151 research outputs found

    Ammonia emissions from livestock: range and mitigation options

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    Die Tierhaltung in Deutschland muss angesichts der erheblichen Überschreitung der nationalen Emissionsobergrenze für Ammoniak und als deren Hauptverursacher weitreichende Maßnahmen zur Emissionsminderung ergreifen und prüfbar umsetzen. Hierfür steht eine Fülle von Optionen in der gesamten Verfahrenskette, angefangen von der Fütterung bis hin zur Ausbringung von Wirtschaftsdüngern, zur Verfügung. Die Abluftreinigung ist eine wirksame und prüfbare Maßnahme zur Minderung von Emissionen aus zwangsbelüfteten Tierhaltungsanlagen. Zur Reduzierung der Kosten für die Abluftreinigung und zur Verbesserung des Tierwohls könnte auch eine innovative Stallluftführung beitragen, bei der nur hochbelastete Teilströme unterflur abgesaugt und gereinigt werden.In view of considerable exceeding the national emission limit for ammonia the livestock in Germany as its major source has to take extensive action for reduction and testable implementation. A package of measures is available for the whole production process, beginning with feeding up to application of manure. Exhaust air treatment is one effective and testable option for emission reduction from forced ventilated livestock housings. Innovative and intelligent stable air guidance with treatment of highly loaded, underfloor sucked branch current may contribute to both, a reduction of exhaust air treatment costs and for improving animal welfare

    Demands and measures for emission reduction in animal husbandry

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    Der vorliegende Beitrag beschreibt zunächst die rechtlichen Anforderungen an die Tierhaltung in Deutschland, die insbesondere für größere gewerbliche Tierhaltungsbetriebe deutlich verschärft worden sind. Darüber hinaus werden verschiedene Maßnahmen zur Emissionsminderung vorgestellt. Für große Tierhaltungsbetriebe wird die Abluftreinigung eine steigende Bedeutung erlangen. Steigende Energiekosten für die Lüftung von Tierhaltungsanlagen erfordern neue Lüftungskonzepte sowie Maßnahmen zur Zuluftkonditionierung, die neben der Energieeinsparung auch zur Emissionsminderung beitragen.The present contribution describes at first the legal demands on livestock in Germany which have been clearly tightened for larger commercial livestock farms in particular. Beyond that different options for emission reduction are introduced. For large animal husbandries the exhaust air treatment will become important. Increasing energy costs for ventilation of animal stables require new ventilation concepts and measures of inlet air conditioning as well, which both contribute to energy saving and emission reduction

    Possibilities for emission prevention and reduction

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    Die Tierproduktion belastet die Umwelt mit Geruch, Ammoniak, Staub, Keimen und Aerosolen. Emissionsmindernde Maßnahmen sind daher unbestreitbar erforderlich, obschon die Datenerhebung einer Aufarbeitung bedarf. Gleichwohl wird in der Geflügelproduktion durch die Genehmigungsbehörden vorrangig auf Abluftreinigung gesetzt. Die Zeitreihenmessungen in den Ställen lassen kaum kausalanalytische Zusammenhänge beim Emissionsgebaren erkennen. Mit dem Programm DEMAP lassen sich wenigstens die Größenordnungen der Einflussgrößen feststellen, was mit der bloßen Abschätzung der Emissionsfaktoren nach VDI 3894 nicht möglich ist. Hier ist die Landwirtschaft aufgerufen, mit modernen Analyseverfahren Zielfunktionen zur Emissionsminderung und den Einsatz von Filtertechniken auch in Hinblick auf die Verbesserung der Tiergesundheit zu erarbeiten.The animal production stresses the environment with odor, ammonia, particulate matter, germs and aerosols. Therefore the demand of emission reduction is incontestable, although the available data needs further recondition. Nevertheless approving authorities preferentially focus on exhaust air treatment in poultry production. Time course measurements in stables hardly reveal causally determined correlations in view of emission behavior. At least the dimensions of influences can be assessed with the software "DEMAP". This is not possible with a bare estimation of emission factors on basis of the VDI 3894. With modern analytical methods agriculture is called in this regard to develop target functions for emission reduction and the use of filter techniques, also in terms of an improvement of animal welfare

    Structured fibrous carbon-based catalyst for continuous nitrate removal from natural water

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    [EN] Bimetallic (Pd–Cu, Pd–Sn) nanoparticles supported on structured fibrous carbons (activated carbon fibers and carbon nanofibers grown on sintered metal fibers) were tested in nitrate removal of natural polluted water by hydrogen (a batch and continuous mode). Dependence of the activity/selectivity on catalyst chemical composition, promoter nature and metal particle size was studied. Sn-modified Pd nanoparticles showed higher N2 selectivity as compared to Cu-modified ones. The structured (Pd–Sn) nanoparticles supported on carbon nanofibers grown on Inconel sintered metal fibers demonstrated the best catalytic performance in an open flow reactor, providing optimal hydrodynamics properties.This work was carried out with the financial support of the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 226347.Yuranova, T.; Franch Martí, C.; Palomares Gimeno, AE.; García-Bordejé, E.; Kiwi-Minsker, L. (2012). Structured fibrous carbon-based catalyst for continuous nitrate removal from natural water. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental. 123-124:221-228. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2012.04.007S221228123-12

    Optimizacija elektrostatičkog generisanja čestica u cilju kontrolisanja njihovih mikronskih veličina - sistem sa jednom mlaznicom

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    The aim of this study was to optimize the electrostatic extrusion process for producing small, spherical and uniform microbeads with different fluid viscosities by varying the operating parameters in very wide ranges. Alginate was used as a model polymer. Since the rheological behavior of the solution is one of the parameters that affects the flow dynamics during extrusion, viscosity measurements of solutions with different alginate content were performed. The results obtained in this study show that an electrostatic droplet generator can be used for the production of spherical microbeads of narrow size distribution from low- and medium- viscous fluids (0.5, 1, and 2% of alginate). The average microbead diameter for low-viscous solutions was less than 100 micrometers. It was possible to obtain beads smaller than 500 micrometers that were very uniform (standard deviations less than 2.5%) and of spherical (the shape distortion was less than 1%) from medium-viscous alginate solution (2%). By reducing the polymer flowrate to less than 1 ml/h, even smaller microbeads were produced with diameters of about 300 micrometers. The particular contribution of this paper is in exceeding limitations regarding the use of high-viscous polymer solutions. Optimization of the operating conditions that included the use of a very small needle (0.15 mm), enlargement of the electrode distance to more than 20 cm and a severe reduction in the polymer flow rate to lower than 5 ml/h (for 3% alginate) or 1 ml/h (for 4% alginate) enabled the production of small, entirely spherical and uniform microbeads with an average microbead diameter lower than 500 and 700 micrometers in the case of 3 and 4% of alginate, respectively.Elektrostatička ekstruzija je novija ekstruziona metoda koja se zasniva na primeni električne sile koja deluje na površini meniskusa tečnosti na vrhu igle, usled čega dolazi do generisanja velikog broja kapljica. U prethodnim istraživanjima je utvrđeno da je veličina čestica funkcija više parametara kao što su električni potencijal, prečnik kapilare, rastojanje između elektroda, protok i fizičko-hemijske osobine polimera (površinski napon viskoznost, koncentracija). Takođe, utvrđeno je i da postoje određena ograničenja koja se odnose na ekstruziju veoma viskoznih rastvora. Ovaj rad je posvećen optimizaciji metode radi dobijanja što sitnijih i uniformnijih čestica. S obzirom da je viskoznost rastvora jedan od parametara koji utiče na dinamiku isticanja polimera kroz kapilaru, najpre su izvršena merenja viskoznosti rastvora alginata različitih koncentracija. Utvrđeno je da povećanje koncentracije rastvora sa 2 do 4% dovodi do povećanja viskoznosti sa oko 2000 na 17000 mPas na 21 °C. Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je elektrostička ekstruzija vrlo povoljna za dobijanje sferičnih čestica uskog opsega raspodele veličina koristeći nisko- i srednje-viskozne rastvore polimera (0,5, 1 i 2% alginata). Sa nisko-viskoznim rastvorom alginata, pod određenim uslovima, dobijene su čestice čiji je srednji prečnik čak manji i od 100 μn. Sa srednje viskoznim alginatnim rastvorom dobijene su čestice prečnika ispod 500 μm, koje su bile vrlo uniformne (srednje kvadratno odstupanje manje od 2,5%) i sferične (deformacija oblika manja od 1%), a smanjenjem protoka rastvora, moguće je dobiti čestice i manje od 300 μm. Poseban doprinos rada je u prevazilaženju ograničenja koja se odnose na ekstruziju veoma viskoznih rastvora. Optimizacija procesnih parametara koja je podrazumevala primenu vrlo tanke igle (0,15 mm), povećanje rastojanja između elektroda iznad 20 cm i smanjenje protoka ispod 5 ml/h (za 3% alginat), odn. 1 ml/h (za 4% alginat), omogućila je dobijanje malih, potpuno sferičnih i uniformnih mikročestica čiji je srednji prečnik bio ispod 500 i 700 μm za 3 i 4% alginatni rastvor, respektivno

    A study of different supports for the catalytic reduction of nitrates from natural water with a continuous reactor

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    [EN] The aim of this work is to study the activity for the nitrate catalytic reduction in natural water, using a continuous stirred tank reactor, of Pd/Cu and Pd/Sn catalysts supported on different materials. The studied supports are: -Al2O3 (commercial), active carbon, graphite, hydrotalcite and alumina synthesized in our laboratory with a high surface area. The activity and selectivity of the catalysts supported on these materials have been compared. The best results have been obtained with the Pd/Sn catalysts supported on alumina. These results show thatthe surface area ofthe supportis notthe only important characteristic for an active catalyst in this reaction, but also its acid–base properties, electrical conductivity and interaction with the metallic active sites are very significant. The adequate combination of these characteristics is necessary to obtain an active catalyst. The influence of the Pd/Sn content on the activity of the alumina supported catalysts was studied, observing that the best activity was obtained when the Pd/Sn ratio was higher than 1. This result clearly indicates that it is necessary to have both Pd and Pd–Sn centers in order to obtain an active catalyst.The authors thank the Spanish Government(projects MAT2009-14528-C02-01 and CONSOLIDER INGENIO 2010) and the European Union (European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 under Grant Agreement No. 226347 Project)for the financial support.Franch Martí, C.; Palomares Gimeno, AE.; Corma Canós, A. (2011). A study of different supports for the catalytic reduction of nitrates from natural water with a continuous reactor. Catalysis Today. 172(1):90-94. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cattod.2011.05.015S9094172

    Whole-Cell Fluorescent Biosensors for Bioavailability and Biodegradation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls

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    Whole-cell microbial biosensors are one of the newest molecular tools used in environmental monitoring. Such biosensors are constructed through fusing a reporter gene such as lux, gfp or lacZ, to a responsive promoter. There have been many reports of the applications of biosensors, particularly their use in assaying pollutant toxicity and bioavailability. This paper reviews the basic concepts behind the construction of whole-cell microbial biosensors for pollutant monitoring, and describes the applications of two such biosensors for detecting the bioavailability and biodegradation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)

    Gentechnisch erzwungene 1,3-Propandiol-Bildung aus niedermolekularen Kohlenhydraten Abschlussbericht

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    SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F04B193 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Verbraucherschutz, Ernaehrung und Landwirtschaft (BMVEL), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman