52 research outputs found

    Hybrid-Gewächs : Fallbasierte Expertensystem-Shell ESTEEM

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    Denken Menschen in Objekten? Oder in Regeln? Haben Ihre Wlssensstrukturen die Gestalt relationaler Datenbanken? Wer Expertenwissen auf den Rechner bringen will, sollte sich vor einfachen Antworten auf dieee Fragen hüten

    New vertebrate assemblage from marginal-marine and land Lower Keuper strata (Ladinian, Middle Triassic) of Miedary, Silesia, SW Poland

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    Vertebrate remains, mostly nothosaurid vertebrae and long bones, archosaur partially preserved long bones and teeth (probably rauisuchid remains), fish teeth and scales, are described from the Lower Keuper Miedary Beds (Ladinian, Middle Triassic) of Miedary, Silesia, SW Poland. The analyzed vertebrate fossils were collected from three lithologically different types of deposits. The first assemblage, which contains nothosaurid and fish remains, occurs in yellowish dolomites, where poorly preseved invertebrate macrofossils were also found (marine bivalves and brachiopods). In grey yellowish, sometimes greenish or red clays, rare isolated bones and teeth of large archosaur were found. In sandstone intercalations partially preserved and highly disarticulated fish fossils were identified. In all assemblages osteological remains are generally very well preserved. This new interesting vertebrate bones association from the upper part of the Middle Triassic marginal-marine strata of Poland has been correlated with age equivalents from other regions of Europe

    The taxonomy and anatomy of rauisuchian archosaurs from the Late Triassic of Germany and Poland

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    The German Late Triassic archosaur Teratosaurus suevicus is a historically important taxon, being the first described rauisuchian. Unfortunately the holotype is a single element, a maxilla, which is poorly preserved and incomplete. We redescribe this maxilla and identify a single potential autapomorphy. The fragmentary type specimen complicates attempts to refer additional material to this taxon, and other unassociated archosaur and rauisuchian specimens from the Mittlerer Stubensandstein of Germany cannot be referred to T. suevicus with any degree of confidence. The stratigraphically older T. silesiacus, from the upper Carnian of Poland, is represented by a much more complete and better preserved specimen. Comparison of the maxillae of T. suevicus and T. silesiacus reveals that the two are distinct taxa, contra recent suggestions, but also that they do not share any synapomorphies or a unique combination of characters relative to Postosuchus kirkpatricki and other rauisuchians. Thus, the Polish material must be transferred to a new genus, Polonosuchus gen. nov. Both Polonosuchus and Teratosaurus are very similar to Postosuchus kirkpatricki, and the three taxa are likely closely related

    LAGUNA in Polkowice-Sieroszowice mine in Poland

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    The Polkowice–Sieroszowice mine in one of the seven candidates for the future pan-European underground laboratory studied in the framework of the LAGUNA project. We review the evidence that from the point of view of geology, long-term plans for the mine and existing infrastructure, and support of the authorities this is a perfect place to host the 100 kton liquid argon detector GLACIER

    The ICARUS T600 Experiment in the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory

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    With a mass of about 600 tons of Liquid Argon (LAr), the ICARUS T600 detector is the biggest, up to now, LAr Time Projection Chamber (TPC). Following its successful test run, on the Earth surface, in Pavia (Italy) in 2001, the detector is now very close to start data taking in the Gran Sasso underground laboratory. The main features of the LAr TPC technique, together with a short discussion of some of the ICARUS T600 test run results, are presented in this paper

    The SMRD subdetector at the T2K near detector station

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    The T2K long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment is running in Japan. The primary goals of the T2K are measurement of the mixing angle 13, and precise measurements of the mixing angle 23 and of the mass difference m2 23. The installation of the near detector complex was completed and first data were already registered. This article presents operation of the Side Muon Range Detector, a component of the Off-Axis near detector. Detector concept and implementation are presented, followed by a description of cosmic muon track reconstruction algorithm and finally current status

    Energy reconstruction of electromagnetic showers from [Pi 0] decays with the ICARUS T600 liquid argon TPC

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    We discuss the ICARUS T600 detector capabilities in electromagnetic shower reconstruction through the analysis of a sample of 212 events, coming from the 2001 Pavia surface test run, of hadronic interactions leading to the production of 0 mesons. Methods of shower energy and shower direction measurements were developed and the invariant mass of the photon pairs was reconstructed. The ( ) invariant mass was found to be consistent with the value of the 0 mass. The resolution of the reconstructed 0 mass was found to be equal to 27.3%. An improved analysis, carried out in order to clean the full event sample from the events measured in the crowded environment, mostly due to the trigger conditions, gave a 0 mass resolution of 16.1%, significantly better than the one evaluated for the full event sample. The trigger requirement of the coincidence of at least four photo-multiplier signals favored the selection of events with a strong pile up of cosmic ray tracks and interactions. Hence a number of candidate 0 events were heavily contaminated by other tracks and had to be rejected. Monte Carlo simulations of events with 0 production in hadronic and neutrino interactions confirmed the validity of the shower energy and shower direction reconstruction methods applied to the real data

    Movie S4

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    ZPAL V.39/22: CT scan, ventral-dorsa

    Szczygielski & Sulej - supplement

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    Material descriptions, tables, extended discussion, supplementary figures, character list, character matrix, phylogenetic trees, lists of synapomorphies, and reference