49 research outputs found

    Cancer Related Anemia: An Integrated Multitarget Approach and Lifestyle Interventions

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    Cancer is often accompanied by worsening of the patient's iron profile, and the resulting anemia could be a factor that negatively impacts antineoplastic treatment efficacy and patient survival. The first line of therapy is usually based on oral or intravenous iron supplementation; however, many patients remain anemic and do not respond. The key might lie in the pathogenesis of the anemia itself. Cancer-related anemia (CRA) is characterized by a decreased circulating serum iron concentration and transferrin saturation despite ample iron stores, pointing to a more complex problem related to iron homeostatic regulation and additional factors such as chronic inflammatory status. This review explores our current understanding of iron homeostasis in cancer, shedding light on the modulatory role of hepcidin in intestinal iron absorption, iron recycling, mobilization from liver deposits, and inducible regulators by infections and inflammation. The underlying relationship between CRA and systemic low-grade inflammation will be discussed, and an integrated multitarget approach based on nutrition and exercise to improve iron utilization by reducing low-grade inflammation, modulating the immune response, and supporting antioxidant mechanisms will also be proposed. Indeed, a Mediterranean-based diet, nutritional supplements and exercise are suggested as potential individualized strategies and as a complementary approach to conventional CRA therapy

    Altered muscle mitochondrial, inflammatory and trophic markers, and reduced exercise training adaptations in type 1 diabetes

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    none7sìGrowing evidence of impaired skeletal muscle health in peoplewith type 1 diabetes points toward the presence of a mild myopathy in this population. However, this myopathic condition is not yet well characterised and often overlooked, even though it might affect the whole-body glucose homeostasis and the development of comorbidities. This study aimed to compare skeletal muscle adaptations and changes in glycaemic control after 12 weeks of combined resistance and aerobic (COMB) training between people with type 1 diabetes and healthy controls, and to determine whether the impaired muscle health in type 1 diabetes can affect the exercise-induced adaptations. The COMB training intervention increased aerobic capacity and muscle strength in both healthy and type 1 diabetes sedentary participants, although these improvements were higher in the control group. Better glucose control, reduced glycaemic fluctuations and fewer hypoglycaemic events were recorded at post- compared to pre-intervention in type 1 diabetes. Analysis of muscle biopsies showed an alteration of muscle markers of mitochondrial functions, inflammation, ageing and growth/atrophy compared to the control group. These muscular molecular differences were only partially modified by the COMB training and might explain the reduced exercise adaptation observed in type 1 diabetes. In brief, type 1 diabetes impairs many aspects of skeletal muscle health and might affect the exercise-induced adaptations. Defining the magnitude of diabetic myopathy and the effect of exercise, including longer duration of the intervention, will drive the development of strategies to maximise muscle health in the type 1 diabetes population.openMinnock, Dean; Annibalini, Giosuè; Valli, Giacomo; Saltarelli, Roberta; Krause, Mauricio; Barbieri, Elena; De Vito, GiuseppeMinnock, Dean; Annibalini, Giosuè; Valli, Giacomo; Saltarelli, Roberta; Krause, Mauricio; Barbieri, Elena; De Vito, Giusepp

    Effects of acute aerobic, resistance and combined exercises on 24-h glucose variability and skeletal muscle signalling responses in type 1 diabetics

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    Purpose: To compare the effect of high-intensity aerobic (AER), resistance (RES), and combined (COMB: RES + AER) exercise, on interstitial glucose (IG) variability and skeletal muscle signalling pathways in type 1 diabetes (T1D). Methods: T1D participants (6 M/6F) wore a flash glucose monitoring system in four randomized sessions: one control (CONT), and one AER, RES and COMB (40 min each). Mean amplitude of glycemic excursions (MAGE), standard deviation (SD) and coefficient variation (CV) of IG were used to compare the 24 h post-exercise IG variability. Blood and muscle samples were collected to compare exercise-induced systemic and muscle signalling responses related to metabolic, growth and inflammatory adaptations. Results: Both RES and COMB decreased the 24 h MAGE compared to CONT; additionally, COMB decreased the 24 h SD and CV. In the 6-12 h post-exercise, all exercise modalities reduced the IG CV while SD decreased only after COMB. Both AER and COMB stimulated the PGC-1α mRNA expression and promoted the splicing of IGF-1Ea variant, while Akt and p38MAPK phosphorylation increased only after RES and COMB. Additionally, COMB enhanced eEF2 activation and RES increased myogenin and MRF4 mRNA expression. Blood lactate and glycerol levels and muscle IL-6, TNF-α, and MCP-1 mRNAs increased after all exercise sessions, while serum CK and LDH level did not change. Conclusion: COMB is more effective in reducing IG fluctuations compared to single-mode AER or RES exercise. Moreover, COMB simultaneously activates muscle signalling pathways involved in substrate metabolism and anabolic adaptations, which can help to improve glycaemic control and maintain muscle health in T1D

    Treatment of Achilles Tendinopathy in Recreational Runners with Peritendinous Hyaluronic Acid Injections: A Viscoelastometric, Functional, and Biochemical Pilot Study

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    Background: Achilles tendinopathy (AT) affects ca. 10 million recreational runners in Europe; the practice of hyaluronic acid (HA) infiltration is being increasingly adopted. The aim of this pilot study was to monitor the effects of a three-local time-spaced injections regimen of HA in the treatment of AT in middle-aged runners combining for the first time viscoelastometric, biochemical, and functional methodologies with routine clinical examinations. Methods: Eight male runners (Age 49.3 ± 3.9), diagnosed for unilateral AT, were given three ultrasound (US) guided peritendinous HA injections at the baseline (T0) and every fifteenth day with a follow-up on the forty-fifth day (T1, T2, and T3). At all-time points patients were assessed for viscoelastic tone and stiffness, maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), and pain level (Likert scale 0-5). The peritendinous effusions of the injured tendon were collected at T0 and T2 to quantify the volume variations and the IL-1β and MMP-3 levels. Results: At T0 MVIC and pain score were significantly lower and higher, respectively, in injured tendons. The volume, IL-1β and MMP-3 levels decreased in the course of treatment and the clinical endpoints ameliorated over time. Tone, stiffness, and functional performance also varied significantly at T2 and T3, as compared to T0. Conclusions: The sequential peritendinous injections of HA were effective in the amelioration of the clinical symptoms, as well as of the functional and viscoelastic state associated with AT. The determination of the viscoelastometric state may help to precisely evaluate the healing process in AT patients

    Peripheral amino acid appearance is lower following plant protein fibre products, compared to whey protein and fibre ingestion, in healthy older adults despite optimised amino acid profile

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    Plant-based proteins are generally characterised by lower Indispensable Amino Acid (IAA) content, digestibility, and anabolic properties, compared to animal-based proteins. However, they are environmentally friendlier, and wider consumption is advocated. Older adults have higher dietary protein needs to prevent sarcopenia, a disease marked by an accelerated loss of muscle mass and function. Given the lower environmental footprint of plant-based proteins and the importance of optimising dietary protein quality among older adults, this paper aims to assess the net peripheral Amino Acid (AA) appearance after ingestion of three different plant protein and fibre (PPF) products, compared to whey protein with added fibre (WPF), in healthy older adults. In a randomised, single-blind, crossover design, nine healthy men and women aged ≥65 years consumed four test meals balanced in AA according to the FAO reference protein for humans, matched for leucine, to optimally stimulate muscle protein synthesis in older adults. A fasted blood sample was drawn at each visit before consuming the test meal, followed by postprandial arterialise blood sampling every 30 min for 3 h. The test meal was composed of a soup containing either WPF or PPF 1–3. The PPF blends comprised pea proteins with varying additional rice, pumpkin, soy, oat, and/or almond protein. PPF product ingestion resulted in a lower maximal increase of postprandial leucine concentration and the sum of branched-chain AA (BCAA) and IAA concentrations, compared to WPF, with no effect on their incremental area under the curve. Plasma methionine and cysteine, and to a lesser extent threonine, appearance were limited after consuming the PPF products, but not WPF. Despite equal leucine doses, the WPF induced greater postprandial insulin concentrations than the PPF products. In conclusion, the postprandial appearance of AA is highly dependent on the protein source in older adults, despite providing equivalent IAA levels and dietary fibre. Coupled with lower insulin concentrations, this could imply less anabolic potential. Further investigation is required to understand the applicability of plant-based proteins in healthy older adults

    Effects of uremia and inflammation on growth hormone resistance in patients with chronic kidney diseases

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    Resistance to the anabolic action of growth hormone may contribute to the loss of strength and muscle mass in adult patients with chronic kidney disease. We tested this hypothesis by infusing growth hormone in patients to levels necessary to saturate hormone receptors. This led to a significant decrease of plasma potassium and amino acid levels in control and hyperkalemic patients with chronic kidney disease. These effects were completely or partially blunted in patients with elevated C-reactive protein levels. In forearm perfusion studies, growth hormone caused a further decrease in the negative potassium and protein balance of hemodialysis patients without inflammation but no effect was seen in patients with inflammation. Only IL-6 levels and age were found to be independent correlates in these growth hormone-induced variations in plasma potassium and blood amino acids. This shows that although a resistance to pharmacologic doses of growth hormone is not a general feature of patients with chronic kidney disease, there is a subgroup characterized by blunted growth hormone action. Our results support the hypothesis that uremia with inflammation, but not uremia per se, inhibits downstream growth hormone signaling contributing to muscle atrophy

    A G316A polymorphism in the ornithine decarboxylase gene promoter modulates MYCN-driven childhood neuroblastoma

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    Simple Summary Neuroblastoma is a devasting childhood cancer in which multiple copies (amplification) of the cancer-causing gene MYCN strongly predict poor outcome. Neuroblastomas are reliant on high levels of cellular components called polyamines for their growth and malignant behavior, and the gene regulating polyamine synthesis is called ODC1. ODC1 is often coamplified with MYCN, and in fact is regulated by MYCN, and like MYCN is prognostic of poor outcome. Here we studied a naturally occurring genetic variant or polymorphism that occurs in the ODC1 gene, and used gene editing to demonstrate the functional importance of this variant in terms of ODC1 levels and growth of neuroblastoma cells. We showed that this variant impacts the ability of MYCN to regulate ODC1, and that it also influences outcome in neuroblastoma, with the rarer variant associated with a better survival. This study addresses the important topic of genetic polymorphisms in cancer. Ornithine decarboxylase (ODC1), a critical regulatory enzyme in polyamine biosynthesis, is a direct transcriptional target of MYCN, amplification of which is a powerful marker of aggressive neuroblastoma. A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), G316A, within the first intron of ODC1, results in genotypes wildtype GG, and variants AG/AA. CRISPR-cas9 technology was used to investigate the effects of AG clones from wildtype MYCN-amplified SK-N-BE(2)-C cells and the effect of the SNP on MYCN binding, and promoter activity was investigated using EMSA and luciferase assays. AG clones exhibited decreased ODC1 expression, growth rates, and histone acetylation and increased sensitivity to ODC1 inhibition. MYCN was a stronger transcriptional regulator of the ODC1 promoter containing the G allele, and preferentially bound the G allele over the A. Two neuroblastoma cohorts were used to investigate the clinical impact of the SNP. In the study cohort, the minor AA genotype was associated with improved survival, while poor prognosis was associated with the GG genotype and AG/GG genotypes in MYCN-amplified and non-amplified patients, respectively. These effects were lost in the GWAS cohort. We have demonstrated that the ODC1 G316A polymorphism has functional significance in neuroblastoma and is subject to allele-specific regulation by the MYCN oncoprotein

    Protein-Energy Wasting and Mortality in Chronic Kidney Disease

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    Protein-energy wasting (PEW) is common in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) and is associated with an increased death risk from cardiovascular diseases. However, while even minor renal dysfunction is an independent predictor of adverse cardiovascular prognosis, PEW becomes clinically manifest at an advanced stage, early before or during the dialytic stage. Mechanisms causing loss of muscle protein and fat are complex and not always associated with anorexia, but are linked to several abnormalities that stimulate protein degradation and/or decrease protein synthesis. In addition, data from experimental CKD indicate that uremia specifically blunts the regenerative potential in skeletal muscle, by acting on muscle stem cells. In this discussion recent findings regarding the mechanisms responsible for malnutrition and the increase in cardiovascular risk in CKD patients are discussed. During the course of CKD, the loss of kidney excretory and metabolic functions proceed together with the activation of pathways of endothelial damage, inflammation, acidosis, alterations in insulin signaling and anorexia which are likely to orchestrate net protein catabolism and the PEW syndrome

    Clinically unquestionable but histologically deceptive melanomas in acral skin grafts: PRAME confirms its role

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the role of PRAME in reducing the risk of an underestimation of tumour margins, in a consecutive series of acral melanomas recurring on skin grafts