10 research outputs found

    Study of multifrequency sensitivity to soil moisture variations in the lower Bermejo basin

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    In this paper, a sensitivity analysis to soil moisture variations as a rain effect has been performed at several microwave bands over the lower Bermejo basin, a subtropical area of Argentina mostly spread by moderately dense forests. Parameters such as emissivity and Polarization Index have been considered to carry out the study. In particular, the performance of L-band SMOS measurements has been compared with C and X band AMSR-E one, highlighting the better achievement of the lower frequencies due to the weaker interaction with the vegetation structures. This work intends to give a contribution in the subject of soil moisture sensitivity, which is a preliminary step in the development of retrieval algorithms.Fil: Vittucci, Cristina. Universita Tor Vergata. Centro Interdipartimentale Vito Volterra; ItaliaFil: Guerriero, Leila. Universita Tor Vergata. Centro Interdipartimentale Vito Volterra; ItaliaFil: Ferrazzoli, Paolo. Universita Tor Vergata. Centro Interdipartimentale Vito Volterra; ItaliaFil: Rahmoune, Rachid. Universita Tor Vergata. Centro Interdipartimentale Vito Volterra; ItaliaFil: Barraza Bernadas, Verónica Daniela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciónes Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; ArgentinaFil: Grings, Francisco Matias. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciónes Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio. - Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Astronomía y Física del Espacio; Argentin

    Vegetation optical depth at L-band and above ground biomass in the tropical range: Evaluating their relationships at continental and regional scales

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    Abstract The relationship between vegetation optical depth (VOD) retrieved by L-band SMOS radiometer and forest above ground biomass (AGB) was investigated in tropical areas of Africa and South America. VOD was retrieved from the latest version of level 2 SMOS algorithm, while reference AGB was obtained from a pantropical database, encompassing a large number of ground plot data derived from field surveys conducted on both continents. In Africa and South-America, VOD increased with AGB, reaching saturation at about 350 Mg ha−1. The strength of the relation was improved selecting VOD data in appropriate seasons, characterized by a higher dynamic range of values. The capability of VOD data to estimate AGB was further investigated using Random Forest decision trees, adding to VOD selected climate variables from the Climatic Research Unit (temperature, potential evapotranspiration, and precipitation) and water deficit data, and validating regression tests with ground data from the reference AGB database. The results for the five analyzed years indicate that the best estimates of AGB are obtained by the joined use of VOD and potential evapotranspiration input data, but all climate variables brought an improvement in AGB estimates. AGB estimates were relatively stable for the considered period, with limited variations possibly due to changes in biomass and to data quality of VOD and of climate variables. The VOD signal and estimated AGB were also analyzed according to ecological homogeneous units (ecoregions), evidencing data clusters, partially overlapped to each other, in the VOD - AGB plane

    Influence of Vegetation Height, Plant Area Index, and Forest Intactness on SMOS L-VOD, for Different Seasons and Latitude Ranges

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    In this study, the spatial correlation between the vegetation optical depth at L-band (L-VOD) captured by the radiometer on-board the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) Satellite and the LiDAR products obtained by GEDI and ICESat-2 satellites is investigated at global scale. Suitable techniques, based on spatial and temporal averaging, are used to operate at the different spatial resolutions and to aggregate observations collected between May 2019 and April 2021. Then the correlation is investigated over four latitude ranges showing different peculiarities: in tropical latitudes, SMOS L-VOD is well correlated with the top of canopy height (RH100) recorded by both instruments and the plant area index (PAI) recorded by GEDI for all months of two years; in temperate northern latitudes the spatial correlations significantly decrease in cold months; in temperate southern latitudes, characterized by a high plurality of ecoregions, L-VOD proves to be better correlated with PAI than with RH100. Finally, the influence of forest intactness on L-VOD is also investigated. Intact forests markedly show the highest L-VOD values in tropical latitudes. The association disappears in boreal latitudes because of the extreme climatic factors that limit vegetation growing even in the case of intact landscapes

    Molecular characterization of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron clade and clinical presentation in children

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    Abstract Since its emergence, SARS-CoV-2 Omicron clade has shown a marked degree of variability and different clinical presentation compared with previous clades. Here we demonstrate that at least four Omicron lineages circulated in children since December 2021, and studied until November 2022: BA.1 (33.6%), BA.2 (40.6%), BA.5 (23.7%) and BQ.1 (2.1%). At least 70% of infections concerned children under 1 year, most of them being infected with BA.2 lineages (n = 201, 75.6%). Looking at SARS-CoV-2 genetic variability, 69 SNPs were found to be significantly associated in pairs, (phi  0.3 and p-value  0.75). One of these clusters (A23040G, A27259C, T23617G, T23620G) was also positively associated with moderate/severe COVID-19 presentation (AOR [95% CI] 2.49 [1.26–4.89] p-value: 0.008) together with comorbidities (AOR [95% CI] 2.67 [1.36–5.24] p-value: 0.004). Overall, these results highlight the extensive SARS-CoV-2 Omicron circulation in children, mostly aged < 1 year, and provide insights on viral diversification even considering low-abundant SNPs, finally suggesting the potential contribution of viral diversification in affecting disease severity

    Estimating minimum adult HIV prevalence: A cross-sectional study to assess the characteristics of people living with HIV in Italy

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    In 2012, we conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study to assess the number of people living with HIV linked to care and, among these, the number of people on antiretroviral therapy. The health authority in each of the 20 Italian Regions provided the list of Public Infectious Diseases Clinics providing antiretroviral therapy and monitoring people with HIV infection. We asked every Public Infectious Diseases Clinic to report the number of HIV-positive people diagnosed and linked to care and the number of those on antiretroviral therapy during 2012. In 2012, 94,146 people diagnosed with HIV and linked to care were reported. The majority were males (70.1%), Italians (84.4%), and aged between 25 and 49 years (63.4%); the probable route of transmission was heterosexual contact in 37.5% of cases, injecting drug use in 28.1%, and male-to-male contact in 27.9%. Among people in care, 20.1% had less than 350 CD4 cells/μl, 87.6% received antiretroviral therapy, and among these, 62.4% had a CD4 cell count higher than 350 cells/μl. The overall estimated prevalence of individuals diagnosed and linked to care in 2012 in Italy was 0.16 per 100 residents (all ages). Adding the estimated proportion of undiagnosed people, the estimated HIV prevalence would range between 0.19 and 0.26 per 100 residents. In Italy, the majority of people diagnosed and linked to care receive antiretroviral therapy. A higher prevalence of individuals diagnosed and linked to care was observed in Northern Italy and among males. More information for developing the HIV care continuum is necessary to improve the entire engagement in care, focusing on test-and-treat strategies to substantially reduce the proportion of people still undiagnosed or with a detectable viral load

    Estimating minimum adult HIV prevalence: A cross-sectional study to assess the characteristics of people living with HIV in Italy

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    In 2012, we conducted a retrospective cross-sectional study to assess the number of people living with HIV linked to care and, among these, the number of people on antiretroviral therapy. The health authority in each of the 20 Italian Regions provided the list of Public Infectious Diseases Clinics providing antiretroviral therapy and monitoring people with HIV infection. We asked every Public Infectious Diseases Clinic to report the number of HIV-positive people diagnosed and linked to care and the number of those on antiretroviral therapy during 2012. In 2012, 94,146 people diagnosed with HIV and linked to care were reported. The majority were males (70.1%), Italians (84.4%), and aged between 25 and 49 years (63.4%); the probable route of transmission was heterosexual contact in 37.5% of cases, injecting drug use in 28.1%, and male-to-male contact in 27.9%. Among people in care, 20.1% had less than 350 CD4 cells/\u3bcl, 87.6% received antiretroviral therapy, and among these, 62.4% had a CD4 cell count higher than 350 cells/\u3bcl. The overall estimated prevalence of individuals diagnosed and linked to care in 2012 in Italy was 0.16 per 100 residents (all ages). Adding the estimated proportion of undiagnosed people, the estimated HIV prevalence would range between 0.19 and 0.26 per 100 residents. In Italy, the majority of people diagnosed and linked to care receive antiretroviral therapy. A higher prevalence of individuals diagnosed and linked to care was observed in Northern Italy and among males. More information for developing the HIV care continuum is necessary to improve the entire engagement in care, focusing on test-and-treat strategies to substantially reduce the proportion of people still undiagnosed or with a detectable viral load