371 research outputs found

    In vivo imaging of cellular proliferation in colorectal cancer using positron emission tomography

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    Background and aims: Positron emission tomography (PET) using 18F labelled 2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (18FDG) is an established imaging tool, although the recent development of a biologically stable thymidine analogue [18F] 3'-deoxy-3-fluorothymidine (18FLT) has allowed PET to image cellular proliferation by utilising the salvage pathway of DNA synthesis. In this study, we have compared uptake of 18FLT and 18FDG with MIB-1 immunohistochemistry to evaluate the role of PET in quantifying in vivo cellular proliferation in colorectal cancer (CRC). Patients and methods: Patients with resectable, primary, or recurrent CRC were prospectively studied. Thirteen lesions from 10 patients (five males, five females), median age 68 years (range 54–87), were evaluated. Patients underwent 18FDG and 18FLT PET scanning. Tracer uptake within lesions was quantified using standardised uptake values (SUVs). Histopathological examination and MIB-1 immunohistochemistry were performed on all lesions, and proliferation quantified by calculating a labelling index (% of MIB-1 positively stained nuclei within 1500 tumour cells). Results: Histology confirmed adenocarcinoma in 12 of 13 lesions; the remaining lesion was reactive. All eight extrahepatic lesions were visualised using both 18FLT and 18FDG. Three of the five resected liver metastases were also avid for 18FLT and showed high proliferation, while the remaining two lesions which demonstrated no uptake of 18FLT had correspondingly very low proliferation. There was a statistically significant positive correlation (r =0.8, p<0.01) between SUVs of the tumours visualised with 18FLT and the corresponding MIB-1 labelling indices. No such correlation was demonstrated with 18FDG avid lesions (r =0.4). Conclusions: 18FLT PET correlates with cellular proliferation markers in both primary and metastatic CRC. This technique could provide a mechanism for in vivo grading of malignancy and early prediction of response to adjuvant chemotherapy

    Standardization and Validation of Brachytherapy Seeds'' Modelling Using GATE and GGEMS Monte Carlo Toolkits

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    Simple Summary:& nbsp;This study used GATE and GGEMS simulation toolkits, to estimate dose distribution on Brachytherapy procedures. Specific guidelines were followed as defined by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) as well as by the European SocieTy for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO). Several types of brachytherapy seeds were modelled and simulated, namely Low-Dose-Rate (LDR), High-Dose-Rate (HDR), and Pulsed-Dose-Rate (PDR). The basic difference between GATE and GGEMS is that GGEMS incorporates GPU capabilities, which makes the use of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations more accessible in clinical routine, by minimizing the computational time to obtain a dose map. During the validation procedure of both codes with protocol data, differences as well as uncertainties were measured within the margins defined by the guidelines. The study concluded that MC simulations may be utilized in clinical practice, to optimize dose distribution in real time, as well as to evaluate therapeutic plans.This study aims to validate GATE and GGEMS simulation toolkits for brachytherapy applications and to provide accurate models for six commercial brachytherapy seeds, which will be freely available for research purposes. The AAPM TG-43 guidelines were used for the validation of two Low Dose Rate (LDR), three High Dose Rate (HDR), and one Pulsed Dose Rate (PDR) brachytherapy seeds. Each seed was represented as a 3D model and then simulated in GATE to produce one single Phase-Space (PHSP) per seed. To test the validity of the simulations'' outcome, referenced data (provided by the TG-43) was compared with GATE results. Next, validation of the GGEMS toolkit was achieved by comparing its outcome with the GATE MC simulations, incorporating clinical data. The simulation outcomes on the radial dose function (RDF), anisotropy function (AF), and dose rate constant (DRC) for the six commercial seeds were compared with TG-43 values. The statistical uncertainty was limited to 1% for RDF, to 6% (maximum) for AF, and to 2.7% (maximum) for the DRC. GGEMS provided a good agreement with GATE when compared in different situations: (a) Homogeneous water sphere, (b) heterogeneous CT phantom, and (c) a realistic clinical case. In addition, GGEMS has the advantage of very fast simulations. For the clinical case, where TG-186 guidelines were considered, GATE required 1 h for the simulation while GGEMS needed 162 s to reach the same statistical uncertainty. This study produced accurate models and simulations of their emitted spectrum of commonly used commercial brachytherapy seeds which are freely available to the scientific community. Furthermore, GGEMS was validated as an MC GPU based tool for brachytherapy. More research is deemed necessary for the expansion of brachytherapy seed modeling

    Evaluation de méthodes de segmentation bayésiennes pour l'imagerie TEP en oncologie

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    Ce travail se concentre sur l'étude de méthodes de segmentation statistiques pour la détermination des volumes fonctionnels dans le cadre de l'imagerie TEP avec des applications en oncologie, en particulier la radiothérapie. Nous présentons ici une comparaison des performances de différentes approches (locale et globale, « dure » et « floue ») pour des images réelles d'acquisitions TEP du fantôme IEC. Les résultats obtenus sur images simulées sont ici confirmés: la méthode locale est la mieux adaptée, et fonctionne mieux que l'approche par chaînes de Markov cachées et la méthode de référence par seuillage

    Use of the GATE Monte Carlo package for dosimetry applications

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    6 pages, 3 figures - submitted to NIM A, presented by D. VisvikisInternational audienceOne of the roles for MC simulation studies is in the area of dosimetry. A number of different codes dedicated to dosimetry applications are available and widely used today, such as MCNP, EGSnrc and PTRAN. However, such codes do not easily facilitate the description of complicated 3D sources or emission tomography systems and associated data flow, which may be useful in different dosimetry application domains. Such problems can be overcome by the use of specific MC codes such as GATE, which is based on Geant4 libraries, providing a scripting interface with a number of advantages for the simulation of SPECT and PET systems. Despite this potential, its major disadvantage is in terms of efficiency involving long execution times for applications such as dosimetry. The strong points and disadvantages of GATE in comparison to other dosimetry specific codes are discussed and illustrated in terms of accuracy, efficiency and flexibility. A number of features, such as the use of voxelised and moving sources, as well as developments such as advanced visualisation tools and the development of dose estimation maps allowing GATE to be used for dosimetry applications are presented. In addition, different examples from dosimetry applications with GATE are given. Finally, future directions with respect to the use of GATE for dosimetry applications are outlined

    Automatic Head and Neck Tumor segmentation and outcome prediction relying on FDG-PET/CT images: Findings from the second edition of the HECKTOR challenge.

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    By focusing on metabolic and morphological tissue properties respectively, FluoroDeoxyGlucose (FDG)-Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computed Tomography (CT) modalities include complementary and synergistic information for cancerous lesion delineation and characterization (e.g. for outcome prediction), in addition to usual clinical variables. This is especially true in Head and Neck Cancer (HNC). The goal of the HEad and neCK TumOR segmentation and outcome prediction (HECKTOR) challenge was to develop and compare modern image analysis methods to best extract and leverage this information automatically. We present here the post-analysis of HECKTOR 2nd edition, at the 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) 2021. The scope of the challenge was substantially expanded compared to the first edition, by providing a larger population (adding patients from a new clinical center) and proposing an additional task to the challengers, namely the prediction of Progression-Free Survival (PFS). To this end, the participants were given access to a training set of 224 cases from 5 different centers, each with a pre-treatment FDG-PET/CT scan and clinical variables. Their methods were subsequently evaluated on a held-out test set of 101 cases from two centers. For the segmentation task (Task 1), the ranking was based on a Borda counting of their ranks according to two metrics: mean Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) and median Hausdorff Distance at 95th percentile (HD95). For the PFS prediction task, challengers could use the tumor contours provided by experts (Task 3) or rely on their own (Task 2). The ranking was obtained according to the Concordance index (C-index) calculated on the predicted risk scores. A total of 103 teams registered for the challenge, for a total of 448 submissions and 29 papers. The best method in the segmentation task obtained an average DSC of 0.759, and the best predictions of PFS obtained a C-index of 0.717 (without relying on the provided contours) and 0.698 (using the expert contours). An interesting finding was that best PFS predictions were reached by relying on DL approaches (with or without explicit tumor segmentation, 4 out of the 5 best ranked) compared to standard radiomics methods using handcrafted features extracted from delineated tumors, and by exploiting alternative tumor contours (automated and/or larger volumes encompassing surrounding tissues) rather than relying on the expert contours. This second edition of the challenge confirmed the promising performance of fully automated primary tumor delineation in PET/CT images of HNC patients, although there is still a margin for improvement in some difficult cases. For the first time, the prediction of outcome was also addressed and the best methods reached relatively good performance (C-index above 0.7). Both results constitute another step forward toward large-scale outcome prediction studies in HNC

    GATE : a simulation toolkit for PET and SPECT

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    Monte Carlo simulation is an essential tool in emission tomography that can assist in the design of new medical imaging devices, the optimization of acquisition protocols, and the development or assessment of image reconstruction algorithms and correction techniques. GATE, the Geant4 Application for Tomographic Emission, encapsulates the Geant4 libraries to achieve a modular, versatile, scripted simulation toolkit adapted to the field of nuclear medicine. In particular, GATE allows the description of time-dependent phenomena such as source or detector movement, and source decay kinetics. This feature makes it possible to simulate time curves under realistic acquisition conditions and to test dynamic reconstruction algorithms. A public release of GATE licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License can be downloaded at the address http://www-lphe.epfl.ch/GATE/

    The MINDVIEW project: First results

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    [EN] We present the first results of the MINDVIEW project. An innovative imaging system for the human brain examination, allowing simultaneous acquisition of PET/MRI images, has been designed and constructed. It consists of a high sensitivity and high resolution PET scanner integrated in a novel, head-dedicated, radio frequency coil for a 3T MRI scanner. Preliminary measurements from the PET scanner show sensitivity 3 times higher than state-of-the-art PET systems that will allow safe repeated studies on the same patient. The achieved spatial resolution, close to 1 mm, will enable differentiation of relevant brain structures for schizophrenia. A cost-effective and simple method of radiopharmaceutical production from C-11-carbon monoxide and a mini-clean room has been demonstrated. It has been shown that C-11-raclopride has higher binding potential in a new VAAT null mutant mouse model of schizophrenia compared to wild type control animals. A significant reduction in TSPO binding has been found in gray matter in a small sample of drug-naive, first episode psychosis patients, suggesting a reduced number or an altered function of immune cells in brain at early stage schizophrenia. (c) 2018 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.This project is funded by EU grant FP7-HEALTH-F2-2013-603002.Benlloch Baviera, JM.; González Martínez, AJ.; Pani, R.; Preziosi, E.; Jackson, C.; Murphy, J.; Barbera Ballester, J.... (2018). The MINDVIEW project: First results. European Psychiatry. 50:21-27. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpsy.2018.01.002S212750Gonzalez, A. J., Gonzalez-Montoro, A., Aguilar, A., Conde, P., Canizares, G., Hernandez, L., … Benlloch, J. M. (2016). A brain PET insert MR compatible: Final design and first results. 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detector Workshop (NSS/MIC/RTSD). doi:10.1109/nssmic.2016.8069619Dahl, K., Schou, M., Ulin, J., Sjöberg, C.-O., Farde, L., & Halldin, C. (2015). 11C-carbonylation reactions using gas–liquid segmented microfluidics. RSC Advances, 5(108), 88886-88889. doi:10.1039/c5ra20646d[26] Långström B and Sjöberg CO, System for controlling environment in reaction box, From PCT Int. Appl. (2013), WO 2013103312 A1 20130711.Autret, A., Bert, J., Strauss, O., & Visvikis, D. (2012). Projector with realistic detector scatter modelling for PET list-mode reconstruction. 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (NSS/MIC). doi:10.1109/nssmic.2012.6551759[10] Young JW Head and Face Antropometry of Adult U.S. Citizens, Civil Aeromedical Institute, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, Report number DOT/FAA/AM-93/10, July 1993.Braff, D. L. (1990). Sensorimotor Gating and Schizophrenia. Archives of General Psychiatry, 47(2), 181. doi:10.1001/archpsyc.1990.01810140081011Preziosi, E., Sánchez, S., González, A. J., Pani, R., Borrazzo, C., Bettiol, M., … Benlloch, J. M. (2016). Performance study of a PET scanner based on monolithic scintillators for different DoI-dependent methods. Journal of Instrumentation, 11(12), C12076-C12076. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/11/12/c12076Howes, O., McCutcheon, R., & Stone, J. (2015). Glutamate and dopamine in schizophrenia: An update for the 21st century. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 29(2), 97-115. doi:10.1177/0269881114563634Moliner, L., Correcher, C., González, A. J., Conde, P., Hernández, L., Orero, A., … Benlloch, J. M. (2013). Implementation and analysis of list mode algorithm using tubes of response on a dedicated brain and breast PET. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 702, 129-132. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2012.08.029Zelano, J., Mikulovic, S., Patra, K., Kühnemund, M., Larhammar, M., Emilsson, L., … Kullander, K. (2013). The synaptic protein encoded by the gene Slc10A4 suppresses epileptiform activity and regulates sensitivity to cholinergic chemoconvulsants. Experimental Neurology, 239, 73-81. doi:10.1016/j.expneurol.2012.09.006Antich, P., Malakhov, N., Parkey, R., Slavin, N., & Tsyganov, E. (2002). 3D position readout from thick scintillators. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 480(2-3), 782-787. doi:10.1016/s0168-9002(01)01214-1Gonzalez-Montoro, A., Benlloch, J. M., Gonzalez, A. J., Aguilar, A., Canizares, G., Conde, P., … Sanchez, F. (2017). Performance Study of a Large Monolithic LYSO PET Detector With Accurate Photon DOI Using Retroreflector Layers. IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 1(3), 229-237. doi:10.1109/trpms.2017.2692819Rahman, O., Takano, A., Amini, N., Dahl, K., Kanegawa, N., Långström, B., … Halldin, C. (2015). Synthesis of ([11C]carbonyl)raclopride and a comparison with ([11C]methyl)raclopride in a monkey PET study. Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 42(11), 893-898. doi:10.1016/j.nucmedbio.2015.07.003Howes, O. D., Kambeitz, J., Kim, E., Stahl, D., Slifstein, M., Abi-Dargham, A., & Kapur, S. (2012). The Nature of Dopamine Dysfunction in Schizophrenia and What This Means for Treatment. Archives of General Psychiatry, 69(8). doi:10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2012.169Ling, T., Lewellen, T. K., & Miyaoka, R. S. (2007). Depth of interaction decoding of a continuous crystal detector module. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 52(8), 2213-2228. doi:10.1088/0031-9155/52/8/012González, A. J., Majewski, S., Sánchez, F., Aussenhofer, S., Aguilar, A., Conde, P., … Benlloch, J. M. (2016). The MINDView brain PET detector, feasibility study based on SiPM arrays. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 818, 82-90. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2016.02.046Wong, D. F., Waterhouse, R., Kuwabara, H., Kim, J., Brasic, J. R., Chamroonrat, W., … Mozley, P. D. (2013). 18F-FPEB, a PET Radiopharmaceutical for Quantifying Metabotropic Glutamate 5 Receptors: A First-in-Human Study of Radiochemical Safety, Biokinetics, and Radiation Dosimetry. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 54(3), 388-396. doi:10.2967/jnumed.112.107995Jackson, C., O’Neill, K., Wall, L., & McGarvey, B. (2014). High-volume silicon photomultiplier production, performance, and reliability. Optical Engineering, 53(8), 081909. doi:10.1117/1.oe.53.8.081909Rahman, O., Långström, B., & Halldin, C. (2016). Alkyl Iodides and [11 C]CO in Nickel-Mediated Cross-Coupling Reactions: Successful Use of Alkyl Electrophiles containing a β Hydrogen Atom in Metal-Mediated [11 C]Carbonylation. ChemistrySelect, 1(10), 2498-2501. doi:10.1002/slct.201600643Sullivan, J. M., Lim, K., Labaree, D., Lin, S., McCarthy, T. J., Seibyl, J. P., … Morris, E. D. (2012). Kinetic Analysis of the Metabotropic Glutamate Subtype 5 Tracer [18F]FPEB in Bolus and Bolus-Plus-Constant-Infusion Studies in Humans. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism, 33(4), 532-541. doi:10.1038/jcbfm.2012.195Levin, C. S. (2003). Detector design issues for compact nuclear emission cameras dedicated to breast imaging. 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    Performance of automatic image segmentation algorithms for calculating total lesion glycolysis for early response monitoring in non-small cell lung cancer patients during concomitant chemoradiotherapy.

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    Background and purpose This study evaluated the use of total lesion glycolysis (TLG) determined by different automatic segmentation algorithms, for early response monitoring in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients during concomitant chemoradiotherapy.Materials and methods Twenty-seven patients with locally advanced NSCLC treated with concomitant chemoradiotherapy underwent (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT imaging before and in the second week of treatment. Segmentation of the primary tumours and lymph nodes was performed using fixed threshold segmentation at (i) 40% SUVmax (T40), (ii) 50% SUVmax (T50), (iii) relative-threshold-level (RTL), (iv) signal-to-background ratio (SBR), and (v) fuzzy locally adaptive Bayesian (FLAB) segmentation. Association of primary tumour TLG (TLGT), lymph node TLG (TLGLN), summed TLG (TLGS=TLGT+TLGLN), and relative TLG decrease (ΔTLG) with overall-survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) was determined using univariate Cox regression models.Results Pretreatment TLGT was predictive for PFS and OS, irrespective of the segmentation method used. Inclusion of TLGLN improved disease and early response assessment, with pretreatment TLGS more strongly associated with PFS and OS than TLGT for all segmentation algorithms. This was also the case for ΔTLGS, which was significantly associated with PFS and OS, with the exception of RTL and T40.Conclusions ΔTLGS was significantly associated with PFS and OS, except for RTL and T40. Inclusion of TLGLN improves early treatment response monitoring during concomitant chemoradiotherapy with FDG-PET

    Coronin-1C Protein and Caveolin Protein Provide Constitutive and Inducible Mechanisms of Rac1 Protein Trafficking

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    Sustained directional fibroblast migration requires both polarized activation of the protrusive signal, Rac1, and redistribution of inactive Rac1 from the rear of the cell so that it can be redistributed or degraded. In this work, we determine how alternative endocytic mechanisms dictate the fate of Rac1 in response to the extracellular matrix environment. We discover that both coronin-1C and caveolin retrieve Rac1 from similar locations at the rear and sides of the cell. We find that coronin-1C-mediated extraction, which is responsible for Rac1 recycling, is a constitutive process that maintains Rac1 protein levels within the cell. In the absence of coronin-1C, the effect of caveolin-mediated endocytosis, which targets Rac1 for proteasomal degradation, becomes apparent. Unlike constitutive coronin-1C-mediated trafficking, caveolin-mediated Rac1 endocytosis is induced by engagement of the fibronectin receptor syndecan-4. Such an inducible endocytic/degradation mechanism would predict that, in the presence of fibronectin, caveolin defines regions of the cell that are resistant to Rac1 activation but, in the absence of fibronectin leaves more of the membrane susceptible to Rac1 activation and protrusion. Indeed, we demonstrate that fibronectin-stimulated activation of Rac1 is accelerated in the absence of caveolin and that, when caveolin is knocked down, polarization of active Rac1 is lost in FRET experiments and culminates in shunting migration in a fibrous fibronectin matrix. Although the concept of polarized Rac1 activity in response to chemoattractants has always been apparent, our understanding of the balance between recycling and degradation explains how polarity can be maintained when the chemotactic gradient has faded