5 research outputs found
ROMAN CRETE - (J.E.) Francis, (A.) Kouremenos (edd.) Roman Crete. New Perspectives. Pp. x + 246, figs, ills, maps, colour pls. Oxford and Philadelphia: Oxbow Books, 2016. Cased, £48. ISBN: 978-1-78570-095-8.
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
New Book Chronicle
- Author
- Ahronson
- Ardren
- Ashwin
- Barbaza
- Bollard
- Brian
- Chi
- Coe
- Corbett
- Crawford
- Crawford
- Depaepe
- Farrington
- Flatman
- Golitko
- Hayton
- Henson
- Jones
- Jordan
- Kalas
- Kenawi
- Levy
- Loughton
- Marston
- Martin
- Marzoli
- Miksic
- Mitchell
- Orser
- Paul
- Penman
- Pirson
- Raghubans
- Reinders
- Rundkvist
- Satchell
- Schierup
- Sebastiani
- Shimada
- Shipley
- Sonnenburg
- Stull
- Tester
- Vogeikoff-Brogan
- Wells
- Publication venue
- 'Antiquity Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
New Book Chronicle
- Author
- Anderson-Whymark
- Beglane
- Brigand
- Brindle
- Buchsenschutz
- Burtenshaw
- Chevalier
- Clarke
- Coombe
- Crawford
- de Vos Raaijmakers
- Delattre
- Devlin
- Diaz-Granados
- Docter
- Dowd
- Dunn
- Gelichi
- Gerdau-Radonić
- Hajovsky
- Hastorf
- Hawes
- Hensey
- Heslin
- Hillerdal
- Hobson
- Howe
- Huang
- Jacobson-Tepfer
- Kristiansen
- Laneri
- Le Quellec
- Leach
- Levy
- Leyser
- Lind
- Loughton
- Lynott
- MacDonald
- Marston
- Miles
- Mitchell
- Neveu
- Palagia
- Parr
- Pinarello
- Pritchard
- Rethemiotakis
- Riley
- Ross
- Sandis
- Seyler
- Shimada
- Skoglund
- Southern
- Steinhauer-Hogg
- Thompson
- Vogeikoff-Brogan
- Voorhies
- Vuolanto
- Waddell
- Werness-Rude
- Wickham-Jones
- Woodward
- Zborover
- Publication venue
- 'Antiquity Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Books Received 66.1
- Author
- Adamson
- Agee
- Alexandru
- Alston
- Amato
- Ampolo
- Amselgruber
- Anderson
- Ando
- Arvanitakis
- Athanassiadi
- Babusiaux
- Badoud
- Barringer
- Bartoš
- Bartsch
- Bell
- Beretta
- Bernhardt
- Berti
- Bertrand
- Blaschka
- Blondell
- Bonazzi
- Bradford
- Burnyeat
- Busine
- Butterfield
- Cairns
- Carey
- Chan
- Clark
- Cojannot-Le Blanc
- Cojannot-Le Blanc
- Combeaud
- Coombe
- Cordella
- Cullhed
- Darcque
- Davies
- De Romanis
- Derron
- Diamond
- Dickey
- Docter
- Dominik
- Dow
- Drysdall
- DuBois
- Dutsch
- Déroche
- Eich
- Estienne
- Estèves
- Fabiani
- Faraone
- Fedeli
- Fejfer
- Fialon
- Fleury
- Foka
- Fontaine
- Franzoi
- Fratantuono
- Friis-Jensen
- Fritsen
- Früh
- Galli
- Galli
- Gardner
- Gazzarri
- Gleason
- Golden
- Grass
- Gray
- Greco
- Greco
- Green
- Grillo
- Gurtler
- Günther
- Hamel
- Hard
- Hardie
- Hawes
- Heslin
- Hirt
- Hornblower
- Hoyos
- Israelowich
- Junker
- Kalas
- Kirkendale
- Lange
- Lapatin
- Limón Belén
- Marcone
- Marcone
- Masséglia
- Mayhew
- McGinness
- Migeotte
- Miles
- Mitchell
- Moormann
- Morel
- Moreno Soldevila
- Murrey
- Neel
- Newlands
- Nisbet
- Olivito
- Papaconstantinou
- Parsons
- Pepe
- Pernot
- Perrone
- Potter
- Pritchard
- Privitera
- Provencal
- Raffaelli
- Raffaelli
- Raffaelli
- Raffaelli
- Rashed
- Rogers
- Roubineau
- Rudich
- Saldutti
- Salisbury
- Sanday
- Scheidel
- Schirner
- Schottenius Cullhed
- Scioli
- Segal
- Smith
- Stead
- Steinhauer
- Stephens
- Stray
- Taplin
- Travillian
- Trentin
- Trout
- Tulloch
- Uzzi
- Van Bommel
- Vogeikoff-Brogan
- Vuolanto
- Watson
- Weiß
- Westbrook
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson
- Wilson Jones
- Östenberg
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Books Received
- Author
- Acerbi
- Addey
- Alroth
- Amato
- Anderson
- Apicella
- Arrington
- Asmonti
- Barnes
- Baños
- Berndt
- Bianchi
- Blech
- Bliquez
- Blösel
- Bobou
- Boehm
- Bonet
- Borthwick
- Bos
- Boulay
- Bozia
- Bradley
- Brands
- Bricault
- Brice
- Bridges
- Brodersen
- Broggiato
- Brunelle
- Burgersdijk
- Butti de Lima
- Calame
- Canali De Rossi
- Capra
- Carlà
- Carmona
- Carrara
- Casagrande-Kim
- Chandezon
- Christenson
- Christidis
- Cinaglia
- Collette-Dučić
- Colvin
- Connolly
- Courrier
- Cozzo
- Crisp
- Daly
- Dart
- Davies
- Delfino
- Derow
- Dey
- Dionisio
- Donahue
- Dubel
- Dubel
- Edmunds
- El Murr
- Emilsson
- Fernández Delgado
- Ferreccio
- Fisher
- Foley
- Formisano
- Fossey
- Franchi
- Fratantuono
- Fux
- Färber
- Gagliardi
- Gallego Pérez
- García Morcillo
- Garnsey
- Gelzer
- Given
- González
- Greatrex
- Griffin
- Gwynn
- Hamilton
- Heidegger
- Hejduk
- Hollinshead
- Holmes
- Iozzia
- Isler-Kerényi
- Ismard
- Jackson
- Jameson
- Janiszewski
- Joshel
- Julia
- Kamm
- Kemezis
- Kissas
- Knott
- Kokkorou-Alevras
- Konstan
- Kotlińska-Toma
- Kovalenko
- Krewet
- Krisak
- Köhler
- Lampe
- Lanza Catti
- Lapatin
- Laudani
- Lavery
- Lelli
- Levick
- Lu
- López Férez
- López Férez
- Mac Sweeney
- MacDonald
- Madeleine
- Marchetta
- Marconi
- Mariani Zini
- Martorelli
- Masterson
- McLean
- McLean
- Mercuri
- Mili
- Modéran
- Monteils-Laeng
- Mordeglia
- Morford
- Morwood
- Mulroy
- Nicolet
- Niemeier
- Oakley
- Olivier-Trottenberg
- Olshausen
- Olszaniec
- Osgood
- Overduin
- Panagiotopoulos
- Parker
- Patera
- Piras
- Polansky
- Polito
- Pop
- Powell
- Powell
- Raaflaub
- Rabinowitz
- Ramallo Asensio
- Rambourg
- Rayor
- Reinhardt
- Reitz
- Richardson
- Roisman
- Rothschild
- Salanitro
- Salapata
- Salis
- Santana Henríquez
- Sartre
- Sauer
- Schiavon
- Schierup
- Schuren
- Schütrumpf
- Singor
- Solin
- Spadea
- Sporn
- Stadter
- Stevenson
- Stewart
- Stone
- Sypher
- Tarnopolsky
- Thom
- Toner
- Tortorelli Ghidini
- Turner
- Vahtikari
- Valente
- Van Hoof
- Van Maanen
- Van Noorden
- Van Steen
- Vance
- Vervaet
- Vogeikoff-Brogan
- Vogel
- Waite
- Wardle
- Watts
- West
- Wiater
- Wijma
- Wijnendaele
- Wilkinson
- Woodford
- Yount
- Zali
- Αθανασάκη
- Μιχαλόπουλος
- Publication venue
- 'Cambridge University Press (CUP)'
- Publication date
- Field of study