33 research outputs found

    Inferring controls on the epidemiology of beech bark disease from spatial patterning of disease organisms

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    1 Spatial pattern in the distribution and abundance of organisms is an emergent property of collective rates of reproduction, survival and movement of individuals in a heterogeneous environment. 2 The form, intensity and scale of spatial patterning can be used to test hypotheses regarding the relative importance of candidate processes to population dynamics. 3 Using 84 plots across eastern North America, we studied populations of two associated plant parasites, the invasive felted beech scale Cryptococcus fagisuga Lind. and the native Neonectria fungi, which together cause beech bark disease (BBD). 4 We evaluated spatial patterns at the scales of trees within stands, stands within the forest and forests within the landscape to examine four hypothetically important factors in the ecology of the disease: (i) local contagion within stands; (ii) regional contagion, or among patch infection–reinfection dynamics; (iii) variation in host susceptibility linked to genetic and/or environmental heterogeneity; and (iv) climate effects on population growth of BBD organisms. 5 Analyses revealed an unexpected lack of spatial aggregation in BBD populations among trees, stands and forests. This implies that propagule pressure is generally sufficiently high throughout the infested region of North America such that neither trees nor stands are spared from the disease by dispersal limitations of the disease agents. Furthermore, variation in tree and stand level susceptibility has minimal impact on BBD dynamics and climate is not a conspicuous driver of abundance within the core range of BBD.This work was partially supported by the USDA Forest Service Northeastern Research Station, grant 04-JV-11242328-122.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1461-9563/hb2013ab201

    Intermediate-severity wind disturbance in mature temperate forests: legacy structure, carbon storage, and stand dynamics

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    Wind is one of the most important natural disturbances influencing forest structure, ecosystem function, and successional processes worldwide. This study quantifies the stand-scale effects of intermediate-severity windstorms (i.e., blowdowns) on (1) live and dead legacy structure, (2) aboveground carbon storage, and (3) tree regeneration and associated stand dynamics at four mature, mixed hardwood–conifer forest sites in the northeastern United States. We compare wind-affected forests to adjacent reference conditions (i.e., undisturbed portions of the same stands) 0–8 yr post-blowdown using parametric (ANOVA) and nonparametric (NMS ordination) analyses. We supplement inventory plots and downed coarse woody detritus (DCWD) transects with hemispherical photography to capture spatial variation in the light environment. Although recent blowdowns transferred a substantial proportion of live overstory trees to DCWD, residual live tree basal area was high (19–59% of reference areas). On average, the initial post-blowdown ratio of DCWD carbon to standing live tree carbon was 2.72 in blowdown stands and 0.18 in reference stands, indicating a large carbon transfer from live to dead pools. Despite these dramatic changes, structural complexity remained high in blowdown areas, as indicated by the size and species distributions of overstory trees, abundance of sound and rotten downed wood, spatial patterns of light availability, and variability of understory vegetation. Furthermore, tree species composition was similar between blowdown and reference areas at each site, with generally shade-tolerant species dominating across multiple canopy strata. Community response to intermediate-severity blowdown at these sites suggests a dynamic in which disturbance maintains late-successional species composition rather than providing a regeneration opportunity for shade-intolerant, pioneer species. Our findings suggest that intermediate-severity wind disturbances can contribute to stand-scale structural complexity as well as development toward late-successional species composition, at least when shade-tolerant regeneration is present pre-blowdown. Advance regeneration thus enhances structural and compositional resilience to this type of disturbance. This study provides a baseline for multi-cohort silvicultural systems designed to restore heterogeneity associated with natural disturbance dynamics

    Effect of L-dopa alone and with benserazide on the spontaneous activity of striatal neurones in normal and 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats

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    1. The effects of L-dopa methylester (LDME), an analogue of levodopa, on the spontaneous activity of dopamine sensitive neurones in the rat striatum, after 6-hydroxydopamine induced degeneration of the nigrostriatal tract were compared with those in unlesioned animals both in the absence and presence of benserazide, a peripheral DOPA decarboxylase inhibitor (PDI). 2. Studies were performed at 5–7 days post lesion (group 1 animals), at 21 days (group 2) when denervation supersensitivity was evident by contralateral turning to apomorphine and at the same time but following 7 days dosing with LDME plus benserazide (group 3). 3. In unlesioned animals, LDME alone inhibited spontaneous firing by some 45% over 60 min including a marked but transient early phase which was still present in all lesioned animals even though the later inhibition was significantly reduced in group 1 and 3 animals. 4. When given after benserazide in unlesioned animals LDME still produced a similar level of overall inhibition but without the early phase. The lesion reduced the overall inhibition, except in group 2 animals, and after chronic dosing (group 3) it was almost absent. 5. It is proposed that since the early inhibition with LDME alone is still seen after lesion of the nigrostriatal tract but not after the PDI benserazide, it is caused by peripherally formed dopamine and that as the delayed inhibition with LDME alone and after benserazide are all reduced by nigrostriatal lesions, as is its amphetamine like ipsilateral turning, that this depends on locally (striatal) synthesized dopamine. 6. This study also shows that chronic levodopa/PDI treatment reduces the compensating increased activity of surviving dopaminergic neurones and the functional supersensitivity to dopamine suggests that the long term administration of levodopa may reduce its own utilization and activity in the striatum and in the treatment of Parkinson's Disease

    Computer-based tools for decision support in agroforestry: Current state and future needs

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    Successful design of agroforestry practices hinges on the ability to pull together very diverse and sometimes large sets of information (i.e., biophysical, economic and social factors), and then implementing the synthesis of this information across several spatial scales from site to landscape. Agroforestry, by its very nature, creates complex systems with impacts ranging from the site or practice level up to the landscape and beyond. Computer-based Decision Support Tools (DST) help to integrate information to facilitate the decision-making process that directs development, acceptance, adoption, and management aspects in agroforestry. Computer-based DSTs include databases, geographical information systems, models, knowledge-base or expert systems, and ‘hybrid’ decision support systems. These different DSTs and their applications in agroforestry research and development are described in this paper. Although agroforestry lacks the large research foundation of its agriculture and forestry counterparts, the development and use of computer-based tools in agroforestry have been substantial and are projected to increase as the recognition of the productive and protective (service) roles of these tree-based practices expands. The utility of these and future tools for decision-support in agroforestry must take into account the limits of our current scientific information, the diversity of aspects (i.e. economic, social, and biophysical) that must be incorporated into the planning and design process, and, most importantly, who the end-user of the tools will be. Incorporating these tools into the design and planning process will enhance the capability of agroforestry to simultaneously achieve environmental protection and agricultural production goals