12 research outputs found

    Indonesian Journalist; After Political Reformation

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    For the first time ever, 385 professional journalists in Indonesia have been surveyed, by means of face-to-face interviews, for their basic characteristics and their views on professional values. The findings suggest that the ‘typical’ Indonesian journalist is young, male, well educated and earns an above-average salary. In terms of education and training, journalists of the archipelago are becoming increasingly professional. They see themselves as neutral and objective disseminators of news, though not as political actors and agents of development. Indonesian journalists disapprove of unscrupulous practices of reporting, yet many of them justify and practice corruption during their everyday work. Although the study’s primary focus is on Indonesia, the analysis goes well beyond national boundaries. By subjecting the data to factor analysis, five dimensions of media roles could be extracted, namely public-oriented news journalism, popular service journalism, critical watchdog journalism, objective precision journalism and opinion-oriented news journalism


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    ABSTRACT The development of communication technology makes a new form of persona management strategies. Facebook is one of social media, which can make the borders of public persona and private persona to be blurred and invisible. This research aims to explore the persona management in pseudonym practice through psychoanalysis approach by Japanese popular culture’s fans on Facebook by separating their personas in RL (Real Life) account and fannish account. This research is a qualitative research and using constructivism paradigm. Data collection was obtained by unstructured interviews submitted to two Facebook users. The data is then processed and analyzed interpretively. Study found that the main motive of fans using pseudonimity in social media is to avoid the stereotype threats from their real-life society. Virtual ethnography methods are also used which depart from virtual participatory observation methods for pseudonym accounts and participant RL accounts Study also found that there’s a new form of persona management strategies by using social media’s technology features such as blocking, unfriend-ing, and using privacy setting feature, and the other strategies. So, their persona is public yet private towards some audience. Keywords; fandom, persona, pseudonym, fans, popular culture. ABSTRAK Perkembangan teknologi komunikasi menciptakan bentuk baru dari strategi manajemen persona. Facebook adalah salah satu media sosial yang dapat membuat batasan sehingga persona publik dan privat menjadi kabur dan tidak terlihat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi manajemen persona dalam praktik pseudonim melalui pendekatan psikoanalisis yang dilakukan para fans budaya populer Jepang yang melakukan pemisahan persona mereka di akun RL (Real Life) dan akun fans. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan paradigma konstruksivisme. Pengumpulan data diperoleh dengan wawancara tidak terstruktur yang diajukan kepada dua orang pengguna Facebook. Data kemudian diolah dan dianalisis secara interpretif. Metode virtual ethnography juga digunakan yang berangkat dari metode observasi partisipatif secara virtual untuk akun pseudonim dan akun RL partisipan. Temuan studi menunjukan terdapat motif utama dari fans yang menggunakan pseudonim dalam media sosial yaitu untuk menghindari ancaman stereotype dari kehidupan sosial yang nyata. Studi juga menemukan adanya bentuk baru dari strategi manajemen persona dengan menggunakan fitur teknologi sosial media seperti blocking, unfriend-ing, privacy setting dan lainnya. Dengan demikian persona mereka bersifat publik karena disebarluaskan melalui media sosial namun tetap bersifat pribadi dalam hubungannya dengan pengguna media sosial lainnya. Kata kunci; fandom, persona, pseudonim, fans, budaya popule

    Indonesian Adolescents' Online Opportunities and Risks

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    This research aims to 1) explore the benefits of online (benefits obtained when on the internet) and online risks (risks experienced when on the internet) in adolescents in Jakarta; 2) Test differences in online benefits and online risk based on differences in gender, education level, and school affiliation. This study used a survey method with a multilevel random sampling technique performed on adolescents living in Jakarta aged 12-18 (N = 756). The data analysis technique for this study is descriptive analysis and T-test analysis. The results of the research show that teenagers in Jakarta regularly use the internet every day with relatively high duration. More than 60% of teens benefit online in the medium to the high category, with six types of benefits online: learning, creative participation, social participation, social relations, entertainment, commercial benefits, and personal benefits. Most teens experience online risk in the low category, with three types of risks: content risk, contact risk, and behavioral risk. Other findings, namely: (1) there are significant differences in online risk-based on sex and adolescent education level; (2) significant differences in online benefits are based solely on adolescent education levels. There are no significant differences in online and online risk benefits based on school affiliation (non-religious schools and religion-based schools). This research contributes to the importance of distinguishing online benefits and online risks from adolescent education levels

    Motives that Influence Participatory Culture Internet Meme (A Case Study of Social Media Path Audience of Postgraduate Communication Students University of Indonesia)i

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    This Thesis discusses about motives that influence audiences to participate in internet meme social media Path. This study employs motives from Uses and Gratifications theory as a main theory, also using the concept about Participatory Culture. Uses and Gratifications theory was selected because this theory has frequently explained about new media and the new kind of content from the audience point of view. Meanwhile the concept of Participatory Culture of Henry Jenkins has emerged and thrive in this digital era. This research uses positivistic paradigm with quantitative explanatory approach. For data collection, this study used survey as a research method. The conclusion for this research shows that motive on entertainment and self-expression influence audience to participate in internet meme social media Path. Meanwhile socializing and community building motives do not have significant influence to internet meme participation, but this motive still has a connection with internet meme participation. While another motive, informativeness, doesn’t have any connection nor influence to internet meme participatio


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    Abstrak. Akhir-akhir ini popularitas penggunaan konten blog berbayar sebagai salah satu marketing konten digital meningkat. Para peneliti menemukan bahwa terdapat lebih dari 180 blogger Indonesia yang menawarkan layanan blogger di platform sociabuzz.com per 2019. Pengguna internet sering merujuk pada review produk di blog sebelum membeli produk. Fenomena ini disadari oleh praktisi humas yang menggunakan blog sebagai cara untuk memasarkan produk mereka. Namun, belum ada penelitian terkait penerapan etika blog kepada pembuat konten blog berbayar di Indonesia. Penelitian ini berupaya menganalisis penerapan etika blogger dalam proses pembuatan konten menggunakan empat prinsip etika blogger oleh Cenite dkk. (2009) sebagai unit analisis untuk penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menganalisis pengetahuan blogger akan etika blogger dengan mewawancarai dua pemimpin komunitas blogger di Indonesia dan mengamati cara mereka menulis blog konten berbayar dan konten tidak berbayar. Peneliti mewawancarai mereka tentang proses pembuatan konten, proses verifikasi data, dan empat prinsip etika blogger, yaitu atribusi, akuntabilitas, meminimalkan bahaya, dan pengungkapan kebenaran. Peneliti menemukan bahwa atribusi dianggap penting oleh kedua narasumber, dan proses pengungkapan kebenaran dihindari dalam membuat konten berbayar. Disimpulkan bahwa kedua informan menerapkan standar ganda antara konten berbayar dan tidak berbayar. Abstract. Lately, the popularity of using blog paid-content as one of digital content marketing has risen. Researchers found that there were more than 180 Indonesian bloggers offering blogger services on the sociabuzz.com platform per 2019. Internet users often refer to a product review on a blog before buying products. This phenomenon was realized by public relations practitioners in which using blogs as a way to market their products. However, there has been no research related to the application of blog ethics to the paid blog content creators in Indonesia. This research attempts to analyze the application of ethics as a blogger in the process of content creation using the four ethical principles of bloggers by Cenite et al. (2009) as the unit of analysis for this study. This research analyzed the awareness of bloggers about the ethics of bloggers by interviewing two leaders of the blogger community in Indonesia and observed the way they write a paid-content and non-paid-content blog. Researchers interviewed them about the process of creating content, the data verification process, and the four blogger ethical principles, namely attribution, accountability, minimizing danger, and truth-telling. Researchers found that attribution was considered important by the two speakers, and the truth-disclosure process was avoided in making paid content. It is concluded that both informants applied a double standard between paid and non-paid content

    Analisis Semiotik Fashion Ines Ariani Sebagai Bentuk Presentasi Diri

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    Fashion can be seen from the side semoitikanya that denotation and connotation. Like the black color that has connotations mysterious, bold, independent, and stylish, yellow color that symbolizes joy and a sense of spirit. Tiger spotted pattern connotes bold. Clothes that show the shape of the body shape connotes the online, open-minded, and confident. Denotation and connotation of this it can be concluded that Ines presenting himself as someone who is brave, open, cheerful, and stylish. Fashion and clothing are included in it has a deeper function than as body armor and kesopan that as the way a person communicates where fashion clothing is non-verbal communication that is artifactual. It can be seen that one can judge others simply on appearances alone. Even generally someone will first see the appearance of others before making conversation. This conversation function to verify whether the accepted meaning when just looking at clothes only in accordance with the meaning of a conversation or when it is doing the opposite. Although a person can wear to present themselves as it is, but nonetheless in reality there is an element of performance in it. It is also likely to be experienced by Ines, where in addition wants to present himself, Ines also wants the fashion that he was wearing viewed and became the center of attention of the crowd


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    The function of education is traditionally attached to the role of the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). Televisi Republik Indonesia (TVRI), stated in the Broadcasting Act 32/2002 as one of the public broadcasting institutions, along with Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI), are to carry out this educational function. This article will analyze the education function performed by TVRI. This research employs a single case study design. Data obtained through interviews and literature review. The results of the study show that educational broadcasts on TVRI have been around for a long time. The results of the documentation study show that educational broadcasts on TVRI receive a positive response from the public. Field research shows that one of the educational programs on TVRI, Study from Home (henceforth referred to as Belajar Dari Rumah/ BDR) has outperformed other public programs. Although traditionally considered one of the main functions of public television, the implementation of educational broadcasts, especially formal education on TVRI is not consistently carried out. The absence of formal education programs at TVRI was due to technical constraints in the form of a lack of compatible studio equipment to record formal education programs and unavailable budgets for the programs.

    Laporan Riset Indeks Kualitas Program Siaran TV (IKPSTV) 2022

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    Laporan riset ini mengambarkan indeks kualitas program siaran televisi Periode I tahun 2022. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi kualitas program acara televisi berdasarkan kategori program siaran secara periodik. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan menggunakan kuesioner yang berisikan butir-butir dari indikator penilaian kualitas program siaran televisi, yang memiliki poin sebagai alat pengumpulan data yang valid dan sahih pada program siaran yang ditanyakan oleh setiap lembaga penyiaran. Hasil menunjukan bahwa indeks tahun 2022 berada di atas standar nilai yang ditetapkan KPI Pusat. Akan tetapi, jika dirinci sesuai masing-masing kategori program, masih ada yang belum mencapai standar KPI. Kategori program yang berada di bawah standar KPI adalah Infotaimen dan Sinetron. Sementara Religi, Talkshow, Anak, Wisata dan Budaya serta Variety Show sudah mencapai dan berada di atas standar KPI Pusa

    Religious Populism in Mainstream Media between Indonesia and India

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    Introduction: The mainstream media used political and media logic on religious populism to reinforce ideological changes in contemporary society. This study investigated how media mediatize the 212 rally (aksi 212) and the 2017 Jakarta Governorial Election as religious populism cases. This study also compared how media in Indonesia and India delivered the content based on the majority identity.Methods: This study applied a qualitative approach. Detik.com, Metro TV, and Republika Daily were selected based on their delivery content platform and media ownership. The qualitative content analysis was applied to explore the concepts of political and media logic. Then, the results of Islamic populism in Indonesia were compared with Hindu populism in India.Findings: This study found that the three media mediatized aksi 212 and the 2017 Jakarta Governorial Election as religious populism by using direct interaction. Detik.com was applying media logic while Metro TV and Republika Daily performed political logic. In comparing religious populism between Indonesia and India, the finding confirmed that populism came from a major identity. The finding showed that economic motivation could be escalated in parallel with religious identity.  Originality: This study become a novelty since no previous studies investigate the different delivery content platforms and the media ownership including comparing the mediatization process between two countries. Previous studies focused on the media concentration based on media ownership, platform, media landscape, and media policy without a mediatization process and religious populism. The previous studies of the mediatization of religious populism were conducted in a single case

    The representation of social changes in Indonesian Muslim society: a semiotic analysis of ‘Ketika Mas Gagah Pergi’

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    This research investigates the social changes concerning Islam's revitalisation, which was constructed by the movie Ketika Mas Gagah Pergi (KMGP). The research criticises structuration theory, which does not accommodate religion as part of social changes, especially in making new social changes. The researcher utilised semiotic logic by using the process of meaning or signification, which comprises signs or representation, object, and interpretant. The researcher also conducted in-depth interviews with filmmakers to understand the context from which the texts were produced. As a result, it was discovered that KMGP utilised signs to construct social changes through the act of wearing a veil, Islamic religious music, and the prohibition of shaking someone's hands which is not his/her mahram (legal spouse or guardian based on Islamic law), the separation of men and women in a wedding occasion, and other new rules which were previously not familiar in society. Nevertheless, to legitimise the new rules in these particular social practices, KMGP often used structure resources. For example, Gagah legitimated his action by referring to the tradition of Sundanese (one of the Indonesian tribes) to the prohibition of shaking a non-mahram’s hands. This is supported by hadith (speech, attitude, and behaviour of Prophet Muhammad) about this particular action. This movie also proved that the rules of Islamic religion became an important element that changed social order, especially in Indonesia