
Gay tourism : are you prepared?


Considerando o crescimento da visibilidade da comunidade LGBT e da discussão do seu impacto económico no turismo, este estudo pretende analisar as especificidades deste segmento e a aceitação do mesmo por parte das unidades hoteleiras açorianas, no processo de reserva de alojamento turístico. Para tal, foram criados casais fictícios (homossexuais e heterossexuais) e, a partir da listagem oficial de alojamentos, foi enviado um e-mail, redigido por um desses casais, requisitando informações e disponibilidade para uma estadia em lua-de-mel. Os resultados indicam que não foi oferecido mais alojamento aos heterossexuais do que aos homossexuais, que os homens gays receberam menos respostas positivas do que as mulheres gays e que grande parte das respostas positivas são dadas por mulheres. Constata-se que as características do alojamento não são determinantes na disponibilidade oferecida mediante a orientação sexual e que a resposta aos turistas gays foi tendencialmente mais demorada. Problemas de discriminação e falta de sensibilidade podem ter consequências prejudiciais para o destino. Esta investigação pretende contribuir para a melhoria contínua dos serviços prestados pelos diferentes stakeholders do setor do turismo.ABSTRACT: Considering the visible growth of the LGBT community and the discussion of its economical impact on tourism, and due to the recent increase of the touristic activity in the Azores, this study aims to analyze the gay tourist and the receptivity to this segment from the Azorean accommodation establishments at the booking process. The recent development of the touristic activity in the Azores and the quest for To do so, four fictional couples were created, two gay couples (man-man, woman-woman) and two heterosexual couples (woman-man, man-woman), so gender differences could be assessed. Via the official listing of accommodation establishments in the Azores, an e-mail was sent to 406 establishments, supposedly written by one of these couples, requesting information and availability for a honeymoon stay. This approach was employed so that it was as close as possible to a real life situation with less susceptibility to obtain answers influenced by social desirability. The results indicated that the number of accommodations offered to straight couples was not higher than the number offered to gay couples. More so, the characteristics of the establishments were not determinant of the type of answer, women gave the most answers, gay men received less positive responses than gay women, and gay tourists seemed to get slower responses. Discrimination problems and lack of sensibility might lead to negative consequences to a destination. This research aims to contribute to a continuous improvement of the services provided from the different Azorean tourism stakeholders.N/

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