310 research outputs found

    Dynamics of modal power distribution in a multimode semiconductor laser with optical feedback

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    The dynamics of power distribution between longitudinal modes of a multimode semiconductor laser subjected to external optical feedback is experimentally analyzed in the low-frequency fluctuation regime. Power dropouts in the total light intensity are invariably accompanied by sudden activations of several longitudinal modes. These activations are seen not to be simultaneous to the dropouts, but to occur after them. The phenomenon is statistically analysed in a systematic way, and the corresponding delay is estimated.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, revte

    Parametric localized modes in quadratic nonlinear photonic structures

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    We analyze two-color spatially localized modes formed by parametrically coupled fundamental and second-harmonic fields excited at quadratic (or chi-2) nonlinear interfaces embedded into a linear layered structure --- a quasi-one-dimensional quadratic nonlinear photonic crystal. For a periodic lattice of nonlinear interfaces, we derive an effective discrete model for the amplitudes of the fundamental and second-harmonic waves at the interfaces (the so-called discrete chi-2 equations), and find, numerically and analytically, the spatially localized solutions --- discrete gap solitons. For a single nonlinear interface in a linear superlattice, we study the properties of two-color localized modes, and describe both similarities and differences with quadratic solitons in homogeneous media.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Search for a T-odd, P-even Triple Correlation in Neutron Decay

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    Background: Time-reversal-invariance violation, or equivalently CP violation, may explain the observed cosmological baryon asymmetry as well as signal physics beyond the Standard Model. In the decay of polarized neutrons, the triple correlation D\cdot(p_{e}\timesp_{\nu}) is a parity-even, time-reversal- odd observable that is uniquely sensitive to the relative phase of the axial-vector amplitude with respect to the vector amplitude. The triple correlation is also sensitive to possible contributions from scalar and tensor amplitudes. Final-state effects also contribute to D at the level of 1e-5 and can be calculated with a precision of 1% or better. Purpose: We have improved the sensitivity to T-odd, P-even interactions in nuclear beta decay. Methods: We measured proton-electron coincidences from decays of longitudinally polarized neutrons with a highly symmetric detector array designed to cancel the time-reversal-even, parity-odd Standard-Model contributions to polarized neutron decay. Over 300 million proton-electron coincidence events were used to extract D and study systematic effects in a blind analysis. Results: We find D = [-0.94\pm1.89(stat)\pm0.97(sys)]e-4. Conclusions: This is the most sensitive measurement of D in nuclear beta decay. Our result can be interpreted as a measurement of the phase of the ratio of the axial-vector and vector coupling constants (CA/CV= |{\lambda}|exp(i{\phi}_AV)) with {\phi}_AV = 180.012{\deg} \pm0.028{\deg} (68% confidence level) or to constrain time-reversal violating scalar and tensor interactions that arise in certain extensions to the Standard Model such as leptoquarks. This paper presents details of the experiment, analysis, and systematic- error corrections.Comment: 21 pages, 22 figure

    The relative importance of phytoplankton aggregates and zooplankton fecal pellets to carbon export: insights from free-drifting sediment trap deployments in naturally iron-fertilised waters near the Kerguelen Plateau

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    The first KErguelen Ocean and Plateau compared Study (KEOPS1), conducted in the naturally iron-fertilised Kerguelen bloom, demonstrated that fecal material was the main pathway for exporting carbon to the deep ocean during summer (January–February 2005), suggesting a limited role of direct export via phytodetrital aggregates. The KEOPS2 project reinvestigated this issue during the spring bloom initiation (October–November 2011), when zooplankton communities may exert limited grazing pressure, and further explored the link between carbon flux, export efficiency and dominant sinking particles depending upon surface plankton community structure. Sinking particles were collected in polyacrylamide gel-filled and standard free-drifting sediment traps (PPS3/3), deployed at six stations between 100 and 400 m, to examine flux composition, particle origin and their size distributions. Results revealed an important contribution of phytodetrital aggregates (49+/-10 and 45+/-22% of the total number and volume of particles respectively, all stations and depths averaged). This high contribution dropped when converted to carbon content (30+/-16% of total carbon, all stations and depths averaged), with cylindrical fecal pellets then representing the dominant fraction (56+/-19 %). At 100 and 200m depth, iron- and biomass-enriched sites exhibited the highest carbon fluxes (maxima of 180 and 84+/- 27 mgCm-2 d-1, based on gel and PPS3/3 trap collection respectively), especially where large fecal pellets dominated over phytodetrital aggregates. Below these depths, carbon fluxes decreased (48+/-21%decrease on average between 200 and 400 m), and mixed aggregates composed of phytodetritus and fecal matter dominated, suggesting an important role played by physical aggregation in deep carbon export. Export efficiencies determined from gels, PPS3/3 traps and 234Th disequilibria (200m carbon flux/net primary productivity) were negatively correlated to net primary productivity with observed decreases from ~0.2 at low-iron sites to ~0.02 at high-iron sites. Varying phytoplankton communities and grazing pressure appear to explain this negative relationship. Our work emphasises the need to consider detailed plankton communities to accurately identify the controls on carbon export efficiency, which appear to include small spatio-temporal variations in ecosystem structure

    emiT: an apparatus to test time reversal invariance in polarized neutron decay

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    We describe an apparatus used to measure the triple-correlation term (\D \hat{\sigma}_n\cdot p_e\times p_\nu) in the beta-decay of polarized neutrons. The \D-coefficient is sensitive to possible violations of time reversal invariance. The detector has an octagonal symmetry that optimizes electron-proton coincidence rates and reduces systematic effects. A beam of longitudinally polarized cold neutrons passes through the detector chamber, where a small fraction beta-decay. The final-state protons are accelerated and focused onto arrays of cooled semiconductor diodes, while the coincident electrons are detected using panels of plastic scintillator. Details regarding the design and performance of the proton detectors, beta detectors and the electronics used in the data collection system are presented. The neutron beam characteristics, the spin-transport magnetic fields, and polarization measurements are also described.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure

    Limited variability in the phytoplankton Emiliania huxleyi since the pre-industrial era in the Subantarctic Southern Ocean

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    The Southern Ocean is warming faster than the average global ocean and is particularly vulnerable to ocean acidification due to its low temperatures and moderate alkalinity. Coccolithophores are the most productive calcifying phytoplankton and an important component of Southern Ocean ecosystems. Laboratory observations on the most abundant coccolithophore, Emiliania huxleyi, suggest that this species is susceptible to variations in seawater carbonate chemistry, with consequent impacts in the carbon cycle. Whether anthropogenic environmental change during the industrial era has modified coccolithophore populations in the Southern Ocean, however, remains uncertain. This study analysed the coccolithophore assemblage composition and morphometric parameters of E. huxleyi coccoliths of a suite of Holocene-aged sediment samples from south of Tasmania. The analysis suggests that dissolution diminished the mass and length of E. huxleyi coccoliths in the sediments, but the thickness of the coccoliths was decoupled from dissolution allowing direct comparison of samples with different degree of preservation. The latitudinal distribution pattern of coccolith thickness mirrors the latitudinal environmental gradient in the surface layer, highlighting the importance of the geographic distribution of E. huxleyi morphotypes on the control of coccolith morphometrics. Additionally, comparison of the E. huxleyi coccolith assemblages in the sediments with those of annual subantarctic sediment trap records found that modern E. huxleyi coccoliths are 2% thinner than those from the pre-industrial era. The subtle variation in coccolith thickness contrasts sharply with earlier work that documented a pronounced reduction in shell calcification and consequent shell-weight decrease of 30-35% on the planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides induced by ocean acidification. Results of this study underscore the varying sensitivity of different marine calcifying plankton groups to ongoing environmental change.FCT: UIDB/04326/2020;info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phytoplankton calcification as an effective mechanism to prevent cellular calcium poisoning

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    Marine phytoplankton have developed the remarkable ability to tightly regulate the concentration of free calcium ions in the intracellular cytosol at a level of ~ 0.1 ÎŒmol L−1 in the presence of seawater Ca2+ concentrations of 10 mmol L−1. The low cytosolic calcium ion concentration is of utmost importance for proper cell signalling function. While the regulatory mechanisms responsible for the tight control of intracellular Ca2+ concentration are not completely understood, phytoplankton taxonomic groups appear to have evolved different strategies, which may affect their ability to cope with changes in seawater Ca2+ concentrations in their environment on geological timescales. For example, the Cretaceous (145 to 66 Ma), an era known for the high abundance of coccolithophores and the production of enormous calcium carbonate deposits, exhibited seawater calcium concentrations up to 4 times present-day levels. We show that calcifying coccolithophore species (Emiliania huxleyi, Gephyrocapsa oceanica and Coccolithus braarudii) are able to maintain their relative fitness (in terms of growth rate and photosynthesis) at simulated Cretaceous seawater calcium concentrations, whereas these rates are severely reduced under these conditions in some non-calcareous phytoplankton species (Chaetoceros sp., Ceratoneis closterium and Heterosigma akashiwo). Most notably, this also applies to a non-calcifying strain of E. huxleyi which displays a calcium sensitivity similar to the non-calcareous species. We hypothesize that the process of calcification in coccolithophores provides an efficient mechanism to alleviate cellular calcium poisoning and thereby offered a potential key evolutionary advantage, responsible for the proliferation of coccolithophores during times of high seawater calcium concentrations. The exact function of calcification and the reason behind the highly ornate physical structures of coccoliths remain elusive

    New limit on time-reversal violation in beta decay

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    We report the results of an improved determination of the triple correlation DP . (p(e) x p(v)) that can be used to limit possible time-reversal invariance in the beta decay of polarized neutrons and constrain extensions to the standard model. Our result is D = [-0.96 +/- 1.89(stat) +/- 1.01(sys)] x 10(-4). The corresponding phase between g(A) and g(V) is phi(AV) = 180.013 degrees +/- 0.028 degrees (68% confidence level). This result represents the most sensitive measurement of D in nuclear beta decay

    Search for T violation in neutron decay: the emiT experiment

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    — We describe an experiment to search for the P-even and T-odd correlation of the form D J · pe Ee × pÎœ EÎœ in neutron beta decay. Our result, D = (−0.96±1.89 (stat)±1.01 (sys))×10−4 improves previous limits and now represents the most sensitive measurement of D in nuclear beta decays. According to the Standard Model D should be much smaller, so this search is a probe for potential new physics

    Mooring design using wave-state estimate from the Southern Ocean

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2011. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 28 (2011): 1351–1360, doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-10-05033.1.The Southern Ocean Flux Station was deployed near 47°S, 140°E. The extreme wind and wave conditions at this location require appropriate mooring design, which includes dynamic fatigue analysis and static analysis. An accurate estimate of the wave conditions was essential. A motion reference unit was deployed in a nearby test mooring for 6 months. The motion data provided estimates of significant wave height that agreed well with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology wave model, increasing confidence in the model performance in the Southern Ocean. The results of the dynamic fatigue analysis using three input wave datasets and implications for the mooring design are described. The design analysis predicts the fatigue life for critical mooring components and guided the final selection of links and chain shackles. The three input wave climatologies do not differ greatly, and this is reflected in minimal changes to mooring components for each of the fatigue analyses.Many years of logistic support for these deployments have been provided by the Australian Marine National Facility and the Australian Antarctic Sciences program (Award 1156). IMOS is funded through the Federal Government’s National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy and the Super Science Initiative
