9 research outputs found
Distal and proximal associates of academic performance at secondary level: A mediation model of personality and self-efficacy
The predictive map for personality-related measures has evolved into distal, proximal and immediate associates of academic performance. This study used distal (Five Factor Model) and proximal (Academic Self-efficacy, ASE) associates with GPA (a specific facet of academic performance) at two time points with secondary level students at sixth form college (N = 106, average age 17 and evenly balanced by gender). Openness, Conscientiousness and ASE were associated with GPA at weak to moderate levels. In a path analysis with ASE as the mediator, the three constructs explained 17% variance on academic performance at time 1 and 42% at time 2 when a direct effect from GPA1 to GPA2 was introduced, with Openness and ASE remaining statistically significant when controlling for GPA1, and all three constructs provided significant indirect effects. Findings demonstrate the salient value of Openness and Conscientiousness, when configured with ASE as the mediator. Findings are applied to the approaches that facilitate learning pathways and support ability processes in achievement
Secondary Level Achievement Non-Intellective Factors Implicated in the Process and Product of Performance
The study was developed in the context of Personality and Social Cognitive Theory with constructs that encapsulate non-intellective processes of academic achievement. The goal was to explore the role of the Five Factor Model (FFM) of personality in academic performance and to use this model as a reference point to test the incremental validity of two measures of Self-efficacy (Academic and Emotional) and an indicator of Absenteeism. Participants (N = 120) were comprised of 17-year-old male (n = 47) and female (n = 73) opportunistically sampled secondary level college students. A cross-sectional design was used to examine the relationship between the independent variables (FFM, Academic Self-efficacy, Emotional Self-efficacy, and Absenteeism) and the outcome variable, Grade Points Average (GPA). Correlation analysis found that four FFM factors and the two Self-efficacy measures were associated with GPA. In a hierarchical regression analysis, the FFM explained 22% variance on performance and the two Self-efficacy measures added 9% incremental variance followed by 3% for Absenteeism. Overall, the non-intellective constructs explain a substantial 34% variance on achievement and provide focal points for theoretical, empirical, and pedagogical evaluation. Moreover, they are suggestive of the pathways and processes that support learning, augment ability, and enhance achievement
Measurement Invariance of the Digital Natives Assessment Scale Across Gender in a Sample of Turkish University Students
With reference to the digital natives’ debate, there is a gap on digital natives’ characteristics. To fill this gap, the Digital Natives Assessment Scale was developed to measure students’ assessment of the degree to which they perceived themselves to possess the attributes of digital natives. The scale was developed within the Turkish language and requires further validation in cross-cultural adaptation processes. Moreover, to ensure scale validity, empirical investigation to test for invariance across different subgroups is required to engender confidence in the generalizability of the measure. This study aimed to provide initial validation of the Turkish Digital Natives Assessment Scale as a current measure for preservice teachers and to examine scale invariance across gender given that gender has been identified as an important contextual factor when studying digital natives’ characteristics and use of digital technology. Confirmatory factor analyses and measurement invariance analyses across gender for cross-validation were performed. The confirmatory factor analysis results showed that a four-factor structure was confirmed for female and male preservice teachers together and female and male preservice teachers separately. In relation to measurement invariance, the results of the current study indicated support for configural invariance, metric invariance, and scalar invariance by gender
Hypertension, snoring, and obstructive sleep apnoea during pregnancy: a cohort study
Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/109590/1/bjo12885.pd