1,573 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la mortalidad de los pacientes politraumatizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti

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    [Resumen] Introducción: Los traumatismos se encuentran entre las principales causas de muerte a nivel mundial, aunque las cifras varían entre los diferentes países y regiones. Existen diversos factores relacionados con esta variación además de las características del sistema de salud, entre las que se encuentran características de los individuos como la edad y las comorbilidades o las características del traumatismo como su naturaleza y severidad. La provincia de Lugo cuenta con unas características sociodemográficas diferentes a las de otras zonas de España y se encuentra más envejecida, pero se desconoce si este factor influye en la evolución de los pacientes traumatizados. Objetivos: El objetivo general del presente estudio es caracterizar a los pacientes politraumatizados ingresados en la UCI de un área de salud con población envejecida. Los objetivos específicos son describir la frecuencia de éxitus y los factores asociados (características sociodemográficas y clínicas del paciente y factores relacionados con el trauma como severidad y complicaciones) e identificar posibles áreas de mejora en la atención sanitaria a este grupo de pacientes. Metodología: Se empleará la metodología cuantitativa realizando un estudio descriptivo, observacional, longitudinal, retrospectivo de serie de casos en la UCI del Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti de Lugo. La investigación se desarrollará durante un período de 12 meses y se revisarán las historias clínicas de los participantes para obtener la información relativa a las variables de interés. Posteriormente se procederá al análisis estadístico de los datos con el software R y se elaborará el informe de resultados para su difusión.[Resumo] Introdución: Os traumatismos atópanse entre as principais causas de morte a nivel mundial, aínda que as cifras varían entre os diferentes países e rexións. Existen diversos factores relacionados con esta variación ademais das características do sistema de saúde, entre as que se atopan características dos individuos coma a idade e as comorbilidades ou as características do traumatismo coma a sua natureza e severidade. A provincia de Lugo conta cunhas características sociodemográficas diferentes ás doutras zonas de España e atópase máis avellentada, pero descoñécese se este factor inflúe na evolución dos doentes traumatizados. Obxectivos: O obxectivo xeral do presente estudo é caracterizar aos doentes politraumatizados ingresados na UCI dunha área de saúde con poboación avellentada. Os obxectivos específicos son describir a frecuencia de éxitus e os factores asociados (características sociodemográficas e clínicas do doente e factores relacionados co trauma coma severidade e complicacións) e identificar posibles áreas de mellora na atención sanitaria a este grupo de pacientes. Metodoloxía: Empregarase a metodoloxía cuantitativa realizando un estudo descritivo, observacional, lonxitudinal, retrospectivo de serie de casos na UCI do Hospital Universitario Lucus Augusti de Lugo. A investigación desenvolverase durante un período de 12 meses e revisaranse as historias clínicas dos participantes para obter a información relativa ás variables de interese. Posteriormente procederase á análise estatística dos datos co software R e elaborarase o informe de resultados para a súa difusión.[Abstract] Introduction: Injuries are among the leading causes of death worldwide, although the numbers vary between different countries and regions. There are several factors related to this variation in addition to the characteristics of the health system, among which are characteristics of individuals such as age and comorbidities or characteristics of the trauma such as nature and severity. The province of Lugo has different sociodemographic characteristics than other areas in Spain because his population is aged, but it is unknown if this factor influences the evolution of trauma patients. Objectives: The general objective of the present study is to characterize the polytraumatized patients admitted to the ICU of a health area with an aged population. The specific objectives are to describe the frequency of death and the associated factors (sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of the patient and factors related to trauma such as severity and complications) and to identify possible areas for improvement in healthcare for this group of patients. Methodology: The quantitative methodology will be used by carrying out a descriptive, observational, longitudinal, retrospective study of a series of cases in the ICU of the Lucus Augusti University Hospital in Lugo. The research will be carried out over a 12-month period and the clinical records of the participants will be reviewed to obtain information regarding the variables of interest. Subsequently, the statistical analysis of the data will be carried out with the R software and the results report will be prepared for dissemination.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.FCS). Asistencia e investigación sanitaria. Especialidade en Investigación clínica. Curso 2019/202

    Deep Sequential Models for Suicidal Ideation from Multiple Source Data

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    This paper presents a novel method for predicting suicidal ideation from electronic health records (EHR) and ecological momentary assessment (EMA) data using deep sequential models. Both EHR longitudinal data and EMA question forms are defined by asynchronous, variable length, randomly sampled data sequences. In our method, we model each of them with a recurrent neural network, and both sequences are aligned by concatenating the hidden state of each of them using temporal marks. Furthermore, we incorporate attention schemes to improve performance in long sequences and time-independent pre-trained schemes to cope with very short sequences. Using a database of 1023 patients, our experimental results show that the addition of EMA records boosts the system recall to predict the suicidal ideation diagnosis from 48.13% obtained exclusively from EHR-based state-of-the-art methods to 67.78%. Additionally, our method provides interpretability through the t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) representation of the latent space. Furthermore, the most relevant input features are identified and interpreted medically.This work was supported in part by the Spanish MINECO under Grants TEC2015-69868-C2-1-R, TEC2016-78434-C3-3-R, and TEC2017-92552-EXP, in part by Spanish MICINN under Grant RTI2018-099655-B-I00, in part by Comunidad de Madrid under Grants IND2017/TIC-7618, IND2018/TIC-9649, Y2018/TCS-4705, and B2017/BMD-3740 AGES-CM 2CM, in part by BBVA Foundation under Deep-DARWiN - FBBVA Grant for scientific research teams 2018, in part by ISCIII under Grant PI16/01852, and in part by AFSP under Grant LSRG-1-005-16

    Online audio-visual information on oral cancer for Spanish-speaking laypersons. A cross-sectional study

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    Lack of knowledge and awareness of oral cancer seem to be the main causes of diagnostic delay. Online resources are often used by patients to obtain health/medical information. However, there are no reports on the quality and usefulness of oral cancer audio-visual resources in Spanish. The aims of this investigation were to disclose the type of information about oral cancer available, and whether it may be useful to shorten the patients? oral cancer appraisal time-interval. Cross-sectional study undertaken at three video-sharing sites on October, 13th 2019. Keywords: ?Cáncer oral?; ?cáncer de boca?. The first 100 results in each viewing list were retrieved by three reviewers. Demographical data was recorded, and interaction indexes, viewing rates, comprehensiveness, and usefulness were calculated for each video. The presence of non-scientifically supported information was also assessed. A descriptive analysis was undertaken, and relationships between variables were explored using the Spearman correlation test. A total of 127 videos were selected. They were produced mainly by mass-media (46.5%; n=59) and their length ranged from 0.28 to 105.38 minutes (median 4.15 minutes; IQR: 2.34-9.67). The most viewed video (10,599,765 views; visualization rate 726,508.9) scored 0 both in usefulness and comprehensiveness. The most useful video gathered 44,119 views (visualization rate 2.033.13). A highly significant positive correlation (0.643; p<0.001) could be observed between usefulness and comprehensiveness of the videos, together with negative correlations between the visualization rate and usefulness (-0.186; p<0.05), and visualization rate and comprehensiveness (-0.183; p<0.05). Online audio-visual material about oral cancer in Spanish is incomplete, of limited usefulness, and often includes non-scientifically supported information. Most of these resources are produced by mass media and healthcare professionals, with minor contributions from educational and healthcare institutions. Visualization rates negatively correlated with the usefulness and comprehensiveness of the contents in these digital objects


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    ResumenEn este trabajo, se propone una nueva métrica para el uso del filtro de función discriminante sintética (Synthetic Discriminant Function, SDF por sus siglas en inglés) en el problema de reconocimiento de objetos. Se realiza una serie de experimentos con el filtro SDF en la plataforma de programación del robot humanoide NAO, que permiten observar un comportamiento de la nueva métrica (Peak to Neighboring Values, PNV por sus siglas en inglés) y predecir comportamientos futuros en situaciones similares. Con los experimentos realizados se concluye que la métrica PNV mejora notablemente la medición del desempeño del filtro, generando mejores resultados que las métricas convencionales, específicamente en los objetos que tienen variaciones en su apariencia, como cambios de escala y de rotación. Calificaciones altas en el desempeño brindan una mayor seguridad para determinar que el objeto ha sido reconocido.Palabras Claves: Peak to Neighboring Values, Reconocimiento de objetos, filtros de correlación, robot NAO. AbstractIn this paper, a new metric is proposed for the use of the Synthetic Discriminant Function (SDF) in the problem of object recognition. A series of experiments are carried out with the SDF filter in the programming platform of the NAO humanoid robot, which allow observing a behavior of the new metric (Peak to Neighboring Values, PNV) and predicting future behaviors in similar situations. With the experiments carried out, it is concluded that the PNV metric significantly improves the measurement of the filter's performance, generating better results than conventional metrics, specifically on objects that have variations in their appearance, such as changes in scale and rotation. High performance ratings provide greater security to determine that the object has been recognized.Keywords: Peak to Neighboring Values, Object Recognition, correlation filters, NAO robot

    Evaluation of Toll-like-receptor gene family variants as prognostic biomarkers in rheumatoid arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic autoimmune disease whose main feature is persistent joint inflammation. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) play critical roles in the activation of innate and adaptive immune responses, and influence the activity of NF?B, a key player in chronic inflammation. We aimed at investigating the association of TLR allelic variants with susceptibility and severity of RA through a systematic, high-throughput, analysis of TLR genes. All coding exons and flanking regions of nine members of the TLR family (TLR1-9) were analyzed in 66 patients with RA and 30 healthy controls by next generation sequencing. We focussed on three single allelic variants, N248S in TLR1, Q11L in TLR7 and M1V in TLR8 based on the allelic frequencies in both patient and control populations, the predicted impact on protein function and the novelty in RA research. Analysis of these selected variants in a larger cohort of 402 patients with RA and in 208 controls revealed no association with susceptibility. However, the M1V allele was associated with a lower need for disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) (p =0.008) and biologic treatments (p =0.021). Functional studies showed that the M1V variant leads to a reduced production of inflammatory cytokines, IL-1?, IL-6 and TNF?, in response to TLR8 agonists. Thus, the presence of this variant confers a significant protective effect on disease severity. These results show for the first time the association between the M1V variant of TLR8 and reduced disease severity in RA, which could have prognostic value for these patients.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation grant PI11/02012, and grant RD12/0036/0022 from Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer, Sociedad Española de Reumatología grant FER13/13 and Instituto de Investigación Valdecilla (IDIVAL) grant APG-03. I.V. is funded by programa Ramón y Cajal, Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad, Spain

    Enseñar Sociología a quienes no estudian Sociología

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    [EN] The sociological imagination (Wright Mills, 1993) is fundamental in the teaching profession. It is not possible to understand individuals’ actions of the different education agents without knowing their place in the social structure. The objective of this proposal is that the students of the Degree in Preschool Education (University of Valencia) achieve this point of view. The project starts with a flipped classroom methodology in combination with other active methodologies to end contrasting scientific knowledge with the daily teacher’s work, through the realization and analyses of interviews.[ES] La imaginación sociológica (Wright Mills, 1993) es fundamental en el ejercicio de la docencia. No se pueden entender las acciones individuales de los diferentes agentes de la comunidad educativa sin conocer su posición en la estructura social. El objetivo de esta propuesta es que los estudiantes del Grado de Maestra/o de Educación Infantil (Universitat de València) logren esta mirada estructural. El proyecto parte de la metodología de clase inversa y lo integra en un proceso de contraste del conocimiento teórico con la práctica diaria de los y las maestras a partir de la elaboración y análisis de entrevistas.Obiol I Francés, S.; Beltrán Llavador, J.; Box Varela, Z.; Gabaldón Estevan, D.; Hernàndez Dobon, F.; Martínez Morales, I.; Martínez Morales, JR. (2019). Enseñar Sociología a quienes no estudian Sociología. En IN-RED 2019. V Congreso de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1085-1095. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2019.2019.10476OCS1085109

    Impact of Covalent Functionalization on the Aqueous Processability, Catalytic Activity, and Biocompatibility of Chemically Exfoliated MoS2 Nanosheets

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    Chemically exfoliated MoS2 (ce-MoS2) has emerged in recent years as an attractive two-dimensional material for use in relevant technological applications, but fully exploiting its potential and versatility will most probably require the deployment of appropriate chemical modification strategies. Here, we demonstrate that extensive covalent functionalization of ce-MoS2 nanosheets with acetic acid groups (∼0.4 groups grafted per MoS2 unit) based on the organoiodide chemistry brings a number of benefits in terms of their processability and functionality. Specifically, the acetic acid-functionalized nanosheets were furnished with long-term (>6 months) colloidal stability in aqueous medium at relatively high concentrations, exhibited a markedly improved temporal retention of catalytic activity toward the reduction of nitroarenes, and could be more effectively coupled with silver nanoparticles to form hybrid nanostructures. Furthermore, in vitro cell proliferation tests carried out with murine fibroblasts suggested that the chemical derivatization had a positive effect on the biocompatibility of ce-MoS2. A hydrothermal annealing procedure was also implemented to promote the structural conversion of the functionalized nanosheets from the 1T phase that was induced during the chemical exfoliation step to the original 2H phase of the starting bulk material, while retaining at the same time the aqueous colloidal stability afforded by the presence of the acetic acid groups. Overall, by highlighting the benefits of this type of chemical derivatization, the present work should contribute to strengthen the position of ce-MoS2 as a two-dimensional material of significant practical utility.Financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through project MAT2015-69844-R is gratefully acknowledged, as well as partial support of the ERDF/FEDER. Operative Program of the Región de Murcia 2007–2013. We also acknowledge partial funding by Plan de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 2013-2017 del Principado de Asturias and FEDER through grant GRUPIN14-056.Peer reviewe

    Anuario de estudios celianos 2016-17

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    La Universidad Camilo José Cela recoge en estos anuarios las investigaciones que se llevan a cabo cada año sobre la obra de quien fue su rector Honorario. Se compromete así, en colaboración con la Fundación que también lleva su nombre, con la herencia literaria y la memoria de CJC, y favorece la divulgación de las conclusiones de los estudios más importantes realizados cada año

    A functional variant of TLR10 modifies the activity of NFkB and may help predict a worse prognosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    Background: Toll-like receptor (TLR) family members are key players in inflammation. TLR10 has been poorly studied in chronic inflammatory disorders, and its clinical relevance in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is as yet unknown. We aimed at identifying TLR10 variants within all coding regions of the gene in patients with RA as well as studying their functional and clinical significance. Methods: TLR10 gene variants were studied by performing sequencing of 66 patients with RA and 30 control subjects. A selected variant, I473T, was then analyzed in 1654 patients and 1702 healthy control subjects. The capacity of this TLR10 variant to modify the transcriptional activity of nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NFkB) was determined by using a luciferase reporter assay and analyzing the expression of NFkB target genes by quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Differences between groups were analyzed by using the Mann-Whitney U test and the unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test. Results: We detected ten missense variants in the TLR10 gene and focused on the I473T substitution based on allele frequencies and the predicted functional impact. I473T variant is not associated with susceptibility to RA, but it significantly correlates with erosive disease in patients seropositive for antibodies to citrullinated protein antigens (p = 0.017 in the total cohort and p = 0.0049 in female patients) and with a lower response to infliximab treatment as measured by the change in Disease Activity Score in 28 joints (p = 0.012) and by the European League Against Rheumatism criteria (p = 0.049). Functional studies showed that TLR10 reduced activation of the NFkB inflammatory pathway in hematopoietic cells, whereas the I473T variant lacked this inhibitory capacity. Consistently, after exposure to infliximab, cells expressing the I437T variant showed higher NFkB activity than cells carrying wild-type TLR10. Conclusions: A TLR10 allelic variant, I473T, has impaired NFkB inhibitory activity and is highly associated with disease severity and low response to infliximab in patients with RA

    Efficient Pt electrocatalysts supported onto flavin mononucleotide–exfoliated pristine graphene for the methanol oxidation reaction

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    Due to its large surface area, high electrical conductivity as well as mechanical and thermal stability, pristine graphene has the potential to be an excellent support for metal nanoparticles (NPs), but the scarce amount of intrinsic chemical groups/defects in its structure that could act as anchoring sites for the NPs hinders this type of use. Here, a simple strategy based on the stabilization of pristine graphene in aqueous dispersion with the assistance of a low amount of flavin mononucleotide (FMN) is shown to yield a material that combines high electrical conductivity and abundance of extrinsic anchoring sites, so that pristine graphene–metal (Pd and Pt) NP hybrids with good dispersion and metal loading can be obtained from FMN–stabilized graphene. The activity of these hybrids towards the methanol oxidation reaction (MOR) both in acidic and alkaline media is studied by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and their stability investigated by chronoamperometry. The pristine graphene–Pt NP hybrid prepared by this simple, eco–friendly protocol is demonstrated to outperform most previously reported pristine graphene– and reduced graphene oxide–metal NP hybrids as electrocatalyst for the MOR, both in terms of catalytic activity and stability, avoiding at the same time the use of harsh chemicals or complex synthetic routes.Financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through projects MAT2015-69844-R and MAT2016-76595-R is gratefully acknowledged. We also acknowledge partial funding by Plan de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación 2013-2017 del Principado de Asturias and FEDER through grant GRUPIN14-056. M.A-V. is thankful to MINECO and for his pre-doctoral contract. R.R.R acknowledges financial support from MINECO through “Juan de la Cierva” program (JCI-2012-12664)