12 research outputs found

    Učenička iskustva integracije tradicionalnih igara u osnovnoškolski program

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    Even though the potential of game-based learning is widely recognized, we need to understand students to effectively integrate games in the classroom environment. This study aims to identify relevant factors that influence students’ experience during the integration of traditional children’s games into the elementary school program. The research involved 142 students from different elementary schools who participated in multiple learning sessions with pure game-based activities or games technologically enhanced with asynchronous/synchronous distance learning. A structural equation model was developed and tested using students’ responses to a survey conducted after each session. The results suggest that students’ experience is directly influenced by their motivation to participate in the new environment, their attitude during purely game-based classes, and technological behaviour during classes with distance learning activities. We also found that students of different ages showed similar subjective experience and identified a clear distinction between students’ views and learning outcomes during in-class gaming and asynchronous/synchronous conditions.Iako je potencijal učenja zasnovanog na igri široko prepoznat, učinkovita integracija igara u okruženje učionice prije svega zahtijeva bolje razumijevanje učenika. Cilj ovog istraživanja jest identificirati relevantne čimbenike koji utječu na iskustva učenika prilikom integracije tradicionalnih dječjih igara u program osnovne škole. U istraživanju su sudjelovala 142 učenika iz različitih osnovnih škola, koji su pohađali veći broj sati na kojima su se koristile isključivo aktivnosti zasnovane na igri, odnosno igre tehnološki pojačane (a)sinkronim učenjem na daljinu. U sklopu istraživanja razvijen je model zasnovan na strukturnim jednadžbama, koji je testiran uz pomoć odgovora učenika, prikupljenih s pomoću anketa provođenih nakon svakog sata. Rezultati sugeriraju da na iskustvo učenika izravno utječe njihova motivacija za sudjelovanje u novom okruženju, njihovi stavovi (u vezi sa satima zasnovanim isključivo na igri), kao i tehnološka učinkovitost (u vezi sa satima koji uključuju aktivnosti zasnovane na učenju na daljinu). Također smo ustanovili da učenici različite dobi dijele slična subjektivna iskustva te identificirali jasnu razliku između stavova učenika i ishoda učenja u kontekstu igranja u učionici i (a)sinkronog učenja

    Дилема со двојна дијагноза: Разоткривање на спондилодисцит и инфективен ендокардит кај пациент со замор, болка во грб и треска

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    Инфекциите на рбетниот столб може да се презентираат со широк спектар на клинички симптоми. Најчест симптом е болка во грбот, но невролошки дефицити не се реткост. Целта на овој труд е да се акцентира на неспецифичните симптоми на замор, грбна болка и покачена телесна температура, кои се среќаваат кај различни болести и е потребно детално испитување со цел нивно етиолошко разјаснување. Презентираме случај на 67 годишен пациент кој беше примен на одделение за неврологија поради замор, долногрбна болка, покачена телесна температура и нестабилност во одот. Беа спроведени серија на дијагностички испитувања за да се утврди точната причина. Неспецифичните симптоми на малаксаност, слабост, екцесивното ноќно потење и треска разбудија сомнеж за можно кардијално потекло. Лабораториските анализи покажаа покачени вредности на СЕ и ЦРП, а хемокултурите беа негативни. MR на Л-С рбет откри хипосигнална, делумно лобулирана промена на ниво на Л-1 прешленско тело и хетеросигнален приказ на ИВ диск. Промената би можела да одговара на состојба на спондилодисцит. ЕМНГ наодот укажува на хронична лезија на проксималниот дел од моторниот неврон. Ехокардиографијата откри дилатирана лева предкомора, со задебелен митрален залисток и присутна хиперехогена топчеста маса во предел на врвот на преден митрален куспис. Иста таква формација се прати на интравентрикуларниот септум, суспектни за ендокардијални маси и тешка митрална инсуфициенција. Спондилодисцитот е честа придружна компликација на инфективниот ендокардит, најверојатно поради хематогената дисеминација на инфективниот агенс. Затоа, во сите случаи на спондилодисцит , присуството на инфективен ендокардитис треба темелно да се испита и да се исклучи. Kлучни зборови : спондилодисцит, инфективен ендокарди

    Considering High School Students’ Experience in Asynchronous and Synchronous Distance Learning Environments: QoE Prediction Model

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    Early identification of relevant factors that influence students’ experiences is vitally important to the educational process since they play an important role in learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to determine underlying constructs that predict high school students’ subjective experience and quality expectations during asynchronous and synchronous distance education activities, in a form of quality of experience (QoE). One hundred and fifty-eight students from different high schools participated in several asynchronous and synchronous learning sessions and provided relevant feedback with comparable opinions regarding different conditions. Structural equation modeling was used as an analytical procedure during data analysis which led to a QoE prediction model that identified relevant factors influencing students’ subjective QoE. The results demonstrated no significant difference related to students’ behavior and expectations during both distance education methods. Additionally, this study revealed that students’ QoE in any situation was mainly determined by motivational factors (intrinsic and extrinsic) and moderately influenced by ease of use during synchronous or quality of content during asynchronous activities. We also found moderate support between technical performance and students’ QoE in both learning environments. However, opposed to existing technology acceptance models that stress the importance of attitude towards use, high school students’ attitude failed to predict their QoE

    Traditional games in elementary school: Relationships of student's personality traits, motivation and experience with learning outcomes.

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    This study promotes a novel teaching approach for integration of children's traditional games in elementary school program. It gives description of six traditional games and their educational prospects, implemented in six learning sessions in five elementary schools in Macedonia, involving 102 students. The comparison of learning achievements between these learning sessions and standard classes revealed increased students' learning performance on comparable topics. To understand the reason for improvement, we have surveyed students after each session and tested the gathered data set via the development of a structural equation model that examines the relationships between student's personality traits, motivation and experience with learning outcomes. The findings show that students' achievements were directly influenced by students' intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors, as well as perceived experience. Additionally, the integration of traditional games in the elementary school classroom was equally accepted among all students, since their personality traits did not directly influence their experience or learning outcomes. Still, the link between the students' personality dimensions and motivation revealed that introvert children might have slightly increased motivation and possibility to open up during game-play in such collaborative environments

    Grandma's Games Project: Bridging Tradition and Technology Mediated Education

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    This article presents a project entitled "Grandma’s games", following a research idea to enrich the educational process of K9 students by introducing the traditional children games of our ancestors in the learning environment, revived and adapted for modern students with the aid of information and communication technology. While creating a strong connection between our heritage and the modern educational trends, the project’s intention goes beyond mere fulfilment of educational goals, striving to increase the interest and motivation of primary education students to develop their creativity and originality while learning, with respect of their own personal preferences and cultural heritage. The "Grandma’s games" research project engaged twelve traditional games in the educational activities at primary schools from both rural and non-rural environments in Republic of Macedonia. Descriptive statistics was applied on the data set sampled from the extensive survey conducted among teachers in these schools, to illustrate the benefits from the application of the Grandma’s games in educational process