31 research outputs found

    You can’t always get what you want: gender differences in job satisfaction of university graduates

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    Previous literature stressed on the gender differences in job satisfaction and the factors influencing the job satisfaction of men and women. Two rationales are usually provided for the finding that women tend to be relatively more satisfied with their jobs than men although disadvantaged in labour markets: first, women may have relatively lower expectations of career and income, and second, they may attach relatively less importance to extrinsic rewards than men. In order to analyse whether substantial gender differences exist already at the beginning of the career, we employ information of over 20000 graduates collected through a large-scale survey of German university graduates who recently entered the labour market. We find that the job satisfaction of female graduates is on average slightly lower than the job satisfaction of male graduates, but our results do not point to substantial gender differences. In our sample of highly qualified individuals, men and women are very similar in what they want from their jobs and also in their perceptions of what they get. While our results point to substantial similarity of men and women in the early career stage, gender differences may emerge at later stages of the career life cycle

    Investigating the relationship between work values and work ethics: A South African perspective

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    Orientation: As a result of the proliferation of unethical behaviour in the workplace, the study of work ethics has received new impetus. Research purpose: The research study sought to determine the relationship between work ethics and work values, with the objective of determining whether work ethics statistically significantly predict work values. Motivation for the study: As work ethics (i.e. behavioural intent) are a determinant of work values (i.e. overt behaviour), researchers are investigating their potential in preventing unethical behaviour. Research design, approach and method: A descriptive quantitative research design was employed in the study. A survey was conducted using the Multidimensional Work Ethic Profile and the Values Scale, which in previous studies have produced acceptable Cronbach’s alpha coefficients. Data were collected from 301 respondents in one geographical area in South Africa. Main findings: Work values did not appear to be highly esteemed by respondents, as only 6 of the 22 dimensions had a positive score. However, all seven dimensions of work ethics had positive scores. A negative correlation was found between work ethics and work values. In addition, work ethics predicted 9% of the variance in work values, providing sufficient evidence to accept the postulated research hypothesis. Practical implications: The findings of the study could be used by human resource managers to promote ethical behaviour, by focusing not only on work ethics but also on the relationship between work ethics and work values. Contribution: The study provides evidence of a relationship between work ethics and work behaviours, such as work values, within the South African context, and it thus addresses a research gap in this area

    HRD in SMEs - a research agenda whose time has come

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    As can be seen from its website, and reiterated in numerous editorials (e.g., Anderson, 2017; Nimon, 2017; Reio & Werner, 2017), Human Resource Development Quarterly (HRDQ) provides a central focus on human resource development (HRD) issues as well as the means for disseminating empirical research across the breadth of the discipline. Furthermore, the listing of keywords on its website indicates the importance HRDQ places on knowing more about learning in workplace settings as it includes words and phrases such as workplace issues, workplace learning, organizational studies, and workplace performance. This is in line with general increased interest in organizational learning in recent years (Higgins & Aspinall, 2011). Therefore, it is concerning that HRDQ seldom reports on an area of workplace learning in a sector that, in many countries throughout the world, encompasses approximately 99% of all businesses, provides over 50% of employment, and can generate around 50% of national turnover (Chartered Institute for Personnel & Development [CIPD], 2015; Coetzer & Perry, 2008; European Commission, 2016; Federation of Small Businesses, 2015; Hamburg, Engert, Anke, & Marin, 2008; Matlay, 2014; Mellett & O'Brien, 2014; U.K. Parliament, 2014; U.S. Census Bureau, 2012). If you have not yet guessed, this area of learning, which is vital to economies across the globe, occurs in small and medium‐sized enterprises (SMEs). Consequently, in this editorial, we seek to explore the extent of this omission, not only in HRDQ but also in other journals, and then investigate possible reasons for this. We hope that by emphasizing both the importance of and the lack of reported research into HRD in SMEs, we will encourage further dialogue and submissions related to this important topic

    The effects of work values, work centrality and person-job fit on organizational citizenship behavior

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    ÖZETBu çalışmanın temel amacı, çalışma ortamındaki values, tutumlar and davranışlar arasındaki bağlantıyı kurmak and ‘çalışma deneyimini’ bu çerçeand içinde ele almaktır. Bu çerçeandde, örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışının çalışma valuesi ile açıklanabileceği and bu ilişkinin work centrality aracılığıyla gerçekleşeceği öngörülmüştür. Bir başka deyişle, çalışma değerleri ile örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışları arasındaki bağlantının kişinin çalışmayı hayatında ne derece önemli gördüğüne bağlı olarak değiştiği düşünülmektedir. Bu ilişkiler örüntüsünde etkisi olan bir diğer variablein person-job fit olduğu and bu uyumun olup olmamasının work centrality ile örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı arasındaki ilişkiyi farklılaştıracağı düşünülerek, moderating variable olarak işlevi test edilmiştir. Türkiye’de faaliyet gösteren KOBİ çalışanları üzerinde yapılan çalışmaya göre, örgütsel vatandaşlık davranışı (ÖVD) çalışma değerleri ile açıklanabilmektedir. Bir ara variable olarak work centrality, vatandaşlık davranışı ile çalışma valuesinin sadece bazı boyutları arasındaki ilişkide aracı olarak yer almaktadır. Çalışmamızda person-job fitnun şartlı rolünün zayıf olduğu tespit edilmiş and sonraki araştırmalarda yeniden test edilmesi önerilmiştir. Çalışmamız, kişinin valuese, çalışarak ne derece ulaşabileceğine dair algısını ifade eden yeni bir kavram olan ‘work-value congruence’nı yazına kazandırmasından ötürü önem arz etmektedir. Bu yeni kavramın, değerler gibi, kişinin çalışma alanındaki tutum ve davranışlarını etkileyen, uzun vadede kolay kolay değişmeyen, temel taşlardan biri olduğu belirtilmiş ve gelecek çalışmalar için öneriler sunulmuştur. ABSTRACTThe main purpose of this study is to understand the experience of work by analyzing the link between work related values, attitudes and behavior. In this respect, it is hypothesized that work values predict organizational citizenship behavior; and that this relationship is mediated by work centrality. In other words, the relationship between work values and organizational citizenship behavior depends on how much importance a person attributes to work itself. Person-job fit is believed to have an impact on the relationship between centrality and citizenship and its moderator role is tested. According to our study conducted on employees working in Turkish SME’s, work values are an important predictor of organizational citizenship behavior. The mediator role of work centrality in the relationship has proandn to exist only for work values and the responsibility dimension of citizenship behavior. On the other hand, the moderator role of person-job fit has not been fully supported and its role in the model is discussed. An important contribution of this study, is the conceptualization of a new variable; the work-value congruence. It is indicated that, this new variable has effects on work related attitudes and behavior similar to those of work values. It is suggested that, work-value congruence could be treated as a sound independent variable in work related research. The implications for further studies are discusse

    Yerçekimsel dalgalar ve 2.5 pn yerçekimsel dalga hafızası

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    Since the discovery of general relativity, the Einstein field equations have explainedmany phenomenon (e.g. precession of orbits) and predicted others (e.g. gravitational lensing, gravitational time dilation and black holes). Among its many predictions,the wave-like nature of the linearized theory has garnered a lot of attention due to the possiblity of gravitational wave propagation; their effects, their observability andthe complicated nature of gravitational radiation. Many scientists (that can be found in references) have worked on ways to approach the non-linear limit of this theorythrough methods such as post-Newtonian (PN) expansion and post-Monkowskian expansion. From these methods, one can find that for weakly self-gravitating object,we can approximate the production of waves up to corrections of O(v/c)n. Thesecorrections also predicts observable gravitational corrections in the far zone called“memory effect”. This effect corresponds to a permanent change in the metric after the wave has long passed the observer. In this thesis, I will go through the processof deriving these intriguing predictions which are soon to be put to the test by freefall interferometers (e.g. LISA and DECIGO) or matter-wave interferometers (e.g.MIGA).Einstein alan denklemleri genel göreceligin keşfinden beri bazı doğa olaylarını açıklamış(örn. yörünge ötelenmeleri), bazılarını ise öngürmü¸stür (örn. yer çekimsel lensleme, yerçekimsel zaman geni¸slemesi ve karadelikler). Bu alan denklemlerini dogrusalla¸stırarak elde ettigimiz dalga denklemleri olası yerçekimsel dalgalara işaret ettiği için ilgi çekiyordu; böyle dalgaların etkileri, gözlemlenebilirligi ve yerçekimsel rad- ˘yasyonun karı¸sık dogası öncelikli olmak üzere. Bu yerçekim teorisinin hakkında bir- ˘ çok bilim insanı yöntemler geli¸stirmi¸slerdir (referanslarda da görülebilecegi üzere), ˘bunların arasında post-Newtonian (PN) açılımı ve post-Minkowskian açılımı ise bu dalgaların dogrusal olmayan düzeltmelerinin incelenmesini sa ˘ glar. Bu metotlar sayesinde, yerçekimsel kuvvetlerin egemen olmadıgı kaynakların yarattığı dalgaların ˘ üzerinde O(v/c)n mertebelerinde düzeltmeler yapılabilir. Bu düzeltmelerin arasındada gözlemlenebilir “hafıza etkisi” bulunmaktadır. Bu etki yerçekimsel dalgaların geçi- ¸sinden sonra uzay-zaman üzerinde kalan kalıcı degi¸simdir. Bu tezde amacım, yakında serbest-dü¸sü¸s interferometreler (LISA ve DECIGO gibi) ve madde-dalga interferometreleri (MIGA gibi) tarafından gerçekligi teyit edilecek bu dalga öngörlerinin nasıl ˘ vii çıkartıldıgının üzerinden gitmek.M.S. - Master of Scienc

    Associations between Turkish incarcerated mothers’ sensitivity and their co-residing children’s attachment: The moderating role of children’s temperament

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    TARAMAWOSWOS:000698208300001TARAMAPUBMEDTARAMASCOPUSThis study investigated the associations between incarcerated mothers’ sensitivity and their co-residing children’s attachment security. Furthermore, the moderating role of children’s temperament on the associations between maternal sensitivity and children’s attachment security was examined. The study sample consisted of 84 incarcerated mothers (Mage = 29.9, SD = 5.6) and their 12- to 43-month-old (M = 25.3, SD = 8.3) children who co-resided with them in prison facilities. Maternal sensitivity and child’s attachment were assessed by observation of mother-child interaction using the Maternal Sensitivity Scale and the Turkish Toddler Attachment Sort-60, respectively. Mothers reported their children’s temperamental features (i.e. negative emotionality and effortful control) using the Early Childhood Behavior Questionnaire. Results showed that maternal sensitivity was related positively to children’s secure attachment and negatively to children’s disorganized attachment. Furthermore, children’s negative emotionality and effortful control moderated the associations between maternal sensitivity and children’s attachment. Specifically, maternal sensitivity negatively predicted children’s avoidant attachment only for children with low negative emotionality and with high effortful control. Additionally, maternal sensitivity negatively predicted children’s anxious attachment only for children with low effortful control. Results are discussed in terms of sample-specific experiences, contextual factors, and the differential susceptibility hypothesis.Society for Research in Child Developmen