42 research outputs found

    Hadronic aspects of exotic baryons

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    In this talk I look into three different topics, addressing first the possibility that the Θ+\Theta^+ is a bound state of KπNK \pi N, exploiting the results of this study to find out the contribution of two meson and one baryon components in the baryon antidecuplet and in the third place I present results on a new resonant exotic baryonic state which appears as dynamically generated by the Weinberg Tomozawa ΔK\Delta K interaction.Comment: Talk at the International Workshop PENTAQUARK0

    On the determination of Θ+\Theta^+ quantum numbers and other topics of exotic baryons

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    In this talk I look into three different topics, addressing first a method to determine the quantum numbers of the Θ+\Theta^+, then exploiting the possibility that the Θ+\Theta^+ is a bound state of KπNK \pi N and in the third place I present results on a new resonant exotic baryonic state which appears as dynamically generated by the Weinberg Tomozawa ΔK\Delta K interaction.Comment: 9 pags. Talk in the NSTAR04 Workshop, Grenoble, march 200

    The QUEST RR Lyrae Survey: Confirmation of the Clump at 50 kpc and Other Over-Densities in the Outer Halo

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    We have measured the periods and light curves of 148 RR Lyrae variables from V=13.5 to 19.7 from the first 100 sq. degrees of the QUEST RR Lyrae survey. Approximately 55% of these stars belong to the clump of stars detected earlier by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. According to our measurements, this feature has ~10 times the background density of halo stars, spans at least 37.5 deg by 3.5 deg in right ascension and declination (>=30 by >=3 kpc), lies ~50 kpc from the Sun, and has a depth along the line of sight of ~5 kpc (1 sigma). These properties are consistent with the recent models that suggest it is a tidal stream from the Sgr dSph galaxy. The mean period of the type ab variables, 0.58 d, is also consistent. In addition, we have found two smaller over-densities in the halo, one of which may be related to the globular cluster Pal 5.Comment: 12 pages (including 4 figures). Accepted for publication in the ApJ Letter

    Discovery of the Optical Transient of the Gamma Ray Burst 990308

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    The optical transient of the faint Gamma Ray Burst 990308 was detected by the QUEST camera on the Venezuelan 1-m Schmidt telescope starting 3.28 hours after the burst. Our photometry gives V=18.32±0.07V = 18.32 \pm 0.07, R=18.14±0.06R = 18.14 \pm 0.06, B=18.65±0.23B = 18.65 \pm 0.23, and R=18.22±0.05R = 18.22 \pm 0.05 for times ranging from 3.28 to 3.47 hours after the burst. The colors correspond to a spectral slope of close to fνν1/3f_{\nu} \propto \nu^{1/3}. Within the standard synchrotron fireball model, this requires that the external medium be less dense than 104cm310^{4} cm^{-3}, the electrons contain >20> 20% of the shock energy, and the magnetic field energy must be less than 24% of the energy in the electrons for normal interstellar or circumstellar densities. We also report upper limits of V>12.0V > 12.0 at 132 s (with LOTIS), V>13.4V > 13.4 from 132-1029s (with LOTIS), V>15.3V > 15.3 at 28.2 min (with Super-LOTIS), and a 8.5 GHz flux of <114μJy< 114 \mu Jy at 110 days (with the Very Large Array). WIYN 3.5-m and Keck 10-m telescopes reveal this location to be empty of any host galaxy to R>25.7R > 25.7 and K>23.3K > 23.3. The lack of a host galaxy likely implies that it is either substantially subluminous or more distant than a red shift of 1.2\sim 1.2.Comment: ApJ Lett submitted, 5 pages, 2 figures, no space for 12 coauthor

    Discovery of the bright trans-Neptunian object 2000 EB173

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    We describe the discovery circumstances and photometric properties of 2000 EB173, now one of the brightest trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs) with opposition magnitude mR = 18.9 and also one of the largest Plutinos, found with the drift-scanning camera of the Quasar Equatorial Survey Team, attached to the 1 m Schmidt telescope of the National Observatory of Venezuela. We measure B-V = 0.99 ± 0.14 and V-R = 0.57 ± 0.05, a red color observed for many fainter TNOs. At our magnitude limit mK = 20.1 ± 0.20, our single detection reveals a sky density of 0.015+0.034-0.012 TNOs per square degree (the error bars are 68% confidence limits), consistent with fainter surveys showing a cumulative number proportional to 100.5mR. Assuming an inclination distribution of TNOs with FWHM exceeding 30°, it is likely that 100 to several hundred objects brighter than mR = 20.1 remain to be discovered

    Top-quark physics at the CLIC electron-positron linear collider

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    ABSTRACT: The Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) is a proposed future high-luminosity linear electron-positron collider operating at three energy stages, with nominal centre-of-mass energies √s = 380 GeV, 1.5 TeV, and 3 TeV. Its aim is to explore the energy frontier, providing sensitivity to physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM) and precision measurements of Standard Model processes with an emphasis on Higgs boson and top-quark physics. The opportunities for top-quark physics at CLIC are discussed in this paper. The initial stage of operation focuses on top-quark pair production measurements, as well as the search for rare flavour-changing neutral current (FCNC) top-quark decays. It also includes a top-quark pair production threshold scan around 350 GeV which provides a precise measurement of the top-quark mass in a well-defined theoretical framework. At the higher-energy stages, studies are made of top-quark pairs produced in association with other particles. A study of t̄tH production including the extraction of the top Yukawa coupling is presented as well as a study of vector boson fusion (VBF) production, which gives direct access to high-energy electroweak interactions. Operation above 1 TeV leads to more highly collimated jet environments where dedicated methods are used to analyse the jet constituents. These techniques enable studies of the top-quark pair production, and hence the sensitivity to BSM physics, to be extended to higher energies. This paper also includes phenomenological interpretations that may be performed using the results from the extensive top-quark physics programme at CLIC.the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under projects MINEICO/FEDER-UE, FPA2015-65652-C4-3-R, FPA2015-71292-C2-1-Pand FPA2015-71956-REDT; and the MECD grant FPA2016-78645-P, Spai

    Stellar streams discovered in the Dark Energy Survey

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    We perform a search for stellar streams around the Milky Way using the first 3 yr of multiband optical imaging data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). We use DES data covering ∼5000 deg2 to a depth of g>23.5 with a relative photometric calibration uncertainty of <1%. This data set yields unprecedented sensitivity to the stellar density field in the southern celestial hemisphere, enabling the detection of faint stellar streams to a heliocentric distance of ∼50 kpc. We search for stellar streams using a matched filter in color–magnitude space derived from a synthetic isochrone of an old, metal-poor stellar population. Our detection technique recovers four previously known thin stellar streams: Phoenix, ATLAS, Tucana III, and a possible extension of Molonglo. In addition, we report the discovery of 11 new stellar streams. In general, the new streams detected by DES are fainter, more distant, and lower surface brightness than streams detected by similar techniques in previous photometric surveys. As a by-product of our stellar stream search, we find evidence for extratidal stellar structure associated with four globular clusters: NGC 288, NGC 1261, NGC 1851, and NGC 1904. The ever-growing sample of stellar streams will provide insight into the formation of the Galactic stellar halo, the Milky Way gravitational potential, and the large- and small-scale distribution of dark matter around the Milky Way

    Anti-tumour necrosis factor discontinuation in inflammatory bowel disease patients in remission: study protocol of a prospective, multicentre, randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease who achieve remission with anti-tumour necrosis factor (anti-TNF) drugs may have treatment withdrawn due to safety concerns and cost considerations, but there is a lack of prospective, controlled data investigating this strategy. The primary study aim is to compare the rates of clinical remission at 1?year in patients who discontinue anti-TNF treatment versus those who continue treatment. Methods: This is an ongoing, prospective, double-blind, multicentre, randomized, placebo-controlled study in patients with Crohn?s disease or ulcerative colitis who have achieved clinical remission for ?6?months with an anti-TNF treatment and an immunosuppressant. Patients are being randomized 1:1 to discontinue anti-TNF therapy or continue therapy. Randomization stratifies patients by the type of inflammatory bowel disease and drug (infliximab versus adalimumab) at study inclusion. The primary endpoint of the study is sustained clinical remission at 1?year. Other endpoints include endoscopic and radiological activity, patient-reported outcomes (quality of life, work productivity), safety and predictive factors for relapse. The required sample size is 194 patients. In addition to the main analysis (discontinuation versus continuation), subanalyses will include stratification by type of inflammatory bowel disease, phenotype and previous treatment. Biological samples will be obtained to identify factors predictive of relapse after treatment withdrawal. Results: Enrolment began in 2016, and the study is expected to end in 2020. Conclusions: This study will contribute prospective, controlled data on outcomes and predictors of relapse in patients with inflammatory bowel disease after withdrawal of anti-TNF agents following achievement of clinical remission. Clinical trial reference number: EudraCT 2015-001410-1