180 research outputs found

    In situ STM study of homoepitaxial electrodeposition on Au(1 0 0)

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    Contrasting socio-economic systems in the trans-border regions Andaluzia - Algarve

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    The goal of this work is to detect the basic characteristics of the development of the southern border between Spain and Portugal. The trans-border area is described and analyzed comparing the region of Algarve, in Portugal and the region of the County, in Huelva, Spain. The method used 15 quantitative indicators desegregated at municipal level, obtained from different official sources and applied to 30 municipalities. The analysis includes multivariate statistics methods and discusses four clearly defined clusters: two related to Portuguese regions and two related to the Spanish ones. The conclusions show that those indicators related to national governance systems are of utmost importance in the cluster classification. Furthermore, those municipalities with higher development levels are also less sustainable from the environmental point of view - this is probably due to the fact that tourism supports the fragile socio-economic systems in some of such regions. Significantly the clustering tendencies show that the Portuguese municipalities are tourism oriented (or less tourism oriented) and the Spanish ones are agri-business (or less agribusiness oriented). Lastly, such geographic structures seem to have its roots in long term paths of development

    Characterization of molecular factors from plants pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi

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    The culture of the chestnut tree is extremely important in the northern region of Portugal, occupying a significant proportion of useful agricultural area. The annual average chestnut production in Portugal can reach 20 000 tons. New plantation areas have increased in the last few decades. However the ink disease caused by the oomycete Phytophthora cinnamomi has damage and killed many trees and up to now no concrete solutions have been offered to control the illness. As a consequence, the disease propagation in the orchards of chestnut trees has been causing severe productivity and yield breaks. In addition to the economical losses, the importance of sociological and landscape aspects for the region cannot be neglected. Oomycetes species can manipulate biochemical and physiological processes in their host plants through a diverse array of virulence or avirulence molecules, known as effectors. In susceptible plants, these effectors promote infection by suppressing defense responses, enhancing susceptibility, or inducing disease symptoms. Alternatively, in resistant plants, effectors are recognized by the products of plant resistance genes, resulting in host cell death and effective defence responses known as the hypersensitive response (HR). We've identified and characterized some proteins involved in mechanisms of infection by Phytophthora cinnamomi: endo-1,3-beta-glucanase (complete cds), exo-glucanase (partial cds); glucanase inhibitor protein (GIP) (complete cds); necrosis-inducing Phytophthora protein 1 (NPP1) (complete cds) and transglutaminase. Several technologies, such reverse transcriptase PCR, in vivo expression technology, and Bioinformatics tools have been used to study the expression of selected genes from fungi during infection. In this work we intend to integrate the necessary bioinformatics tools that were used in this investigation. These tools include the use of Databases and associated homology programs as Fasta and Clustal, and several programs for sequence analysis and design of experiments such PCR. RT-PCR studies demonstrate that P. cinnamomi elicitins have higher expression in substrates such cellulose and sawdust. The studies of expression of these genes in vivo infection, with cell lines of Castanea sativa, reveal the intimate relationship between plants and phytopathogens has led to the coevolution of a number of complex strategies for attack and defense. For a pathogen to colonize a host successfully, it must develop mechanisms either to evade detection or, failing that, to subvert the defense responses.Sociedade Portuguesa de Microbiologia, Sociedade Portuguesa de BiotecnologiaProjects COMBATINTA/SP2.P11/02 Interreg IIIA – Cross-Border Cooperation Spain-Portugal, financed by The European Regional Development Fund, and “Identification, characterization and role of molecular factors associated with the mechanisms of infection of Fagaceae species by Phytophthora cinnamomi” (PTDC/AGR-AAM/67628/2006) financed by FCT, supported this work

    Isolation and phylogenetic analysis of two actin genes from Phytophthora cinnamomi

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    Actins, as the essential component of cellular microfilament, are ubiquitous and highly conserved proteins that play key roles in several basic functions of organism such as cytoskeleton morphology, cell division, cell motility, cellular signal transduction, cellular interaction and organelle movements, as well as locomotion, phagocytosis, endocytosis and exocytosis . Actins are highly conserved structural proteins, found in all eukaryotes. So, actin gene sequences are used as tools in scientific research, for example, for phylogenetic analysis. Actin in Phytophthora infestans is encoded by at least two genes, in contrast to unicellular and filamentous fungi (Candida albicans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Kluyveromyces lactis and Filobasidiella neoformans) where there is a single gene. These genes (designated actA and actB) have been isolated from a genomic library of P. infestans. Phytophthora cinnamomi is a host-nonspecific, soilborne, pathogen of many plant species. In Portugal it is most important as a pathogen of chestnut trees. The purpose of this study was to clone and determine the phylogenetic retionships evidencided by Phytophthora cinnamomi actins. In order to isolate the actin genes, P. cinnamomi was grown in cellophane-PDA medium and genomic DNA was used as a template in PCR amplification reactions combining degenerate primers Act1, Act2, Act3 and Act4. PCR fragments were purified, cloned into pGEM-T vector and transformants were selected. Complete open reading frames (ORFs) of act1 and act2 genes were achieved by HE-TAIL PCR, and submitted to EMBL databases (Accession numbers AM412175.1 and AM412176.1). Act1 has an 1128bp ORF, encoding a deduced protein of 375aa and 41,972kDa. Act2 ORF has 1083bp and encodes a deduced protein of 360aa and 40,237kDa. Deduced amino acid sequences were analyzed using FASTA programs from EMBL databases. Act1 showed a 98.9% identity with P. melonis actB, 94.4% with P. megasperma actin and 96.0% with P. infestans actin2. Act2 showed a 98.9% identity with Pythium splendens actin and 98.6% with P. brassicae actinA.COMBATINTA/SP2.P11/02 Interreg IIIA – Cross-Border Cooperation Spain-Portugal; Identification, characterization and role of molecular factors associated with the mechanisms of infection of Fagaceae species by Phytophthora cinnamomi” (PTDC/AGRAAM/67628/2006) FC

    Developing a new tool based on a quantile regression mixed-TGC model for optimizing gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L) farm management

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    [EN] In this work, a seasonal quantile regression growth model for the gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L) based on an aggregation of the quantile TGC models with exponent 1/3 and 2/3, named the Quantile TGC-Mixed Model, is presented. This model generalizes the proposal of Mayer, Estruch and Jover (Aquaculture, 358-359, 2012, 6) in the sense that the new model is able to describe the evolution of weight distribution throughout an entire production cycle, which could be a powerful tool for fish farm management. The information provided by the model simulations enables us to estimate total fish production and final fish size distribution and helps to design and simulate production and sales plan strategies considering the market price of different fish sizes, in order to increase economic profits. The most interesting alternative in the studied case results in sending all production when 0.25 quantile fish reach 600g, although on each fish farm it would be necessary to evaluate optimum strategy depending on its own quantile regression model, the production cost and the market price.Estruch, VD.; Mayer-González, P.; Roig, B.; Jover Cerda, M. (2017). Developing a new tool based on a quantile regression mixed-TGC model for optimizing gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L) farm management. Aquaculture Research. 48(12):5901-5912. doi:10.1111/are.13414S590159124812Akamine, T. (1993). A New Standard Formula for Seasonal Growth of Fish in Population Dynamics. NIPPON SUISAN GAKKAISHI, 59(11), 1857-1863. doi:10.2331/suisan.59.1857ARANEDA, M. E., HERNÁNDEZ, J. M., & GASCA-LEYVA, E. (2011). OPTIMAL HARVESTING TIME OF FARMED AQUATIC POPULATIONS WITH NONLINEAR SIZE-HETEROGENEOUS GROWTH. Natural Resource Modeling, 24(4), 477-513. doi:10.1111/j.1939-7445.2011.00099.xAraneda, M. E., Hernández, J. M., Gasca-Leyva, E., & Vela, M. A. (2013). Growth modelling including size heterogeneity: Application to the intensive culture of white shrimp (P. vannamei) in freshwater. Aquacultural Engineering, 56, 1-12. doi:10.1016/j.aquaeng.2013.03.003Baer, A., Schulz, C., Traulsen, I., & Krieter, J. (2010). Analysing the growth of turbot (Psetta maxima) in a commercial recirculation system with the use of three different growth models. Aquaculture International, 19(3), 497-511. doi:10.1007/s10499-010-9365-0Cade, B. S., & Noon, B. R. (2003). A gentle introduction to quantile regression for ecologists. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 1(8), 412-420. doi:10.1890/1540-9295(2003)001[0412:agitqr]2.0.co;2Cho, C. Y. (1992). Feeding systems for rainbow trout and other salmonids with reference to current estimates of energy and protein requirements. Aquaculture, 100(1-3), 107-123. doi:10.1016/0044-8486(92)90353-mDomínguez-May, R., Hernández, J. M., Gasca-Leyva, E., & Poot-López, G. R. (2011). EFFECT OF RATION AND SIZE HETEROGENEITY ON HARVEST TIME: TILAPIA CULTURE IN YUCATAN, MEXICO. Aquaculture Economics & Management, 15(4), 278-301. doi:10.1080/13657305.2011.624575Dumas, A., & France, J. (2008). Modelling the ontogeny of ectotherms exhibiting indeterminate growth. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 254(1), 76-81. doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2008.05.005Dumas, A., France, J., & Bureau, D. P. (2007). Evidence of three growth stanzas in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) across life stages and adaptation of the thermal-unit growth coefficient. Aquaculture, 267(1-4), 139-146. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2007.01.041Dumas, A., France, J., & Bureau, D. (2010). Modelling growth and body composition in fish nutrition: where have we been and where are we going? Aquaculture Research, 41(2), 161-181. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2009.02323.xFontoura, N. F., & Agostinho, A. A. (1996). Growth with seasonally varying temperatures: an expansion of the von Bertalanffy growth model. Journal of Fish Biology, 48(4), 569-584. doi:10.1111/j.1095-8649.1996.tb01453.xGasca-Leyva, E., Hernández, J. M., & Veliov, V. M. (2008). Optimal harvesting time in a size-heterogeneous population. Ecological Modelling, 210(1-2), 161-168. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2007.07.018Hernández, J. M., Gasca-Leyva, E., León, C. J., & Vergara, J. . (2003). A growth model for gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata). Ecological Modelling, 165(2-3), 265-283. doi:10.1016/s0304-3800(03)00095-4Koenker , R. 2008 quantreg: Quantile Regression http://www.r-project.orgKoenker, R., & Bassett, G. (1978). Regression Quantiles. Econometrica, 46(1), 33. doi:10.2307/1913643Koenker, R., & Bassett, G. (1982). Robust Tests for Heteroscedasticity Based on Regression Quantiles. Econometrica, 50(1), 43. doi:10.2307/1912528Koenker, R., & Machado, J. A. F. (1999). Goodness of Fit and Related Inference Processes for Quantile Regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 94(448), 1296-1310. doi:10.1080/01621459.1999.10473882León, C. J., Hernández, J. M., & Gasca‐Leyva, E. (2001). Cost minimization and input substitution in the production of gilthead seabream. Aquaculture Economics & Management, 5(3-4), 147-170. doi:10.1080/13657300109380284León, C. J., Hernández, J. M., & León-Santana, M. (2006). The effects of water temperature in aquaculture management. Applied Economics, 38(18), 2159-2168. doi:10.1080/00036840500427379Libralato, S., & Solidoro, C. (2008). A bioenergetic growth model for comparing Sparus aurata’s feeding experiments. Ecological Modelling, 214(2-4), 325-337. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2008.02.024Martínez-Llorens, S., Vidal, A. T., & Cerdá, M. J. (2011). A new tool for determining the optimum fish meal and vegetable meals in diets for maximizing the economic profitability of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata, L.) feeding. Aquaculture Research, 43(11), 1697-1709. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2011.02977.xMayer, P., Estruch, V., Blasco, J., & Jover, M. (2008). Predicting the growth of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) farmed in marine cages under real production conditions using temperature- and time-dependent models. Aquaculture Research, 39(10), 1046-1052. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2008.01963.xMayer, P., Estruch, V. D., & Jover, M. (2012). A two-stage growth model for gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) based on the thermal growth coefficient. Aquaculture, 358-359, 6-13. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2012.06.016Mayer, P., Estruch, V., Martí, P., & Jover, M. (2009). Use of quantile regression and discriminant analysis to describe growth patterns in farmed gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). Aquaculture, 292(1-2), 30-36. doi:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2009.03.035Moses, M. E., Hou, C., Woodruff, W. H., West, G. B., Nekola, J. C., Zuo, W., & Brown, J. H. (2008). Revisiting a Model of Ontogenetic Growth: Estimating Model Parameters from Theory and Data. The American Naturalist, 171(5), 632-645. doi:10.1086/587073Sanchez-Zazueta, E., Hernández, J. M., & Martinez-Cordero, F. J. (2011). Stocking density and date decisions in semi-intensive shrimpLitopenaeus vannamei(Boone, 1931) farming: a bioeconomic approach. Aquaculture Research, 44(4), 574-587. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2011.03060.xSeginer, I., & Ben-Asher, R. (2011). Optimal harvest size in aquaculture, with RAS cultured sea bream (Sparus aurata) as an example. Aquacultural Engineering, 44(3), 55-64. doi:10.1016/j.aquaeng.2011.03.001Seginer, I., & Halachmi, I. (2008). Optimal stocking in intensive aquaculture under sinusoidal temperature, price and marketing conditions. Aquacultural Engineering, 39(2-3), 103-112. doi:10.1016/j.aquaeng.2008.09.002Vaz, S., Martin, C. S., Eastwood, P. D., Ernande, B., Carpentier, A., Meaden, G. J., & Coppin, F. (2007). Modelling species distributions using regression quantiles. Journal of Applied Ecology, 45(1), 204-217. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2664.2007.01392.

    Germ band retraction as a landmark in glucose metabolism during Aedes aegypti embryogenesis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The mosquito <it>A. aegypti </it>is vector of dengue and other viruses. New methods of vector control are needed and can be achieved by a better understanding of the life cycle of this insect. Embryogenesis is a part of <it>A. aegypty </it>life cycle that is poorly understood. In insects in general and in mosquitoes in particular energetic metabolism is well studied during oogenesis, when the oocyte exhibits fast growth, accumulating carbohydrates, lipids and proteins that will meet the regulatory and metabolic needs of the developing embryo. On the other hand, events related with energetic metabolism during <it>A. aegypti </it>embryogenesis are unknown.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Glucose metabolism was investigated throughout <it>Aedes aegypti </it>(Diptera) embryonic development. Both cellular blastoderm formation (CBf, 5 h after egg laying - HAE) and germ band retraction (GBr, 24 HAE) may be considered landmarks regarding glucose 6-phosphate (G6P) destination. We observed high levels of glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) activity at the very beginning of embryogenesis, which nevertheless decreased up to 5 HAE. This activity is correlated with the need for nucleotide precursors generated by the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP), of which G6PDH is the key enzyme. We suggest the synchronism of egg metabolism with carbohydrate distribution based on the decreasing levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) activity and on the elevation observed in protein content up to 24 HAE. Concomitantly, increasing levels of hexokinase (HK) and pyruvate kinase (PK) activity were observed, and PEPCK reached a peak around 48 HAE. Glycogen synthase kinase (GSK3) activity was also monitored and shown to be inversely correlated with glycogen distribution during embryogenesis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The results herein support the hypothesis that glucose metabolic fate changes according to developmental embryonic stages. Germ band retraction is a moment that was characterized as a landmark in glucose metabolism during <it>Aedes aegypti </it>embryogenesis. Furthermore, the results also suggest a role for GSK3 in glycogen balance/distribution during morphological modifications.</p

    Experimental setup and procedure for the measurement of the 7Be(n,α)α reaction at n-TOF

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    The newly built second experimental area EAR2 of the n-TOF spallation neutron source at CERN allows to perform (n, charged particles) experiments on short-lived highly radioactive targets. This paper describes a detection apparatus and the experimental procedure for the determination of the cross-section of the 7Be(n,α)α reaction, which represents one of the focal points toward the solution of the cosmological Lithium abundance problem, and whose only measurement, at thermal energy, dates back to 1963. The apparently unsurmountable experimental difficulties stemming from the huge 7Be γ-activity, along with the lack of a suitable neutron beam facility, had so far prevented further measurements. The detection system is subject to considerable radiation damage, but is capable of disentangling the rare reaction signals from the very high background. This newly developed setup could likely be useful also to study other challenging reactions requiring the detectors to be installed directly in the neutron beam

    Enzymatic Glucose Based Bio batteries: Bioenergy to Fuel Next Generation Devices

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    [EN] This article consists of a review of the main concepts and paradigms established in the field of biological fuel cells or biofuel cells. The aim is to provide an overview of the current panorama, basic concepts, and methodologies used in the field of enzymatic biofuel cells, as well as the applications of these bio-systems in flexible electronics and implantable or portable devices. Finally, the challenges needing to be addressed in the development of biofuel cells capable of supplying power to small size devices with applications in areas related to health and well-being or next-generation portable devices are analyzed. The aim of this study is to contribute to biofuel cell technology development; this is a multidisciplinary topic about which review articles related to different scientific areas, from Materials Science to technology applications, can be found. With this article, the authors intend to reach a wide readership in order to spread biofuel cell technology for different scientific profiles and boost new contributions and developments to overcome future challenges.Financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and University, through the State Program for Talent and Employability Promotion 2013-2016 by means of Torres Quevedo research contract in the framework of Bio2 project (PTQ-14-07145) and from the Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial-IVACE-GVA (BioSensCell project)Buaki-Sogo, M.; GarcĂ­a-Carmona, L.; Gil AgustĂ­, MT.; Zubizarreta Saenz De Zaitegui, L.; GarcĂ­a Pellicer, M.; Quijano-Lopez, A. (2020). Enzymatic Glucose Based Bio batteries: Bioenergy to Fuel Next Generation Devices. Topics in Current Chemistry (Online). 378(6):1-28. https://doi.org/10.1007/s41061-020-00312-8S1283786Schlögl R (2015) The revolution continues: Energiewende 2.0. 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    Atopic dermatitis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, common in children, which significantly affects the quality of life of patients and their families. Its clinical management addresses a variety of challenges, including the disease's heterogeneity, associated psychosocial symptoms, and the need for effective and personalized therapies.&nbsp; Objective: This study aims to conduct an integrative literature review to synthesize current knowledge about atopic dermatitis in children, exploring conventional and emerging therapeutic approaches, as well as challenges and future perspectives in clinical management of the disease. Methodology: The integrative review was conducted through systematic search of scientific articles in electronic databases, using search terms related to atopic dermatitis in children. Studies addressing clinical, therapeutic, and epidemiological aspects of the disease, published in the last 10 years, were included. Results: Analysis of the selected studies highlighted a variety of therapeutic approaches for managing atopic dermatitis in children, including topical therapies, phototherapy, systemic treatments, and new emerging therapeutic options, such as targeted biological therapies and modulation of the cutaneous microbiome. Additionally, challenges in research and clinical management of the disease were identified, including the heterogeneity of atopic dermatitis, associated comorbidities, and the psychosocial impact on quality of life. Conclusion: In conclusion, atopic dermatitis in children remains a significant clinical challenge, requiring an integrated and personalized approach for effective management of the disease. Advances in understanding underlying mechanisms, along with the development of new targeted therapies, promise to improve outcomes for pediatric patients affected by this chronic dermatological condition.A dermatite atĂłpica Ă© uma doença inflamatĂłria crĂŽnica da pele, comum em crianças, que afeta significativamente a qualidade de vida dos pacientes e suas famĂ­lias. Seu manejo clĂ­nico aborda uma variedade de desafios, incluindo a heterogeneidade da doença, os sintomas psicossociais associados e a necessidade de terapias eficazes e personalizadas.Objetivo: Este estudo tem como objetivo realizar uma revisĂŁo integrativa da literatura para sintetizar o conhecimento atual sobre a dermatite atĂłpica em crianças, explorando as abordagens terapĂȘuticas convencionais e emergentes, bem como os desafios e perspectivas futuras no manejo clĂ­nico da doença. Metodologia: A revisĂŁo integrativa foi realizada por meio da busca sistemĂĄtica de artigos cientĂ­ficos em bases de dados eletrĂŽnicas, utilizando termos de pesquisa relacionados Ă  dermatite atĂłpica em crianças. Foram incluĂ­dos estudos que abordavam aspectos clĂ­nicos, terapĂȘuticos e epidemiolĂłgicos da doença, publicados nos Ășltimos 10 anos. Resultados: A anĂĄlise dos estudos selecionados destacou uma variedade de abordagens terapĂȘuticas para o manejo da dermatite atĂłpica em crianças, incluindo terapias tĂłpicas, fototerapia, tratamentos sistĂȘmicos e novas opçÔes terapĂȘuticas emergentes, como terapias biolĂłgicas direcionadas e modulação do microbioma cutĂąneo. AlĂ©m disso, foram identificados desafios na pesquisa e no manejo clĂ­nico da doença, incluindo a heterogeneidade da dermatite atĂłpica, comorbidades associadas e o impacto psicossocial na qualidade de vida. ConclusĂŁo: Em conclusĂŁo, a dermatite atĂłpica em crianças continua a ser um desafio clĂ­nico significativo, exigindo uma abordagem integrada e personalizada para o manejo eficaz da doença. Avanços na compreensĂŁo dos mecanismos subjacentes, juntamente com o desenvolvimento de novas terapias direcionadas, prometem melhorar os resultados para os pacientes pediĂĄtricos afetados por essa condição dermatolĂłgica crĂŽnica

    First results of the140ce(N,ÒŻ)141ce cross-section measurement at n_tof

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    An accurate measurement of the140Ce(n,ÒŻ) energy-dependent cross-section was performed at the n_TOF facility at CERN. This cross-section is of great importance because it represents a bottleneck for the s-process nucleosynthesis and determines to a large extent the cerium abundance in stars. The measurement was motivated by the significant difference between the cerium abundance measured in globular clusters and the value predicted by theoretical stellar models. This discrepancy can be ascribed to an overestimation of the140Ce capture cross-section due to a lack of accurate nuclear data. For this measurement, we used a sample of cerium oxide enriched in140Ce to 99.4%. The experimental apparatus consisted of four deuterated benzene liquid scintillator detectors, which allowed us to overcome the difficulties present in the previous measurements, thanks to their very low neutron sensitivity. The accurate analysis of the p-wave resonances and the calculation of their average parameters are fundamental to improve the evaluation of the140Ce Maxwellian-averaged cross-section
