219 research outputs found

    Research for PECH Committee - Discard ban, landing obligation and MSY in the Western Mediterranean Sea - the Spanish case

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    The demersal fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea are heavily overfished but the landing obligation will not help to reach MSY because it will not decrease fishing mortality. The new proposal of the Commission introduces total allowable effort as a new way to regulate Western Mediterranean demersal fisheries by significantly reducing fishing time. However, this new management measure must be complemented with increased gear selectivity, implementation of closed areas and local co-management plans. Different approaches to reduce fishing mortality may have different socio-economic impact

    Enriched on-grown Artemia metanauplii actively metabolise highly unsaturated fatty acid-rich phospholipids

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    On-grown (metanaupliar) stages of Artemia have been regarded as more adequate preys for early life-cycle stages of cephalopods, crustaceans, and a variety of fish species. In recent studies, we obtained successful enhancements of highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) and polar lipids (PL) in enriched Artemia metanauplii using either a combination of a commercial, neutral lipid (NL)-based HUFA-rich emulsion and Soya lecithin, or HUFA-rich phospholipids. The present study aimed at exploring the molecular form under which dietary HUFA are actually deposited in the metanaupliar lipids. Thus, we analysed the fatty acid (FA) composition of the PL and NL fractions from enriched metanauplii, with special emphasis on the fate of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) within Artemia lipids. The results show that on-grown Artemia actively translocated ingested FA contained from PL to NL classes including triacylglycerides

    Sharp Phylogeographic Breaks and Patterns of Genealogical Concordance in the Brine Shrimp Artemia franciscana

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    Genealogical concordance is a critical overlay of all phylogenetic analyses, irrespective of taxonomic level. To assess such patterns of congruence we have compiled and derived sequence data for two mitochondrial (16S rRNA, COI) and two nuclear (ITS1, p26) markers in 14 American populations of the hypersaline branchiopod Artemia franciscana. Cladistic analysis revealed three reciprocally monophyletic mitochondrial clades. For nuclear DNA, incomplete lineage sorting was evident presumably as a result of slower coalescence or male-mediated dispersal. Our findings capture the genealogical interval between gene splitting and population divergence. In this sense, strong indications are provided in favour of a superspecies status and ongoing speciation in A. franciscana

    Ten lessons on the resilience of the EU common fisheries policy towards climate change and fuel efficiency - A call for adaptive, flexible and well-informed fisheries management

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    To effectively future-proof the management of the European Union fishing fleets we have explored a suite of case studies encompassing the northeast and tropical Atlantic, the Mediterranean, Baltic and Black Seas. This study shows that European Union (EU) fisheries are likely resilient to climate-driven short-term stresses, but may be negatively impacted by long-term trends in climate change. However, fisheries' long-term stock resilience can be improved (and therefore be more resilient to increasing changes in climate) by adopting robust and adaptive fisheries management, provided such measures are based on sound scientific advice which includes uncertainty. Such management requires regular updates of biological reference points. Such updates will delineate safe biological limits for exploitation, providing both high long-term yields with reduced risk of stock collapse when affected by short-term stresses, and enhanced compliance with advice to avoid higher than intended fishing mortality. However, high resilience of the exploited ecosystem does not necessarily lead to the resilience of the economy of EU fisheries from suffering shocks associated with reduced yields, neither to a reduced carbon footprint if fuel use increases from lower stock abundances. Fuel consumption is impacted by stock development, but also by changes in vessel and gear technologies, as well as fishing techniques. In this respect, energy-efficient fishing technologies already exist within the EU, though implementing them would require improving the uptake of innovations and demonstrating to stakeholders the potential for both reduced fuel costs and increased catch rates. A transition towards reducing fuel consumption and costs would need to be supported by the setup of EU regulatory instruments. Overall, to effectively manage EU fisheries within a changing climate, flexible, adaptive, well-informed and well-enforced management is needed, with incentives provided for innovations and ocean literacy to cope with the changing conditions, while also reducing the dependency of the capture fishing industry on fossil fuels. To support such management, we provide 10 lessons to characterize 'win-win' fishing strategies for the European Union, which develop leverages in which fishing effort deployed corresponds to Maximum Sustainable Yield targets and Common Fisheries Policy minimal effects objectives. In these strategies, higher catch is obtained in the long run, less fuel is spent to attain the catch, and the fisheries have a higher resistance and resilience to shock and long-term factors to face climate-induced stresses
