19 research outputs found

    Estudio de plan de ajustes razonables (PIAR) y el diseño universal para el aprendizaje (DUA): grandes herramientas que permiten la reflexión en la educación superior

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    Ficha de recolección de información.El proceso de investigación propuesto contextualiza el estudio de los Planes individualizados de ajuste razonables (PIAR) y el diseño universal para el aprendizaje (DUA) como dos grandes herramientas que permiten la reflexión en la educación superior en Colombia, como una parte fundamental e importante en el proceso transformador e innovador de la inclusión educativa. el eje central de la presente monografía es brindar mediante un análisis local y profundo sobre los paradigmas que existen en aspecto asistencial de la población con discapacidad en la educación superior en Colombia, que desencadene un proceso de reflexión que enriquezca los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje en la vida universitaria y finalmente propiciar un espacio de debate en relación a la inclusión.The proposed research process contextualises the study of Reasonable Individualized Adjustment Plans (RIA) and Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as two great tools that enable reflection on higher education in Colombia, as a fundamental and important part of the transformative and innovative process of academic inclusion. The central axis of this monograph is to provide through a local and in-depth analysis of the paradigms that exist in the asistential aspect of the population with disabilities in higher education in Colombia, which triggers a process of reflection that enriches the learning-teaching processes in university life and finally foster a space for debate about inclusion

    Current advances in the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration

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    Introduction: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the most common cause of permanent central visual acuity loss in persons over 65 years of age in industrialized nations. Today, intravitreal vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitors are the mainstay of treatment worldwide. Areas covered: The following review covers the current treatments and challenges of wet AMD management. It also covers emerging therapies including radiation, latest generation anti-VEGF agents, and combination therapies. Expert opinion: Current neovascular AMD therapy is aimed at decreasing the VEGF effect at the choroidal neovascularization (CNV) complex. The most important existing challenges in the treatment of neovascular AMD are improving visual outcomes, decreasing the treatment burden, and minimizing geographic atrophy. Clinicians are using many treatment strategies to minimize intravitreal injections without sacrificing visual outcomes. Combination of anti-VEGF therapy with other previously available treatments that target a different pathophysiological mechanism may be a reasonable clinical strategy to minimize intravitreal injections. Many exciting novel drugs that target newly discovered pathways associated with CNV development and progression hold clinical promise. The results of ongoing randomized clinical trials will answer the important concerns surrounding new drugs and delivery devices: safety and visual outcomes

    Metástase intramedular de carcinoma da tireóide: relato de caso Intramedullary spinal cord metastasis from thyorid carcioma: case report

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    Relata-se um caso de metástase intramedular de neoplasia da glândula tireóide em uma mulher de 70 anos queixando-se há três meses de dor cervical intensa, sem déficit motor focal nem alterações de sensibilidade. Seis meses antes do início dos sintomas, a paciente foi submetida a tireoidectomia total para ressecção de adenocarcinoma tireoideano. Ressonância magnética com contraste gadolíneo mostrou lesão intramedular. Foi realizada ressecção parcial do tumor medular que revelou ao exame anatomopatológico adenocarcinoma metastático. No pós-operatório a paciente desenvolveu monoplegia crural à esquerda.<br>We report a case of intramedullary spinal cord metastasis from thyroid cancer in a 70-year-old woman complaining for three months an intense cervical pain, without motor or sensitive deficits. Six months before the onset of symptoms, the patient underwent total thyroidectomy for a thyroid cancer. Magnetic resonance imaging with gadolinium enhancement showed an intramedullary spinal cord lesion. A partial resection of the medullar tumor was performed and the pathological findings showed an metastatic adenocarcinoma. Post operatively the patient develloped a left crural monoplegia