1,412 research outputs found

    Governance And Its Impact On Textile Companies

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    From an economic perspective, the flaws and weaknesses of the government seem to be more evident because of situations such as vagueness of the boundaries between governments and public policies that make it harder work in an attempt to regulate activities of companies to generate small effective numbers and productive trade relations. To know the situation in the textile sector a diagnostic was carried out in 17 companies in production, technological development areas and university services, with an exploratory and quantitative study, and transeccional design. Afterwards were given a qualitative perspective with action research design when applying interviews with government representatives, and advisory councils, chambers of commerce to establish their participation in finding solutions in relations to the problems observed: distrust of the business sector programs offered by the government, minimal participation in training and innovation forums in Consultation Councils and in the decision-making process which prevent the sector increase its development

    A structural connectivity convergence zone in the ventral and anterior temporal lobes: Data-driven evidence from structural imaging

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    The hub-and-spoke model of semantic cognition seeks to reconcile embodied views of a fully distributed semantic network with patient evidence, primarily from semantic dementia, who demonstrate modality-independent conceptual deficits associated with atrophy centred on the ventrolateral anterior temporal lobe. The proponents of this model have recently suggested that the temporal cortex is a graded representational space where concepts become less linked to a specific modality as they are processed farther away from primary and secondary sensory cortices and towards the ventral anterior temporal lobe. To explore whether there is evidence that the connectivity patterns of the temporal lobe converge in its ventral anterior end the current study uses three dimensional Laplacian eigenmapping, a technique that allows visualisation of similarity in a low dimensional space. In this space similarity is encoded in terms of distances between data points. We found that the ventral and anterior temporal lobe is in a unique position of being at the centre of mass of the data points within the connective similarity space. This can be interpreted as the area where the connectivity profiles of all other temporal cortex voxels converge. This study is the first to explicitly investigate the pattern of connectivity and thus provides the missing link in the evidence that the ventral anterior temporal lobe can be considered a multi-modal graded hub

    A GRANULAR FORMULATION OF Nomuraea rileyi Farlow (Samson) FOR THE CONTROL OF Spodoptera frugiperda (LEPIDOPTERA: NOCTUIDAE)

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    A granular formulation of the entomopathogenic fungus Nomuraea rileyi (Farlow) Samson was evaluated against Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The formulation consisted of 1mm particles of defatted corn germ (DCG) containing 107 conidia/g. This preparation protected the conidia against UV radiation and killed 80% of S. frugiperda larvae in laboratory bioassays. It was shown that the fungus used DCG as a substrate for growth and sporulation, creating foci for further infection. This strategy has great potential for the formulation of fungal biocontrol agents, especially those with a high growth rate

    'Dressage Is Full of Queens!' Masculinity, Sexuality and Equestrian Sport

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    Attitudes towards sexuality are changing and levels of cultural homophobia decreasing, yet there remain very few openly gay men within sport. As a proving ground for heteromasculinity, sport has traditionally been a hostile environment for gay men. This article is based on an ethnographic study within a sporting subworld in which gay men do appear to be accepted: equestrian sport. Drawing on inclusive masculinity theory, equestrian sport is shown to offer an unusually tolerant environment for gay men in which heterosexual men of all ages demonstrate low levels of homophobia. Inclusive masculinity theory is a useful framework for exploring the changing nature of masculinities and this study demonstrates that gay men are becoming increasingly visible and accepted within once unreceptive locales, such as sport and rural communities. However, this more tolerant attitude is purchased at the expense of a subordinated feminine Other, perpetuating the dominance of men within competitive sport. © The Author(s) 2012

    El adulto mayor usuario de centros del Instituto Nacional de las Personas Adultas Mayores (Inapam): percepciones sobre su calidad de vida en Saltillo, Coahuila, México

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    El presente estudio de corte cualitativo tuvo como objetivo analizar los eventos más relevantes de la vida del adulto mayor y su relación con la calidad de vida en esta etapa, distinguiendo la percepción que dicho adulto tiene sobre su vejez. Se utilizaron 10 adultos mayores con una edad mínima de 75 años y que acuden a los centros del Instituto Nacional de las Personas Adultas Mayores (Inapam) en la ciudad de Saltillo, Coahuila, México. Para el análisis cualitativo de la información se crearon ocho categorías. Los resultados demostraron que, para el adulto mayor, el padecer una difícil situación económica no es tan grave como la falta de la presencia y afecto familiares, la cual representa el punto neurálgico de la calidad de vida. La idea de la tarea cumplida le resta perspectiva de desarrollo futuro: vive resignado, concibiéndose a sí mismo como un individuo que, si bien tranquilo y alegre, no tiene esperanza ni la necesidad de proyectar su vida a futuro

    Mineral chemistry of In-bearing minerals in the Santa Fe mining district, Bolivia

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    [eng] The Santa Fe mining district is located in the Central Andean tin belt of Bolivia and contains several Sn-Zn-Pb-Ag deposits. From the economic point of view, the most important deposits of the district are Japo, Santa Fe and Morococala. Beyond the traditional metal commodities, the Central Andean Tin Belt could become an exploration target for indium, owing to the potential of the ore-bearing paragenesis with high concentrations of this technology-critical element. In the Santa Fe mining district, the ore occurs as two main types: (a) Sn-rich cassiterite-quartz veins, and (b) Zn-Pb-Ag veins with sphalerite, galena and stannite mineral phases. The In content in igneous rocks is between 1.5 and 2.5 ppm, whereas in the ore concentrate it attains up to 200 ppm. The 1,000×In/Zn ratio in concentrate ranges from 25 up to 4,000. Exceptionally high In values were found in sakuraiite from Morococala deposit (2.03 wt%). Sakuraiite in this deposit shows evidences for a link between stannite and kësterite trend of solid solutions. There is a noteworthy exploration potential for strategic metals in this district and even in similar deposits elsewhere in the Central Andean tin belt.[spa] El distrito minero Santa Fe se encuentra ubicado en la Faja Estannífera de la cordillera Central Andina de Bolivia, que aloja diversos depósitos de Sn-Zn-Pb-Ag. Desde el punto de vista económico, los depósitos más importantes en este distrito son los de Japo, Santa Fe y Morococala. Más allá de los productos metálicos tradicionales, la Faja Estannífera podría convertirse en un blanco de exploración para elementos como el indio, por el potencial de su paragénesis mineral con altas concentraciones de este elemento, crítico para el desarrollo de tecnología. Los yacimientos minerales del distrito de Santa Fe se presentan en dos tipos principales: (a) depósitos ricos en Sn, constituidos por vetas de cuarzo con casiterita, y (b) depósitos diseminados de Zn-Pb-Ag, con esfalerita, galena y estannita. El contenido de In en las rocas ígneas del distrito, varía entre 1,5 y 2,5 ppm, mientras que en el concentrado de los minerales de mena alcanza hasta 200 ppm de In. Asimismo, la razón 1.000×In/Zn en concentrados de mineral oscila entre 25 y 4.000. Fases de sakuraiíta del yacimiento de Morococala contienen valores excepcionales de In (hasta 2.03% en peso). La sakuraiíta en el distrito minero de Santa Fe muestra evidencia de ser el vínculo mineralógico entre la tendencia general de las soluciones sólidas de estannita y kësterita. Existe un potencial de exploración obvio para metales estratégicos en este distrito e incluso en depósitos similares en otras zonas de la Faja Estannífera en la cordillera Central Andina

    Fatty Acids and Metabolomic Composition of Follicular Fluid Collected from Environments Associated with Good and Poor Oocyte Competence in Goats

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    In goats, embryo oocyte competence is affected by follicle size, regardless of the age of the females. In previous studies, we found differences in blastocyst development between oocytes coming of small ( 3 mm) in prepubertal (1-2 month-old) goats. Oocyte competence and follicular fluid (FF) composition changes throughout follicle growth. The aim of this study was to analyze the fatty acids (FAs) composition and metabolomic profiles of FF recovered from small and large follicles of prepubertal goats and follicles of adult goats. FAs were analyzed by chromatography and metabolites by 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR) spectrometry. The results showed important differences between adult and prepubertal follicles: a) the presence of α,β-glucose in adult and no detection in prepubertal; b) lactate, -N-(CH3)3 groups and inositol were higher in prepubertal; c) the percentage of linolenic acid, total saturated fatty acids and n-3 PUFAs were higher in adults; and d) the percentage of linoleic acid, total MUFAs, PUFAs, n-6 PUFAs and n-6 PUFAs:n-3 PUFAs ratio were higher in prepubertal goats. No significant differences were found in the follicle size of prepubertal goats, despite the differences in oocyte competence for in vitro embryo production

    Wavelength-Diverse Polarization Modulators for Stokes Polarimetry

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    Information about the three-dimensional structure of solar magnetic fields is encoded in the polarized spectra of solar radiation by a host of physical processes. To extract this information, solar spectra must be obtained in a variety of magnetically sensitive spectral lines at high spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution with high precision. The need to observe many different spectral lines drives the development of Stokes polarimeters with a high degree of wavelength diversity. We present a new paradigm for the design of polarization modulators that operate over a wide wavelength range with near optimal polarimetric efficiency and are directly applicable to the next generation of multi-line Stokes polarimeters. These modulators are not achromatic in the usual sense because their polarimetric properties vary with wavelength, but they do so in an optimal way. Thus we refer to these modulators as polychromatic. We present here the theory behind polychromatic modulators, illustrate the concept with design examples, and present the performance properties of a prototype polychromatic modulator.Comment: 13 pages, 1 table, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Applied Optic

    Compact High-Redshift Galaxies Are the Cores of the Most Massive Present-Day Spheroids

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    Observations suggest that effective radii of high-z massive spheroids are as much as a factor ~6 smaller than low-z galaxies of comparable mass. Given the apparent absence of low-z counterparts, this has often been interpreted as indicating that the high density, compact red galaxies must be 'puffed up' by some mechanism. We compare the ensemble of high-z observations with large samples of well-observed low-z ellipticals. At the same physical radii, the stellar surface mass densities of low and high-z systems are comparable. Moreover, the abundance of high surface density material at low redshift is comparable to or larger than that observed at z>1-2, consistent with the continuous buildup of spheroids over this time. The entire population of compact, high-z red galaxies may be the progenitors of the high-density cores of present-day ellipticals, with no need for a decrease in stellar density from z=2 to z=0. The primary difference between low and high-z systems is thus the observed low-density material at large radii in low-z spheroids (rather than the high-density material in high-z spheroids). Such low-density material may either (1) assemble at z2. Mock observations of low-z massive systems show that the high-z observations do not yet probe sufficiently low surface brightness material to detect the low surface density 'wings' (if present). Thus, if the high-z galaxies resemble the most massive systems today, their inferred effective radii could be under-estimated by factors ~2-4. This difference arises because massive systems at low redshift are not well-fit by single Sersic profiles. We discuss implications of our results for physical models of galaxy evolution.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, accepted to MNRAS (revised to match published version

    Satisfacción Laboral en los Entornos de Trabajo. Una exploración cualitativa para su estudio

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    El éxito de las organizaciones modernas radica de una manera importarte  en la capacidad de integrar a los trabajadores en los proyectos empresariales de las compañías, de tal forma que los empleados  consideren   los objetivos de la organización como propios. Considerando el factor humano como la  base para lograr la   competitividad, es importante   contar con el personal más calificado y motivado posible. Partiendo de este hecho, éste factor se ha convertido en un recurso estratégico que se debe optimizar. El presente trabajo  distingue la relación entre condiciones de trabajo y la satisfacción laboral entre los trabajadores que laboran   en empresas del mismo giro ubicadas en diferentes entidades  de México, a través de un enfoque cualitativo que se llevó a cabo guiado  de un cuestionario semi-estructurado. Los resultados muestran variaciones, los cuales se relacionan con las condiciones de trabajo,   comunicación entre empleado-jefe, logro y motivación