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    217 research outputs found

    Role of Social Media in Leveraging Urban Community Empowerment

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    Introduction: This study tries to explores the significant roles of Twitter in creating leverage community participation as part of community empowerment in urban context. Twitter’s characters encourage people to informalize current issue in easy digestive forms. This study argues that Twitter practice will improve urban community for better life in every aspects. Also this study focusing on how urban community utilize Twitter to participate in city issues.Methods: This research used several data collection and processing including online data mining through Netlytic, online observation and semi structured interview within time period from 2021–2022.Findings: The research’s finding portrayed results in three achievements. First, Twitter significantly created leverage empowerment in a form of community participation to improve the city quality of life. Second, community empowerment was gained through holistic process and come. Third, using Twitter as appropriated and integrated strategy is a design of community empowerment. Twitter, in particular #laporhendi can be alternatives space for community discussion and participation amongst residents and local government and lead to community empowerment. Practically, urban community has the same opportunity to access Twitter and creates dynamically interaction and communication in Twitter in many direction, one to one ways, or two ways.Originality: Although research about social media and community empowerment has been studied for decades, many research tends to explore and focus on rural and marginal community. There were few studies emphazise and discusses from the urban community point of view

    An Analysis of Communication Strategies of Salatiga Municipality on Instagram during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    Introduction: Covid-19 cases in Indonesia reached their peak in mid-June 2021. The peak has caused all city governments in Indonesia to provide accurate and reliable information for all the citizens in tackling the spread of the virus. Salatiga is one of the city governments that successfully handled this condition. Therefore this study will analyze the communication strategies the Salatiga City Government used to disseminate information to the public via Instagram.Methods:This study uses a qualitative analysis approach to assess the content of the text data and information related to coronavirus published on the Instagram of Salatiga Municipality, called: @humaskotasalatiga.Findings: This study found that in implementing the strategies, the Salatiga City Government used six principles of System Theory: system transformation, openness, interdependence, negative entropy, equifinality, and requisite variety. This study also recommends that the Salatiga City Government communicate information clearly and honestly, organize information management for government leaders and government officials to provide the most up-to-date information, and construct comprehensive governmental health risk communication systems.Originality: Many studies have been done on communication strategies by Salatiga Municipality. However, no study analyzes the communication strategies used by Salatiga Municipality, primarily through Instagram, during the pandemic. Therefore, this study analyzes how Salatiga Municipality the communication strategies through Instagram

    Social Media Managers’ and Journalists’ Role in Maintaining Local Wisdom in A Mediatized Rural Area

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    Introduction: This study explores on how social media managers and journalists in Tulungagung narrating ‘Aksi 212’ (Action 212) protests. Social media managers and journalists are the actors who have an active role in producing, constructing and sharing information. The solidarity protests and the news about ‘Aksi 212’ had appeared in various media and regions in conflicting narratives. However, there was no news nor any solidarity protest occurred in Tulungagung.Methods: This study applies digital ethnography to examine five media that keep updating their posts and interview six journalists and media managers who have a large number of followers in Tulungagung.Findings: The social media managers and journalists avoid any information that may bring a potential conflict, eventhough it becomes a national issue. On the date of the ‘Aksi 212’, the @radar_tulungagung and @hits_tulungagung accounts did not share any posts. Meanwhile, the @jtv_tulungagung, @kacamata_tulungagung and @tulungagung_sparkling uploaded local news. The social media managers and journalists provide information in accordance with the local wisdom--the harmony and togetherness--as they realize the legal and social consequences.Originality: The previous mediatization studies focus on the role of the media as institutions and examine the ‘Aksi 212’ in the context of political conflict. This study examines the ‘Aksi 212’ by using the socio-constructivist approach to understand the mediatization from the perspective of the rural society, that upholds the local wisdom in their media engagement and observes the society’s practice in utilizing media

    Frontline Employees’ Motivation towards Customers’ Value Outcomes: A Context of Non-Fuel Retailing

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    Introduction: The present study aimed to explore the frontline employees in-shop motivation to influence the customers in-shop emotions. The study further proposed the conceptual foundations of the dynamic nature of value outcomes in non-fuel retail stations, where each customer perceives the interaction with frontline employee differently. Therefore, the value outcomes based on the customers’ in-shop emotions were dynamic.Methods: The study had used the content analysis to seek the outcome where the data was collected using open-ended interviews from frontline employees and customers of non-fuel retail outlets in Malaysia. The sample size was 12 using the snowball technique, including 6 frontline employees in phase 1 and 6 customers in phase 2 who had visited the same non-fuel retail outlets used in phase 1 for data collection.Findings: The results showed interesting findings where it was observed that customers get positive and negative influence emotionally through individual interaction with frontline employees. Furthermore, the positive/negative emotions helped the customers to create or destroy the value individually. These service encounters are subjective and vary from customer-customer affecting their emotions differently are therefore cannot be generalized on the large set of audience.Originality: Through the lens of S-D logic paradigm, the present study has conceptualized the dynamic nature of emotions which can lead towards value creation/value destruction or value destruction/value creation in different situations and contexts based on the individual service encounters of customers-frontline employees within non-fuel retail shops

    The Impact of Social Media Strategies of Non-Profit Organizations on Covid-19 Donation Intention in Indonesia

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    Introduction: When a disaster strikes, non-profit organizations working in the field of donations will be beneficial, as their role is to raise funds and direct them toward disaster recovery. A large number of internet and social media users in Indonesia provides opportunities for non-profit organizations to use social media strategies in fundraising promotions. Therefore, this study examined the relationship between non-profit organization strategies on social media such as interactivity and disclosure, as well as transaction safety in influencing the intention to donate in the Covid-19 case in Indonesia. The non-profit organization in this study was a non-profit organization that raised funds through social media for Covid-19 assistance. Social media in this study was not specific to one platform, but to Instagram and Facebook users who know the non-profit organization.Methods: The study was conducted on Indonesians who have social media accounts and know about the social media of non-profit organizations that were raising funds for Covid-19.Findings: The study found that interactivity, disclosure, and transaction safety influenced the intention to donate through trust mediation. However, these factors have no direct impact on donation intention. Therefore, trust is an important factor in implementing social media strategies for non-profit organizations because it is the full mediator in this case.Originality: This study was novel in that it examined the effect of social media strategy on intention to donate, taking into account the perception of payment safety, specifically for the promotion of Covid-19 fundraising through social media by non-profit organizations in Indonesia

    The Creation of Dynamic Visual Objects as a Factor for Optimizing Advertisements in E-Commerce

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    Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic has boosted the development of online retail and has created an urgent need to transform digital marketing tools. The purpose of the study is to find ways to optimize advertising in Google and Facebook, which are the superior digital advertising platforms as their top digital advertising platforms in terms of both usage and performance.Methods: An experiment conducted as part of the study showed that the use of the dynamic optimization tool allows you to enrich existing feed data with additional 1st and 3rd party data and automatically compile visuals with additional information obtained from the feed and additional graphical overlays. The proposed method was tested on Facebook and Google with an analysis of click through rate, conversion rate and conversion cost indicators.Findings: The research results showed that the use of the dynamic optimization tool improves the effectiveness of online advertising, all the studied indicators has improved on both platforms. The results obtained complement to the few literature sources devoted to creating enriched feeds on various internet companies, so the work is of significant interest for marketers and business owners who work in the field of e-commerce. Originality: It has been established that in order to increase the conversion rates of ad campaigns and improve the quality of communication with the audience, a deeper study of the behavioral characteristics of visitors of internet resources, as well as high-quality visual content of the ads, are required.

    Perpetuation of Stigmatization of Minority Groups through Convergence of Content on Streaming and Social Media

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    Introduction: This study aims to show the misrepresentation of minority groups, specifically widowed women (hereinafter referred to as janda) in the era of convergence of media content (television as well as streaming and social media) in Indonesia. Media as the fourth pillar of democracy are supposed to inform and represent everything in a balanced and fair manner, instead of favoring the interests of the majority. The question we attempt to answer is: how the misrepresentation of janda on converged media content (FTVs) in a patriarchal society?Methods: This study applied feminist perspective in media convergence as well as the narrative analysis of Chatman.Findings: In general, the results of the study show that the convergence has not been in favor of janda, indicating that internet technology does not only strengthen the gender-biased values of media industry person in massively distributing FTVs (via streaming and social media) that threaten minorities, but also ignores the opposing feedback from netizens. As a result, the minority groups are increasingly muted. Reproduction of labelling of janda is a strategy of media owners to obtain maximum profits.Originality: We noted many studies on janda conducted from various scientific perspectives. However, studies that observe the depiction of janda in the media convergence in the perspective of communication studies are scarce. This study provides a discussion on the representation of janda in the vortex of capitalism in media convergence as the major novelty in this line of study

    Religious Populism in Mainstream Media between Indonesia and India

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    Introduction: The mainstream media used political and media logic on religious populism to reinforce ideological changes in contemporary society. This study investigated how media mediatize the 212 rally (aksi 212) and the 2017 Jakarta Governorial Election as religious populism cases. This study also compared how media in Indonesia and India delivered the content based on the majority identity.Methods: This study applied a qualitative approach. Detik.com, Metro TV, and Republika Daily were selected based on their delivery content platform and media ownership. The qualitative content analysis was applied to explore the concepts of political and media logic. Then, the results of Islamic populism in Indonesia were compared with Hindu populism in India.Findings: This study found that the three media mediatized aksi 212 and the 2017 Jakarta Governorial Election as religious populism by using direct interaction. Detik.com was applying media logic while Metro TV and Republika Daily performed political logic. In comparing religious populism between Indonesia and India, the finding confirmed that populism came from a major identity. The finding showed that economic motivation could be escalated in parallel with religious identity.    Originality: This study become a novelty since no previous studies investigate the different delivery content platforms and the media ownership including comparing the mediatization process between two countries. Previous studies focused on the media concentration based on media ownership, platform, media landscape, and media policy without a mediatization process and religious populism. The previous studies of the mediatization of religious populism were conducted in a single case

    Visualization on Twitter Activism Networks and Opinion Leaders: The Case of #FreeWestPapua

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    Introduction: This study tries to visualize the Twitter activism networks and their opinion leader with the case of #FreeWestPapua activism. This study is important to find out who the opinion leaders and their networks are. This study also provides an overview of how the opinion leader frames opinions about #FreeWestPapua activism on Twitter.Methods: This research used Social Media Network Analysis (SMNA). The SMNA method is the application of the Social Network Analysis (SNA) method to examine conversations on social media. Data collection and data processing are collected and visualised with Netlytic.Findings: The results showed that there are 13 opinion leaders and all of the opinion leaders are from outside Papua. This study concluded that there is alienation in separatist activism in the case of #FreeWestPapua on Twitter. The most influential opinion leader in the separatist activism on Twitter is @VeronicaKoman who has the biggest values and is also active to frame public opinion. #FreeWestpapua activism framed Indonesia as a colonial in diagnostic framing and #FreeWestPapua as a solution in prognostic framing. To attract support from the international community, opinion leaders in #FreeWestPapua activism took advantage of the various #BlackLivesMatter issue and other international moments such as Korindo news by BBC.com.Originality: Although a lot of research on the Free Papua Movement has been done, there has never been a study explains about who opinion leaders and their networks and also how they are framed public opinion about #FreeWestPapua activism on social media

    Manufacturing Authenticity: The Rise of Indonesian Micro-Celebrities on Instagram

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    This paper interrogates the way in which Instagram, as one of the most famous micro-blogging participatory online media in the world, creates the production, consumption and articulation of the so-called micro-celebrity. The concept of micro-celebrity has been expanded to unearth the phenomenon of someone who has gained massive online popularity and followers based on their online-persona. Despite its burgeoning prominence, there is a lacuna of research addressing the emergence of micro-celebrities in Indonesia and the way in which Instagram facilitates such trajectories. This paper focuses on Instagram and how this platform helps to build celebrity online persona by examining what and how discourses have been embodied and reproduced by local (Indonesia) micro-celebrities. Using multimodal discourse analysis, this paper concludes that both discourses of authenticity and ordinariness are mostly prevailing in both Dian Pelangi and Arief Muhammad s Instagram accounts. Dian Pelangi and Arief Muhammad s rise to fame through online platform such as Instagram confirmed the digital myth that the Internet is the place of meritocracy where everyone can thrive without acknowledging the structural inequality toward those who lack in access or knowledge in achieving the same level of success


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