97 research outputs found

    From piezometric monitoring to groundwater flooding risk management

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    Interactions fluide-roche, conditions physico-chimiques et transferts de matiÚre dans des zones de failles en milieux sédimentaires : exemple de failles chevauchantes pyrénéennes

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    This work aims to study the physical and chemical parameters that control the mass-transfer and the clays formation and evolution in sedimentary environment thrust faults. Two Pyrenean thrust faults in low metamorphic grade were studied: the Millaris fault (related to Mont Perdu) and the Pic-de-Port-Vieux thrust (related to Gavarnie). In the Millaris fault, the deformation is accompanied mainly by dissolution of the matrix calcite by pressure-solution which induces a volume change of the rock from 20 to 40%. The Pic-de-Port-Vieux thrust records significant changes in the fault core-zone, but in the damaged zone also. In the footwall limestone, a mylonitisation is associated with a partial dissolution of dolomite in the presence of not exceeding 320-340°C fluids. In the hanging-wall pelites, the hematite dissolution by a reducing fluid causes a redox state change of the rock (confirmed by Mössbauer spectroscopy) and chlorite precipitation in synkinematic veins. Oscillatory zoning pattern chlorites located in some shearing veins revealed, by combining chemical mapping microprobe, redox state measurements with ÎŒ-XANES and thermometry, cyclic temperature variations of at least 50°C during the crystallization. A seismic valves process could be associated to Pic-de-Port-Vieux thrusting.Ce travail a pour but d’étudier les paramĂštres physico-chimiques qui contrĂŽlent les transferts de matiĂšre ainsi que la formation et l’évolution des argiles dans des failles chevauchantes en environnement sĂ©dimentaire. Deux failles chevauchantes pyrĂ©nĂ©ennes de faible grade mĂ©tamorphique ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ©es : la faille de Millaris (cf. Mont Perdu) et le chevauchement du Pic-de-Port-Vieux (cf. Gavarnie). Dans la faille de Millaris, la dĂ©formation s’accompagne principalement d’une dissolution de la calcite matricielle par pression-solution induisant un changement de volume de la roche de 20 Ă  40%. Le chevauchement du Pic-de-Port-Vieux enregistre des modifications importantes au coeur de la faille mais aussi dans la zone d’endommagement. Dans les calcaires du mur du chevauchement, une mylonitisation est associĂ©e Ă  une dissolution partielle des dolomites en prĂ©sence de fluides ne dĂ©passant pas 320-340°C. Dans les pĂ©lites du toit du chevauchement, la dissolution de l’hĂ©matite par un fluide rĂ©ducteur entraine un changement de l’état redox de la roche (confirmĂ© par spectroscopie Mössbauer) et la prĂ©cipitation de chlorite dans des veines syncinĂ©matiques. Des chlorites Ă  zonations chimiques oscillatoires prĂ©sentes dans certaines veines rĂ©vĂšlent, en combinant cartographie chimique Ă  la microsonde, mesures de l’état redox par ÎŒXANES et thermomĂ©trie, des variations cycliques de tempĂ©rature d’au moins 50°C au cours de la cristallisation. Un processus de valves sismiques pourrait donc ĂȘtre associĂ© Ă  la mise en place du chevauchement du Pic de Port Vieux

    Quantification of mass transfers and mineralogical transformations in a thrust fault (Monte Perdido thrust unit, southern Pyrenees, Spain)

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    In fold-and-thrust belts, shortening is mainly accommodated by thrust faults which are preferential zones for recrystallisation and mass transfer. This study focuses on a detachment fault related to the emplacement of the Monte Perdido thrust unit in the southern Pyrenees. The studied fault zone consists of a 10 m thick intensively foliated phyllonite developed within the Millaris marls, of Eocene age. The lithological homogeneity of the hanging wall and footwall allows us to compare the Millaris marls outside the fault zone with the highly deformed marls located in the fault zone and to quantify the chemical, mineralogical and volumetric changes related to deformation processes along the fault. The Millaris marls are composed of detrital quartz, illite, chlorite, minor albite and pyrite, in a micritic calcite matrix. In the fault zone, the cleavage planes are marked by clay minerals and calcite ± chlorite veins attest to fluid–mineral interactions during deformation. The mineral proportions in all samples from both the fault zone and Millaris marls have been quantified by two methods: (1) X-ray diffraction and Rietveld refinement, and (2) bulk chemical analyses as well as microprobe analyses to calculate modal composition. The excellent agreement between the results of these two methods allows us to estimate mineralogical variations using a modification of the Gresens' equation. During fault activation, up to 45 wt% of calcite was lost while the amounts of quartz and chlorite remained unchanged. Illite content remained constant to slightly enriched. The mineralogical variations were coupled with a significant volume loss (up to 45%) mostly due to the dissolution of micritic calcite grains. Deformation was accompanied by pressure solution and phyllosilicates recrystallisation. These processes accommodated slip along the fault. They required fluids as catalyst, but they did not necessitate major chemical transfers

    Preconditioning of Specimens - Drying Influence on Alkali-Activated and Geopolymer Mortar

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    Alkali-activated materials (AAM) are now seriously considered by the cement industry as an economical alternative to Portland cement, especially for its low CO2 footprint. However, their durability still remain to be assessed in more details. The aim of this study is to focus on the sample preconditioning conditions required for testing, especially the drying stage involved in most of the current tests. Four alkali-activated binders were studied: a geopolymer (Na-silicate activated metakaolin), a Na-carbonate activated slag (GGBS), a Na-silicate activated slag and a Na-silicate activated mixture of 50% metakaolin with 50% GGBS. After an endogenous cure of 28 days at 20°C, mortar specimens were dried at different temperatures (from 20°C to 125°C) until mass stabilization. Drying kinetics and released water contents were evaluated, as well as physical, mechanical and mineralogical analyses at the end of drying. Optimal drying temperature for each alkali-activated binder was determined by coupling mechanical strength measurements and mercury intrusion porosimetry. This study revealed that an inappropriate drying temperature could modify the porosity of some classes of AAM, and reduced the compressive strength by up to 30 to 40%. Antagonistic behaviors were observed in the four alkali-activated materials studied, therefore one should be careful about selecting preconditioning protocols for assessing the properties and the durability of these binders

    Tectono-thermal history of an exhumed thrust-sheet-top basin : an example from the south Pyrenean thrust belt

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    This paper presents a new balanced structural cross-section of the Jaca thrust-sheet-top basin of the southern Pyrenees combined with paleo-thermometry and apatite fission track (AFT) thermochronology data. The cross-section, based on field data and interpretation of industrial seismic reflection profiles, allows refinement of previous interpretations of the south-directed thrust system, involving the identification of new thrust faults, and of the kinematic relationships between basement and cover thrusts from the middle Eocene to the early Miocene. AFT analysis shows a southward decrease in the level of fission track resetting, from totally reset Paleozoic rocks and lower Eocene turbidites (indicative of heating to Tmax>~120°C), to partially reset middle Eocene turbidites and no/very weak resetting in the upper Eocene-lower Oligocene molasse (Tmax<~60°C). AFT results indicate a late Oligocene-early Miocene cooling event throughout the Axial Zone and Jaca Basin. Paleo-maximum temperatures determined by vitrinite reflectance measurements and Raman spectroscopy of carbonaceous material reach up to ~240°C at the base of the turbidite succession. Inverse modelling of AFT and vitrinite reflectance data with the QTQt software for key samples show compatibility between vitrinite-derived Tmax and the AFT reset level for most of the samples. However, they also suggest that the highest temperatures determined in the lowermost turbidites correspond to a thermal anomaly rather than burial heating, possibly due to fluid circulation during thrust activity. From these results, we propose a new sequential restoration of the south Pyrenean thrust system propagation and related basin evolution

    ModĂ©lisation du comportement de l’iode dans l’atmosphĂšre

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    During a severe accident occuring to a nuclear facility, the radiological consequences are related to the transport and deposition of radionuclides released into the environment. Following the Fukushima accident, significant differences between measurements and simulations were observed for iodine. These could notably be explained by the absence of any iodine chemistry during the transport in the dispersion codes used. To investigate this hypothesis, a reactional mechanism of iodine in the atmosphere has been developed from a critical review of the literature data and 0D and 3D simulations has been performed using the ASTEC and Polair3D simulation tools.The results obtained showed a partial and fast transformation of the released gaseous iodine (I2 and CH3I). The influence of parameters on the iodine speciation such as the pollutant conditions (O3, NOx, COV), photolysis and the amount of iodine is discussed.Iodine turns quickly into oxide forms (IxOy, INOx) and iodocarbons. Significant improvements regarding the reactional mechanism (determination of fundamental data, coupling chemistry-aerosol) remain to be done before coming up with a firm conclusion on the radioactive iodine species present in the atmosphere.Lors d'un accident grave survenant Ă  une installation nuclĂ©aire, les consĂ©quences radiologiques sont liĂ©es au transport et au dĂ©pĂŽt des radionuclĂ©ides relĂąchĂ©s dans l’environnement. Suite Ă  l'accident de Fukushima, des Ă©carts significatifs entre mesures et prĂ©visions ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s pour l'iode. Ces derniers pourraient notamment s'expliquer par la non prise en compte de la chimie lors du transport dans les codes de dispersion mis en Ɠuvre. Afin de vĂ©rifier cette hypothĂšse, un mĂ©canisme rĂ©actionnel de l'iode dans l’atmosphĂšre a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© Ă  partir d’une revue critique des donnĂ©es de la littĂ©rature et des simulations 0D et 3D, Ă  l’aide des outils de calcul ASTEC et Polair3D, ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es. Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont mis en Ă©vidence une transformation partielle et rapide de l’iode gazeux (I2 et CH3I) Ă©mis. L'influence sur la spĂ©ciation de l’iode de paramĂštres tels que les conditions de pollution (O3, NOx, COV), de photolyse ainsi que la quantitĂ© d'iode relĂąchĂ©e est Ă©tudiĂ©e. L'iode se retrouve rapidement sous forme d'oxydes (IxOy, INOx) et d'iodocarbones. Des points d’amĂ©lioration notables concernant le mĂ©canisme rĂ©actionnel (absence de donnĂ©es fondamentales qui restent Ă  dĂ©terminer et ajout du couplage chimie-aĂ©rosol) restent Ă  apporter pour conclure avec certitude sur les formes d’iode radioactif susceptibles d’ĂȘtre prĂ©sentes dans l’atmosphĂšre

    Étapes et problùmes dans la mise en Ɠuvre de la loi Edgar Faure

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    Les rĂ©flexions qui suivent sont le fruit d’observations faites depuis l’administration centrale du ministĂšre de l’Éducation nationale, trĂšs sollicitĂ©e par le niveau politique mais peu informĂ©e de la maniĂšre dont les problĂšmes y Ă©taient abordĂ©s et traitĂ©s. J’y avais Ă©tĂ© appelĂ© en mai 1967 Ă  exercer les fonctions de chef du bureau des Ă©tudes gĂ©nĂ©rales. Responsable des statistiques universitaires, des prĂ©visions de rentrĂ©e, des Ă©tudes de coĂ»t et de rendement (par disciplines) et d’une Ă©tude port..

    The inter-municipal property

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    ThĂšme souvent oubliĂ© des rĂ©formes rĂ©centes de notre organisation territoriale, le droit patrimonial intercommunal n’est pourtant pas un non-sujet tant les enjeux l’entourant sont essentiels. Essentiels, d’une part, pour l’établissement public de coopĂ©ration intercommunale et ses membres : exercice optimal des compĂ©tences et valorisation des biens sont les principaux dĂ©fis que permet de relever le droit patrimonial intercommunal. Essentiels, d’autre part, pour l’État et le lĂ©gislateur : parvenir Ă  un exercice cohĂ©rent des compĂ©tences tout en achevant et rationnalisant la carte intercommunale sans se prĂ©occuper des impacts patrimoniaux paraĂźt difficilement rĂ©alisable. Nous sommes donc convaincus que le droit patrimonial intercommunal doit devenir un vĂ©ritable outil stratĂ©gique pour l’ensemble des acteurs de la coopĂ©ration intercommunale. Si nous ajoutons Ă  ces premiĂšres observations la circonstance que les rĂšgles composant ce que nous dĂ©nommons le droit patrimonial intercommunal ont peu changĂ© depuis 1999 alors mĂȘme que la coopĂ©ration intercommunale et le contexte lĂ©gislatif dans lequel ses structures Ă©voluent (l’entrĂ©e en vigueur du Code GĂ©nĂ©ral de la PropriĂ©tĂ© des Personnes Publiques en Ă©tant la parfaite illustration) ont connu de nombreux bouleversements, se pencher sur ce droit quelque peu particulier devient une nĂ©cessitĂ©.Albeit oftentimes overlooked in French territorial organization reforms, inter-municipal property law is an essential topic with much at stake for various actors. Firstly, it is essential for inter-municipal cooperation syndicates and their members, for that it allows for the optimal exercise of competences and better use of goods. Secondly, it is essential for the state and the legislator: a coherent exercise of competences along with their rational distribution amongst local authorities can hardly go without considering impacts on property. Consequently, we are convinced that inter-municipal property law is a true strategical instrument for all the actors partaking in cooperation between towns. Additionally, if one considers that the rules that constitute what we call inter-municipal property law have not changed much since 1999, whilst the legal framework in which inter-municipal syndicates are placed has considerably evolved (the entry into force of the General Code for Public Legal Persons’ property being a perfect example), studying this somewhat peculiar field of law appears necessary
