Universitas Semarang Jurusan: SIJALU - Sistem Informasi Jurnal Ilmiah USM
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    3030 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Hukum Anak Korban Eksploitasi Sebagai Publik Figur di Media Sosial

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    This research examines the protection of children as public figures on social media. Involving children in the world of work, or what is known as child labor, has several applicable provisions because employing children is only allowed to develop a child's interests and talents. Exploitation can occur if children are forced to work as public figures on social media. Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning child protection was created in order to provide protection for children from all actions that are detrimental to the child's growth and development. In addition, the role of the government through institutions related to child protection is one of the keys to reducing the number of cases of child exploitation. The research method used is normative juridical type with a statutory approach and a comparative approach supported by primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials. The results of this research show that there are regulations governing the prevention of child exploitation and provisions for child labor, along with the role of KPAI as a child protection institution, so that these two components should be able to suppress cases of child exploitation of public figures on social media.Penelitian ini mengkaji mengenai perlindungan anak sebagai publik figur dalam media sosial. Melibatkan anak dalam dunia kerja atau disebut dengan pekerja anak memiliki beberapa ketentuan yang berlaku karena dalam mempekerjakan anak hanya boleh dalam rangka mengembangkan minat dan bakat seorang anak. Eksploitasi dapat terjadi jika anak dipaksa untuk menjadi pekerja sebagai publik figur di media sosial. Undang-Undang Nomor 17 tahun 2016 tentang perlindungan anak telah dibuat dalam rangka memberikan perlindungan bagi anak dari segala tindakan yang merugikan tumbuh kembang anak. Di samping itu peran dari pemerintah melalui lembaga terkait perlindungan anak merupakan salah satu kunci dari penekanan angka eksploitasi anak. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah jenis yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan komparatif yang didukung bahan-bahan hukum primer, sekunder, tersier. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sudah ada regulasi yang mengatur mengenai pencegahan eksploitasi anak dan ketentuan bagi pekerja anak beserta peran KPAI sebagai lembaga perlindungan anak sehingga dengan dua komponen tersebut seharusnya mampu menekan kasus eksploitasi anak publik figur di media sosial. 

    An Analysis of Communication Strategies of Salatiga Municipality on Instagram during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Introduction: Covid-19 cases in Indonesia reached their peak in mid-June 2021. The peak has caused all city governments in Indonesia to provide accurate and reliable information for all the citizens in tackling the spread of the virus. Salatiga is one of the city governments that successfully handled this condition. Therefore this study will analyze the communication strategies the Salatiga City Government used to disseminate information to the public via Instagram.Methods:This study uses a qualitative analysis approach to assess the content of the text data and information related to coronavirus published on the Instagram of Salatiga Municipality, called: @humaskotasalatiga.Findings: This study found that in implementing the strategies, the Salatiga City Government used six principles of System Theory: system transformation, openness, interdependence, negative entropy, equifinality, and requisite variety. This study also recommends that the Salatiga City Government communicate information clearly and honestly, organize information management for government leaders and government officials to provide the most up-to-date information, and construct comprehensive governmental health risk communication systems.Originality: Many studies have been done on communication strategies by Salatiga Municipality. However, no study analyzes the communication strategies used by Salatiga Municipality, primarily through Instagram, during the pandemic. Therefore, this study analyzes how Salatiga Municipality the communication strategies through Instagram

    Frontline Employees’ Motivation towards Customers’ Value Outcomes: A Context of Non-Fuel Retailing

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    Introduction: The present study aimed to explore the frontline employees in-shop motivation to influence the customers in-shop emotions. The study further proposed the conceptual foundations of the dynamic nature of value outcomes in non-fuel retail stations, where each customer perceives the interaction with frontline employee differently. Therefore, the value outcomes based on the customers’ in-shop emotions were dynamic.Methods: The study had used the content analysis to seek the outcome where the data was collected using open-ended interviews from frontline employees and customers of non-fuel retail outlets in Malaysia. The sample size was 12 using the snowball technique, including 6 frontline employees in phase 1 and 6 customers in phase 2 who had visited the same non-fuel retail outlets used in phase 1 for data collection.Findings: The results showed interesting findings where it was observed that customers get positive and negative influence emotionally through individual interaction with frontline employees. Furthermore, the positive/negative emotions helped the customers to create or destroy the value individually. These service encounters are subjective and vary from customer-customer affecting their emotions differently are therefore cannot be generalized on the large set of audience.Originality: Through the lens of S-D logic paradigm, the present study has conceptualized the dynamic nature of emotions which can lead towards value creation/value destruction or value destruction/value creation in different situations and contexts based on the individual service encounters of customers-frontline employees within non-fuel retail shops


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    The aim of this research is to test whether wellness tourist expertise can create tourist engagement behavior. We also tried to add the tourist inspiration variable as a mediating variable.This research uses a quantitative research methodapproach. Using a purposive sampling method in the sampling technique, where the samples taken will later be filtered based on certain criteria. The sample criteria in this research are visitors to the Medini Kendal Regency tourist attraction who have visited more than 3 times. Based on these criteria, a sampling of 77 visitors was selected. This research uses primary data, where this data was obtained directly. Based on the table of hypothesis test processing results above, the relationship between the tourist wellness experience variable and tourist engagement is with a t statistic of 2.255 and a p value of 0.024. These results show that the wellness tourist experience variable has a positive and significant influence, the relationship between the tourist inspiration variable and tourist engagement with a t statistic of 6.717 and a p value of 0.000. These results show that the tourist inspiration variable has a positive and significant influence on tourist engagement. The relationship between the wellness tourist experience variable and tourist inspiration with a t statistic of 17.256 and a p value of 0.000. These results show that the wellness tourist experience variable has a positive and significant influence on tourist inspiration. The role of the tourist inspiration variable in mediating the relationship between the wellness tourist experience variable and tourist engagement with a t statistic of 5.965 and a p value of 0.000. These results show that tourist inspiration is able to mediate the relationship between the tourist wellness variable and the tourist engagement variabl

    Peningkatan firm value melalui research and development dan intangible asset yang dimediasi oleh firm size

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    Firm Size memiliki dampak yang signifikan untuk meningkatkan Firm Value pada perusahaan manufaktur. Penelitian ini memiliki kebaharuan dari variabel Firm Size sebagai variabel pemoderasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat peningkatan Firm Value melalui Research and Development dan Intangible Asset yang dimediasi oleh Firm Size. Jenis penelitian ini adalah asosiatif kausal. Populasi penelitian ini meliputi semua perusahaan sektor manufaktur yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia tahun 2017-2022. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Data populasi penelitian sebanyak 165 perusahaan dan diperoleh sampel sebanyak 10 perusahaan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah Partial Least Square. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Research and Development berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Firm Size, (2) Intangible Asset tidak berpengaruh terhadap Firm Size. (3) Research and Development tidak berpengaruh terhadap Firm Value, (4) Intangible Asset berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Firm Value, (5) Firm Size berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Firm Value, (6) Firm Size memediasi pengaruh Research and Development terhadap Firm Value., (7) Firm Size tidak dapat memediasi pengaruh Intangible Asset terhadap Firm Value.Firm Size has a significant impact on increasing Firm Value in manufacturing companies. This research introduces novelty by incorporating Firm Size as a moderating variable. The objective of this study is to examine the enhancement of Firm Value through Research and Development (R&D) and Intangible Assets mediated by Firm Size. The research design is causal associative. The study population includes all manufacturing sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2022. The purposive sampling technique is employed to select a sample of 10 companies from a total population of 165. The data analysis method used is Partial Least Square. The research findings reveal that: (1) Research and Development have a positive and significant influence on Firm Size, (2) Intangible Asset has no significant impact on Firm Size. (3) Research and Development do not affect Firm Value, (4) Intangible Asset has a positive and significant impact on Firm Value, (5) Firm Size has a positive and significant impact on Firm Value, (6) Firm Size mediates the influence of Research and Development on Firm Value, (7) Firm Size does not mediate the influence of Intangible Asset on Firm Value

    Pelatihan Menanam Tanaman Hias dengan Metode Tanam pada Polybag di Desa Alasdowo Kabupaten Pati

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    Various types of planting media besides soil have different abilities in carrying out their functions as planting media to support the process of plant growth and development. In the world of agriculture and plantations, we often hear the term polybag as a planting medium, especially in nurseries and planting in polybags to save agricultural land. The choice of polybags as planting containers for cultivation is influenced by several factors, such as low price, rust resistance, durability, lightweight, uniform shape, does not get dirty quickly, and ease to obtain at agricultural supply stores or plastic shops. The purpose of this community service activity is to provide knowledge to the people in Alasdowo Village, Pati Regency regarding how to plant decorative plants using polybag media. The implementation method used is by providing information through discussions and questions and answers as well as direct practice on how to make planting media using polybags. The results obtained from this activity are increasing public knowledge about how to plant decorative plants using polybag media. The community can also take advantage of and use polybag media to fill in the empty land they have by planting decorative plants


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    Hastana DPW Jawa Tengah selama ini  memang  telah menggunakan website dan sosial Instagram untuk memasarkan produk jasa penata pernikahan atau Wedding Organizer (WO). Meski demikian, strategi komunikasi pemasaran digitalnya masih sekedar menunggah konten di social media dan kurang mendapat respon dari masyarakat, Tujuan pengabdian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan ketrampilan dan pengetahuan mitra dalam bidang komunikasi pemasaran khususnya peningkatan kemampuan digital marketing dan analisis konten pemasaran berbasis digital sesuai segmen pasar mitra. Metode pengabdian ini menggunakan partisipatif dengan langkah awal pre test, untuk mengukur pemahaman awal dari para peserta tentang digital marketing. Selanjutnya pemberian materi sesuai bidang kepakaran dalam bidang digital marketing. Dalam sesi diskusi, peserta sekaligus diberikan kesempatan tanya jawab dilanjutkan dengan praktik langsung pengelolaan media sosial  didampingi tim pengabdian. Post test diberikan pada akhir acara untuk mengetahui peningkatan pengetahuan dari peserta.Hasil pengabdian ini peserta mendapatkan peningkatan pemahaman dan penyadaran tentang pentingnya digital marketing. Pengetahuan baru ini menjadi bekal untuk mengoptimasikan  digital marketing sehingga bisa eksis dan mendongkrak pemasaran jasa WO bagi anggota Hastana DPW Jawa Tengah


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    Variasi media pembelajaran perlu didukung dengan penyajian materi yang menarik, sehingga memberikan pembelajaran yang tidak monoton. Salah satu bentuk dari pemanfaatan teknologi informasi yaitu menjadikan smartphone sebagai media pembelajaran yang menyenangkan bagi siswa (Suryaman, 2022).  Salah satu aplikasi yang saat ini sedang tren dalam editing video adalah aplikasi CapCut. Pembelajaran desain grafis yang diberikan pada siswa masih menggunakan Corel Draw dan Adobe Photoshop. Permasalahan yang muncul adalah ketrampilan siswa dirasa masih kurang untuk membuat video yang interaktif dan menarik. Sehingga perlu adanya keterampilan editing video yang memiliki ilustrasi atau visual yang lebih kompleks menggunakan aplikasi CapCut (Wijaya et al., 2023). Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini diawali dengan pra test, kemudian pemaparan materi yang dilanjutkan praktik langsung di Laboratorium Komputer M.2.3 dan diakhiri dengan evaluasi hasil berupa posttest. Setelah mengikuti kegiatan pelatihan terdapat peningkatan kemampuan seluruh peserta yang ditunjukkan dari hasil kuesioner responden sebesar 87.9% dimana peserta telah mengikuti dengan baik terhadap materi yang diberikan saat kegiatan dilaksanakan.Kata Kunci: capcut, editing video, video promos


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris pengaruh transformational leadership, lingkungan kerja dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan di PT Pandum Parahita Lestantun. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif, dengan populasi yang terdiri dari karyawan PT Pandum Parahita Lestantun. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 100 responden yang dipilih melalui teknik sampling jenuh.Dalam penelitian ini melakukan pengumpulan data melalui kuisioner google form dan analisis data menggunakan SPSS versi 25 yang meliputi analisa deskriptif, uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji asumsi klasik, analisis regresi berganda, uji signifikasi menggunakan uji t, uji F dan uji R2.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial yaitu, transformational leadership (X1), lingkungan kerja (X2) dan kepuasan kerja (X3) berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan (Y). Secara simultan ketiga variabel yaitu transformational leadership, lingkungan kerja dan kepuasan kerja memiliki pengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan pada PT Pandum Parahita Lestantun sebesar 50,7 persen dan sisanya dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti pada penelitian ini

    Optimalisasi Reforma Agraria Melalui Pembentukan Pengadilan Khusus Pertanahan

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    This research aims to understand how essential the establishment of a special land court is in the current era in order to facilitate government policies regarding agrarian reform by looking at current cases, country comparisons, how the special court is structured, and the formulation of its judges. Soil is one type of earth's wealth that is fundamental for life. In implementing the agrarian reform policy, it is basically targeting land legalization of assets that are the object of ownership disputes between the community, companies, and government agencies, as well as land owned by the community that has not received legal certainty as the owner of the land rights of the agrarian reform object (TORA). However, in reality, regulating land ownership is not easy, so land disputes often arise that take time to resolve and ultimately hamper policies, one of which is regarding agrarian reform. This is the urgency of the need to establish a special land court. The method used in this research is normative juridical, with statutory, case, and conceptual approaches. The results of this research are that the formation of this court will be under the Supreme Court court chambers, in this case the general court, with a composition of three judges consisting of one career judge and two ad hoc judges, which of course cannot be separated from land certification, the basis of which will be regulated in law.  Penelitian ini bermaksud untuk  mengerti betapa esensialnya pembentukan pengadilan khusus pertanahan dalam era saat ini dalam rangka memperlancar kebijakan pemerintah terkait reforma agraria dengan melihat kasus terkini, komparasi negara dan bagaimana struktur pengadilan khusus tersebut beserta formulasi hakimnya. Tanah adalah salah satu jenis kekayaan bumi yang bersifat fundamental bagi kehidupan. Dalam menerapkan kebijakan reforma agraria, pada dasarnya menyasar kepada tanah-tanah legalisasi aset yang menjadi objek sekaligus peselisihan kepemilikan antara masyarakat dengan pihak perusahaan dan instansi pemerintah begitu pula dengan tanah-tanah yang dimiliki masyarakat yang belum mendapatkan kepastian hukum sebagai pemilik hak Tanah Objek Reforma Agraria (TORA). Namun, pada kenyataannya mengatur kepemilikan tanah tidaklah mudah, sehingga seringkali terjadi permasalahan sengketa tanah yang penyelesaiannya memerlukan waktu dan pada akhirnya menghambat kebijakan salah satunya mengenai reforma agraria. Hal inilah yang menjadi urgensi perlunya dibentuk pengadilan khusus pertanahan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan, kasus, dan konseptual. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu pembentukan pengadilan ini nantinya dibentuk di bawah kamar pengadilan Mahkamah Agung dalam hal ini pada pengadilan umum dengan susunan tiga orang hakim terdiri dari satu hakim karir dan dua hakim ad hoc yang tentunya tidak terlepas dari sertifikasi bidang pertanahan yang dasarnya akan diatur dalam undang-undang.    


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