105 research outputs found

    Um modelo de gestão do conhecimento e inteligência cultural para reduzir o déficit de talentos no Perú: um estudo comparativo com a Alemanha

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    This paper raises the discussion of the importance to create relevant knowledge and experience by developing the Culture Intelligence - CI of Brazilian students and has the follow objectives: i) to propose a model that can capture the relationship between culture, knowledge and intelligence and ii) to provide qualitative evidence of its effectiveness to reduce brain drain. In order to explain the impact of CI on Knowledge Management- KM and Organizational Intelligence - OI this work explores the development of a CI model based on KM and OI (CKI model) and change the “culture of student’s dependence” and therefore reduce the talent deficit in Brazil. The CKI model is constructed based on the results of 35 interviews in two Peruvian Universities, two Brazilian Universities and one German University and empirically tests 3 hypotheses through Structural Equation Modelling. The main conclusion is that Cultural Intelligence impacts maturity and democracy and therefore it would be very important to build a more robust Exchange program than the current Latin American Alianza del Pacifico Program, in partnership with the European Erasmus program.  Este artigo levanta a discussão sobre a importância de criar conhecimento e experiência relevantes através do desenvolvimento da Inteligência Cultural - IC dos estudantes peruanos e tem os seguintes objetivos: i) propor um modelo que possa capturar a relação entre cultura, conhecimento e inteligência e ii) fornecer evidências qualitativas de sua efetividade para reduzir a fuga de cérebros. Para explicar o impacto da IC na Gestão do Conhecimento (GC) e na Inteligência Organizacional (IO), este trabalho explora o desenvolvimento de um modelo de IC baseado na GC e na IO (modelo CCI) e muda a "cultura de dependência do aluno" e, portanto, reduz o déficit de talentos no Perú. O modelo CCI é construído com base nos resultados de 35 entrevistas em duas universidades peruanas e uma universidade alemã e testa empiricamente 3 hipóteses através da Modelagem de Equações Estruturais. A principal conclusão é que a Inteligência Cultural impacta a maturidade e a democracia e então seria muito importante a construção de um programa de Intercambio mais robusto que o atual Programa Latino Americano Alianza del Pacifico, em parceria com o programa Europeu Erasmus

    Uma proposta de um modelo de inovação e inteligência governamental

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    A mudança ainda incipiente do modelo gerencial, que concentra conhecimento nos níveis mais elevados da Administração Pública Federal e favorece a corrupção e favoritismo, para os modelos participativos baseados em redes, que transfere e cria "conhecimento" sem limites, está acontecendo sem a integração dos três alicerces da inteligência: a estratégia, a previsão e a ação. Na área de inteligência governamental federal, as dificuldades de vencer os conflitos entre contrainteligência e democracia, entre militares e civis, e entre políticos e oficias de inteligência geram um viés individual na dimensão pscicológico-cognitiva (fase de coleta e análise de informações) e um viés institucional na dimensão político-organizacional (fase de tomada de decisão). Iniciativas do governo, como a Lei de acesso à informação e o portal colaborativo http://participatorio.juventude.gov.br, se não guiadas por práticas de Gestão do Conhecimento-GC e Inteligência Organizacional-IO, vão contribuir para aumentar a atual avalanche de informações da web 2.0 (a era das redes sociais). Ademais, qualquer “iniciativa de pré-plebiscito” deve basear não somente uma futura reforma política (quem legisla), mas também as reformas administrativa (quem aplica) e judiciária (quem julga) a fim de alcançarmos o crescimento sustentável. Estamos vivendo uma fase de “empolgações tecnológicas”, o que acaba gerando a sub-estimação do capital humano, a dificuldade de criar e usar conhecimento relevante, a falta de resultados e a perda de foco. Este artigo, a partir da revisão dos conceitos e práticas de GC e IO e da criticas aos modelos de governança e do sistema de inteligência do país, apresenta um modelo de inovação e inteligência governamental, uma proposta de mudança cultural e uma estratégia de GC-IO para otimizar os processos de criação (GC) e uso de conhecimento (IO) no setor público

    Um estudo sobre os filtros Hodrick-Prescott e Baxter-King

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Economia.O que estamos fazendo quando filtramos dados econômicos? Esta pergunta me levou a tentar entender os dois procedimentos mais utilizados em filtragem linear. Para respondê-la eu faço uma resenha de literatura, buscando estudar, sintetizar e apresentar de maneira didática a Teoria de Filtragem utilizada em Macroeconomia a qual esta fundamentada na Análise Espectral. O filtro HP retém os componentes com flutuações menores do que 32 trimestres, enquanto o filtro BK retém os componentes intermediários com flutuações entre 6 e 32 trimestres. Ambos os filtros HP e BK geram resultados espúrios, uma vez que existe uma série de problemas relacionados ao processo de filtragem. Os filtros alteram a volatilidade, a persistência e o tipo de co-movimento da série do produto com cada série estudada

    Analysis of renal function after one year of surgery in patients undergoing radical nephrectomy for renal cancer and living kidney donors

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    Orientador: Marcelo Lopes de LimaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências MédicasResumo: A manutenção da função renal, em seguimentos prolongados, nos doadores vivos do transplante renal é paradoxal, comparada à perda funcional observada após nefrectomia radical por neoplasia. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a evolução da filtração glomerular no primeiro ano após a nefrectomia radical para doação renal ou para tratamento de neoplasia e identificar possíveis fatores de risco para evolução para doença renal crônica. Metodologia: Foram avaliados 79 pacientes submetidos a nefrectomia radical entre janeiro de 2008 e setembro de 2013. Para análise, os pacientes foram divididos em 2 grupos, de acordo com a indicação da nefrectomia: grupo doador (nefrectomia unilateral para doação renal) e grupo tumor (nefrectomia radical por neoplasia renal). Os parâmetros analisados incluíram: dados demográficos, presença de comorbidades, tamanho do tumor e a taxa de filtração glomerular (eTFG) estimada pela fórmula CKD-EPI, nos tempos 0 (procedimento) e 12 meses após a cirurgia. A regressão linear múltipla foi utilizada para análise da influência das variáveis estudadas na evolução da função renal. Resultados: A queda da eTFG no grupo doador ao longo de 1 ano foi 31,3 %, sendo que 25,6% dos pacientes atingiram eTFG 15 cm (p=0.0230) não apresentaram alteração significativa na eTFG após o procedimento, enquanto pacientes com tumores 15 cm presented a slight variation in eGFR, radical nephrectomy for tumors ? 7 cm was associated with higher changes in eGFR. Conclusion: In this series, overweight at the time of nephrectomy was risk factors for lower renal function among renal donors. The presence of comorbidities and tumor size negativelly influenced postoperative eGFR recovery after radical nephrectomy in the tumor groupMestradoFisiopatologia CirúrgicaMestre em Ciência

    Cellular mechanisms triggered by the cotreatment of resveratrol and doxorubicin in breast cancer: A translational in vitro–In silico model

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    Doxorubicin (Doxo) is the most effective chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of breast cancer. However, resistance to Doxo is common. Adjuvant compounds capable of modulating mechanisms involved in Doxo resistance may potentiate the effectiveness of the drug. Resveratrol (Rsv) has been tested as an adjuvant in mammary malignancies. However, the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the effects of cotreatment with Doxo and Rsv in breast cancer are poorly understood. Here, we combined in vitro and in silico analysis to characterize these mechanisms. In vitro, we employed a clinically relevant experimental design consisting of acute (24 h) treatment followed by 15 days of analysis. Acute Rsv potentiated the long-lasting effect of Doxo through the induction of apoptosis and senescence. Cells that survived to the cotreatment triggered high levels of autophagy. Autophagy inhibition during its peak of activation but not concomitant with Doxo+Rsv increased the long-term toxicity of the cotreatment. To uncover key proteins potentially associated with in vitro effects, an in silico multistep strategy was implemented. Chemical-protein networks were predicted based on constitutive gene expression of MCF7 cells and interatomic data from breast cancer. Topological analysis, KM survival analysis, and a quantitative model based on the connectivity between apoptosis, senescence, and autophagy were performed. We found seven putative genes predicted to be modulated by Rsv in the context of Doxo treatment: CCND1, CDH1, ESR1, HSP90AA1, MAPK3, PTPN11, and RPS6KB1. Six out of these seven genes have been experimentally proven to be modulated by Rsv in cancer cells, with 4 of the 6 genes in MCF7 cells. In conclusion, acute Rsv potentiated the long-term toxicity of Doxo in breast cancer potentially through the modulation of genes and mechanisms involved in Doxo resistance. Rational autophagy inhibition potentiated the effects of Rsv+Doxo, a strategy that should be further tested in animal models

    Sustainable Development of Tajikistan: Perspectives for Tajik Aluminum Company (TALCO)

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    Energy efficiency is one the most pressing objectives of the XXI century. Energy efficiency is an intrinsic part of sustainable development of any country. But it is especially crucial for country like Tajikistan, which has an inefficient energy use pattern as a result of the legacy of Soviet era. Energy resources required for economic development can be obtained not only through increased extraction of raw materials, but also through improved energy efficiency at the demand side. Tajikistan imports about 35 percent of its energy needs, which makes the country extremely energy-dependent. That leads to an obvious inference that for Tajikistan to get on a sustainable development path, it is highly important to improve its energy efficiency and increase its energy security. The biggest energy consumer in Tajikistan is the Tajik Aluminum Company (TALCO). According to the World Bank Energy Audit estimates from 2012, TALCO is the single largest power end-user in the country, which consumes 39 percent of total electricity generated. This research will explore the energy efficiency potential of TALCO. The research will use a core set of Energy Indicators for Sustainable Development (EISD) developed by UNDESA, the IEA, Eurostat and the European Environment Agency (EEA) to measure selected aspects of production and use of energy in TALCO. In particular, the research will focus on two of three dimensions of the EISD: Economic and Environmental dimensions. The objective of the research is to define the progress or the lack of progress towards sustainable development in Tajikistan. The research will provide information on current energy-related trends in the selected country and will attempt to provide a set of recommendation on alternatives and strategies to promote efficient and sustainable energy development

    Diclofenac Administration after Physical Training Blunts Adaptations of Peripheral Systems and Leads to Losses in Exercise Performance: In Vivo and In Silico Analyses

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    Recovery in athletes is hampered by soreness and fatigue. Consequently, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs are used as an effective strategy to maintain high performance. However, impact of these drugs on adaptations induced by training remains unknown. This study assessed the effects of diclofenac administration (10 mg/kg/day) on rats subjected to an exhaustive test, after six weeks of swimming training. Over the course of 10 days, three repeated swimming bouts were performed, and diclofenac or saline were administered once a day. Trained animals exhibited higher muscle citrate synthase and lower plasma creatinine kinase activities as compared to sedentary animals, wherein diclofenac had no impact. Training increased time to exhaustion, however, diclofenac blunted this effect. It also impaired the increase in plasma and liver interleukin-6 levels. The trained group exhibited augmented catalase, glutathione peroxidase, and glutathione reductase activities, and a higher ratio of reduced-to-oxidized glutathione in the liver. However, diclofenac treatment blunted all these effects. Systems biology analysis revealed a close relationship between diclofenac and liver catalase. These results confirmed that regular exercise induces inflammation and oxidative stress, which are crucial for tissue adaptations. Altogether, diclofenac treatment might be helpful in preventing pain and inflammation, but its use severely affects performance and tissue adaptatio

    Parâmetros Físico-químicos e Biológicos de Águas de Tanques de Estabilização

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    Atualmente, o crescente aumento populacional tem tornado, tanto a disponibilidade quanto a qualidade da água, um assunto preocupante, devido a isto as águas consideradas de qualidade inferior, tais como as águas residuárias, têm como alternativa a reutilização. Se combinada à piscicultura, possibilita a produção de pescado, a partir de águas que não teriam uso convencional. Desta maneira, neste estudo foram realizadas análises físico-químicas e microbiológicas em dois tanques de estabilização em série localizados na Universidade Federal do Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Campus Uruguaiana, a fim de verificar a possibilidade de reúso destas águas em atividades de piscicultura, considerando os principais parâmetros utilizados para o cultivo em comparação com o estabelecido na resolução 357/05 do CONAMA. No período entre abril/2012 e março/2013 as amostras foram coletadas em dois tanques de estabilização: primário (T1) e secundário (T2). As análises físico-químicas foram realizadas mensalmente pelos métodos colorimétrico e de Winkler, como também em aparelhagens específicas (pHmetro, turbidímetro, multiparâmetro e disco de Secchi). Enquanto os parâmetros microbiológicos foram realizados bimestralmente pela técnica de fermentação em tubos múltiplos (número mais provável). Os resultados obtidos estiveram de acordo com os limites da resolução em ambos os tanques, bem como com o recomendável na atividade de piscicultura descrito por vários autores. Exceto que, ambos os tanques apresentaram níveis de oxigênio abaixo dos valores contidos na resolução, além de que no T1 o limite preconizado para coliformes termotolerantes foi ultrapassado. Dessa maneira, as análises indicaram que as águas do T2 possuem maior potencial para a piscicultura

    Primary splenic torsion associated with accessory spleen in a dog

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    Background: Primary splenic torsion occurs when there is a splenic vascular pedicle rotation without association of other diseases, as the Gastric Dilatation Volvulus (GDV). Accessory spleen consists in a splenic tissue fraction independent from main organ, caused by a spleen defect in the embryonic development, most remaining asymptomatic and discovered incidentally. They have their own blood supply, which is usually from a branch of the splenic artery. Present report represents a primary splenic torsion with the accessory spleen finding in a dog. Case: A 7-year-old female mongrel was referred to Veterinary Hospital of Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, showing pain and firm consistency in the left abdominal region, prostration and inappetence four days before the medical appointment. At the clinical examination, the patient was alert, 7% dehydration, hypocorous mucous membranes, without alteration in lymph nodes, left abdominal pain. Laboratory tests, chest radiographic and abdominal ultrasound was requested. Two images compatible with splenic image were visualized, one with a regular structure without vascularization suggesting splenic torsion and another with homogeneous parenchyma and echogenicity of the normal spleen, with vascularization signal. The animal was referred to the surgical procedure and the anesthetic induction protocol with propofol (6 mg/kg-1) and ketamine hydrochloride (2 mg/kg-1) and maintenance with total intravenous anesthesia with propofol (0.2-0.4 mg/kg-1/min) and lidocaine (2 mg/kg-1), in a semi-closed loop and spontaneous ventilation. The pre-retro-umbilical incision in the ventral midline was performed, and the exploratory celiotomy was done. During the cavity exploring, a small amount of free fluid and a structure compatible with the spleen were observed. It was noted that the splenic vascular pedicle was twisted around its axis and the gastroesplenic and splenocolic ligaments were also involved. The stomach maintained its position, size and vascularization. Thus, an isolated or primary splenic torsion was characterized. The exploratory laparotomy was recommended, and the total splenectomy was the treatment of choice. The accessory spleen did not demonstrate vascular damage; therefore, was advocated the zeal in handling to preserve your integrity. Discussion: Isolated splenic torsion is a rare occurrence in dogs. A retrospective study was performed with 60 dogs presenting with non-traumatic hemoperitoneum, in which only three cases presented splenic torsion. Usually, twisting occurs in large or giant breed dogs with deep chest conformation. The etiology of splenic torsion is not well established. Primary splenic torsion is considered emergency surgery, and the prognosis is considered favorable. The literature shows no relation between the presence of the accessory spleen and the occurrence of primary splenic torsion, but both occur due to congenital defects, both of which may be correlated in this case. The accessory spleen is characterized by a defect in the embryonic formation of the splenic tissue and may be associated with other congenital malformations. It can be concluded that in the primary splenic torsion, early surgical treatment is the most indicated. Total splenectomy was considered adequate, and preservation of the accessory spleen was important due to the possibility of some organ functionality