14 research outputs found

    Conservation, restoration and biodiversity of Palaearctic grasslands - Editorial to the 6th EDGG special issue in Hacquetia

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    This special issue is a collection of articles about the conservation, restoration and biodiversity of Palaearctic grasslands and was initiated by the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group at the 15th Eurasian Dry Grassland Conference (EDGC), held at Graz, Austria in 2019. The papers in this special issue cover a range of grassland habitats from montane dry grasslands to lowland sandy grasslands, feathergrass steppes and meadow steppes, and focus on the biodiversity values, conservation issues and restoration prospects of Palaearctic grasslands. We hope that the articles in this special issue will contribute to a better understanding of the ecology of grasslands and support their more effective conservation.Peer reviewe

    Conservation, restoration and biodiversity of Palaearctic grasslands - Editorial to the 6th EDGG special issue in Hacquetia

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    This special issue is a collection of articles about the conservation, restoration and biodiversity of Palaearctic grasslands and was initiated by the Eurasian Dry Grassland Group at the 15th Eurasian Dry Grassland Conference (EDGC), held at Graz, Austria in 2019. The papers in this special issue cover a range of grassland habitats from montane dry grasslands to lowland sandy grasslands, feathergrass steppes and meadow steppes, and focus on the biodiversity values, conservation issues and restoration prospects of Palaearctic grasslands. We hope that the articles in this special issue will contribute to a better understanding of the ecology of grasslands and support their more effective conservation.Peer reviewe

    The challenge of abandonment for the sustainable management of Palaearctc natural and semi-natural grasslands

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    Disturbance by biomass removal is a crucial mechanism maintaining the diversity of Palaearctic grasslands, which are unique biodiversity hotspots. Te century-long traditional land use of mowing, grazing and burning, has been fundamentally changed in many parts of the Palaearctic. Due to socio-economic changes, large areas of former pastures and meadows have been abandoned, leading to a succession towards secondary scrublands or forest and the encroachment of competitor grass species, all leading to a decrease in biodiversity. Here we report the causes and consequences of the cessation of traditional grassland management regimes, provide strategies for reducing the impact of abandonment and consider these from the perspective of sustainability. We consider the possibilities for initiating sustainable management regimes in the contemporary socio-economic environment, and discuss the prospectsand limitation of alternative management regimes in the conservation of grassland biodiversity. Tese themes are also the core topics of this Special Feature, edited by the EDGG. We hope that this Special Feature will encourage steps towards more sustainable strategies for the conservation of Palaearctic grasslands and the integration of the sustainability perspective into their conservation

    Fajgazdag szőlősorköz-takarónövényzet magkeverékek fejlesztése és alkalmazási lehetőségei magyarországi szőlőültetvényekben.

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    A nem körültekintően végzett mezőgazdasági tevékenység következtében a talajok állapotának romlása világszerte, így Európában és Magyarországon is jelentős méreteket ölt. Európai viszonylatban a talajok mintegy harmadát károsítja a tömörödés, míg a víz által előidézett talajerózió a becslések szerint 1,3 millió nkm kiterjedésű területet érint

    Gyeptelepítés elmélete és gyakorlata az ökológiai szemléletű gazdálkodásban

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    Az utóbbi években egyre nagyobb az igény mind hazánkban, mind Európában a szántóföldi művelés alól kivett területek alternatív, fenntartható hasznosítására, melyre jó lehetőséget biztosít az ökológiai szemléletű gyepgazdálkodás. A gyepesítéssel szemben támasztott legfontosabb elvárás egy főképp füvek dominálta évelő gyep létrejötte, amely visszaszorítja a nemkívánatos gyomfajokat. Ökológiai célú gyeptelepítés esetén rendkívül fontos a megfelelő szaporítóanyagok, a megfelelő fűfajok kiválasztása és a természetkímélő technológia alkalmazása. A telepítendő fajokat a terület ökológiai jellemzőinek (talajtípus, vízgazdálkodás, hőmérséklet és csapadék viszonyok) figyelembe vételével és a későbbi hasznosítás (legeltetés, kaszálás) szempontjait szem előtt tartva kell kiválasztani. A telepítés időpontját és technológiáját szintén össze kell hangolni a termőhelyi adottságokkal és a későbbi hasznosítással. Legújabb kiadványunk olyan tudományos igényességgel kidolgozott, de a mindennapi gazdálkodásban alkalmazható szakanyag, amely felhívja a figyelmet az ökológiai szempontú gyeptelepítés legfontosabb szempontjaira, a gyeptelepítéshez használt magkeverékkel szemben támasztott kívánalmakra, a telepítés gyakorlati kivitelezésére, valamint várható gép- és költségigényére. A kiadvány a Debreceni Egyetem Ökológiai Tanszéke közreműködésével, Dr. Török Péter szerkesztésében valósult meg. A projekt a Magyar Nemzeti Vidéki Hálózat Elnökségének értékelése és javaslata alapján, az Európai Mezőgazdasági és Vidékfejlesztési Alap társfinanszírozásában, a Nemzeti Vidékfejlesztési Program Irányító Hatóságának jóváhagyásával válhatott valóra

    Soil science challenges in a new era: A transdisciplinary overview of relevant topics

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    Concise ReviewTransdisciplinary approaches that provide holistic views are essential to properly understand soil processes and the importance of soil to society and will be crucial in the future to integrate distinct disciplines into soil studies. A myriad of challenges faces soil science at the beginning of the 2020s. The main aim of this overview is to assess past achievements and current challenges regarding soil threats such as erosion and soil contamination related to different United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs) including (1) sustainable food production, (2) ensure healthy lives and reduce environmental risks (SDG3), (3) ensure water availability (SDG6), and (4) enhanced soil carbon sequestration because of climate change (SDG13). Twenty experts from different disciplines related to soil sciences offer perspectives on important research directions. Special attention must be paid to some concerns such as (1) effective soil conservation strategies; (2) new computational technologies, models, and in situ measurements that will bring new insights to in-soil process at spatiotemporal scales, their relationships, dynamics, and thresholds; (3) impacts of human activities, wildfires, and climate change on soil microorganisms and thereby on biogeochemical cycles and water relationships; (4) microplastics as a new potential pollutant; (5) the development of green technologies for soil rehabilitation; and (6) the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by simultaneous soil carbon sequestration and reduction in nitrous oxide emission. Manuscripts on topics such as these are particularly welcomed in Air, Soil and Water Researchinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Current Wildland Fire Patterns and Challenges in Europe : A Synthesis of National Perspectives

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    Changes in climate, land use, and land management impact the occurrence and severity of wildland fires in many parts of the world. This is particularly evident in Europe, where ongoing changes in land use have strongly modified fire patterns over the last decades. Although satellite data by the European Forest Fire Information System provide large-scale wildland fire statistics across European countries, there is still a crucial need to collect and summarize in-depth local analysis and understanding of the wildland fire condition and associated challenges across Europe. This article aims to provide a general overview of the current wildland fire patterns and challenges as perceived by national representatives, supplemented by national fire statistics (2009-2018) across Europe. For each of the 31 countries included, we present a perspective authored by scientists or practitioners from each respective country, representing a wide range of disciplines and cultural backgrounds. The authors were selected from members of the COST Action "Fire and the Earth System: Science & Society" funded by the European Commission with the aim to share knowledge and improve communication about wildland fire. Where relevant, a brief overview of key studies, particular wildland fire challenges a country is facing, and an overview of notable recent fire events are also presented. Key perceived challenges included (1) the lack of consistent and detailed records for wildland fire events, within and across countries, (2) an increase in wildland fires that pose a risk to properties and human life due to high population densities and sprawl into forested regions, and (3) the view that, irrespective of changes in management, climate change is likely to increase the frequency and impact of wildland fires in the coming decades. Addressing challenge (1) will not only be valuable in advancing national and pan-European wildland fire management strategies, but also in evaluating perceptions (2) and (3) against more robust quantitative evidence.Peer reviewe

    Similar effects of different mowing frequencies on the conservation value of semi-natural grasslands in Europe

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    Both agricultural intensification and abandonment have led to the loss of European semi-natural grasslands. Nature conservation management measures like mowing are essential for preserving the biodiversity of remaining grasslands. However, there are no conclusive results from studies examining effects of different mowing frequencies across Europe. To fill this gap, we evaluated data from European studies comparing mowing frequencies to determine which are the most beneficial from a nature conservation viewpoint. We searched literature for short- and long-term studies comparing the effects of different mowing frequencies on outcome measures relevant for biodiversity conservation. We found 29 relevant studies where mowing once per year was compared to higher or lower mowing frequencies. The studies covered various grassland types and organisms. The effects were analysed using response ratios, where mowing once per year, i.e. the traditional mowing frequency in semi-natural grasslands, was compared to mowing every fifth, third or second year and mowing two, three or four times a year. Overall, we found similar effects of the different mowing frequencies on the biodiversity of flora and fauna. More frequent mowing generally had a more positive effect, but differences between frequencies were small. Effects were habitat-specific, differing between site and study conditions. For example, a higher mowing frequency was more beneficial in more productive grasslands. These results suggest that in most European semi-natural grasslands, mowing less frequently is a way of using the limited funds available for management more efficiently while still maintaining grassland conservation values, but e.g. site productivity must be considered when determining a suitable mowing frequency

    Expression patterns and prognostic relevance of subtype-specific transcription factors in surgically resected small cell lung cancer : an international multicenter study

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    The tissue distribution and prognostic relevance of subtype-specific proteins (ASCL1, NEUROD1, POU2F3, YAP1) present an evolving area of research in small cell lung cancer (SCLC). The expression of subtype-specific transcription factors and P53 and RB1 proteins were measured by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in 386 surgically resected SCLC samples. Correlations between subtype-specific proteins and in vitro efficacy of various therapeutic agents were investigated by proteomics and cell viability assays in 26 human SCLC cell lines. Besides SCLC-A (ASCL1-dominant), SCLC-AN (combined ASCL1/NEUROD1), SCLC-N (NEUROD1-dominant) and SCLC-P (POU2F3-dominant), IHC and cluster analyses identified a quadruple-negative SCLC subtype (SCLC-QN). No unique YAP1-subtype was found. The highest overall survival rates were associated with non-neuroendocrine subtypes (SCLC-P and SCLC-QN) and the lowest with neuroendocrine subtypes (SCLC-A, SCLC-N, SCLC-AN). In univariate analyses, high ASCL1 expression was associated with poor prognosis and high POU2F3 expression with good prognosis. Notably, high ASCL1 expression influenced survival outcomes independently of other variables in a multivariate model. High POU2F3 and YAP1 protein abundances correlated with sensitivity and resistance to standard-of-care chemotherapeutics, respectively. Specific correlation patterns were also found between the efficacy of targeted agents and subtype-specific protein abundances. In conclusion, we have investigated the clinicopathological relevance of SCLC molecular subtypes in a large cohort of surgically resected specimens. Differential IHC expression of ASCL1, NEUROD1 and POU2F3 defines SCLC subtypes. No YAP1-subtype can be distinguished by IHC. High POU2F3 expression is associated with improved survival in a univariate analysis, whereas elevated ASCL1 expression is an independent negative prognosticator. Proteomic and cell viability assays of human SCLC cell lines reveal distinct vulnerability profiles defined by transcription regulators