1,667 research outputs found

    ¡Ha desaparecido un ratón! ¿Nos ayudáis a buscar al culpable? Análisis del impacto didáctico y emocional de un encargo ficticio

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    S'analitza l'impacte didàctic i emocional de la contextualització dels continguts d'un curs d'estiu de biologia molecular. Es va proposar a tres grups d'estudiants d'educació secundària un encàrrec fictici. Consistia a descobrir al culpable del robatori d'un ratolí de laboratori a partir de l'anàlisi de mostres biològiques oposades en el lloc de la desaparició. Resoldre el cas requeria dissenyar experiments, aplicar tècniques bàsiques de biologia molecular, analitzar els resultats i preparar una comunicació científica. Es va valorar l'aprenentatge de 20 conceptes clau de biologia molecular a l'inici i al final del curs, la qual cosa va demostrar l'efectivitat didàctica d'aquest tipus de contextos. A més, es va evidenciar que l'alumnat va millorar la seva percepció sobre la naturalesa de la ciència i que es van generar emocions positives.Educational and emotional impact of contents contextualization of a summer course in molecular biology is analyzed. A simulated mission of discovering the guilty of stealing a laboratory mouse from biological samples was proposed to three groups of high school students. Solving the case required to design experiments, apply basic molecular biology techniques, analyze data and prepare a scientific communication. The level of 20 key concepts of molecular biology learning was assessed at the beginning and at the end of the course, demonstrating the effectiveness of this teaching approach. Moreover, the students’ improvement on their vision of the nature of science was evidenced and positive emotions were generated.Se analiza el impacto didáctico y emocional de la contextualización de los contenidos de un curso de verano de biología molecular. Se propuso a tres grupos de estudiantes de educación secundaria un encargo ficticio. Consistía en descubrir al culpable del robo de un ratón de laboratorio a partir del análisis de muestras biológicas encontradas en el lugar de la desaparición. Resolver el caso requería diseñar experimentos, aplicar técnicas básicas de biología molecular, analizar los resultados y preparar una comunicación científica. Se valoró el aprendizaje de 20 conceptos clave de biología molecular al inicio y al final del curso, lo que demostró la efectividad didáctica de este tipo de contextos. Además, se evidenció que el alumnado mejoró su percepción sobre la naturaleza de la ciencia y que se generaron emociones positivas

    ¡Ha desaparecido un ratón! ¿Nos ayudáis a buscar al culpable? : Análisis del impacto didáctico y emocional de un encargo ficticio

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    Se analiza el impacto didáctico y emocional de la contextualización de los contenidos de un curso de verano de biología molecular. Se propuso a tres grupos de estudiantes de educación secundaria un encargo ficticio. Consistía en descubrir al culpable del robo de un ratón de laboratorio a partir del análisis de muestras biológicas encontradas en el lugar de la desaparición. Resolver el caso requería diseñar experimentos, aplicar técnicas básicas de biología molecular, analizar los resultados y preparar una comunicación científica. Se valoró el aprendizaje de 20 conceptos clave de biología molecular al inicio y al final del curso, lo que demostró la efectividad didáctica de este tipo de contextos. Además, se evidenció que el alumnado mejoró su percepción sobre la naturaleza de la ciencia y que se generaron emociones positivas.S'analitza l'impacte didàctic i emocional de la contextualització dels continguts d'un curs d'estiu de biologia molecular. Es va proposar a tres grups d'estudiants d'educació secundària un encàrrec fictici. Consistia a descobrir al culpable del robatori d'un ratolí de laboratori a partir de l'anàlisi de mostres biològiques oposades en el lloc de la desaparició. Resoldre el cas requeria dissenyar experiments, aplicar tècniques bàsiques de biologia molecular, analitzar els resultats i preparar una comunicació científica. Es va valorar l'aprenentatge de 20 conceptes clau de biologia molecular a l'inici i al final del curs, la qual cosa va demostrar l'efectivitat didàctica d'aquest tipus de contextos. A més, es va evidenciar que l'alumnat va millorar la seva percepció sobre la naturalesa de la ciència i que es van generar emocions positives.Educational and emotional impact of contents contextualization of a summer course in molecular biology is analyzed. A simulated mission of discovering the guilty of stealing a laboratory mouse from biological samples was proposed to three groups of high school students. Solving the case required to design experiments, apply basic molecular biology techniques, analyze data and prepare a scientific communication. The level of 20 key concepts of molecular biology learning was assessed at the beginning and at the end of the course, demonstrating the effectiveness of this teaching approach. Moreover, the students' improvement on their vision of the nature of science was evidenced and positive emotions were generated

    La xarxa Edumet : meteorologia en directe sense moure's de l'aula

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    La Xarxa Meteorològica Educativa de Catalunya (Edumet) és un projecte de l'àmbit de les ciències que el Departament d'Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya va iniciar a principis de 2004. El formen un conjunt d'estacions meteorològiques automàtiques instal·lades en centres educatius de diferents zones climàtiques de Catalunya que subministren dades a Internet, a través del servidor web http://www.xtec.cat/edumet. Aquest recurs TIC permet accedir de forma permanent a dades meteorològiques en temps real, així com a visualitzar l'evolució del temps atmosfèric en diferents períodes de temps, a 57 estacions meteorològiques

    Els gèneres de comunicació científica i el laboratori com a espai didàctic per a l'ensenyament de les Ciències basat en Projectes

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    Els contextos de Creació del Coneixement Científic són espais clau perquè l'alumnat desenvolupi els procediments i visions epistèmiques de la Ciència, a més d'una apropiació profunda dels models científics. En aquest sentit, l'Aprenentatge Basat en Projectes és una oportunitat per desenvolupar activitats en les que els alumnes aprenguin ciències participant en aquests contextos. Es proposen quatre activitats ABP ubicades en diferents contextos de creació de coneixement científic (congressos científics, ciència ciutadana, indagacióal laboratori) i es discuteixen les aportacions que fan aquests diversos gèneres científics a l'ensenyament de les Ciències.Contexts of construction of scientific knowledge are key places to develop procedural and epistemic aspects of scientific competence, together with a deeper understanding of scientific models. Project-Based Learning is an opportunity to develop learning activities wherestudents learn sciences participating in these contexts. We propose four PBL activities situated in different contexts of construction of scientific knowledge (scientific congresses, citizen science, laboratory inquiry) and we discuss the application of these scientific genera toScience Education

    Multiferroic and related hysteretic behavior in ferromagnetic shape memory alloys

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    We combine a Ginzburg–Landau model for a ferroelastic transition with the theory of micromagnetism to study the magnetostructural behavior leading to multicaloric effects in ferromagnetic shape memory alloys. We analyze the ferroelastic transition under different conditions of temperature, stress and magnetic field and establish the corresponding phase diagram. On the one hand, our results show that the proper combination of both fields may be used to reduce the transition hysteresis and thus improve the reversibility of the related elastocaloric effects, superelasticity and stress-mediated magnetocaloric effects. On the other hand, the stress-free magnetic field-driven and thermally driven magnetostructural evolution provides physical insight into the low-temperature field-induced domain reorientation, from which we derive strategies to modify the operational temperature ranges and thus the corresponding (magnetic) shape-memory effect.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Giant barocaloric effect in all-d-metal Heusler shape memory alloys

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    We have studied the barocaloric properties associated with the martensitic transition of a shape memory Heulser alloy Ni50Mn31.5Ti18.5 which is composed of all-d-metal elements. The composition of the sample has been tailored to avoid long range ferromagnetic order in both ausenite and martensite. The lack of ferromagnetism results in a weak magnetic contribution to the total entropy change thereby leading to a large transition entropy change. The combination of such a large entropy change and a relatively large volume change at the martensitic transition gives rise to giant barocaloric properties in this alloy. When compared to other shape memory Heusler alloys, our material exhibits values for adiabatic temperature and isothermal entropy changes significantly larger than values reported so far for this class of materials. Furthermore, our Ni50Mn31.5Ti18.5 also compares favourably to the best state-of-the-art magnetic barocaloric materials.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Intermitten dynamics in externally driven ferroelastics and strain glasses

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    The interplay of elastic anisotropy and disorder dictates many of the properties of ferroic materials, specifically martensites. We use a phase-field model for ferroelastic athermal materials to study their response to an increasing external stress that couples to the strain order parameter. We show that these systems evolve through avalanches and study the avalanche-size distribution for ferroelastic systems (large anisotropy and/or small disorder) and for the strain glass (small anisotropy and/or large disorder) using various statistical analysis techniques, including the maximum likelihood method. The model predicts that in the former case the distribution is subcritical or power law (in agreement with experimental observations), whereas in the latter case it becomes supercritical. Our results are consistent with experiments on martensitic materials, and we predict specific avalanche behavior that can be tested and used as an alternative means to characterize strain glasses

    Selvitys maaseutumatkailuyritysten neuvontapalvelujen tarpeesta Pohjois-Savossa

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää, vastaavatko maa- ja kotitalousnaisten neuvontapalvelut maaseutumatkailuyritysten tarvitsemia palveluja. Liittyykö maaseutumatkailuyrittäjien yritystoimintaan ongelmia ja haasteita, joista syntyy tarve käyttää yritysneuvonnan palveluja? Onko yrittäjillä ongelmia yritystoiminnassa? Voivatko yrittäjät saada apua kyseisiin ongelmiin yritysneuvonnan palveluista? Lisäksi tarkoituksena oli selvittää tulevaisuuden tarpeita neuvontapalveluiden tuotekehitystyölle. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin laadullista tukimusta. Haastateltaviksi valittiin kahdeksan maaseutumatkailuyrittäjää Pohjois-Savon alueelta. Lisäksi valintakriteereinä oli se, että heillä tuli olla yritystoiminnassaan majoituksen lisäksi ruokapalvelua. Yritysten iän tuli olla vähintään kaksi vuotta ja heidän tuli olla alansa kärkiyrityksiä. Tutkimus toteutettiin puolistrukturoidulla teemahaastattelulla. Matkailu kasvavana, kehittyvänä ja työllistävänä elinkeinona tuo maaseudulle toimeentuloa ja vireyttä. Maaseutumatkailu pitää maaseutualueita elinkelpoisina ja säilyttää alueen palvelurakennetta. Muutokset yhteiskunnassa ja matkailijoiden vaatimustasossa luovat haasteita myös matkailuyrittäjille. Tehtyjen tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan havaita, että maaseutumatkailuyrittäjien yritystoimintaan liittyy monenlaisia ongelmia ja haasteita. Tulosten perusteella voidaan päätellä, että monet tutkimuksessa esille tulleet yrittäjien ongelmat voidaan sopivilla neuvontapalveluilla ratkaista. Tutkimus osoittaa myös sen, että neuvojan kokemuksella on ratkaiseva merkitys siihen, miten neuvontapalvelut koetaan ja miten ne voidaan hyödyntää parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla yrityksen menestykseksi.The purpose of this thesis was to determine whether the counselling services provided by Rural Women’s Advisory Organization meet the needs of the rural tourism entrepreneurs. Are there specific problems and challenges associated with the business, generating needs for services of the Advisory Organization? Do entrepreneurs get help in their specific problems? In addition, the purpose of this study was to clarify the future needs in order to further develop the counselling services of the Rural Women’s Advisory Organization. This study was carried out by interviewing eight rural tourism family businesses in the area of Northern Savo. The criteria for choosing the businesses was that they had to offer catering services in addition to lodging, with at least two years of running business and they had to be within the top of their field. Tourism as a growing field offers multiple working opportunities and income for the countryside. Tourism and catering services keep the rural area viable and preserve the service structure of the countryside. Changes in the society and the increasing demands of the travellers create new challenges for the tourism entrepreneurs. The results of this study show that there are various specific problems and challenges related to rural tourism. Based on the results, the multiple problems associated with the field can be solved by tailored advisory services. This study also points out that the knowledge of the consultant plays a crucial role in how the advisory services are experienced and how they can be turned into success of the company

    Forward tracking at the next \boldmath{e+ee^+e^-} collider Part II: experimental challenges and detector design

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    We present the second in a series of studies into the forward tracking system for a future linear e+e e^+ e^- collider with a center-of-mass energy in the range from 250 GeV to 3 TeV. In this note a number of specific challenges are investigated, that have caused a degradation of the tracking and vertexing performance in the forward region in previous experiments. We perform a quantitative analysis of the dependence of the tracking performance on detector design parameters and identify several ways to mitigate the performance loss for charged particles emitted at shallow angle

    The Belle II vertex detector integration

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    Belle II DEPFET, PXD, and SVD Collaborations: et al.The Belle II experiment comes with a substantial upgrade of the Belle detector and will operate at the SuperKEKB energy-asymmetric ee collider with energies tuned to ϒ(4S) resonance s=10.588 GeV. The accelerator has successfully completed the first phase of commissioning in 2016 and the first electron–positron collisions in Belle II took place in April 2018. Belle II features a newly designed silicon vertex detector based on DEPFET pixel and double-sided strip layers. Currently, a subset of the vertex detector is installed (Phase 2 of the experiment). Installation of the full detector (Phase 3) will be completed by the end of 2018. This paper describes the Phase 2 arrangement of the Belle II silicon vertex detector, with focus on the interconnection of detectors and their integration with the software framework of Belle II. Alignment issues are discussed based on detector simulations and first acquired data.This work is supported by MSCA-RISE, European Union project JENNIFER (EU grant n. 644294), MEXT, Japan, WPI, and JSPS (Japan); ARC (Australia); BMWFW (Austria); MSMT, Czech Republic, GAUK 404316 (Czech Republic); AIDA-2020 (Germany); DAE, India and DST (India); INFN (Italy); NRF-2016K1A3A7A09005605 and RSRI (Korea); MNiSW (Poland); Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF, Germany); and MINECO, Spain grant FPA2015-71292-C2-1-P (Spain)