28 research outputs found

    Differential toxicity of bioorthogonal non-canonical amino acids (BONCAT) in Escherichia coli

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    Single-cell methods allow studying the activity of single bacterial cells, potentially shedding light on regulatory mechanisms involved in services like biochemical cycling. Bioorthogonal non-canonical amino acid tagging (BONCAT) is a promising method for studying bacterial activity in natural communities, using the methionine analogues L-azidohomoalanine (AHA) and L-homopropargylglycine (HPG) to track protein production in single cells. Both AHA and HPG have been deemed non-toxic, but recent findings suggest that HPG affects bacterial metabolism. In this study we examined the effect of AHA and HPG on Escherichia coli with respect to acute toxicity and growth. E. coli exposed to 5.6–90 ÎŒM HPG showed no growth, and the growth rate was significantly reduced at >0.35 ÎŒM HPG, compared to the HPG-free control. In contrast, E. coli showed growth at concentrations up to 9 mM AHA. In assays where AHA or HPG were added during the exponential growth phase, the growth sustained but the growth rate was immediately reduced at the highest concentrations (90 ÎŒM HPG and 10 mM AHA). Prolonged incubations (20h) with apparently non-toxic concentrations suggest that the cells incorporating NCAAs fail to divide and do not contribute to the next generation resulting in the relative abundance of labelled cells to decrease over time. These results show that HPG and AHA have different impact on the growth of E. coli. Both concentration and incubation time affect the results and need to be considered when designing BONCAT experiments and evaluating results. Time course incubations are suggested as a possible way to obtain more reliable results.publishedVersio

    Temperate infection in a virus–host system previously known for virulent dynamics

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    The blooming cosmopolitan coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi and its viruses (EhVs) are a model for density-dependent virulent dynamics. EhVs commonly exhibit rapid viral reproduction and drive host death in high-density laboratory cultures and mesocosms that simulate blooms. Here we show that this system exhibits physiology-dependent temperate dynamics at environmentally relevant E. huxleyi host densities rather than virulent dynamics, with viruses switching from a long-term non-lethal temperate phase in healthy hosts to a lethal lytic stage as host cells become physiologically stressed. Using this system as a model for temperate infection dynamics, we present a template to diagnose temperate infection in other virus–host systems by integrating experimental, theoretical, and environmental approaches. Finding temperate dynamics in such an established virulent host–virus model system indicates that temperateness may be more pervasive than previously considered, and that the role of viruses in bloom formation and decline may be governed by host physiology rather than by host–virus densities

    Defining Planktonic Protist Functional Groups on Mechanisms for Energy and Nutrient Acquisition: Incorporation of Diverse Mixotrophic Strategies

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    Arranging organisms into functional groups aids ecological research by grouping organisms (irrespective of phylogenetic origin) that interact with environmental factors in similar ways. Planktonic protists traditionally have been split between photoautotrophic “phytoplankton” and phagotrophic “microzoo-plankton”. However, there is a growing recognition of the importance of mixotrophy in euphotic aquatic systems, where many protists often combine photoautotrophic and phagotrophic modes of nutrition. Such organisms do not align with the traditional dichotomy of phytoplankton and microzooplankton. To reflect this understanding,we propose a new functional grouping of planktonic protists in an eco- physiological context: (i) phagoheterotrophs lacking phototrophic capacity, (ii) photoautotrophs lacking phagotrophic capacity,(iii) constitutive mixotrophs (CMs) as phagotrophs with an inherent capacity for phototrophy, and (iv) non-constitutive mixotrophs (NCMs) that acquire their phototrophic capacity by ingesting specific (SNCM) or general non-specific (GNCM) prey. For the first time, we incorporate these functional groups within a foodweb structure and show, using model outputs, that there is scope for significant changes in trophic dynamics depending on the protist functional type description. Accord- ingly, to better reflect the role of mixotrophy, we recommend that as important tools for explanatory and predictive research, aquatic food-web and biogeochemical models need to redefine the protist groups within their frameworks

    Structure and dynamics of the Barents Sea Polar Front near the Great Bank and associated plankton distribution in August 2007

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    The Polar Front separating Atlantic Water (AW) and Arctic Water (ArW) is one of the most dominant mesoscale features in the Barents Sea and a highly productive region. Here, the results of sub-mesoscale variability in physical and biological fields associated with the Barents Sea Polar Front (BSPF) at the Great Bank are reported from a high-resolution survey in August 2007. A nearly synoptic data set was collected using a ship-mounted Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) and an undulating instrument platform, equipped with a fluorometer, a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC) and Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) sensors. AW was found beneath ArW, leading to a surface and a deep expression of the front, which were shifted by about 40 kilometers and characterized by strong salinity and temperature gradients. Thermohaline compensation eliminated the cross-frontal density gradient at depth. The most dominant flow feature was a southeastward barotropic along-frontal jet with two cores at the surface and the deep expressions of the front. Tidal currents were negligible (estimated using the Arctic Ocean Inverse Tidal Model), while other ageostrophic processes retarded the frontal circulation and stimulated cross-frontal exchange. The hydrographic small scale structure of the front was highly patchy, presumably caused by turbulent stirring. The Arctic side of the front had a strong pycnocline, and the plankton community was in a post-bloom condition there. A summer phytoplankton bloom was observed on the Atlantic side, where nutrient upwelling was probably facilitated through shoaling isopycnals and a weaker pycnocline. Zoo- and phytoplankton occurred in small-scale patches that were correlated with the hydrographic small-scale variability

    Fractal hypothesis of the pelagic microbial ecosystem-can simple ecological principles lead to self-similar complexity in the pelagic microbial food web?

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    Trophic interactions are highly complex and modern sequencing techniques reveal enormous biodiversity across multiple scales in marine microbial communities. Within the chemically and physically relatively homogeneous pelagic environment, this calls for an explanation beyond spatial and temporal heterogeneity. Based on observations of simple parasite-host and predator-prey interactions occurring at different trophic levels and levels of phylogenetic resolution, we present a theoretical perspective on this enormous biodiversity, discussing in particular self-similar aspects of pelagic microbial food web organization. Fractal methods have been used to describe a variety of natural phenomena, with studies of habitat structures being an application in ecology. In contrast to mathematical fractals where pattern generating rules are readily known, however, identifying mechanisms that lead to natural fractals is not straight-forward. Here we put forward the hypothesis that trophic interactions between pelagic microbes may be organized in a fractal-like manner, with the emergent network resembling the structure of the Sierpinski triangle. We discuss a mechanism that could be underlying the formation of repeated patterns at different trophic levels and discuss how this may help understand characteristic biomass size-spectra that hint at scale-invariant properties of the pelagic environment. If the idea of simple underlying principles leading to a fractal-like organization of the pelagic food web could be formalized, this would extend an ecologists mindset on how biological complexity could be accounted for. It may furthermore benefit ecosystem modeling by facilitating adequate model resolution across multiple scales

    Optimal defense strategies in an idealized microbial food web under trade-off between competition and defense

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    Trophic mechanisms that can generate biodiversity in food webs include bottom-up (growth rate regulating) and top-down (biomass regulating) factors. The top-down control has traditionally been analyzed using the concepts of “Keystone Predation” (KP) and “Killing-the-Winner” (KtW), predominately occuring in discussions of macro- and micro-biological ecology, respectively. Here we combine the classical diamond-shaped food web structure frequently discussed in KP analyses and the KtW concept by introducing a defense strategist capable of partial defense. A formalized description of a trade-off between the defense-strategist's competitive and defensive ability is included. The analysis reveals a complex topology of the steady state solution with strong relationships between food web structure and the combination of trade-off, defense strategy and the system's nutrient content. Among the results is a difference in defense strategies corresponding to maximum biomass, production, or net growth rate of invading individuals. The analysis thus summons awareness that biomass or production, parameters typically measured in field studies to infer success of particular biota, are not directly acted upon by natural selection. Under coexistence with a competition specialist, a balance of competitive and defensive ability of the defense strategist was found to be evolutionarily stable, whereas stronger defense was optimal under increased nutrient levels in the absence of the pure competition specialist. The findings of success of different defense strategies are discussed with respect to SAR11, a highly successful bacterial clade in the pelagic ocean

    Linking internal and external bacterial community control gives mechanistic framework for pelagic virus-to-bacteria ratios

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    For more than 25 years, virus-to-bacteria ratios (VBR) have been measured and interpreted as indicators of the importance of viruses in aquatic ecosystems, yet a generally accepted theory for understanding mechanisms controlling VBR is still lacking. Assuming that the denominator (total bacterial abundance) is primarily predator controlled, while viral lysis compensates for host growth rates exceeding this grazing loss, the numerator (viral abundance) reflects activity differences between prokaryotic hosts. VBR is then a ratio between mechanisms generating structure within the bacterial community and interactions between different plankton functional types controlling bacterial community size. We here show how these arguments can be formalized by combining a recently published model for co-evolutionary host-virus interactions, with a previously published “minimum” model for the microbial food web. The result is a framework where viral lysis links bacterial diversity to microbial food web structure and function, creating relationships between different levels of organization that are strongly modified by organism-level properties such as cost of resistance