666 research outputs found

    Aprovechamientos comunales en los Montes Francos de Urnieta (Guipúzcoa) y su progresiva desintegración durante los años 1882-1958

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    Cet article est le résume d'un Mémoire de Licence qui a été presenté en Juillet 1981 à l'Université Autonome de Barcelone et qui porte sur le procés de désintégration d'une propriété communale: les monts francs à Urnieta (Guipúzcoa), au Pays Basque. Il s'agit d'une extension d'à peu près 800 Ha. (le 30% de la surface de la commune) qui fournissait aux habitants un ensemble de produits indispensables: charbon, bois de chauffage et de construction, pâiture, fougères pour le lit du bétail, etc. La jouissance collective de ces terrains était un élément important de l'économie locale, l'agriculture étant la principale activité de la majeure partie de la population. La propriété de ces monts était collective à l'origine (la première référence à ce sujet date de 1379) et ils ont été possédés et exploités par l'ensemble des habitants jusqu'en 1868; à cette date ils sont tombés sous le domaine exclusif d'un groupe de voisins, ce qui a représenté, pour la grande majorité, la perte de leurs droits traditionnels sur ces terres. On constate une continuité du patrimoine jusqu'en 1959, date à laquelle les monts sont vendus à des particuliers liés à des activités industrielles. Il se ferme ainsi tout un procés de décomposition de la propriéte communale qui s'est étendu au long de plusieurs générations.This article is a summary of the Memoria de Llicenciatura presented in July at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. The subject is the proces of disentigration of a communal property, namely the common woods or Urnieta (Guipúzcoa) in the Basque country. The group of hills of which the common land is composed, cover an area of approximately 800 hectares (about 30% of the total area of the municipality). In the past, they provided the villagers with a series of vital resources: coal, fire-wood, timber, grazing and ferns. And, although agriculture was the major means of livelihood for the majority of the population, the communal utilization of these hills constituted an important complement within the local economy. The ownership of the hills was originally communal (references to this effect date back to 1379), and they were utilized by entire community until 1868, when they became the exclusive property of a limited group of inhabitants, to the detriment of the majority, who thus clost their traditional rights on the use of the hills. This restricted ownership of the former common land existed thereafter until 1959, when the hills were sold off to various individuals involved in industrial pursuits. In this way, an activity which had been carried out in the municipality for many generations was brought to an end. Throughout the history of the exploitation of the hills, several modifications have been introduced. This article consists of a synthesis of the principal types of utilization of the hills, and of their progressive abandon between 1882 and 1958. The principal documentary source for the analysis of these aspects was the book of Records of the Community (Libro de Actas de la Comunidad). As agricultural activities gradually lost importance in the municipality, so the hills also gradually stopped serving an essential function in the life of the community. As a logical consequence, interest in conserving this patrimony was closely related to the maintenance, of a rural style of life in the settlement with the introduction of industrial life styles. The communal property was no longer a necessity and became a commercial asset to be exploited

    Explanatory Audiovisual About CPS Process

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    Explanatory Audiovisual about CPS ProcessWith this Master’s Project, my aim is to create a medium to help raise awareness of Creative Problem Solving . To this end, I believe that the creation of audiovisual material could provide an excellent medium to be used as a support for explanation sessions, and that it will facilitate understanding, specially for the Spanish and Basque Country’s market, where the CPS process is still very unknown.The idea behind creating this material, or the necessity to do so, arose from several educational, facilitation and training sessions that I have run. When working with groups of students, company workers or organizations, I had the feeling that it was difficult for the participants to put what they learned into practice. I had the impression that they understood the underlying concepts, but it was difficult for them to get a specific idea of how they could be applied. For the purpose of this project, I have created this material to accompany an explanation, or to be used as an introduction to CPS

    Los aprovechamientos comunales en Guipúzcoa a fines del siglo XVIII

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    Cet article décrit les principaux usages des communaux dans la province de Guipúzcoa pendant le dernier tiers du XVIIIe siecle. L'étude se centre sur l'utilisation du bois en tant que materiau et en tant que combustible ainsi que sur celle des plturages et des fougkres, ressources essentielle dans l'économie d'Ancien Régime. Le bois était essentielment ramassé par les communautés villagoises dans les communaux pour son utilisation en tant que combustible domestique, malgré l'importance de ce matériau dans l'économie traditionelle. Les communaux permettaient en outre l'usage des plturages et fournissaient les foughes utilisées dans la composition du fumier, engrais indispensable au maintien de I'agriculture traditionnelle. Cette étude fait également référence aux fréquents conflits entre villageois pour l'accés inégal a ces ressources. La plupart des ètudes réalisées sur la propieté communale, omettent ces aspects conflictuels et contribuent ainsi à créer une image idealisée de ce type de propieté. L'usage des communaux jouait toutefois un rôle essentiel dans la société rurale de Guipuzcoa, non seulement il permettait le maintien de l'économie agro-pastorale traditionelle, mais ces pratiques étaient un élément fondamental de la cohesion sociale de l'Ancien Régime.This article describes the principal uses made of the common hill lands in Guipúzcoa during the last third of the eighteenth century. These consist of the use of timber, firewood, pasture and ferns, which were essential resources in the rural economy of the «Ancient Regimen». In spite of the considerable importance of timber in the tradicional economic estructure, the major resource which the peasant communities acquired in the common woods was firewood for domestic consumption. In addition to forest products, the common hill lands were used for pasture and for gathering of ferns, a plant which was transformed into manure, an indispensable fertilizer for the maintenance of traditional agriculture. In this study, reference is also made to the conflicts which often arose in rural communities as a result of the inequal participation of the inhabitants in the use of these resources. The omission of the conflictive aspects in most studies on common property has helped create an idealized image of the function which this form of land tenure performed. Even so, it seems reasonable to consider that the common lands played a fundamental role in Guipuzcoan rural society, not only because they enabled the maintenance of the traditional agricultural economy butalso because communal practices constituted a basic cohesive element in the social framework of the «Ancien Regimen».En este articulo describo los principales aprovechamientos que se llevaban a cabo en los montes comunales de Guipúzcoa durante el ultimo tercio del siglo XVIII. En concreto me refiero al aprovechamiento de la madera, la leña, los pastos y el helecho, recursos que cumplian una función esencial en la economia rural del Antiguo Régimen. A pesar de la gran importancia de la madera en la economia tradicional, el principal recurso que las comunidades campesinas recogian de los bosques comunales era la leña para consumo doméstico. Además de los productos forestales, los montes comunales permitian el aprovechamiento de los pastos asi como la recogida del helecho, planta que se utilizaba para la formación de estiércol, abono indispensable para el mantenimiento de la agricultura tradicional. En este trabajo me refiero también a los conflictos que a menudo surgian en las comunidades rurales por la desigual participación de los vecinos en el aprovechamiento de este conjunto de recursos. El hecho de que en la mayor parte de los estudios realizados sobre la propiedad comunal se omitan estos aspectos conflictivos ha contribuido a crear una imagen idealizada sobre-la función que cumplia esta forma de propiedad. Pero aun asi, creo aue mede considerarse que en la sociedad rural guipuzcoana lo; aprovechamientos comunales desempefiaban un papel fundamental, no solo porque permitian el mantenimiento de la economia agropecuaria tradicional sino también porque las practicas comunitarias constituian un elemento bhsico en la cohesión del entramado social del Antiguo Régimen.En aquest article descric els principals aprofitaments que es duien a terme als monts comunals de Guipúzcoa durant el darrer terç del segle XVIII. En concret em refereixo a l'aprofitament de la fusta, de la llenya, les pastures i la falguera, recursos que complien una funció essencial en l'economia rural de l'Antic Règim. Malgrat la gran importància de la fusta en l'economia tradicional, el principal recurs que les comunitats camperoles recollien dels boscos comunals era la llenya per a us domèstic. A mes dels productes forestals, els monts comunals permetien I'aprofitament de les pastures així com la recollida de la falguera, planta que s'utilitzava per a la formació de fem, adob indispensable per al manteniment de l'agricultura tradicional. En aquest treball em referixo també als conflictes que sovint sorgien en les comunitats rurals per la desigual participació dels veins en l'aprofitament d'aquest conjunt de recursos. El fet de que en la major part dels estudis realitzats sobre la propietat comunal s'ometin aquests aspectes conflictius ha contribuit a crear una imatge idealitzada sobre la funció que complia aquesta forma de propietat. Pero encara així, crec que pot consfderar-se que en la societat rural guipuscoana els aprofitaments comunals acomplien un paper fonamental, no nomès perquè permetien el manteniment de l'economia agropecuària tradicional, sino perquè les practiques comunitàries constituïen un element bàsic en la cohesió de l'entramat social de l'Antic Règim

    20. hamarkadako Garçonne emakumearen emantzipazio sexuala eta bere mugak

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    [EUS] XX. mende hasieran, Europatik feminismoaren ideiak zabaltzen hasi ziren. Aspaldiko urteetatik emakumea gizonaren azpitik ezartzea ez zen eztabaidan jartzen, baina zenbait gertakizunek eta hainbat faktorek bat egin zutenean, ideia horiek aldatzen hasi ziren gutxika. 1914. urtean, Lehen Mundu Gerra zela eta, gizonezkoek gerrara joan behar izan zuten, eta emakumezkoek hauek betetzen zituzten zenbait lanpostu hartu behar izan zituzten. Honek, denborarekin, emakumeen gutxieste hori eta aurreiritzi tradizionalak baztertuko ditu, emakumeek talde moduan boterea hartzearekin batera. Baina gerra amaitu ondoren, eta gizonezkoak berriz ere itzuliko direnean, gizarteak eta batez ere gizonezko hauek, ez dute egoera berri hori onartuko, eta beraz, estatuak mekanismo ezberdinak eramango ditu aurrea emakumezkoa berriz ere aurreko egoeran ezartzeko.[ENG] In the beginning of the XX century, the feminist movement began to expand in Europe. The idea of a woman being reduced below man was undeniable, but when some events and factors joined together, the mentality of the society started to change. Since the First World War started in 1914, the men were forced to leave their day a day life in order to go to the war and the women held the posts that remained empty. Little by little, the underestimation and the traditional prejudice around women dispelled. Thanks to it women got more power. However, with the returning of men once the war finished the society and mostly men who had been at war, refused to accept the new situation. As a result, the state will suggest new approaches for the women to go back the earlier situation

    Ageing with Smartphones in Urban Chile: The experience of Peruvian migrants

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    What does it mean to be ageing in Chile as a migrant? What does it mean to be late middle-aged nowadays? How does living half of your life in a foreign country impact perspectives on later life? Is retirement an opportunity to go back to the home country? What will happen to the next generation, raised in a different country from their parents? Based on 16 months of ethnographic fieldwork, Ageing with Smartphones in Urban Chile analyses the experience of ageing for Peruvian migrants aged around 60, who have lived in Chile for over 20 years. Their lives are informed by a series of experiences of being in between. They live between two countries, two generations (their Peruvian parents and their Chilean children), two different stages in life (retained youth and menacing old age), between giving care (to their parents) and not wanting care (from their children) and between a continuing legacy (through their children, who have a promising future) and not transmitting legacy (some traditions will not pass on to the next generation). Peruvian migration has been one of the most studied in Chile. However, neither the experience of ageing of migrants in Chile nor the experience of late middle age has been fully addressed yet. By focusing on the entanglement of ageing, migration and technology, this monograph is an ethnographic contribution to an unexplored subject in the vast literature on migration studies in Chile

    Desequilibrio negocial y debilitamiento del actor sindical como efectos de la reforma laboral

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    This article offers an account of the effects and consequences of the recent Labour Reform, its impact on the collective bargaining system and its social implications. The hypothesis is based in the context of deep and intense economic crisis, where the adopted measures have caused a catastrophe and have come to dramatically worsen the existing precarious working conditions affecting many sectors and large groups of workers. To these trend is added the intense pressures to consolidate a new balance of power between the social partners, and also stands a real modification of the social actors because the labour relations rules are changedEl artículo propone un relato sobre los efectos y consecuencias de la reciente Reforma Laboral, su impacto en el sistema de negociación colectiva y sus implicaciones sociales. La hipótesis se resume en que para el caso español y en el contexto de la profunda e intensísima recesión económica, las medidas adoptadas han provocado una hecatombe y han terminado por agravar drásticamente la ya existente precariedad en las condiciones laborales que afecta a muchos sectores y amplios colectivos de trabajadores. A esta tendencia se añaden las intensas presiones que buscan consolidar una nueva correlación de fuerzas entre los interlocutores sociales, desde donde parece apuntarse una auténtica modificación de las ‘reglas de juego’ pues las sucesivas reformas laborales modifican a fondo las reglas de reconocimiento de los actores que han regulado los aspectos nucleares del modelo laboral

    Cell-cycle phase effect on the survival of mouse embryos after nuclear transfer

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    La explotación de las plantas y los inicios de la agricultura en el Próximo Oriente: 20 años de investigación arqueobotánica

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    Este trabajo aborda el desarrollo de la investigación arqueobotánica en el Próximo Oriente en las dos últimas décadas. El artículo se centra en los avances conseguidos en el estudio de la explotación de las plantas en periodos pre-agrarios así como en los orígenes de la agricultura. Se discuten los principales yacimientos paleolíticos y epipaleolíticos en los que se documenta el uso de las plantas, y se abordan temas como el cultivo pre-doméstico y la domesticación de las plantasThis paper deals with the development of Near Eastern archaeobotany during the past two decades. It focuses on the advances of the discipline, particularly on the progress made in pre-agrarian plant use and the origins of agriculture. The main Palaeolithic and Epipalaeolithic sites where plant use has been well attested are discussed while issues such as pre-domestic cultivation and plant domestication are also analyze
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