37 research outputs found

    A Dendrophyllia ramea Population in the Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean Sea) Threatened by Anthropogenic Impacts

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    This study reports the first attempt to quantitatively describe a Dendrophyllia ramea population on the Apollo bank (Ionian Sea), revealed in summer 2021 through a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) survey. The habitat description, bathymetric distribution, population density, and structure of the species were assessed by image analysis. A well-developed population of D. ramea, located on boulders on a sedimentary plateau at 70–80 m depth, was observed. The density ranged on average between 0.17 +- 0.04 and 0.8 +- 2.4 colonies m-2 with dense patches up to 8 colonies m-2. The population consisted primarily of many isolated single corallites and colonies of various sizes, some of which reached a maximum height of more than 40 cm. Deepwater fishing activities, primarily longline fishing, negatively affected this species. The newly collected data add knowledge about this vulnerable scleractinian coral. The documented negative effect of fishing activities on vulnerable marine ecosystem (VME) species further highlights the need for urgent conservation measures

    Interazioni simbiotiche tra il labride pulitore Symphodus Melanocercus e i suoi ospiti nel Mar Ligure

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    ItPer due anni (1998-1999), sono state rilevate le relazioni di pulizia che legano Symphodus melanocercus ai suoi clienti nell’AMP del Promontorio di Portofino. La maggior parte delle interazioni ha interessato 5 specie. Solo Sarpa salpa prendeva sempre per prima l’iniziativa e non tollerava la vicinanza del pulitore senza il suo consenso. Negli altri casi l’iniziativa era presa sia dal pulitore che dal cliente. La fine dell’interazione era stabilita dal pulitore nel caso di Symphodus tinca e Serranus cabrilla, invece era sempre stabilita dal cliente nel caso di S. salpa, e poteva essere conclusa indifferentemente dal pulitore o dal cliente negli altri due casi. Nessun giovane (piccola taglia) è mai stato ispezionato da un pulitore. Molte ispezioni sembravano voler rafforzare i legami con i propri clienti e rendere meno traumatici i successivi approcci.EnAn investigation performed by snorkelling for two years (1998-199) along three coastal stations (2-3m depth) of the Portofino Promontory, have allowed to record some of the complex symbiotic relationships of cleaning that tie the little wrasse, Symphodus melanocercus, to his hosts. In both years of investigations the observations were performed from the beginning of June up to half October since in the other months the wrasse disappeared from the sites in examination. A total of 19 species was cleaned by S. melanocercus, but most interactions have regarded Symphodus tinca, Serranus scriba, Sarpa salpa, Coris julis and S. cabrilla. The cleaning were indifferently solicited by the little wrasse or by S. tinca, S. scriba, C. julis and S. cabrilla. Instead, the former to solicit the cleaning was S. salpa. The cleaning was always terminated by the little wrasse during the interactions with S. tinca and S. cabrilla, while was indifferently terminated by it or by S. scriba and C. julis. The cleaning was instead always terminated by S. salpa. No host of little size (juvenile) was cleaned by the wrasse while it indifferently cleaned both subadult and adult specimens. Many inspections seemed to be mainly performed to strengthen the bonds with his own customers and therefore to make more sure and less traumatic the future meetings with the same individuals

    The demersal fish assemblages of the infra and circalittoral coastal rocky bottoms of the Aeolian Archipelago (Central Mediterranean Sea) studied by Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)

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    Demersal fish assemblages on the rocky bottoms of the Aeolian Archipelago were investigated using a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) within the framework of research activities aimed at drawing up the zoning proposal for a new Italian national marine protected area. Visual assessments were conducted around the seven main islands by means of 36 ROV transects. The video material was divided into 3 parts belonging to 3 Archipelago sectors (Western, Central and Eastern) and into 3 depth ranges (20-50, 51-120, 121-190). Thirty taxa of teleosts (29 species and 1 genus) belonging to 16 families were recorded. The assemblages werenumerically dominated by some schooling fishes, such as Anthias anthias, Callanthias ruber and Chromis chromis that exhibited adepth-related partitioning of space, and three non-gregarious species, namely Serranus cabrilla, Coris julis and Lappanella fasciata.In terms of species composition, the assemblages observed in the sectors of the Archipelago largely overlapped. No significant sector-related differences were detected in fish species richness, diversity and total density. Species composition and the investigated assemblage parameters were significantly affected by depth. The pattern of variation in species richness among depth rangesdiffered from one archipelago sector to another. No significant interaction between the depth range and sector factors was observed in terms of species diversity and total density. Diversity values at 20-50 and 121-190 m depth were similar and significantly higher than at 51-120 m depth. Fish total density showed a clear downward trend with increasing depth, although significant differences were detected between the 20-50 and 51-120 depth layers and the deepest one. Overall, the demersal fish assemblage of the Aeolian Archipelago was poorly diversified and depleted, most likely due to overfishing. This information highlights the importanceof adopting specific measures aimed at the recovery of overexploited resources and the restoration of entire marine ecosystems

    Action plan for the conservation of habitats and species associated with seamounts, underwater caves and canyons, aphotic hard beds and chemo-synthetic phenomena in the Mediterranean Sea (Dark Habitats action plan)

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    Dark habitats are environments where the luminosity is extremely weak, or even absent (aphotic area) leading to an absence of macroscopic autochthonous photosynthesis. The bathymetric extension of this lightless area depends to a great extent on the turbidity of the water and corresponds to benthic and pelagic habitats starting from the deep circa-littoral. Caves which show environmental conditions that favour the installation on of organisms characteristic of dark habitats, are also taken into account. Dark habitats are dependent on very diverse geomorphological structures (e.g. underwater caves, canyons, slopes, isolated rocks, abyssal plains, cold seeps, brine anoxic lakes, hydrothermal springs and seamounts). Dark habitats represent outstanding and potential ecosystems with regard to their: Frailty and vulnerability to any land-based pressure Play an important part in the way the Mediterranean ecosystem functions, insofar as they constitute the main route for transferring matter between the coast and the deep sea Considered as biodiversity hotspots and recruiting areas forming a veritable reservoirs of knowledge and biodiversity Natural habitats that come under Habitat Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora and appear as such as priority habitats requiring protection (Directive 92/43). A certain number of underwater caves enjoy protection status because they fall within the geographical boundaries of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) Understanding of these functions is necessary for a better understanding and management of the biodiversity of Mediterranean coastal zones and continental shelf.peer-reviewe

    Combined effects of human pressures on Europe’s marine ecosystems

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    Marine ecosystems are under high demand for human use, giving concerns about how pressures from human activities may affect their structure, function, and status. In Europe, recent developments in mapping of marine habitats and human activities now enable a coherent spatial evaluation of potential combined effects of human activities. Results indicate that combined effects from multiple human pressures are spread to 96% of the European marine area, and more specifically that combined effects from physical disturbance are spread to 86% of the coastal area and 46% of the shelf area. We compare our approach with corresponding assessments at other spatial scales and validate our results with European-scale status assessments for coastal waters. Uncertainties and development points are identified. Still, the results suggest that Europe’s seas are widely disturbed, indicating potential discrepancy between ambitions for Blue Growth and the objective of achieving good environmental status within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive

    Technical guidance on monitoring for the Marine Stategy Framework Directive

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    The Marine Directors of the European Union (EU), Acceding Countries, Candidate Countries and EFTA Countries have jointly developed a common strategy for supporting the implementation of the Directive 2008/56/EC, “the Marine Strategy Framework Directive” (MSFD). The main aim of this strategy is to allow a coherent and harmonious implementation of the Directive. Focus is on methodological questions related to a common understanding of the technical and scientific implications of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. In particular, one of the objectives of the strategy is the development of non-legally binding and practical documents, such as this technical guidance on monitoring for the MSFD. These documents are targeted to those experts who are directly or indirectly implementing the MSFD in the marine regions. The document has been prepared by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (JRC) with the contribution of experts from Member States, Regional Seas Conventions and ICES and following consultation of the Working Group on Good Environmental Status.JRC.H.1-Water Resource

    The mediterranean sea we want

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    open58siThis paper presents major gaps and challenges for implementing the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) in the Mediterranean region. The authors make recommendations on the scientific knowledge needs and co-design actions identified during two consultations, part of the Decade preparatory-phase, framing them in the Mediterranean Sea’s unique environmental and socio-economic perspectives. According to the ‘Mediterranean State of the Environment and Development Report 2020’ by the United Nations Environment Programme Mediterranean Action Plan and despite notable progress, the Mediterranean region is not on track to achieve and fully implement the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030. Key factors are the cumulative effect of multiple human-induced pressures that threaten the ecosystem resources and services in the global change scenario. The basin, identified as a climate change vulnerability hotspot, is exposed to pollution and rising impacts of climate change. This affects mainly the coastal zones, at increasing risk of extreme events and their negative effects of unsustainable management of key economic assets. Transitioning to a sustainable blue economy is the key for the marine environment’s health and the nourishment of future generations. This challenging context, offering the opportunity of enhancing the knowledge to define science-based measures as well as narrowing the gaps between the Northen and Southern shores, calls for a joint (re)action. The paper reviews the state of the art of Mediterranean Sea science knowledge, sets of trends, capacity development needs, specific challenges, and recommendations for each Decade’s societal outcome. In the conclusions, the proposal for a Mediterranean regional programme in the framework of the Ocean Decade is addressed. The core objective relies on integrating and improving the existing ocean-knowledge, Ocean Literacy, and ocean observing capacities building on international cooperation to reach the “Mediterranean Sea that we want”.openCappelletto M.; Santoleri R.; Evangelista L.; Galgani F.; Garces E.; Giorgetti A.; Fava F.; Herut B.; Hilmi K.; Kholeif S.; Lorito S.; Sammari C.; Lianos M.C.; Celussi M.; D'alelio D.; Francocci F.; Giorgi G.; Canu D.M.; Organelli E.; Pomaro A.; Sannino G.; Segou M.; Simoncelli S.; Babeyko A.; Barbanti A.; Chang-Seng D.; Cardin V.; Casotti R.; Drago A.; Asmi S.E.; Eparkhina D.; Fichaut M.; Hema T.; Procaccini G.; Santoro F.; Scoullos M.; Solidoro C.; Trincardi F.; Tunesi L.; Umgiesser G.; Zingone A.; Ballerini T.; Chaffai A.; Coppini G.; Gruber S.; Knezevic J.; Leone G.; Penca J.; Pinardi N.; Petihakis G.; Rio M.-H.; Said M.; Siokouros Z.; Srour A.; Snoussi M.; Tintore J.; Vassilopoulou V.; Zavatarelli M.Cappelletto M.; Santoleri R.; Evangelista L.; Galgani F.; Garces E.; Giorgetti A.; Fava F.; Herut B.; Hilmi K.; Kholeif S.; Lorito S.; Sammari C.; Lianos M.C.; Celussi M.; D'alelio D.; Francocci F.; Giorgi G.; Canu D.M.; Organelli E.; Pomaro A.; Sannino G.; Segou M.; Simoncelli S.; Babeyko A.; Barbanti A.; Chang-Seng D.; Cardin V.; Casotti R.; Drago A.; Asmi S.E.; Eparkhina D.; Fichaut M.; Hema T.; Procaccini G.; Santoro F.; Scoullos M.; Solidoro C.; Trincardi F.; Tunesi L.; Umgiesser G.; Zingone A.; Ballerini T.; Chaffai A.; Coppini G.; Gruber S.; Knezevic J.; Leone G.; Penca J.; Pinardi N.; Petihakis G.; Rio M.-H.; Said M.; Siokouros Z.; Srour A.; Snoussi M.; Tintore J.; Vassilopoulou V.; Zavatarelli M

    Draft Guidelines for Inventoring and Monitoring of Dark Habitats

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    UNEP(DEPI)/MED WG. 431/Inf.12Dark habitats1 are distributed throughout the Mediterranean basin from the sea surface (i.e. caves) to the deep-sea realm. Various habitats of unique scientific and conservation interest are included in this broad habitat category, such as dark caves, submarine canyons, seamounts and chemo-synthetic features supporting sensitive assemblages which require special protection. Therefore, dark habitats were considered under the Action Plan adopted in the Eighteenth Ordinary Meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention (Turkey, December 2013). In the context of implementation schedule of the Dark Habitats Action Plan (UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA, 2015a) a set of guidelines should be identified aiming to reduce the imminent pressures and threats affecting these vulnerable assemblages. This document aims to establish guidelines for inventorying and monitoring Mediterranean deep-sea habitats and marine caves in order to settle the basis for a regional-based assessment

    Interazioni simbiotiche tra il labride pulitore Symphodus Melanocercus e i suoi ospiti nel Mar Ligure

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    ItPer due anni (1998-1999), sono state rilevate le relazioni di pulizia che legano Symphodus melanocercus ai suoi clienti nell’AMP del Promontorio di Portofino. La maggior parte delle interazioni ha interessato 5 specie. Solo Sarpa salpa prendeva sempre per prima l’iniziativa e non tollerava la vicinanza del pulitore senza il suo consenso. Negli altri casi l’iniziativa era presa sia dal pulitore che dal cliente. La fine dell’interazione era stabilita dal pulitore nel caso di Symphodus tinca e Serranus cabrilla, invece era sempre stabilita dal cliente nel caso di S. salpa, e poteva essere conclusa indifferentemente dal pulitore o dal cliente negli altri due casi. Nessun giovane (piccola taglia) è mai stato ispezionato da un pulitore. Molte ispezioni sembravano voler rafforzare i legami con i propri clienti e rendere meno traumatici i successivi approcci.EnAn investigation performed by snorkelling for two years (1998-199) along three coastal stations (2-3m depth) of the Portofino Promontory, have allowed to record some of the complex symbiotic relationships of cleaning that tie the little wrasse, Symphodus melanocercus, to his hosts. In both years of investigations the observations were performed from the beginning of June up to half October since in the other months the wrasse disappeared from the sites in examination. A total of 19 species was cleaned by S. melanocercus, but most interactions have regarded Symphodus tinca, Serranus scriba, Sarpa salpa, Coris julis and S. cabrilla. The cleaning were indifferently solicited by the little wrasse or by S. tinca, S. scriba, C. julis and S. cabrilla. Instead, the former to solicit the cleaning was S. salpa. The cleaning was always terminated by the little wrasse during the interactions with S. tinca and S. cabrilla, while was indifferently terminated by it or by S. scriba and C. julis. The cleaning was instead always terminated by S. salpa. No host of little size (juvenile) was cleaned by the wrasse while it indifferently cleaned both subadult and adult specimens. Many inspections seemed to be mainly performed to strengthen the bonds with his own customers and therefore to make more sure and less traumatic the future meetings with the same individuals