603 research outputs found

    Análisis y caracterización del potencial productivo apícola en ecosistemas alternativos del Valle de Uco

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    Este trabajo analiza las posibilidades de un futuro aprovechamiento apícola en ciertas zonas poco consideradas en el sistema productivo actual. Se fundamenta en la creciente necesidad de recurrir a la trashumancia como una práctica tendiente a aumentar los rendimientos productivos, en lo que a cantidad y calidad de miel, como principal producto de la colmena, se refiere. El estudio se enmarca en un contexto actual, donde múltiples procesos sociales, económicos y culturales, que vienen aconteciendo en La provincia de Mendoza y principalmente en sus valles irrigados (lugar de asentamiento y concentración de la mayoría de los productores apícolas), resultan en una serie de modificaciones ambientales desfavorables para la actividad. Se experimentó con un apiario modelo de 100 colmenas móviles en una zona ubicada en el borde noroeste del Valle de Uco, cuyas características edafoclimáticas y los recursos florísticos con los que cuenta, vienen llamando la atención de algunos productores. Se demostró que el sistema natural considerado, el cual presenta ciertas modificaciones antrópicas, cuenta con una diversidad importante de especies florales de interés apícola y con escalonamiento progresivo en su floración. Se demostró que en condiciones climáticas adecuadas, como la acontecida en el periodo estival 2016-2017, puede brindar un rendimiento en kilogramos de miel por colmena, igual o superior al valor medio nacional.Fil: Vicente, Julián Nicolás. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias

    El método lógico y la dialéctica

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    En la biografía intelectual de Sócrates que Platón ofrece en el Fedón, aquél, cuando describe su 'segunda navegación' en la investigación de 'la causa de la generación y de la destrucción de las cosas', alude en varias ocasiones a un método de investigación alternativo al empleado por los antiguos fisiólogos; método al que suele aludirse en la bibliografía sobre Platón con el rotúlo de 'método lógico'

    Naturaleza y alcance del método lógico del Fedón

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    En la biografía intelectual de Sócrates que Platón relata en el Fedón, aquél, cuando describe su"segunda singladura" (99d) en la investigación de"la causa de la generación y de la destrucción de las cosas" (95d), apela en varias ocasiones a un método de investigación alternativo al empleado por los antiguos fisiólogos: método al que suele aludirse en la bibliografía sobre Platón con el rótulo de método lógico. El objetivo de este trabajo es doble: esclarecer, por una parte, la naturaleza de dicho método y su relación con la dialéctica; y, por otra, examinar su alcance y sus presupuestos

    Metal Biocorrosion of a Water Well: A Case Study

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    Recently, in the city of La Rioja, the Microbiologically-Induced Corrosion (MIC) phenomenon has been confirmed. The last studied case corresponds to the water well of the La Rioja Regional Faculty of the National Technological University (UTN), where the water well facilities showed signs of this phenomenon.These microorganisms catalyze the iron (and magnesium) oxidation reactions, solubilizing or solubilizing and precipitating the metal. Confirming the existence of the MIC phenomenon is essential to mitigate or solve the problem.The laboratory work consisted in processing pipe and pump samples extracted after the well ceased to be used, at three initial temperatures and with different culture media, trying to cultivate, reproduce, and isolate and identify the different species.Thus, through culture methodology, the existence of a mixed flora featuring iron bacteria and sulfate-reducing bacteria was confirmed.Complementary Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) spectroscopy scans allowed to visualize the bacteria, the damage to the analyzed material, and the morphology of the bioprecipitation.This little-known phenomenon causes significant economic losses and should therefore be taken into account in the execution as well as the maintenance of wells. Keywords: Metal Corrosion, Microbiologically Induced Corrosion, Water Well, Bacteria

    A task recommendation system for children and youth with autism spectrum disorder

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    Current studies indicate that 1 in 68 children have Autism Spectrum Disease. It is known that early diagnosis and intervention can alter the course of development and significantly improve the prognosis of the disease. It is our intention to develop a task Recommendation System, which will use a Case-based Reasoning machine learning technique, in order to supplement the child’s regular therapy. Besides the tasks’ recommendation, this application will allow a closer monitoring by parents and a better coordination with the therapists, contributing to improve the results on child’s development.(UID/CEC/00319/2013)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gregarious versus individualistic behavior in Vicsek swarms and the onset of first-order phase transitions

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    The standard Vicsek model (SVM) is a minimal non-equilibrium model of self-propelled particles that appears to capture the essential ingredients of critical flocking phenomena. In the SVM, particles tend to align with each other and form ordered flocks of collective motion; however, perturbations controlled by a noise term lead to a noisedriven continuous order–disorder phase transition. In this work, we extend the SVM by introducing a parameter α that allows particles to be individualistic instead of gregarious, i.e. to choose a direction of motion independently of their neighbors. By focusing on the small-noise regime, we show that a relatively small probability of individualistic motion (around 10%) is sufficient to drive the system from a Vicsek-like ordered phase to a disordered phase. Despite the fact that the α-extended model preserves the O(n) symmetry and the interaction range, as well as the dimensionality of the underlying SVM, this novel phase transition is found to be discontinuous (first order), an intriguing manifestation of the richness of the non-equilibrium flocking/swarming phenomenon.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas BiológicosFacultad de IngenieríaFacultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Gregarious versus individualistic behavior in Vicsek swarms and the onset of first-order phase transitions

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    The standard Vicsek model (SVM) is a minimal non-equilibrium model of self-propelled particles that appears to capture the essential ingredients of critical flocking phenomena. In the SVM, particles tend to align with each other and form ordered flocks of collective motion; however, perturbations controlled by a noise term lead to a noisedriven continuous order–disorder phase transition. In this work, we extend the SVM by introducing a parameter α that allows particles to be individualistic instead of gregarious, i.e. to choose a direction of motion independently of their neighbors. By focusing on the small-noise regime, we show that a relatively small probability of individualistic motion (around 10%) is sufficient to drive the system from a Vicsek-like ordered phase to a disordered phase. Despite the fact that the α-extended model preserves the O(n) symmetry and the interaction range, as well as the dimensionality of the underlying SVM, this novel phase transition is found to be discontinuous (first order), an intriguing manifestation of the richness of the non-equilibrium flocking/swarming phenomenon.Instituto de Física de Líquidos y Sistemas BiológicosFacultad de IngenieríaFacultad de Ciencias Exacta

    La producción de películas para niños

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    Aunque bajo este título nos vamos a referir a l cine educativo en general, tal como lo hemos definido en nuestro tema primero, como quiera que en el mismo hemos hecho especial mención del cine educativo propiamente dicho, del didáctico y del documental, ahora nuestra referencia principal será la del cine recreativo, como simple diversión intrascendente o como recreo con intención educadora (y especialmente en este segundo sentido, pero siempre como una construcción poética que nos presente la realidad simplemente o nos la desplace y modifique con la idealización, lo insólito o lo maravilloso

    Bargaining agents based system for automatic classification of potential allergens in recipes

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    The automatic recipe recommendation which take into account the dietary restrictions of users (such as allergies or intolerances) is a complex and open problem. Some of the limitations of the problem is the lack of food databases correctly labeled with its potential allergens and non-unification of this information by companies in the food sector. In the absence of an appropriate solution, people affected by food restrictions cannot use recommender systems, because this recommend them inappropriate recipes. In order to resolve this situation, in this article we propose a solution based on a collaborative multi-agent system, using negotiation and machine learning techniques, is able to detect and label potential allergens in recipes. The proposed system is being employed in receteame.com, a recipe recommendation system which includes persuasive technologies, which are interactive technologies aimed at changing users’ attitudes or behaviors through persuasion and social influence, and social information to improve the recommendations