193 research outputs found

    Penilaian Kualitas Tanah pada Beberapa Tipe Penggunaan Lahan di Kecamatan Sigi Biromaru Kabupaten Sigi

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    This research aimed to evaluate soil quality criteria in Sigi Biromaru District Sigi Regency based on some types of land use. The research method used was descriptive-explorative method which its variables were conducted through field surveys and supported by soil analysis from laboratory. Results of soil analysis were then assessed its quality by using scoring method at each indicator. Results of this research showed that soil in Sigi Biromaru District Sigi Regency based land use had soil quality criteria ranged from healthy soil to less healthy soil. On mixed farming area had the highest scoring value 2.83 (healthy soil criteria), whilst rice field had scoring value 2.66 (less healthy soil criteria) and on horticulture area had the lowest scoring value 2.5 (less healthy soil criteria)

    Stress induced hyperglycemia in stroke patients

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    Background: Stroke is the third most common cause of death in developed countries and second most common cause of death worldwide. High proportion of patients may develop hyperglycemia after an acute stress such as stroke or myocardial infarction even in the absence of preexisting diagnosis of diabetes mellitus. Prolonged stress hyperglycemia in ischemic stroke increases the risk of in-hospital 28- day mortality, especially in non-diabetic patients. Aims and objectives:To determine the frequency of stress-induced hyperglycemia in non-diabetic patients with ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. Subjects and methods: A total of 255 patients admitted with acute stroke, fulfilling the inclusion criteria were included in the study. After informed consent capillary blood glucose was monitored at the time of admission and after every 8-hour for three days. Glycosylated hemoglobin (hba1c) was measured simultaneously. Results: Hyperglycemia was noted in 67 (26.32%) patients. Out of which 50 (74.6%) presented with ischemic stroke while only 17 (25.4%) were associated with hemorrhagic stroke. Undiagnosed diabetes was found in 10% cases. Conclusion: Stress related hyperglycemia after acute stroke was found in 26% of patients especially those with high BMI, visceral obesity and positive family history for diabetes

    Antihypertensive Activity of Aqueous-Methanol Extract of Berberis Orthobotrys Bien Ex Aitch in Rats

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    Purpose: To investigate the hypotensive potential of Berberis orthobotrys Bien Ex Aitch (Family: Berberidaceae) in both normotensive and hypertensive rats.Methods: Aqueous-methanol (70:30) extract of Berberis orthobotrys at doses of 25, 50, 75 and 100 mg/kg was evaluated for its effect on blood pressure and heart rate using non-invasive blood pressure measuring apparatus. After initial screening, 100 mg/kg dose that produced a maximum effect was selected for the antihypertensive study. Median lethal dose (LD50) and sub-chronic toxicity of the extract were also determined. Various biochemical parameters and organ weight were measured usingstandard procedures.Results: The extract produced a significant (p < 0.01) decrease in systolic blood pressure (SBP), mean blood pressure (MBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) and heart rate of normotensive rats at all test doses with maximum effect at 100 mg/kg. Similarly, a significant antihypertensive and negative chronotropic effect was observed in both hypertensive models. LD50 of the extract was 200 mg/kg in mice. The extract also exhibited a reduction (p < 0.05) in serum alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate aminotransaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), triglycerides and low density lipoprotein (LDL) levels while a significant (p < 0.05) increase in high density lipoproteins (HDL) level was observed.Conclusion: It seems that the aqueous-methanol extract of Berberis orthobotrys possesses active compounds which may be responsible for the antihypertensive and negative chronotropic effects in rats.Keywords: Berberis orthobotrys, Antihypertensive, Egg feed diet, Blood lipid

    Disparities of Agricultural Productivity in Balochistan A GIS Perspective

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    Abstract A systems approach to agriculture has gained favou

    Potential economic implications for regional tourism of a Foot and Mouth Disease outbreak in North Queensland

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    International and domestic tourism are sensitive to disastrous events which make areas inaccessible to visitors, less attractive or more dangerous. One form of tourism disaster is the outbreak of an exotic disease, of which Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) is a prime case. It is now well documented that the 2001 FMD outbreak in the UK had a greater impact on tourism than on agriculture. It has been estimated than an FMD outbreak in Australia would impose a cost of about 13million.TheimpactontourismwouldbehighlydependentontheextentanddurationofanFMDoutbreak,aswellasonanymanagementandcontainmentrestrictionsimposedbytheauthoritiesintheirattempttocontrolandeventuallyeradicatethedisease.Publicperceptionandthustheprovisionofaccurateinformationandthewayinwhichthemediareportdisasterswillalsoplayanimportantroleindeterminingtheimpactonthetourismindustry.TheeconomyofTropicalNorthQueenslandreliesheavilyoninternationalvisitors,andanFMDoutbreakintheregionwouldimposealargecosttotheregionaleconomy,conservativelyestimatedheretobeoftheorderof13 million. The impact on tourism would be highly dependent on the extent and duration of an FMD outbreak, as well as on any management and containment restrictions imposed by the authorities in their attempt to control and eventually eradicate the disease. Public perception and thus the provision of accurate information and the way in which the media report disasters will also play an important role in determining the impact on the tourism industry. The economy of Tropical North Queensland relies heavily on international visitors, and an FMD outbreak in the region would impose a large cost to the regional economy, conservatively estimated here to be of the order of 200 million per year

    The SWI/SNF complex acts to constrain distribution of the centromeric histone variant Cse4

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    In order to gain insight into the function of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SWI/SNF complex, we have identified DNA sequences to which it is bound genomewide. One surprising observation is that the complex is enriched at the centromeres of each chromosome. Deletion of the gene encoding the Snf2 subunit of the complex was found to cause partial redistribution of the centromeric histone variant Cse4 to sites on chromosome arms. Cultures of snf2Δ yeast were found to progress through mitosis slowly. This was dependent on the mitotic checkpoint protein Mad2. In the absence of Mad2, defects in chromosome segregation were observed. In the absence of Snf2, chromatin organisation at centromeres is less distinct. In particular, hypersensitive sites flanking the Cse4 containing nucleosomes are less pronounced. Furthermore, SWI/SNF complex was found to be especially effective in the dissociation of Cse4 containing chromatin in vitro. This suggests a role for Snf2 in the maintenance of point centromeres involving the removal of Cse4 from ectopic sites

    Nck2 promotes human melanoma cell proliferation, migration and invasion in vitro and primary melanoma-derived tumor growth in vivo

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Nck1 and Nck2 adaptor proteins are involved in signaling pathways mediating proliferation, cytoskeleton organization and integrated stress response. Overexpression of Nck1 in fibroblasts has been shown to be oncogenic. Through the years this concept has been challenged and the consensus is now that overexpression of either Nck cooperates with strong oncogenes to transform cells. Therefore, variations in Nck expression levels in transformed cells could endorse cancer progression.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Expression of Nck1 and Nck2 proteins in various cancer cell lines at different stages of progression were analyzed by western blots. We created human primary melanoma cell lines overexpressing GFP-Nck2 and investigated their ability to proliferate along with metastatic characteristics such as migration and invasion. By western blot analysis, we compared levels of proteins phosphorylated on tyrosine as well as cadherins and integrins in human melanoma cells overexpressing or not Nck2. Finally, in mice we assessed tumor growth rate of human melanoma cells expressing increasing levels of Nck2.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that expression of Nck2 is consistently increased in various metastatic cancer cell lines compared with primary counterparts. Particularly, we observed significant higher levels of Nck2 protein and mRNA, as opposed to no change in Nck1, in human metastatic melanoma cell lines compared with non-metastatic melanoma and normal melanocytes. We demonstrated the involvement of Nck2 in proliferation, migration and invasion in human melanoma cells. Moreover, we discovered that Nck2 overexpression in human primary melanoma cells correlates with higher levels of proteins phosphorylated on tyrosine residues, assembly of Nck2-dependent pY-proteins-containing molecular complexes and downregulation of cadherins and integrins. Importantly, we uncovered that injection of Nck2-overexpressing human primary melanoma cells into mice increases melanoma-derived tumor growth rate.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Collectively, our data indicate that Nck2 effectively influences human melanoma phenotype progression. At the molecular level, we propose that Nck2 in human primary melanoma promotes the formation of molecular complexes regulating proliferation and actin cytoskeleton dynamics by modulating kinases or phosphatases activities that results in increased levels of proteins phosphorylated on tyrosine residues. This study provides new insights regarding cancer progression that could impact on the therapeutic strategies targeting cancer.</p

    Identification of KIF3A as a Novel Candidate Gene for Childhood Asthma Using RNA Expression and Population Allelic Frequencies Differences

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    Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease with a strong genetic predisposition. A major challenge for candidate gene association studies in asthma is the selection of biologically relevant genes.Using epithelial RNA expression arrays, HapMap allele frequency variation, and the literature, we identified six possible candidate susceptibility genes for childhood asthma including ADCY2, DNAH5, KIF3A, PDE4B, PLAU, SPRR2B. To evaluate these genes, we compared the genotypes of 194 predominantly tagging SNPs in 790 asthmatic, allergic and non-allergic children. We found that SNPs in all six genes were nominally associated with asthma (p<0.05) in our discovery cohort and in three independent cohorts at either the SNP or gene level (p<0.05). Further, we determined that our selection approach was superior to random selection of genes either differentially expressed in asthmatics compared to controls (p = 0.0049) or selected based on the literature alone (p = 0.0049), substantiating the validity of our gene selection approach. Importantly, we observed that 7 of 9 SNPs in the KIF3A gene more than doubled the odds of asthma (OR = 2.3, p<0.0001) and increased the odds of allergic disease (OR = 1.8, p<0.008). Our data indicate that KIF3A rs7737031 (T-allele) has an asthma population attributable risk of 18.5%. The association between KIF3A rs7737031 and asthma was validated in 3 independent populations, further substantiating the validity of our gene selection approach.Our study demonstrates that KIF3A, a member of the kinesin superfamily of microtubule associated motors that are important in the transport of protein complexes within cilia, is a novel candidate gene for childhood asthma. Polymorphisms in KIF3A may in part be responsible for poor mucus and/or allergen clearance from the airways. Furthermore, our study provides a promising framework for the identification and evaluation of novel candidate susceptibility genes

    The evolving landscape of COVID‐19 and post‐COVID condition in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A study by ERIC, the European research initiative on CLL

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    In this retrospective international multicenter study, we describe the clinical characteristics and outcomes of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and related disorders (small lymphocytic lymphoma and high-count monoclonal B lymphocytosis) infected by SARS-CoV-2, including the development of post-COVID condition. Data from 1540 patients with CLL infected by SARS-CoV-2 from January 2020 to May 2022 were included in the analysis and assigned to four phases based on cases disposition and SARS-CoV-2 variants emergence. Post-COVID condition was defined according to the WHO criteria. Patients infected during the most recent phases of the pandemic, though carrying a higher comorbidity burden, were less often hospitalized, rarely needed intensive care unit admission, or died compared to patients infected during the initial phases. The 4-month overall survival (OS) improved through the phases, from 68% to 83%, p = .0015. Age, comorbidity, CLL-directed treatment, but not vaccination status, emerged as risk factors for mortality. Among survivors, 6.65% patients had a reinfection, usually milder than the initial one, and 16.5% developed post-COVID condition. The latter was characterized by fatigue, dyspnea, lasting cough, and impaired concentration. Infection severity was the only risk factor for developing post-COVID. The median time to resolution of the post-COVID condition was 4.7 months. OS in patients with CLL improved during the different phases of the pandemic, likely due to the improvement of prophylactic and therapeutic measures against SARS-CoV-2 as well as the emergence of milder variants. However, mortality remained relevant and a significant number of patients developed post-COVID conditions, warranting further investigations

    Phylogenetic ctDNA analysis depicts early-stage lung cancer evolution.

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    The early detection of relapse following primary surgery for non-small-cell lung cancer and the characterization of emerging subclones, which seed metastatic sites, might offer new therapeutic approaches for limiting tumour recurrence. The ability to track the evolutionary dynamics of early-stage lung cancer non-invasively in circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) has not yet been demonstrated. Here we use a tumour-specific phylogenetic approach to profile the ctDNA of the first 100 TRACERx (Tracking Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Evolution Through Therapy (Rx)) study participants, including one patient who was also recruited to the PEACE (Posthumous Evaluation of Advanced Cancer Environment) post-mortem study. We identify independent predictors of ctDNA release and analyse the tumour-volume detection limit. Through blinded profiling of postoperative plasma, we observe evidence of adjuvant chemotherapy resistance and identify patients who are very likely to experience recurrence of their lung cancer. Finally, we show that phylogenetic ctDNA profiling tracks the subclonal nature of lung cancer relapse and metastasis, providing a new approach for ctDNA-driven therapeutic studies