160 research outputs found

    The Far-Ultraviolet Spectra of TW Hya. II. Models of H2 Fluorescence in a Disk

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    We measure the temperature of warm gas at planet-forming radii in the disk around the classical T Tauri star (CTTS) TW Hya by modelling the H2 fluorescence observed in HST/STIS and FUSE spectra. Strong Ly-alpha emission irradiates a warm disk surface within 2 AU of the central star and pumps certain excited levels of H2. We simulate a 1D plane-parallel atmosphere to estimate fluxes for the 140 observed H2 emission lines and to reconstruct the Ly-alpha emission profile incident upon the warm H2. The excitation of H2 can be determined from relative line strengths by measuring self-absorption in lines with low-energy lower levels, or by reconstructing the Ly-alpha profile incident upon the warm H2 using the total flux from a single upper level and the opacity in the pumping transition. Based on those diagnostics, we estimate that the warm disk surface has a column density of log N(H2)=18.5^{+1.2}_{-0.8}, a temperature T=2500^{+700}_{-500} K, and a filling factor of H2, as seen by the source of Ly-alpha emission, of 0.25\pm0.08 (all 2-sigma error bars). TW Hya produces approximately 10^{-3} L_\odot in the FUV, about 85% of which is in the Ly-alpha emission line. From the H I absorption observed in the Ly-alpha emission, we infer that dust extinction in our line of sight to TW Hya is negligible.Comment: Accepted by ApJ. 26 pages, 17 figures, 6 table

    The FUV spectrum of TW Hya. I. Observations of H2_2 Fluorescence

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    We observed the classical T Tauri star TW Hya with \textit{HST}/STIS using the E140M grating, from 1150--1700 \AA, with the E230M grating, from 2200--2900 \AA, and with \FUSE from 900--1180 \AA. Emission in 143 Lyman-band H2_2 lines representing 19 progressions dominates the spectral region from 1250--1650 \AA. The total H2_2 emission line flux is 1.94×10−121.94 \times 10^{-12} erg cm−2^{-2} s−1^{-1}, which corresponds to 1.90×10−41.90\times10^{-4} L⊙L_\odot at TW Hya's distance of 56 pc. A broad stellar \Lya line photoexcites the H2_2 from excited rovibrational levels of the ground electronic state to excited electronic states. The \ion{C}{2} 1335 \AA doublet, \ion{C}{3} 1175 \AA\ multiplet, and \ion{C}{4} 1550 \AA doublet also electronically excite H2_2. The velocity shift of the H2_2 lines is consistent with the photospheric radial velocity of TW Hya, and the emission is not spatially extended beyond the 0\farcs05 resolution of \textit{HST}. The H2_2 lines have an intrinsic FWHM of 11.91±0.1611.91\pm0.16 \kms. One H2_2 line is significantly weaker than predicted by this model because of \ion{C}{2} wind absorption. We also do not observe any H2_2 absorption against the stellar \Lya profile. From these results, we conclude that the H2_2 emission is more consistent with an origin in a disk rather than in an outflow or circumstellar shell. We also analyze the hot accretion-region lines (e.g., \ion{C}{4}, \ion{Si}{4}, \ion{O}{6}) of TW Hya, which are formed at the accretion shock, and discuss some reasons why Si lines appear significantly weaker than other TR region lines.Comment: accepted by ApJ, 42 pages -- 20 text, 11 figure

    Metal Depletion and Warm H2 in the Brown Dwarf 2M1207 Accretion Disk

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    We present new far-ultraviolet observations of the young M8 brown dwarf 2MASS J12073346-3932539, which is surrounded by an accretion disk. The data were obtained using the Hubble Space Telescope-Cosmic Origins Spectrograph. Moderate resolution spectra (R~17,000-18,000) obtained in the 1150-1750 A and 2770-2830 A bandpasses reveal H2 emission excited by HI Lyα\alpha photons, several ionization states of carbon (CI - CIV), and hot gas emission lines of HeII and NV (T ~ 10^4-5 K). Emission from some species that would be found in a typical thermal plasma at this temperature (SiII, SiIII, SiIV, and MgII) are not detected. The non-detections indicate that these refractory elements are depleted into grains, and that accretion shocks dominate the production of the hot gas observed on 2MASS J12073346-3932539. We use the observed CIV luminosity to constrain the mass accretion rate in this system. We use the kinematically broadened H2 profile to confirm that the majority of the molecular emission arises in the disk, measure the radius of the inner hole of the disk (R_{hole}~3R_{*}), and constrain the physical conditions of the warm molecular phase of the disk (T(H2)~2500-4000 K). A second, most likely unresolved H2 component is identified. This feature is either near the stellar surface in the region of the accretion shock or in a molecular outflow, although the possibility that this Jovian-like emission arises on the day-side disk of a 6 M_{J} companion (2M1207b) cannot be conclusively ruled out. In general, we find that this young brown dwarf disk system is a low-mass analog to classical T Tauri stars that are observed to produce H2 emission from a warm layer in their disks, such as the well studied TW Hya and DF Tau systems.Comment: ApJ, accepted. 12 pages, 10 figures. 3 tables

    The Active Corona of HD 35850 (F8 V)

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    We present Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer spectroscopy and photometry of the nearby F8 V star HD 35850 (HR 1817). The EUVE spectra reveal 28 emission lines from Fe IX and Fe XV to Fe XXIV. The Fe XXI 102, 129 A ratio yields an upper limit for the coronal electron density, log n < 11.6 per cc. The EUVE SW spectrum shows a small but clearly detectable continuum. The line-to-continuum ratio indicates approximately solar Fe abundances, 0.8 < Z < 1.6. The resulting emission-measure distribution is characterized by two temperature components at log T of 6.8 and 7.4. The EUVE spectra have been compared with non-simultaneous ASCA SIS spectra of HD 35850. The SIS spectrum shows the same temperature distribution as the EUVE DEM analysis. However, the SIS spectral firs suggest sub-solar abundances, 0.34 < Z < 0.81. Although some of the discrepancy may be the result of incomplete X-ray line lists, we cannot explain the disagreement between the EUVE line-to-continuum ratio and the ASCA-derived Fe abundance. Given its youth (t ~ 100 Myr), its rapid rotation (v sin i ~ 50 km/s), and its high X-ray activity (Lx ~ 1.5E+30 ergs/s), HD 35850 may represent an activity extremum for single, main-sequence F-type stars. The variability and EM distribution can be reconstructed using the continuous flaring model of Guedel provided that the flare distribution has a power-law index of 1.8. Similar results obtained for other young solar analogs suggest that continuous flaring is a viable coronal heating mechanism on rapidly rotating, late-type, main-sequence stars.Comment: 32 pages incl. 14 figures and 3 tables. To appear in the 1999 April 10 issue of The Astrophysical Journa

    The Very Young Type Ia Supernova 2013dy: Discovery, and Strong Carbon Absorption in Early-Time Spectra

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    The Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) 2013dy in NGC 7250 (d ~ 13.7 Mpc) was discovered by the Lick Observatory Supernova Search. Combined with a prediscovery detection by the Italian Supernova Search Project, we are able to constrain the first-light time of SN 2013dy to be only 0.10 +/- 0.05 d (2.4 +/- 1.2 hr) before the first detection. This makes SN 2013dy the earliest known detection of an SN Ia. We infer an upper limit on the radius of the progenitor star of R_0 < 0.25 R_sun, consistent with that of a white dwarf. The light curve exhibits a broken power law with exponents of 0.88 and then 1.80. A spectrum taken 1.63 d after first light reveals a C II absorption line comparable in strength to Si II. This is the strongest C II feature ever detected in a normal SN Ia, suggesting that the progenitor star had significant unburned material. The C II line in SN 2013dy weakens rapidly and is undetected in a spectrum 7 days later, indicating that C II is detectable for only a very short time in some SNe Ia. SN 2013dy reached a B-band maximum of M_B = -18.72 +/- 0.03 mag ~17.7 d after first light.Comment: Accepted for Publication in ApJ Letter

    WIYN Open Cluster Study. XXXIX. Abundances in NGC 6253 from HYDRA Spectroscopy of the Li 6708 A Region

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    High-dispersion spectra of 89 potential members of the old, super-metal-rich open cluster, NGC 6253, have been obtained with the HYDRA multi-object spectrograph. Based upon radial-velocity measurements alone, 47 stars at the turnoff of the cluster color-magnitude diagram (CMD) and 18 giants are identified as potential members. Five turnoff stars exhibit evidence of binarity while proper-motion data eliminates two of the dwarfs as members. The mean cluster radial velocity from probable single-star members is -29.4 +/- 1.3 km/sec (sd). A discussion of the current estimates for the cluster reddening, derived independently of potential issues with the BV cluster photometry, lead to an adopted reddening of E(B-V) = 0.22 +/- 0.04. From equivalent width analyses of 38 probable single-star members near the CMD turnoff, the weighted average abundances are found to be [Fe/H] = +0.43 +/- 0.01, [Ni/H] = +0.53 +/- 0.02 and [Si/H] = +0.43 (+0.03,-0.04), where the errors refer to the standard errors of the weighted mean. Weak evidence is found for a possible decline in metallicity with increasing luminosity among stars at the turnoff. We discuss the possibility that our turnoff stars have been affected by microscopic diffusion. For 15 probable single-star members among the giants, spectrum synthesis leads to abundances of +0.46 (+0.02,-0.03) for [Fe/H]. While less than half the age of NGC 6791, NGC 6253 is at least as metal-rich and, within the uncertainties, exhibits the same general abundance pattern as that typified by super-metal-rich dwarfs of the galactic bulge.Comment: 5 Tables, 9 figures, 45 page

    Carbon Detection in Early-Time Optical Spectra of Type Ia Supernovae

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    While O is often seen in spectra of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) as both unburned fuel and a product of C burning, C is only occasionally seen at the earliest times, and it represents the most direct way of investigating primordial white dwarf material and its relation to SN Ia explosion scenarios and mechanisms. In this paper, we search for C absorption features in 188 optical spectra of 144 low-redshift (z < 0.1) SNe Ia with ages <3.6 d after maximum brightness. These data were obtained as part of the Berkeley SN Ia Program (BSNIP; Silverman et al. 2012) and represent the largest set of SNe Ia in which C has ever been searched. We find that ~11 per cent of the SNe studied show definite C absorption features while ~25 per cent show some evidence for C II in their spectra. Also, if one obtains a spectrum at t < -5 d, then there is a better than 30 per cent chance of detecting a distinct absorption feature from C II. SNe Ia that show C are found to resemble those without C in many respects, but objects with C tend to have bluer optical colours than those without C. The typical expansion velocity of the C II {\lambda}6580 feature is measured to be 12,000-13,000 km/s, and the ratio of the C II {\lambda}6580 to Si II {\lambda}6355 velocities is remarkably constant with time and among different objects with a median value of ~1.05. While the pseudo-equivalent widths (pEWs) of the C II {\lambda}6580 and C II {\lambda}7234 features are found mostly to decrease with time, we see evidence of a significant increase in pEW between ~12 and 11 d before maximum brightness, which is actually predicted by some theoretical models. The range of pEWs measured from the BSNIP data implies a range of C mass in SN Ia ejecta of about (2-30) * 10^-3 M_Sun.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, revised version re-submitted to MNRA

    Simultaneous Extreme-Ultraviolet Explorer and Optical Observations of Ad Leonis: Evidence for Large Coronal Loops and the Neupert Effect in Stellar Flares

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    We report on the first simultaneous Extreme-Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) and optical observations of flares on the dMe flare star AD Leonis. The data show the following features: (1) Two flares (one large and one of moderate size) of several hours duration were observed in the EUV wavelength range; (2) Flare emission observed in the optical precedes the emission seen with EUVE; and (3) Several diminutions (DIMs) in the optical continuum were observed during the period of optical flare activity. To interpret these data, we develop a technique for deriving the coronal loop length from the observed rise and decay behavior of the EUV flare. The technique is generally applicable to existing and future coronal observations of stellar flares. We also determine the pressure, column depth, emission measure, loop cross-sectional area, and peak thermal energy during the two EUV flares, and the temperature, area coverage, and energy of the optical continuum emission. When the optical and coronal data are combined, we find convincing evidence of a stellar 'Neupert effect' which is a strong signature of chromospheric evaporation models. We then argue that the known spatial correlation of white-light emission with hard X-ray emission in solar flares, and the identification of the hard X-ray emission with nonthermal bremsstrahlung produced by accelerated electrons, provides evidence that flare heating on dMe stars is produced by the same electron precipitation mechanism that is inferred to occur on the Sun. We provide a thorough picture of the physical processes that are operative during the largest EUV flare, compare and contrast this picture with the canonical solar flare model, and conclude that the coronal loop length may be the most important factor in determining the flare rise time and energetics
