142 research outputs found

    Proposal of a Conditioning Activity Model on Sprint Swimming Performance

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    This study aimed to propose a conditioning activity (CA) model to stimulate improvement on neuromuscular responses, mechanical parameters and for the 50-m freestyle swimming. Thirteen male swimmers (19 ± 3 years and performances of 77% in relation to World Championship records) performed four CA protocols followed by a maximum performance in the 50-m freestyle. In the first protocol (P1) swimmers performed a standard warm-up (∼15 min); in the second protocol (P2) lunges (3 × 85% of the one-repetition maximum); in the third (P3) pull-ups (3 maximum repetitions) and box jumps 40 cm high and 60 cm deep (1 × 5 with 10% of the corporal weight); and in the fourth protocol (P4) a combination of exercises from the second and third protocols. CA protocols had no effect on the standard warm-up. However, P2 performance (27.01 ± 1.25 s) was similar to P1 (27.01 ± 1.18 s) and presented higher positive effects in mechanical parameters for the swim start performance in comparison to other protocols, contributing to improvements in the 50-m freestyle. In addition, turnaround time also had a negative effect, mainly in P3 (3.12 ± 0.28 s), signaling the improvement of this variable in all protocols (P1: 3.30 ± 0.38 s; P2: 3.17 ± 0.30 s; P4: 3.17 ± 0.34 s). P2 (after: 80 ± 11%; before: 82.7 ± 9.9%) and P3 (after: 82.7 ± 9.9%; before: 85.1 ± 9.7%) presented a possible positive effect on the percentage of voluntary activation in relation to P1 (after: 79.3 ± 10.7%; before: 76.3 ± 12%). In conclusion, the proposed conditioning activity protocols were not efficient for performance improvement in the 50-m freestyle compared to the standard model and seem to specifically influence each phase of the event

    A prototype for dynamic knee extension: construction, force characterization and electromyographic responses

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    BACKGROUND: In the dynamic knee extension (DKE), a metal bar is positioned parallel to the bicycle frame, replacing the pedal and allowing consecutive extensions instead of a pedaling movement. In this exercise model, the knee joint returns to its initial position passively, allowing studies about the role of anterior thigh muscles during locomotion or balance. However, the DKE ergometer is not commercially available. AIM: To describe the construction, responses, and applicability of a prototype ergometer for DKE. METHOD: In the first experiment, six participants underwent a progressive effort to volitional exhaustion. The electromyography signals of the Vastus Lateralis and Biceps Femoris were monitored. In the second experiment, the twitch interpolation technique was used to test the fatigue status of seven participants after a high-intensity exercise. RESULTS: The force signal has three phases: I: knee extension moment; II: crank draws the metal rod back; III: rapid compression of the load cell by the leg. In addition, Vastus Lateralis activation was higher than Biceps Femorisin all stages (p<0.02). The TI was sensitive to assess the peripheral characteristics of the high-intensity effort. CONCLUSION: The construction of a DKE ergometer is plausible, increasing the possibilities of research into motor behavior

    Síndrome destevensjohnson após uso de medicação anticonvulsivante – Um relatode caso / Destevensjohnson syndrome after use of anticonvulsant medication - A case report

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     Dentre os efeitos adversos dos anticonvulsivantes, a necrólise epidérmica tóxica e a síndrome de hipersensibilidade a droga são reações que se encontram mais associadas ao diagnóstico da Síndrome de Stevens Johnson, devido à doença ser imunologicamente mediada. As manifestações se apresentam em formas de lesões mucocutâneas, principalmente em mucosas, como boca e genitália. E sua terapêutica consiste em reconhecer e retirar o agente causador e tratar as lesões. O artigo relata uma paciente, de 35 anos,do sexo feminino que iniciou com quadro de lesões pruriginosas na região torácica, progredindo para abdome, dorso, face e membros associado  a febre alta e acometimento mucoso, com 2 dias de evolução. Referia uso de Lamotrigina, há 2 semanas do início dos sintomas

    Publication Of Papers Presented In A Brazilian Trauma Congress.

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    To assess the proportion of papers presented at the XXI Panamerican Congress of Trauma, VIII Congress of the Brazilian Society of Integrated Assistance to the Traumatized (SBAIT) and X Brazilian Congress of Trauma Leagues (CoLT) that were published in full. In the events cited, based in Campinas in 2008, 347 papers abstracts of were presented and published. To evaluate the proportion of complete published works a retrospective observational study was conducted, reviewing the biomedical databases PubMed and SciELO, with support from Google, from the title of the abstracts and list of authors. Of 347 papers considered, 25 (7.3%) were from foreign services and 322 (92.7%) national. Ten (2.9%) papers were published, of which six (1.7%) of nursing and four (1.2%) medical. Among these, four thesis publications were identified and only one international work has been published. Despite a large number of papers presented at trauma conferences in Brazil, the publications in this area are rare. The academy and the societies of surgery need to encourage the submission of scientific papers even before the presentation in Congresses in order for them to be evaluated for publication in indexed journals.38172-

    Determination of the Drag Coefficient of an Autonomous Solar Lighting Column Using Wind Tunnel Simulation and Computational Analysis

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    The Sun is the largest source of energy available and many studies for the development of technologies capable of harnessing this energy are constantly being conducted. Among the technologies developed are photovoltaic solar panels that have many applications and among them are the autonomous solar lighting columns that have been growing in popularity especially in urban and industrial environments. These columns are installed in open regions and have their structure exposed to the mechanical actions imposed by the wind, so they need to be correctly designed to support them. There are aerodynamic variables that must be determined for the design of these columns, especially the drag coefficient, a property linked to the geometry  of a body, which represents its interaction with a flowing fluid. Due to the complexity of determining these variables, experimental methods are constantly used to obtain these values. Classically, wind tunnel simulations are used for this purpose, but they can be expensive and difficult to perform. Fluid dynamic computational analysis has been widely applied to replace physical analysis. In this work, the drag coefficient of an autonomous solar lighting column is determined by wind tunnel simulations and computational analysis. With the obtained results, a comparison is made to verify  the fidelity of the data obtained by computational means when compared to those obtained through the wind tunnel simulations. Keywords: Drag coefficient, Wind tunnel simulations, Computational Fluid Dynamic analysis, Autonomous solar lighting column


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    Com a evolução das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) e estudos do ciclo de vida dos dados, nas fases de coleta, armazenamento, recuperação e descarte dos dados, emerge a visualização de dados como um elemento que pode diminuir a distância entre o produtor e o consumidor, em especial na agricultura familiar. A Ciência da Informação pode contribuir desenvolvendo pesquisas e estudos sobre os aspectos envolvidos no ciclo de vida dos dados, facilitando a popularização no acesso a estes conhecimentos. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar como as TIC podem contribuir na disponibilização da informação sobre o agricultor familiar para os consumidores, apresentando um recurso para visualização de dados. Utilizou como fonte de recuperação dos dados, as informações presentes no sítio do CoDAF (Competências Digitais para Agricultura Familiar), projeto de extensão da UNESP – Campus de Tupã

    Miocárdio não compactado – um relatode caso: Non-compacted myocardium - a case report

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    A insuficiência cardíaca (IC) é uma patologia que pode apresentar diversas etiologias e que muitas vezes não é esclarecida. O miocárdio não compactado (MNC) muitas vezes é subestimado devido a não extensão propedêutica. O esclarecimento da causa da IC pode implicar em avaliação prognóstica do paciente e investigação precoce dos familiares, possibilitando tratamento adequado e aumento da sobrevida desses

    Preliminary results on organization on the court, physical and technical performance of Brazilian professional futsal players: comparison between friendly pre-season and official match

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    The main aim of this study was to verify possible differences between a friendly pre-season match (FM) and an official in-season match (OM) regarding physical, technical, and organizational performances of a professional Brazilian futsal team. Ten professional futsal athletes participated in this study. The matches were monitored with video cameras (30 Hz) and athlete trajectories obtained with automatic tracking. The values obtained for distance covered per minute, percentage of distance covered at moderate intensity, team coverage area, spread, passes, possessions, ball touches and successful passes per minute were greater for the OM than FM. On the contrary, percentage of distance covered, standing and walking was greater for the FM than OM. We concluded that physical, technical, and tactical performances are different between a FM and an OM in futsal and also these parameters mutually influenced each other distinctly. Future studies should verify whether pre-season tournaments reproduce similar demands to a regular season official match

    Memória do primeiro Programa de Pós-Graduação Associado em Educação Física do Brasil

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    A pesquisa objetivou contribuir com a constituição da memória do primeiro Programa de Pós-graduação Associado em Educação Física do Brasil, desvelando fatos que originaram sua criação e registrando experiências e desafios. Para tanto, técnicas de coleta de dados com base em orientações da história oral foram utilizadas junto a coordenadores/ex-coordenadores, docentes, discentes e gestores institucionais, obtendo-se o total de 15 entrevistas. Os dados revelam fatos do processo de constituição do Programa de Pós-Graduação Associado em Educação Física UEM-UEL por meio da leitura interpretativa de cada sujeito envolvido, reconhecendo sua gênese, desenvolvimento e modos de gestão associada, o que poderá servir como aporte a outros programas que venham a ser estruturados nesse formato.Departamento de Educación Físic


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     This review aims to conduct a analysis of the book "Legados de megaeventos esportivos" organized by Nelson Carvalho Marcellino. The work presents discussions regarding legacies of sports mega-events arising from various areas, turning to the Brazilian context. The concern over the fourteen chapters of the work, in relapsed findings demonstrate that they meet the situations experienced amid the period of preparations for the next sports mega-events in the country. This concern is based on reflections that contribute to the debate about the contradictions, limitations and advances involving sports mega-events in our country. Esta reseña tiene como objetivo realizar una análisis del libro "Legados de megaeventos esportivos" organizada por Nelson Carvalho Marcellino. El trabajo presenta las discusiones sobre legados de megaeventos deportivos provenientes de varias zonas, volviéndose hacia el contexto brasileño. La preocupación por los catorce capítulos de la obra, en las conclusiones caen en demostrar que cumplen con las situaciones vividas en medio del período de preparación de los próximos megaeventos deportivos en el país. Esta preocupación se basa en reflexiones que contribuyen al debate sobre las contradicciones, limitaciones y avances relacionados con megaeventos desportivos en nuestro país. A presente resenha tem o intuito de realizar uma análise do livro “Legados de megaeventos esportivos”, organizado por Nelson Carvalho Marcellino. A obra apresenta discussões em relação aos legados de megaeventos esportivos advindas de diversas áreas, voltando-se ao contexto brasileiro. A preocupação, no decorrer dos quatorze capítulos que compõem a obra, recaí em demonstrar constatações que vão ao encontro das situações vivenciadas em meio ao período de preparações para os próximos megaeventos esportivos no país. Tal preocupação funda-se em reflexões que contribuem com o debate acerca das contradições, limitações e avanços que envolvem os megaeventos esportivos em nosso país