundance and find it to be lower by one dex compared to previous analyses. The sulfur depletion is in contradiction with current models of AGB star intershell nucleosynthesis. The iron deficiency confirms similar results for other PG1159 stars and is explained by the conversion of iron into heavier elements by n-capture in the s-processing environment of the precursor AGB star. However, the extent of the iron depletion is stronger than predicted by evolutionary models. The relatively low nitrogen abundance compared to other pulsating PG1159 stars weakens the role of nitrogen as a distinctive feature of pulsators and non-pulsators in the GW Vir instability strip.Comment: A&A accepted, 13 pages, 10 figure

    Establishing specialized health services for professional consultation in euthanasia: experiences in the Netherlands and Belgium

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg have adopted laws decriminalizing euthanasia under strict conditions of prudent practice. These laws stipulate, among other things, that the attending physician should consult an independent colleague to judge whether the substantive criteria of due care have been met. In this context initiatives were taken in the Netherlands and Belgium to establish specialized services providing such consultants: Support and Consultation for Euthanasia in the Netherlands (SCEN) and Life End Information Forum (LEIF) in Belgium. The aim of this study is to describe and compare these initiatives.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We studied and compared relevant documents concerning the Dutch and Belgian consultation service (e.g. articles of bye-laws, inventories of activities, training books, consultation protocols).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In both countries, the consultation services are delivered by trained physicians who can be consulted in cases of a request for euthanasia and who offer support and information to attending physicians. The context in which the two organisations were founded, as well as the way they are organised and regulated, is different in each country. By providing information on all end-of-life care matters, the Belgian LEIF seems to have a broader consultation role than the Dutch SCEN. SCEN on the other hand has a longer history, is more regulated and organised on a larger scale and receives more government funding than LEIF. The number of training hours for physicians is equal. However, SCEN-training puts more emphasis on the consultation report, whereas LEIF-training primarily emphasizes the ethical framework of end-of-life decisions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In case of a request for euthanasia, in the Netherlands as well as in Belgium similar consultation services by independent qualified physicians have been developed. In countries where legalising physician-assisted death is being contemplated, the development of such a consultation provision could also be considered in order to safeguard the practice of euthanasia (as it can provide safeguards to adequate performance of euthanasia and assisted suicide).</p

    Smoking is associated with the concurrent presence of multiple autoantibodies in rheumatoid arthritis rather than with anti-citrullinated protein antibodies per se:a multicenter cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: The contribution of smoking to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is hypothesized to be mediated through formation of anti-citrullinated protein antibodies (ACPA). In RA, however, autoantibodies such as ACPA, rheumatoid factor (RF), and anti-carbamylated protein antibodies (anti-CarP) often occur together, and it is thus unclear whether smoking is specifically associated with some autoantibodies rather than others. We therefore investigated whether smoking is only associated with ACPA or with the presence of multiple RA-related autoantibodies. METHODS: A population-based Japanese cohort (n = 9575) was used to investigate the association of smoking with RF and anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-CCP2) in individuals without RA. Furthermore, RA patients fulfilling the 1987 criteria from three early arthritis cohorts from the Netherlands (n = 678), the United Kingdom (n = 761), and Sweden (n = 795) were used. Data on smoking, RF, anti-CCP2, and anti-CarP were available. A total score of autoantibodies was calculated, and odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were calculated by logistic regression. RESULTS: In the population-based non-RA cohort, no association was found between smoking and one autoantibody (RF or anti-CCP2), but smoking was associated with double-autoantibody positivity (OR 2.95, 95% CI 1.32-6.58). In RA patients, there was no association between smoking and the presence of one autoantibody (OR 0.99, 95% CI 0.78-1.26), but smoking was associated with double-autoantibody positivity (OR 1.32, 95% CI 1.04-1.68) and triple-autoantibody positivity (OR 2.05, 95% CI 1.53-2.73). CONCLUSIONS: Smoking is associated with the concurrent presence of multiple RA-associated autoantibodies rather than just ACPA. This indicates that smoking is a risk factor for breaking tolerance to multiple autoantigens in RA

    uvby(-β\beta) photometry of high-velocity and metal-poor stars X. Stars of very low metal abundance: observations, reddenings, metallicities, classifications, distances, and relative ages

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    uvby(--β\beta) photometry has been obtained for an additional 411 very metal-poor stars selected from the HK survey, and used to derive basic parameters such as interstellar reddenings, metallicities, photometric classifications, distances, and relative ages... These very metal-poor stars are compared to M92 in the c_0,(b-y)_0 diagram, and evidence is seen for field stars 1-3 Gyrs younger than this globular cluster. The significance of these younger very metal-poor stars is discussed in the context of Galactic evolution, mentioning such possibilities as hierarchical star-formation/mass-infall of very metal-poor material and/or accretion events whereby this material has been acquired from other (dwarf) galaxies with different formation and chemical-enrichment historiesComment: 20 pages, 11 figures, and 9 table