65 research outputs found

    Cyanobacteria as biocatalysts for the production of volatile hydrocarbons

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    The genetic engineering of cyanobacteria is seen as a promising strategy to develop future photosynthetic microbial cell factories capable of generating carbon-based compounds from water, CO2 and solar energy. This synthetic biology approach has already given insight to the strategic re-design of endogenous cellular metabolism, with the diversion of fixed carbon towards specific end products being the main goal. However, such technology is still at research level and several drawbacks need to be overcome before economic viability is achieved. Commonly encountered problems include the genetic instability of heterologous genes, low enzyme efficiency, and a lack of promoters, which are suited to strong and flexible gene expression in cyanobacteria. In this work, the performance of different promoters in cyanobacteria was evaluated through the heterologous expression of the ethylene-forming enzyme (EFE) from Pseudomonas syringae. In this way, EFE, which catalyzes the synthesis of ethylene, was successfully employed as a non-invasive reporter protein. The rate of ethylene accumulation in the headspace of sealed cultures indicated the strength and inducibility of the tested promoters. To study the genetic instability of heterologous pathways, efe was also used as a model system. Expression of efe in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 has been reported as being unstable due to gene truncation at CGATG sites, resulting in a loss of ethylene production. Apparently, in later publications, such instability was by-passed via efe codon optimization and expression in Synechocystis PCC 6803. The need for codon optimization and the avoidance of associated mutational elements was re-evaluated and, demonstrated that these modifications were unnecessary for a sustained and stable production of ethylene. Furthermore, the cause of the genetic instability previously reported in Synechococcus efe mutants was identified and, developed stable efe mutants for this strain. To gain new insight to the catalytic performance in enzyme efficiency, the aldehyde deformylating oxygenase (ADO) enzyme from cyanobacteria was used. ADO is able to produce Cn-1 hydrocarbons from their aldehyde precursors. However, it has poor catalytic activity. An in vivo method was developed for the comparison of five ADO orthologs in E. coli. Results identified ADO-specific differences in regards to catalytic performance and substrate specificity, which may help future ADO engineering strategies and improve the efficiency of hydrocarbon production

    Proyecto Técnico para la reforma integral de una vivienda en Valencia

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    [ES] El presente Trabajo Fin de Grado, se centra en la realización de un proyecto técnico para la reforma integral de una vivienda, contemplando todos los aspectos necesarios para su correcta ejecución. El proyecto se plantea como una idea de negocio en la que se adquiere una vivienda acorde con su valor de tasación, se estudia, se reforma y se mejora tanto en su diseño de interior, como en cuanto a calidades y confort. Todo ello supone una revalorización de la vivienda, resultando beneficioso económicamente si posteriormente la vendemos por su nuevo valor de tasación adquirido tras la reforma realizada. Comienza el proyecto con una tasación y un certificado energético. Seguidamente se estudia el resultado final que se desea obtener, mediante planos de distribución y dibujo en 3 dimensiones, y como llevarlo a cabo, tratando los aspectos constructivos y métodos de ejecución para resolver correctamente los trabajos en obra de una forma correcta y siguiendo siempre la normativa vigente. Para ello se realizan una serie de planos que consigan definir el conjunto de las actividades que se realizarán durante la reforma. Se atiende también el control de calidad, la seguridad y salud en obra con un documento básico de seguridad y salud en las obras, la gestión de residuos y se redacta un pliego de condiciones. Se realiza también una planificación de los tiempos y las actividades de la obra, organizándolas mediante un diagrama de Gantt. A continuación se presupuesta la reforma para conocer la inversión realizada en la mejora de la vivienda. Seguidamente, se vuelve a realizar la tasación y el certificado energético de la vivienda en su estado final de obra, para posteriormente poder hacer una comparación de resultados. Por último se concluye analizando los objetivos propuestos y cumplidos y valorando el grado de éxito del proyecto.[CA] El present Treball Final de Grau s’enfoca en la realització d’un projecte tècnic per la reforma integral d’una vivenda, contemplant tots els aspectes necessaris per la seua correcta execució. El projecte es planteja com una idea de negoci en la qual s’adquireix una vivenda d’acord al seu valor de taxació, s’estudia, es reforma y es millora el seu disseny interior, així com la seua qualitat i el seu confort. Tot açò suposa una revaloració de la vivenda, resultant beneficiós econòmicament si posteriorment tornem a vendre‐la pel seu nou valor de taxació, adquirit després de la reforma realitzada. El projecte comença amb una taxació i un certificat energètic. Seguidament s’estudia el resultat final que es desitja, mitjançant plànols de distribució i dibuixos en 3 dimensions, i com dur‐los a terme, tractant els aspectes constructius y mètodes de execució per resoldre correctament els treball en l’obra d’una forma correcta, seguint sempre la normativa vigent. Per això es realitzen una sèrie de plànols que aconsegueixen definir el conjunt de les activitats que es realitzaran durant la reforma. S’atén també al control de qualitat, la seguretat i salut en l’obra amb el document bàsic de seguretat i salut en obres, la gestió dels residus y es redacta un plec de condicions. Es redacta també un a planificació dels temps i les activitats de l’obra, organitzant‐les mitjançant un diagrama de Gantt. A continuació es pressuposta la reforma per conèixer la inversió realitzada en la millora de la vivenda. Seguidament, es torna a realitzar la taxació y el certificat d’eficiència energètica de la vivenda per l’estat final de l’obra i fer una comparació dels resultats. Per últim es conclou analitzant els objectius proposats i complits, valorant el grau d’èxit del projecte.[EN] The present Final Grade Work is focus in the redaction of a technic project for the dwelling’s comprehensive reform, considering all necessary aspects for its correct execution. The project has been planned as a business idea in which a dwelling is acquired according with its market valour. It is studied and reformed improving its internal design and its living standards. All this involve a new dwelling’s market revaluation, out coming economically successful if we desire to sell it with new market valour after the reform. It begins with a market valuation and an energy certificate. After that, we will study the final results we wish through distribution planes and 3D models, and how makes it works, following the current regulation to get a good constructive aspects, solving all works’ site correctly. This work will be completed with a set of drawing which can define the activities will do throughout the reform. We will pay attention the quality control too, including a Safety and Health’s document, waste management and the redaction of a solicitation document. Moreover, an activities’ planning will be organised by a Gantt diagram. Consequently, we will budget the reform to know the total investment made in dwelling improve. To finish it, we will do a new market valuation and a new energy certificate with the final state of the reform in order to compare before and after results. Finally, it ends analysing agreed targets and achieved targets and revaluating the degree of success of the project.Campos Carbonell, V. (2016). Proyecto Técnico para la reforma integral de una vivienda en Valencia. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/76711.TFG

    Inheritance of Rootstock Effects and Their Association with Salt Tolerance Candidate Genes in a Progeny Derived from 'Volkamer' Lemon

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    A seedling population from hybrids between ‘Volkamer’ lemon (Citrus volkameriana) and ‘Rubidoux’ trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata) was grafted with ‘Hashimoto’ Satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu) to study the inheritance of rootstock effects on salt tolerance in terms of fruit yield. Trees were maintained in a screenhouse, and a salt treatment (25 mm NaCl) was applied to 32 genotypes from June to September every year for 5 years. Rootstocks were genotyped for five salt tolerance candidate genes. Significant effects of rootstock genotype (G) and treatment (E) were found for most traits. Salinity decreased yield and juice volume but improved soluble solids concentration (TSS) and rind thickness. Year effects were highly significant in most cases. G × E interactions were found for fruit weight, total fruit weight, juice volume (JV), leaf water content (LWC), and leaf [Na+]. Therefore, rootstocks that induce early fruit maturation under salinity (by increasing TSS and maintaining JV) can be selected to expand the harvesting calendar of mandarin cultivars. Salt tolerance candidate genes SOS1 and NHX1 were associated with fruit yield traits under normal conditions (1.4 dS·m−1), and SOS1 and CCC were associated with LWC under salinity conditions (4 dS·m−1). Only 5% progeny induced higher accumulated yield than ‘Volkamer’ lemon under salinity. Given the low heritability of rootstock effects on fruit yield under salinity conditions (0.18 at most), marker-assisted selection might be useful

    The effects of lasers on bond strength to ceramic materials: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Lasers have recently been introduced as an alternative means of conditioning dental ceramic surfaces in order to enhance their adhesive strength to cements and other materials. The present systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to review and quantitatively analyze the available literature in order to determine which bond protocols and laser types are the most effective. A search was conducted in the Pubmed, Embase and Scopus databases for papers published up to April 2017. PRISMA guidelines for systematic review and meta-analysis were followed. Fifty-two papers were eligible for inclusion in the review. Twenty-five studies were synthesized quantitatively. Lasers were found to increase bond strength of ceramic surfaces to resin cements and composites when compared with control specimens (p-value < 0.01), whereas no significant differences were found in comparison with air-particle abraded surfaces. High variability can be observed in adhesion values between different analyses, pointing to a need to standardize study protocols and to determine the optimal parameters for each laser type

    Producción y exportación de aceite omega 3 al mercado japonés

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    Tasa Omega es una subsidiaria de la empresa pesquera Tecnológica de Alimentos (Tasa), perteneciente al conglomerado empresarial peruano de la familia Brescia-Cafferata, más conocido como Grupo Breca (holding Inversiones Breca S.A.). El objetivo de la investigación consiste en producir aceite refinado y concentrado de pescado omega 3. En esa dirección, la empresa invirtió en la construcción de una planta para los procesos de refinado y concentrado de aceite pescado, que culminó en el segundo trimestre del año 2015 y ha permitido iniciar las ventas. La empresa destinará el 100% de su producción a la exportación, orientándose hacia el mercado nutracéutico y farmacéutico, principalmente en los Estados Unidos y Europ

    Cellular and Humoral Responses Follow-up for 8 Months after Vaccination with mRNA-Based Anti-SARS-CoV-2 Vaccines

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    Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 has become the main method of reducing mortality and severity of COVID-19. This work aims to study the evolution of the cellular and humoral responses conferred by two mRNA vaccines after two doses against SARS-CoV-2. On days 30 and 240 after the second dose of both vaccines, the anti-S antibodies in plasma were evaluated from 82 volunteers vaccinated with BNT162b2 and 68 vaccinated with mRNA-1273. Peripheral blood was stimulated with peptides encompassing the entire SARS-CoV-2 Spike sequence. IgG Anti-S antibodies (humoral) were quantified on plasma, and inflammatory cytokines (cellular) were measured after stimulation. We observed a higher response (both humoral and cellular) with the mRNA-1273 vaccine. Stratifying by age and gender, differences between vaccines were observed, especially in women under 48 and men over 48 years old. Therefore, this work could help to set up a vaccination strategy that could be applied to confer maximum immunity.This work was partially supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (PI18/00506; COV20/00063), co-funded by ERDF (FEDER) Funds from the European Commission, “A way of making Europe”. This work was partially financed by the Madrid Community grant B2017/BMD3727 and the IiSGM Intramural grant PI-MP-2018. This work was partially funded by a grant from “Fundación Familia Alonso” (FFA-FIBHGM-2019). S.G-M. was supported by the Youth Employment Program, co-financed by the Madrid community and FEDER Founds (PEJ-2020-AI/BMD-17954), and by the ACT4COVID consortium (CellNex funding). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or manuscript preparation.S

    Diseñar la planificación del talento humano en la constructora escala urbana C&C SAS ubicada en la ciudad de Acacias -Meta

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    El presente trabajo de grado es una investigación sobre la planificación del talento humano en materia de desarrollo en el área de recursos humanos de la Constructora Escala Urbana C&C SAS, por lo tanto, se crearon los perfiles de cargo junto con el respectivo manual de funciones para cada uno de los cargos administrativos y operativos que tiene la empresa de obra civil. El proyecto inicia con el análisis documental de la empresa frente al área de recursos humanos y normas de coordinación de los cargos, posteriormente se crean unos formatos de perfiles de cargo, funciones y compromisos para todos los oficios de la constructora, todo esto mediante la debida recopilación de información de campo con el responsable de las obras de construcción, para constatar dicha información se evidencio con el registro fotográfico. Finalmente, con la creación del manual de funciones y procedimiento de selección de reclutamiento se avala que cada uno de los colaboradores se ciñe a la información recolectada y plasmada en el documento, logrando así la interacción de un correcto procedimiento selección de reclutamiento que permita mitigar falencias operacionales o administrativas frente a cada una de las necesidades de la empresa y con ello mejorar en materia de tiempo y demás recursos económicos, humanos y materiales que conlleva dicho proceso.The present degree work is an investigation on the planning of human talent in terms of development in the area of human resources of the company Constructura Escala Urbana C&C SAS, therefore, the load profiles were created together with the respective function’s manual for each of the administrative and operational positions held by the civil works company. The Project begins with the documentary analysis of the company in front of the human resources area and coordination regulations of the positions profiles, functions and commitments are created for all the trades of the construction company, all this through the due compilations of field information with the person in charge of the construction works, to verify said information is evidenced with the photographic record. Finally, with the creation of the function’s manual and recruitment selection procedure, it is guaranteed that each of the collaborators adheres to the information collected and reflected in the document, thus achieving the interaction of a correct recruitment selection procedure that allows reducing the operational or administrative shortcomings in the face of each of the company’s needs and thereby improve in terms of time and other economic resources, material resources and human resources that this process entails

    Estudio de la implantación de un módulo silvo pastoril con especies autóctonas dentro de un sistema real de producción basado en pasturas perennes, Bahía Blanca, Semiárido bonaerense, Argentina

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    El área bajo estudio, es pastoril ganadera con una precipitación media de 647mm, 70% de suelos clase IV y 34% de IP. En estos ambientes es importantes el desarrollo de tecnologías innovadoras, como los Sistemas Silvo Pastoriles (SSP), reportando mejoras en las condiciones del ganado, servicios ecosistémicos, reducción de la erosión, fertilidad de suelo, secuestro de gases y beneficios económicos. El objetivo del presente trabajo, es el estudio de la implantación y superviviencia de un módulo SSP demostrativo con especies autóctonas “Algarrobo de chile” (Prosopis chilensis Mol. Stuntz) sobre pasturas perennes implantadas, dentro de un sistema ganadero real de producción, para la promoción y adopción de los SSP en la zona. La implantación fue el 19-9-2017, en 4 hileras, de 34 plantas a 3 mts. a una distancia entre hileras de 40 mts. La edad de los algarrobos, en la primera hilera (T1) fue de 2 años, y las restantes de 1 año de edad (T2). Se realizaron tres mediciones el 21-11-17, 8-11-18 y 7-3-19, relevando la supervivencia; diámetro y altura para la primera fecha. La supervivencia para T1, en la primera, segunda y tercera fecha fue de 100, 97 y 97% y para T2 80, 63 y 59%. La altura promedio para T1 fue de 74cm (DST ±35) y un diámetro de 5,19 cm (DST ± 2,84) y T2 22cm (DST ± 7) y 0,65cm (DST ± 0,1) respectivamente. El estudio demuestra que es una especie arbustiva propicia para la región semiárida bonaerense y que implantando árboles de más de 2 años se lograría la mayor supervivencia.The area under study is cattle grazing with an average rainfall of 647mm, 70% of class IV soils and 34% of IP. In these environments, the development of innovative technologies is important, such as Silvo Pastoriles Systems (SSP), reporting improvements in livestock conditions, ecosystem services, reduction of erosion, soil fertility, gas sequestration and economic benefits. The objective of the present work is the study of the implantation and survival of a demonstrative SSP module with autochthonous species “Algarrobo de chile” (Prosopis chilensis Mol. Stuntz) on implanted perennial pastures, within a real livestock production system, for the promotion and adoption of SSPs in the area. The implantation was 19-9-2017, in 4 rows, with 34 plants at 3 meters. at a distance between rows of 40 meters. The carob trees' age in the first row (T1) was 2 years, and the rest in 1 year of age (T2). Three measurements were made on 11-21-17, 8-11-18 and 7-3-19, revealing survival; diameter and height for the first date. Survival for T1 on the first, second and third dates was 100, 97 and 97% and for T2 80, 63 and 59%. The average height for T1 was 74cm (DST ± 35) and a diameter of 5.19 cm (DST ± 2.84) and T2 22cm (DST ± 7) and 0.65cm (DST ± 0.1) respectively. The study shows that it is a favorable shrub species for the semi-arid region of Buenos Aires and that implanting trees of more than 2 years would achieve the highest survival.A área em estudo é de gado pastoril, com uma precipitação média de 647 mm, 70% dos solos da classe IV e 34% da PI. Nesses ambientes, é importante o desenvolvimento de tecnologias inovadoras, como o sistema silvo pastoris, relatando melhorias nas condições da pecuária, serviços ecossistêmicos, redução da erosão, fertilidade do solo, sequestro de gás e benefícios econômicos. O objetivo deste trabalho é o estudo da implantação e sobrevivência de um módulo demonstrativo de SSP com espécies nativas "Algarrobo do Chile" (Prosopis chilensis Mol. Stuntz) em pastagens perenes implantadas, dentro de um sistema real de produção animal, para promoção e adoção de SSPs na área. A implantação foi em 19-9-2017, em 4 linhas, de 34 plantas a 3 metros, a uma distância entre linhas de 40 metros. A idade das alfarrobeiras na primeira linha (T1) foi de 2 anos e o restante de 1 ano (T2). Três medidas foram feitas em 21- 11-17, 8-11-18 e 7-3-19, aliviando a sobrevida; diâmetro e altura para o primeiro encontro. A sobrevida para T1, na primeira, segunda e terceira datas, foi de 100, 97 e 97% e para T2 80, 63 e 59%. A altura média para T1 foi de 74 cm (DST ± 35) e um diâmetro de 5,19 cm (DST ± 2,84) e T2 de 22 cm (DST ± 7) e 0,65 cm (DST ± 0,1), respectivamente. O estudo mostrou que é uma espécie arbustiva adequada para a região semi-árida de Buenos Aires e que, com a implantação de árvores com mais de 2 anos, a maior sobrevivência seria alcançada.EEA BordenaveFil: Lauric, Miriam Andrea. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave. Agencia de Extensión Rural Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Torres Carbonell, Carlos Alberto. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave. Agencia de Extensión Rural Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: De Leo, Gerónimo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave. Agencia de Extensión Rural Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Tizon, Francisco Rodrigo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Bordenave. Agencia de Extensión Rural Bahía Blanca; ArgentinaFil: Caro, Luis. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Rosetti, Verónica. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Hernández, Luis. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; Argentin

    Follow-up in healthy schoolchildren and in adolescents with DOWN syndrome: psycho-environmental and genetic determinants of physical activity and its impact on fitness, cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory biomarkers and mental health; the UP&DOWN Study

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    [Background] An objective diagnosis of sedentary behaviour as well as of the physical activity and fitness levels in youth and to better understand how lifestyle is associated with cardiovascular disease risk factors and other phenotypes is of clinical and public health interest, and might be informative for developing intervention studies focused on the promotion of physical activity in these population. The aim of this methodological paper is to describe the design and assessment in the UP&DOWN study. [Methods/Design] The UP&DOWN study is a multi-center follow-up design where 2225 Spanish primary and secondary schoolchildren from Cadiz and Madrid, respectively, as well as 110 Spanish adolescents with Down syndrome from Madrid and Toledo were recruited to be assessed. Nine main measurement categories are assessed: i) socio-demographic and early determinants; ii) environmental determinants; iii) physical activity and sedentary behaviour; iv) health-related fitness; v) blood pressure and resting heart rate; vi) mental health; vii) dietary patterns; viii) blood samples; and ix) genetic analysis. During the 3-yr follow-up study, socio-demographic and early determinants, and genetic analysis are only assessed in the first year. Blood sampling is assessed in the first year and the third year (2nd follow-up), and all the other measurements are assessed every year. [Discussion] The findings of the UP&DOWN study may help the Health Information Systems and policy makers to identify the target population for primary prevention and health promotion policies, and to develop and test preventive strategies. Moreover, these data will allow following the trends at population level, as well as to modify/adapt/create new evidence-based physical activity guidelines at national level. The findings will also serve as a scientific platform for interventional studies.This study was supported by the DEP 2010-21662-C04-00 (DEP 2010-21662-C04-01, DEP 2010-21662-C04-02, DEP 2010-21662-C04-03, DEP 2010-21662-C04-04) RYC-2010-05957 grants from the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation (R + D + i) MICINN

    Red docente para el seguimiento de las Prácticas Externas. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

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    La presente memoria es el resultado del trabajo realizado durante el curso académico 2013-2014 por la Red docente para el seguimiento de las Prácticas Externas en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras en el marco del Proyecto «Redes de Investigación en docencia universitaria». Esta Red ha contado con la colaboración de los diferentes tutores académicos de las diez Titulaciones de nuestra Facultad: Estudios Ingleses, Filología Catalana, Español: Lengua y Literaturas, Estudios Franceses, Estudios Árabes e Islámicos, Geografía y Ordenación del Territorio, Historia, Humanidades, Traducción e Interpretación y Turismo; así como con la inestimable labor de la Gestora de Prácticas en Empresa: Ana Belén Martín-Portugués Giménez de los Galanes. El propósito fundamental de la Red ha sido efectuar un seguimiento de las prácticas curriculares tras su primer año de funcionamiento como asignatura en los distintos Grados. Para ello, no solo se ha reflexionado acerca de los posibles problemas que han ido surgiendo y de las posibles propuestas de mejora, sino también se ha llevado a cabo una revisión de la documentación existente para el seguimiento de las prácticas y para su evaluación, con el fin de que se adecue a lo que se nos exigirá en la acreditación de los Títulos