2,623 research outputs found

    Corporate Social Irresponsibility: The Bullying in Amazonian Women Workers of the Industrial Free Zone of Manaus-AM, Brazil

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    The present article traces the trajectory of the woman Amazonian who arrives to desire the dream of working in Industrial Pole of Manaus and confronts with the suffering at work that starts from the selective process until the observation that is the victim of harassment. For both sought to know as if expresses the adaptation to organizational context of women originated from rivers of Amazon State to the Manaus City in search of employment. Are demonstrated in this work forms of Mobbing and sexual harassment, to which they are subject these women. According to the results obtained by application of questionnaires in 30 women Amazonian in search of a better quality of life, it was identified that in addition to the suffering found in victims of mobbing and Sexual harassment, there is evidence of previous sexual assaults that were frustrated, and that generate the moral harassment. Such findings become topics to be researched and even confirmed through other methods of behavioral sciences that deal with human suffering, because this theme is never exhausted and always will be necessary for understanding mainly on prevention of mobbing and improvement in occupational health and quality of life at work for the follow-up search

    Administração escolar: estudos

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    Recensão críticaCentro de Investigação em Educação da Universidade do Minh

    Neurotrophins Role in Depression Neurobiology: A Review of Basic and Clinical Evidence

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    Depression is a neuropsychiatric disorder affecting a huge percentage of the active population especially in developed countries. Research has devoted much of its attention to this problematic and many drugs have been developed and are currently prescribed to treat this pathology. Yet, many patients are refractory to the available therapeutic drugs, which mainly act by increasing the levels of the monoamines serotonin and noradrenaline in the synaptic cleft. Even in the cases antidepressants are effective, it is usually observed a delay of a few weeks between the onset of treatment and remission of the clinical symptoms. Additionally, many of these patients who show remission with antidepressant therapy present a relapse of depression upon treatment cessation. Thus research has focused on other possible molecular targets, besides monoamines, underlying depression. Both basic and clinical evidence indicates that depression is associated with several structural and neurochemical changes where the levels of neurotrophins, particularly of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), are altered. Antidepressants, as well as other therapeutic strategies, seem to restore these levels. Neuronal atrophy, mostly detected in limbic structures that regulate mood and cognition, like the hippocampus, is observed in depressed patients and in animal behavioural paradigms for depression. Moreover, chronic antidepressant treatment enhances adult hippocampal neurogenesis, supporting the notion that this event underlies antidepressants effects. Here we review some of the preclinical and clinical studies, aimed at disclosing the role of neurotrophins in the pathophysiological mechanisms of depression and the mode of action of antidepressants, which favour the neurotrophic/neurogenic hypothesis

    Salt consumption awareness in Portugal: comparison between the ECOS surveys of 2014 and 2018

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    O consumo excessivo de sal aumenta o risco de doenças crónicas, pelo que a sensibilização da população é uma medida recomendada pela Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) e pela Direção-Geral da Saúde (DGS) para a diminuição do seu consumo. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a prevalência relativa à preocupação com o consumo de sal, em 2014 e 2018 em Portugal, avaliar a sua evolução e caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico dos participantes que manifestaram preocupação com o consumo de sal nos dois anos em análise. Os dados foram recolhidos no âmbito do inquérito telefónico ECOS (Em Casa Observamos Saúde) para esses anos. Em 2014, 77% dos inquiridos referiram ter preocupação quanto ao consumo de sal face a 75% em 2018. Em ambos os anos, as mulheres revelaram uma maior preocupação quanto ao consumo de sal, comparativamente ao sexo masculino, embora essa diferença fosse mais evidente em 2014. Adicionalmente, verificou-se que a preocupação com o consumo de sal aumenta com a idade, sendo o grupo etário com mais de 65 anos o que registou uma maior preocupação relativamente ao consumo do sal, nos dois anos em análise. Não se observaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre os níveis de escolaridade ou as regiões.Excessive salt consumption increases the risk of chronic diseases. Thus raising awareness is a measure to reduce its consumption, recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Portuguese Directorate General of Health. The aim of this study was to estimate the prevalence of individuals who reported awareness regarding their salt consumption in 2014 and 2018, and to investigate its distribution among several sociodemographic characteristics. Data was collected by means of a national representative panel telephonic survey, ECOS. In 2014, 77% of respondents reported watching or reducing salt consumption, compared to 75% in 2018, but this difference between years was not significant. In both years, women were more aware of salt intake than men, although this difference was more significant in 2014. Additionally, awareness regarding salt consumption increased with age, with the age group over 65 years old being the most aware, in the two years under analysis. No statistically significant differences were found among the different educational level groups, or regions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Vacinação antigripal da população portuguesa nas épocas 2016/2017 e 2017/2018: cobertura e características do ato vacinal

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    Relatório elaborado em dezembro de 2018 e editado em fevereiro de 2019No âmbito da monitorização da toma da vacina antigripal sazonal (VAGS) em Portugal, o Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge (INSA), através do seu Departamento de Epidemiologia, disponibiliza o relatório Vacinação antigripal da população portuguesa nas épocas 2016/2017 e 2017/2018. A publicação divulga a cobertura e caraterísticas do ato vacinal referente às épocas 2016/2017 e 2017/2018 e contempla, pela primeira vez, estimativas referentes a Portugal Continental e Regiões Autónomas. O estudo epidemiológico, transversal, utilizou dados recolhidos mediante inquérito por questionário estruturado aplicado por entrevista telefónica ao painel de famílias do instrumento de observação ECOS (Em Casa Observamos Saúde). O trabalho de recolha de dados realizou-se entre julho e setembro de 2018. A análise dos dados foi ponderada e extrapolada para a população residente em Portugal. De entre os resultados apresentados, destaca-se o seguinte: i) As estimativas da cobertura da vacina antigripal na época 2017/2018 foram: 20,7% na população geral; 60,8% nos indivíduos com 65 e mais anos; 41,0% nos indivíduos portadores de doenças crónicas; ii) Comparando com a taxa de cobertura estimada para a população geral, referente à época 2015/2016 (16,2%), observou-se um aumento de cobertura da vacina antigripal de aproximadamente 5% na época 2017/2018; iii) Verificou-se uma evolução igualmente positiva nos indivíduos com 65 e mais anos, tendo a estimativa pontual evoluído de 50,1% (época 2015/2016) para 57,4% (época 2016/2017) e posteriormente, para 60,8% (época 2017/2018).N/

    On the development of a component model for the realization of Industry 4.0

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    “© © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.”The fourth industrial revolution promotes Industrial Cyber Physical Systems (ICPS) as the key to achieve smart, efficient, flexible and self-organizing production plants. In a shop floor there are heterogeneous physical and logical assets that form the ICPS. But without proper communication and composition techniques the integration of these assets in ICPS is compromised. Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE) is a discipline of growing relevance for ICPS because integration and composition issues have been extensively researched in the software domain. Under the Reference Architecture for Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0), the Industry 4.0 Component Model inherits aspects of CBSE to specify how several industrial plant assets can form an ICPS. The technological aspects for physical assets digitalization and integration have been explored, but the I4.0 Component model lacks proposals and use cases for dealing with industrial software components. In this work we discuss the development of the Smart Component Model as a proposal for integration of software components in ICPS. Furthermore, we focus on how prediction and monitoring applications could be converted in I4.0 Components and integrated in ICPS. To sustain our proposals, we describe a real industrial case study where these developments are being applied.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desamparo e Angústia em Inibições, Sintomas e Angústia de Sigmund Freud.

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    O presente trabalho procura investigar o tema da angústia a partir do pensamento de Sigmund Freud. Para isso propomos a leitura de um texto fundamental do autor intitulado Inibições, Sintomas e Angústia a partir do qual o tema da angústia tem sua compreensão enriquecida pela noção de Desamparo presente no texto. Angústia e Desamparo se articulam assinalando uma situação de carência e inconsistência irredutíveis que marcam o psiquismo daquele que se humaniza na linguagem. Uma primeira teoria da angústia em Freud considera o aspecto econômico da libido transformada. Já a segunda teoria conta com os avanços da metapsicologia e com a importância que assume a noção de desamparo, vivência que inscreve no psiquismo uma falta radical que o processo de humanização impõe ao ser falante. Tanto a psicanálise quanto a filosofia consideram a questão do encontro essencial do homem com a angústia

    Distribution power flow based on nodal and branch voltages

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    Orientador: Anésio dos Santos JúniorDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Propõe-se nesta dissertação uma formulação e um método iterativo de cálculo para o fluxo de potência em alimentadores primários de Distribuição de Energia Elétrica. Este é formulado com base em equações lineares de circuitos elétricos, para alimentadores primários radiais e fracamente malhados. Para tanto, um modelo linear de circuito é inicialmente introduzido para alimentadores radiais e a partir desse modelo é proposto um método para o cálculo das magnitudes de tensão dos nós por meio das correntes de carga. As magnitudes das tensões nodais são iterativamente atualizadas até que as especificações de potência das cargas sejam atendidas. Essa formulação é estendida para os casos de redes fracamente malhadas, isto é, alimentadores que contém um moderado número de percursos fechados em sua configuração. Desta forma unifica-se o modelo de representação e o algoritmo de cálculo para redes radiais e fracamente malhadas. A metodologia proposta foi testada e o comportamento do método é comparado com o apresentado por método similar. Os resultados obtidos com vários sistemas são apresentadosAbstract: It is proposed in this work a formulation and an iterative method for calculating the power flow on feeders of a Primary Electric Power Distribution. This is formulated based on linear equations of electrical circuits, for radial and weakly meshed primary feeders. Thus, a linear model of the circuit is initially introduced for radial feeders and from that model it is proposed a method for calculating the voltage magnitudes of the nodes through the load currents. The magnitudes of nodal voltages are updated iteratively until the power specifications of the loads are met. This formulation is extended to the cases of weakly meshed networks, that is, networks that contain a moderate number of closed paths in your configuration. Thus the model unifies the representation and algorithm for calculating radial networks and weakly meshed. The proposed methodology was tested and compared with a similar method. The results obtained with various systems are presentedMestradoEnergia EletricaMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    Changes in triacylglycerols and free fatty acids composition during storage of roasted coffee

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    AbstractLipids are major coffee components, and changes in their composition during storage may contribute to loss of sensorial quality. In this study, changes in the triacylglycerols (TAG) and free fatty acids (FFA) composition of Coffea arabica seeds roasted to two color degrees (light medium and dark medium) were evaluated during storage for 6 months, under two temperature (5 °C and 25 °C) and atmosphere (air and N2) conditions. For the first time, hydrolysis of TAG fraction was observed during storage of roasted coffee, with increases in FFA, after 1 month storage, from 0.4 to 93.5 mg/100 g in light-medium samples and from non-detected to 1.1 mg/100 g in dark-medium samples. After 3 months storage, 20% and 13% decreases in FFA from light-medium and dark-medium samples, respectively, were observed, suggesting oxidation. The N2 atmosphere contributed to a slower loss of FFA. In the same way, at 5 °C, lower release of FFA was observed compared to 25 °C. Considering the inversion in the unsaturated FA (UFA) and saturated FA (SFA) contents observed in the dark-medium sample, the present results also show that the ratio Σ UFA/SFA, in TAG and AGL fractions might potentially be used as a tool to establish the shelf life of roasted coffee

    Programas de teatro: objeto e fonte

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    In this article, I try to report my research experience with theater programs. I resume some research points about the editorial projects of theater programs in different documentation centers. Although I review some partial conclusions already published in previous articles, I add here a reflection about the program as an integrating object of ephemera theatrical collections, and draw an approximation of our collections of performing arts, not only of programs, to the digital humanities.Neste artigo, procuro relatar a minha experiência de pesquisa com os programas de espetáculos teatrais. Retomo alguns pontos da investigação sobre os projetos editoriais dos programas de teatros em diferentes centros de documentação. Apesar de rever algumas conclusões parciais já divulgadas em artigos anteriores, acrescento aqui uma reflexão sobre o programa de espetáculo enquanto objeto integrante de coleções “efêmera teatral”, e chamo atenção para a aproximação de nossos acervos de artes cênicas, não só de programas, com as humanidades digitais