69 research outputs found

    La alfabetización en salud y el empoderamiento de las comunidades

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    Las personas profesionales de la salud utilizan un lenguaje técnico, lo cual dificulta el entendimiento con determinados colectivos. En algunos barrios desfavorecidos existen programas de salud que incluyen formación dirigida a que las comunidades de bajos niveles académicos puedan entender el lenguaje especializado de la medicina. Sin embargo, la alfabetización en salud no es sólo ni principalmente eso, sino un aprendizaje orientado a la transformación de las relaciones de poder entre las propias comunidades y los servicios de salud, tal y como se indica en algunas de las orientaciones realizadas por la comunidad científica internacional. Los resultados de la investigación INCLUD-ED indican propuestas para facilitar el empoderamiento de la comunidad de grupos vulnerables en los programas de alfabetización en salud. La base de estas orientaciones es garantizar el diálogo igualitario entre los profesionales de este sector y los usuarios para obtener un mayor éxito en dichos programas.Health professionals use a higher technical language with patients without studies and common language with those that have university degrees. In the underprivileged neighbourhoods there are health programmes that include training processes aimed at the communities of low academic levels to understand the specialized language of medicine. However, health literacy is not only and mainly about this, but a learning oriented to the transformation of power relations among the communities and the health care services, as it is pointed out in some of the orientations provided by the international scientific community. The results of the investigation INCLUD-ED indicate proposals to promote the empowerment of the communities of vulnerable groups in the health literacy programmes. The basis of these orientations is to guarantee the egalitarian dialogue between the professionals of this sector and the end-users in order to reach a greater success in said programmes

    Kristalne modifikacije i profil oslobađanja piroksikama

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    Piroxicam is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug with low aqueous solubility which exhibits polymorphism. The present study was carried out to develop polymorphs of piroxicam with enhanced solubility and dissolution rate by the crystal modification technique using different solvent mixtures prepared with PEG 4000 and PVP K30. Physicochemical characteristics of the modified crystal forms of piroxicam were investigated by X-ray powder diffractometry, FT-IR spectrophotometry and differential scanning calorimetry. Dissolution and solubility profiles of each modified crystal form were studied and compared with pure piroxicam. Solvent evaporation method (method I) produced bothneedle and cubic shaped crystals. Slow crystallization from ethanol with addition of PEG 4000 or PVP K30 at room temperature (method II) produced cubic crystal forms. Needle forms produced by method I improved dissolution but not solubility. Cubic crystals produced by method I had a dissolution profile similar to that of untreated piroxicam but showed better solubility than untreated piroxicam. Cubic shaped crystals produced by method II showed improved dissolution, without a significant change in solubility. Based on the XRPD results, modified piroxicam crystals obtained by method I from acetone/benzene were cube shaped, which correlates well with the FTIR spectrum; modified needle forms obtained from ethanol/methanol and ethanol/acetone showed a slight shift of FTIR peak that may be attributed to differences in the internal structure or conformation.Piroksikam je nesteroidni protuupalni lijek male topljivosti u vodi koji ima svojstvo polimorfije. Cilj rada bio je priprema polimorfa piroksikama povećane topljivosti i brzine oslobađanja koristeći smjese različitih otapala i PEG 4000, odnosno PVP K30. Fizikokemijska svojstva modificiranih kristalnih oblika piroksikama ispitivana su difrakcijom X-zraka na praškastom uzorku FT-IR spektrofotometrijom i diferencijalnom pretražnom kalorimetrijom. Profili oslobađanja i topljivosti modificiranih kristalnih oblika proučavani su i uspoređivani sa čistim piroksikamom. Metodom uparavanja otapala (metoda I) dobiveni su igličasti i kubični kristali. Polaganom kristalizacijom iz etanola uz dodatak PEG 4000 ili PVP K30 na sobnoj temperaturi (metoda II) dobiveni su kubični kristali. Igličasti kristali dobiveni metodom I poboljšali su oslobađanje, ali ne i topljivost. Kubični kristali dobiveni metodom I imali su poboljšanu topljivost, ali sličan profil oslobađanja kao i netretirani piroksikam. Kubični kristali dobiveni metodom II imali su poboljšani profil oslobađanja, bez značajne promjene u topljivosti. Na temelju XRPD rezultata, modificirani kristali piroksikama dobiveni metodom I iz smjese acetona i benzena bili su kubični, što dobro korelira s FTIR spektrom; modificirani igličasti kristali dobiveni iz smjese etanol/metanol i etanol/aceton imali su lagani pomak FTIR signala što bi se moglo pripisati razlikama u internoj strukturi ili konformacijama

    Physio-chemical characterization of three-component co-amorphous systems generated by a melt-quench method

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    The purpose of this work was to evaluate the possibility of creating a ternary co-amorphous system and to determine how the properties of a co-amorphous material are altered by the addition of a selected third component. Piroxicam and indomethacin form a stable co-amorphous with the Tg above room temperature. The third component added was selected based on tendency to crystallise (benzamide, caffeine) or form amorphous (acetaminophen, clotrimazole) on cooling. Generated co-amorphous systems were characterised with TGA, HSM, DSC, FTIR, and XRD. Stable ternary co-amorphous systems were successfully generated, which was confirmed using XRD, DSC and FTIR analysis. In all cases, Tg of the ternary system was lower than the Tg of the binary system, although higher than that of the individual third compound. Upon storage for 4 weeks all created ternary systems showed significantly smaller variation in Tg compared to the binary system. Stable three-component co-amorphous systems can be generated via melt quench method using either a crystalline or amorphous third component. Addition of third component can alter the Tg of co-amorphous system and in all cases created more stable co-amorphous system upon storage. Physical parameters may not be sufficient in predicting the resulting Tg, therefore knowledge of chemical interaction must be brought into equation as well

    A place for integration : refugee experiences in two English cities

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    This paper seeks to inject an appreciation of place into analysis of refugee integration. A framework of integration sensitive to interactions between people and places is operationalised to facilitate the systematic comparison of the refugee integration process in different places. In particular, this paper explores variations in key indicators of integration within a cohort of refugees arriving into the UK from the same country of origin (Iraq), at the same time, granted the same legal status and afforded a similar package of support and assistance but settled in two cities in England (Hull and Sheffield). Variations in the integration experiences of refugees in the two cities are spotlighted and related to the contextual, compositional and collective aspects of the places into which they were settled. The findings highlight the importance of recognising that refugee integration is grounded and embodied in space and place and that despite proceeding under the same general operative processes can evolve in distinctive ways in different places

    Living in Limbo: Integration of Forced Migrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina in Slovenia

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    Transit and receiving countries : refugee protection policies in Belgium, Slovenia, Greece and Turkey

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    status: publishe

    Health literacy in the empowerment of communities

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    Las personas profesionales de la salud utilizan un lenguaje técnico, lo cual dificulta el entendimiento con determinados colectivos. En algunos barrios desfavorecidos existen programas de salud que incluyen formación dirigida a que las comunidades de bajos niveles académicos puedan entender el lenguaje especializado de la medicina. Sin embargo, la alfabetización en salud no es sólo ni principalmente eso, sino un aprendizaje orientado a la transformación de las relaciones de poder entre las propias comunidades y los servicios de salud, tal y como se indica en algunas de las orientaciones realizadas por la comunidad científica internacional. Los resultados de la investigación INCLUD-ED indican propuestas para facilitar el empoderamiento de la comunidad de grupos vulnerables en los programas de alfabetización en salud. La base de estas orientaciones es garantizar el diálogo igualitario entre los profesionales de este sector y los usuarios para obtener un mayor éxito en dichos programas.Health professionals use a higher technical language with patients without studies and common language with those that have university degrees. In the underprivileged neighbourhoods there are health programmes that include training processes aimed at the communities of low academic levels to understand the specialized language of medicine. However, health literacy is not only and mainly about this, but a learning oriented to the transformation of power relations among the communities and the health care services, as it is pointed out in some of the orientations provided by the international scientific community. The results of the investigation INCLUD-ED indicate proposals to promote the empowerment of the communities of vulnerable groups in the health literacy programmes. The basis of these orientations is to guarantee the egalitarian dialogue between the professionals of this sector and the end-users in order to reach a greater success in said programmes