1,040 research outputs found

    Is small beautiful? Understanding the contribution of small businesses in township tourism to economic development

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    The increased importance attached by policy-makers to the anticipated developmental effects of tourism in developing countries has been insufficiently examined by academic researchers, particularly in the context of the contribution of small firms in urban areas. This deficiency is addressed by providing a review of existing research followed by an analysis of interviews with 90 tourism business located within and outside the townships of Langa and Imizamo Yethu, Cape Town, South Africa. The findings reveal tensions between the different actors involved in township tourism. While the involvement of small, locally owned, businesses is beneficial, it is limited by conflicts of interest, lack of trust, limited social networks and little attachment to the township locality. The discussion highlights the complexity of tourism's role in economic development, which has significant implications for local policy-makers

    Coastal scenic assessment and tourism management in western Cuba

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    Coastal scenic assessments via checklist tables (18 natural, 8 human related parameters), can provide benchmark measures regarding desirable/non-desirable beach conditions and also classify sites. The scenic value for 43 sites in western Cuba was investigated, with the aim of helping managers improve bathing areas, especially for tourism purposes. Sites were categorised from Class 1, (top grade scenery), between La Habana and Matanzas, as extremely attractive, with white sand, turquoise water and additional scenic elements. Class 2 sites were located in Varadero, and their high scores were greatly due to appropriate human interventions, e.g. beach nourishment and dune restoration works. Classes 3 to 5 (the latter having very poor scenery), included sites with low scores for natural parameters. For these sites, coastal managers can do little to alleviate scenic impact, apart from addressing the human parameters, where improvement is possible, e.g. by litter removal together with the present chaotic protective structures

    The Impacts of Wildlife Conservation Policies on Rural Household Welfare in Zambia

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    KEY POLICY POINTS • Tourism is increasingly important in Zambia as a vehicle for economic growth, and has been identified as a key sector for poverty reduction due to its potential to generate off-farm income and employment in rural areas. Growth in arrivals and receipts in Zambia has outpaced average growth rates for developing countries. • Tourism in Zambia relies mostly on the stock of natural resources, including the protected area system which includes national parks and game management areas (GMAs). Co-management agreements between Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) and rural communities present opportunities and threats for households living in GMAs. • Households living in GMAs have lower average income than households in other rural areas. Yet we find that, for prime GMAs (those well stocked with wildlife), the GMA designation leads to higher incomes than households would otherwise be expected to achieve, based on their own characteristics and those of the areas in which they reside. • We further find that the benefits of living in a prime GMA accrue mostly to the wealthier segments of the population. • Though overall effects on households are positive, losses from crop damage by wildlife are a threat to this success: we find that such losses are statistically significant, large enough to be meaningful to households, and greatest in prime GMAswildlife conservation, rural households, zambia, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Environmental Economics and Policy, Food Security and Poverty, International Development, q57,

    Kerjasama United Nations World Tourism Organization (Unwto) dengan Indonesia dalam Pengembangan Sektor Pariwisata di Pangandaran, Jawa Barat Tahun 2011-2013

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    This reserach describes the collaboration between UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization) and Indonesia within developing tourism sector in Pangandaran 2011-2013. Tourism sector is an important component of the Indonesia economy, and Pangandaran is one of the popular tourism destinations in West Java that contribute in Indonesia economy. However, due to the tsunami disaster in 2006 severely effect within tourism in Pangandaran. The purpose of this research is to explain the STREAM (Sustainable Tourism through Energy Efficiency with Adaptation and Mitigation Measures) project as a form of collaboration between UNWTO and Indonesia in developing the tourism sector in Pangandaran to revitalizing the tourism area.This research uses qualitative methods with techniques of writing a literature review through the secondary data which are already available in the literature, books, journals and website searches. This research also uses pluralism perspective, international organization theory and collaboration theory to explain collaborating between UNWTO and Indonesia.The result of this research indicates that the STREAM project has made Pangandaran as tourism areas that are resistant to the climate change and able to increase tourist arrivals, both local and foreign. This research also shows the successful of the STREAM project. One of the success factors of this project is the involvement of the local community and surrounding communities during the project was implemented. The STREAM project in Pangandaran is being implemented by UNWTO together with the Indonesia Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. The project is also part of the International Climate Initiative (ICI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety.Keywords: UNWTO, Tourism, STREAM Project, Climate Chang


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    The year 2017 was declared by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development. Tourism is seen as a “driver of development and peace, promoting the harmonious co-existence of people from all countries” (Beijing Declaration 2016). A principle of sustainable tourism is to “build sustainable cities and communities”. From this perspective, tourism should support the wellbeing of all actors involved. Wellbeing of hosts, should be achieved when sustainable tourism guidelines are fulfilled. Wellbeing of guests is necessary to make any destination attractive for tourism. The question posed in this paper, however, challenges that view. The paper presents a theoretical analysis of wellbeing in relation to sustainable tourism and to hosting and guest communities. The first section talks about wellbeing conceptual backgrounds including Social Indicators, index of life quality based on values, subjective wellbeing or responsible wellbeing one. The second section focuses on the analysis of wellbeing in sustainable tourism conceptual background, including the differences between the guidelines provided by WTO (2005), and the latest guidelines published by UNWTO ((United Nations World Tourism Organization)) and UNGA in 2015. The third section juxtaposes wellbeing conceptual background with tourism, the most prominent gaps and challenges of wellbeing regarding hosting communities and tourists

    Overtourism: the Impact of tourism on Madeira’s social and economic environment

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    The main goal of the analyses presented in the article is to identify the phenomena and consequences concomitant with the phenomenon of overtourism in the economic (with particular emphasis on energy) and social dimensions, regarding the Portuguese island of Madeira. The starting point for considerations includes a review of the issues that define the theoretical framework of “excessive tourism”, as well as a discussion of the most important determinants of the socio-economic development of Madeira. Then, the results of own research are presented, including the original analysis of existing data on electricity production, population growth and the number of overnight stays, as well as the results of a survey conducted in April 20211 , among both permanent residents and tourists visiting the island. The obtained results indicate, among others, that for each increase in the number of overnight stays by 1%, the production of electricity increases by 0.597%; and for every 1% increase in the number of inhabitants, there is a 5.617% increase in electricity production. At the same time, the data on the number of inhabitants indicates a population growth rate close to zero, and thus a higher level of consumption will come from the tourist sector. Based on the results of the survey, key problem areas have been identified (including, for example, issues related to the sense of local identity, security or relations between tourists and residents). The volume of tourist traffic has also been assessed, and a number of reflections and recommendations have been formulated to limit the negative effects of “excessive tourism”.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    International, Regional, and Local Aspects of Tourism

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    Ze wstępu: "Turystyka, nie bez powodu uznawana za jedną z najbardziej dynamicznie rozwijających się dziedzin gospodarki, stanowi istotny czynnik rozwoju gospodarczego państw, regionów czy też miejscowości. Obecnie sektor ten wytwarza 10% globalnego PKB oraz generuje 1 na 11 miejsc pracy w gospodarce światowej. Mimo zamachów terrorystycznych oraz międzynarodowych konfliktów, liczba turystów zagranicznych nadal wzrasta (w 2016 r. osiągnęła ponad 1,23 mld) i według prognoz UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organization, Światowa Organizacja Turystyki) w 2030 r. wyniesie 1,8 mld. Jednak wraz z dynamicznym rozwojem, przed turystyką pojawia się szereg wyzwań związanych np. z zapotrzebowaniem konsumentów na bardziej wyspecjalizowane rodzaje i formy turystyki, czy z koniecznością wypracowania przyjaznych dla środowiska przyrodniczego oraz społecznego praktyk turystycznych. Inicjatywy tego rodzaju znalazły wyraz w ogłoszeniu 2017 r. Międzynarodowym Rokiem Zrównoważonej Turystyki dla Rozwoju. W niniejszej publikacji podjęto próbę naświetlenia problematyki turystyki, poczynając od jej wymiaru międzynarodowego w odniesieniu do wybranych problemów, poprzez szczebel regionalny, kończąc na pokazaniu rozwiązań na poziomie lokalnym. Przedstawione zagadnienia stanowią kontynuację rozważań rozpoczętych w 2016 r. na łamach monografii pt. Turystyka i rekreacja: współczesne zagrożenia oraz możliwości rozwoju. Tym razem, w związku z coraz szerzej reprezentowaną koncepcją rozwoju turystyki uwzględniającą dobra obecnych i przyszłych pokoleń oraz na skutek zmieniających się preferencji turystów, zaprezentowano spojrzenie opierające się na przedstawieniu rozwiązań omówionych poniżej."(...

    Gay tourism : are you prepared?

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    Considerando o crescimento da visibilidade da comunidade LGBT e da discussão do seu impacto económico no turismo, este estudo pretende analisar as especificidades deste segmento e a aceitação do mesmo por parte das unidades hoteleiras açorianas, no processo de reserva de alojamento turístico. Para tal, foram criados casais fictícios (homossexuais e heterossexuais) e, a partir da listagem oficial de alojamentos, foi enviado um e-mail, redigido por um desses casais, requisitando informações e disponibilidade para uma estadia em lua-de-mel. Os resultados indicam que não foi oferecido mais alojamento aos heterossexuais do que aos homossexuais, que os homens gays receberam menos respostas positivas do que as mulheres gays e que grande parte das respostas positivas são dadas por mulheres. Constata-se que as características do alojamento não são determinantes na disponibilidade oferecida mediante a orientação sexual e que a resposta aos turistas gays foi tendencialmente mais demorada. Problemas de discriminação e falta de sensibilidade podem ter consequências prejudiciais para o destino. Esta investigação pretende contribuir para a melhoria contínua dos serviços prestados pelos diferentes stakeholders do setor do turismo.ABSTRACT: Considering the visible growth of the LGBT community and the discussion of its economical impact on tourism, and due to the recent increase of the touristic activity in the Azores, this study aims to analyze the gay tourist and the receptivity to this segment from the Azorean accommodation establishments at the booking process. The recent development of the touristic activity in the Azores and the quest for To do so, four fictional couples were created, two gay couples (man-man, woman-woman) and two heterosexual couples (woman-man, man-woman), so gender differences could be assessed. Via the official listing of accommodation establishments in the Azores, an e-mail was sent to 406 establishments, supposedly written by one of these couples, requesting information and availability for a honeymoon stay. This approach was employed so that it was as close as possible to a real life situation with less susceptibility to obtain answers influenced by social desirability. The results indicated that the number of accommodations offered to straight couples was not higher than the number offered to gay couples. More so, the characteristics of the establishments were not determinant of the type of answer, women gave the most answers, gay men received less positive responses than gay women, and gay tourists seemed to get slower responses. Discrimination problems and lack of sensibility might lead to negative consequences to a destination. This research aims to contribute to a continuous improvement of the services provided from the different Azorean tourism stakeholders.N/

    Coastal Scenic Quality Assessment of Moroccan Mediterranean Beaches: A Tool for Proper Management

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    This paper focuses on the study of landscape quality of Moroccan Mediterranean coastal areas, with a view to distinguishing exceptional beaches with high scenic value. The main characteristics of 50 beaches along the studied coast were assessed using a coastal scenic evaluation system based on a set of 26 selected parameters, including physical (18) and human (8) parameters. Each parameter was examined via a five-point rating scale, ranging from presence/absence or poor quality (1) to excellent quality (5). A decision index (D) is afterward obtained and used to classify sites into five classes: Class I: D >= 0.85, which included 9 sites (18%); Class II: 0.85 > D >= 0.65, 10 sites (20%); Class III: 0.65 > D >= 0.40, 8 sites (16%); Class IV: 0.40 > D >= 0.00, 16 sites (32%); and Class V: D < 0.00, 7 sites (14%). The sites of Belyounech 2, Maresdar, El Hwad, and Dalya are the best examples of Class I and represent extremely attractive coastal landscapes. The sites of Ghandouri, Tangier Municipal, M'Diq, Martil, and Tangier Malabata are examples of degraded urban sites that are very unattractive due to high human pressures. Management efforts in Moroccan coastal landscapes can strengthen the control of human activities and improve the scenic value of the sites. Class II beaches, such as Mrisat, Souani, Taourirt, and Sfiha, could improve and upgrade to Class I through litter cleaning and a regular maintenance program. Using the same principle, Class III sites, such as Sidi Amer O Moussa and Sidi Driss, could improve and upgrade to Class II. Indeed, litter and sewage appear as the main factors of degradation of Moroccan coasts, and many excellent beaches are strongly affected by them. This should be a wakeup call to the Moroccan authorities to take urgent and appropriate management measures

    Exploring wine tourism in Bulgaria: A pathway to sustainable rural and tourism development?

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    Wine tourism is a niche tourism product that is increasing in wine regions across the world. Wine tourism is also being hailed as a more sustainable approach to tourism due to its promotion of economic, environmental and social sustainability. Sustainable rural development is a high priority around the world due to declining rural economies. Tourism is increasingly being viewed as a component of rural development strategy to revive rural economies and encourage preservation of natural and cultural assets. This thesis explores wine tourism development in Bulgaria and its role in sustainable rural development. Key challenges were identified as (i) lack of regional competitiveness; (ii) lack of public awareness and recognition, (iii) lack of regional and local infrastructure (roads and signage); (iv) lack of service delivery skills, capacity and proactive attitude in wineries; (v) lack of tourism strategies (national, regional and local level), planning processes and governance structure; (vi) lack of service quality assurance mechanisms; and (vii) lack of available market research. Using Distributed Economies (DE) as a conceptual framework, wine tourism clusters are proposed as a way to encourage collaboration between the wine and tourism industry. Transition Management (TM) is used as a theoretical framework to better understand how stakeholders can approach planning, implementation and governance processes involved in developing wine tourism. This research contributes to minimizing the knowledge gap in wine tourism development and its implications on rural development in the context of Bulgaria