206 research outputs found

    Avrupa birliği`ne entegrasyon yolunda türk cumhuriyetleri ve Türkiye deneyimi

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    Belgium Herbarium image of Meise Botanic Garden

    Naxçıvanın Tunc dövrü dulusçuluq sənəti

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    Azərbaycanın bütün bölgələrində olduğu kimi Naxçıvanda da dulus-çuluğun tarixi qədimdir. Bu sənətkarlıq sahəsinin tarixi Neolit dövründən (e.ə. VII minillikdən) başlayır və bu gün də öz inkişafını daha təkmil formada davam etdirir. Tunc dövründə cəmiyyət həyatında baş verən sosial-iqtisadi dəyişikliklər bütün sahələrdə olduğu kimi dulusçuluğun inkişafına da təsir göstərmişdi. Keramikanın bişirilmə üsulları təkmilləşmiş, müxtəlif formalı dulusçu məhsulları meydana gəlmişdi


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    The article handicraft have been learnt in the Nakhchivan late bronze-early iron age. It was defined that pottery wasone of the ancient craftsmanship areas in Nakhichivan. At that time Nakhichivan, as well as the other regions of Azerbaijan, was an important centre of craftsmanship. The pottery products differed from one another in their size, shape, ornaments on them, the material the were made of and the technology. The pottery products made by Nakhichivan potters were divided into two groups-welfare and kitchen ceramics. Their similar monuments in the South Caucasus and the Middle East in the same period, the archaeological materials found in the Urmia basin and Eastern Anatolia. As a result of comparative investigation it is defined that oldest labour tools producted from bone and stone in Nakchivan. New type of labour tools are producted connecting to treatmen of metal in following period. Stone and bone tools are used little in iron and bronz period. It is defined that daggers, arrow and spear heads, jewelry founded in archaeological monument belong to epoch late bronze-early iron age in the Nakhchivan have got peculiarity of culture of Khojalı-Gadabay in Azerbaijan. Some of daggers belong to culture Near East.</p


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    Ceramic products vary in size, shape, patterns, material and technology. The development of ceramics during the Middle Bronze Age was also influenced to the making of clay vessels as well as the decoration. In addition to the artistic ability of the people dealing with this art field in the decoration of ceramics, the way of thinking and religious ideological views are also important. The clay vessels that made by Nakhchivan ceramicists in the Middle Bronze Age are divided into two groups: tableware and kitchen ceramics. Various geometric ornaments like animal and human drawings were used to decorate the vessels. The drawings are worked by brushes. They are simple and combined themed by drawing sometimes alone, sometimes together with other pictures. In each pattern used in the ornamentation, ceramicists’ taste, religious-ideological views are important as well as their artistic skills and it has deep meaning. A group of patterns used in the ornamentation is of a local feature. A group patterns widely spread. Their similar versions were found in various parts of the world, in Southern Caucasia, Urmia basin, East Anatolia, and many old settlements of the Middle East alongside Azerbaijan

    Dövlət istiqrazları hesabına borclanmanın fiskal siyasətdə rolu (Azərbaycanın borclanması timsalında) mövzusunda

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    Hər bir dövlətin sistemində makroiqtisadi səviyyədə dövlət borcu mühüm rol oynayır. Bunu onunla izah etmək olar ki, dövlət borcunun formalaşması, ona xidmət göstərilməsi və ödənilməsi ilə bağlı münasibətlər iqtisadiyyatın müxtəlif kateqoriyalarının vəziyyətinə, məsələn, dövlət maliyyəsi, pul dövriyyəsi, iqtisadiyyatda investisiya mühiti, istehlak normaları, sərvətlər, dövlət borcları, pul dövriyyəsi və s. kateqoriyalara təsir edir. Gəlir və xərclər arasında tarazlığı təmin etməyən dövlət siyasətinin aparılması dövlət borcunun yaranmasının səbəblərindən biri ola bilər. Dünya təcrübəsi göstərir ki, bir çox dövlətlər büdcə xərclərini maliyyələşdirmək üçün borc vəsaitlərindən geniş istifadə edirlər. Eyni zamanda alimlər qeyd ediblər ki, tarixən dövlətin daxili və xarici borclanması prosesi dövlət büdcəsinin kəsiri ilə bağlı olub

    Russia’S Perspective on International Relations

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    DergiPark: 437647trakyasobedUluslararası İlişkiler disiplini, kuruluşu ve gelişimi itibariyle Batıtarzı düşünce sistemiyle ilerlemiştir. Buna rağmen Batı dışı dünyanın dauluslararası ilişkiler üzerine çalışmaları mevcuttur. Bu çalışma tarihte vegünümüzde dünya politikasında önemli bir yere sahip olan Rusya Federasyonu’nundış politikasını, uluslararası ilişkiler üzerine kavramsallaştırmasını veeğitim süreçlerini ele alacaktır. Kavramsallaştırma ve eğitim süreçleri kendinehas çeşitli farklılıklar göstermektedir. Bu farklılıklar Türkiye’deUluslararası İlişkiler disiplinindeki bakış açısının çeşitlenmesine yardımcıolacaktır.The International Relations discipline has progressed withWestern-style thought system in terms of foundation and development.Nonetheless, the non-Western world still has works on international relations.This study will examine the foreign policy of the Russian Federation, which hasan important place in world politics in history and today, the Russianconceptualization of international relations and its educational process.Conceptualization and education processes show various differences from others.These differences will help to diversify the perspective of the InternationalRelations discipline in Turkey

    Treatment uptake levels among the coronary heart disease patients at the university hospital

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    AMAÇ: Amaç bir üniversite hastanesinde koroner kalp hastalığı olan 35 yaş ve üzeri kişilerdeki risk etmenlerinin, uygulanan tedavi düzeylerinin belirlenmesidir. YÖNTEMLER: Tanımlayıcı tipteki araştırma Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hastanesi'nde yapılmıştır. Geriye dönük taranan kayıtlara göre DEÜ Hastanesi'nde 1 Ocak- 31 Aralık 2008'de KKH ve koroner bypass tanılı hastalar çalışmanın olgularını oluşturmuştur. Toplam 392 hastaya ulaşılmıştır. Değişkenler başvuru öncesi hastalık ve risk öyküsü, ilaç kullanımı, hastanede uygulanan girişimler, taburcu olurken reçete edilen ilaçlardır. Veri sıklık dağılımları ve yüzdeler biçiminde sunulmuştur. BULGULAR: Hastaların üçte birinde diyabet, hiperlipidemi ya da sigara riski, %65.6'sında hipertansiyon bulunmaktadır. Anjinalı olguların %86.2'sine, akut MI'lıların %85.4'üne anjiyografi, anjinalı hastaların %30.9'una, akut MI'lıların %54.4'üne anjiyoplasti, anjinalıların %13.8'ine, akut MI'lıların %11.1'ine by-pass cerrahisi yapılmıştır. Hastaneden çıkışta anjinalı hastaların %68.8'ine beta bloker, %79.6'sına statin, %28.0'ına ACE inhibitörü, %88.2'sine aspirin; MI'lı hastaların %84.1'ine beta bloker, %89.7'sine statin, %60.7'sine ACE inhibitörü, %95.3'üne aspirin reçete edilmiştir. Kalp yetmezliğinde ilaçların reçete edilme oranları beta blokerde %54.0, statinde %39.7, ACE inhibitöründe %42.9, aspirinde %71.4'tür. SONUÇ: İlaçların reçete edilme oranları düşüktür. Toplumda KKH mortalitesinin azaltılmasında etkili tedavilerin reçete edilmesi ve kullanımı önemlidir. OBJECTIVE: Aim of the study was to determine the treatment uptake levels and risk factors among the coronary heart disease patients over 35 years old at the university hospital. METHODS: This descriptive study was conducted in the Dokuz Eylul University Hospital. Patients diagnosed with Coronary Heart Disease or coronary by-pass graphy between 1 January-31 December 2008 in DEU Hospital formed the study group based on the hospital records which was screened retrospectively. In total 392 patients files were screened. Variables used in the survey were; information about morbidity, risk factors and use of medications, procedures applied during hospitalization and the medications at discharge. Data were presented as frequencies and percentages. RESULTS: One third of the patients presented risk of diabetes, hyperlipidemia or smoking and 65.6% had hypertension. 86.2% of the patients with angina and 85.4% of acute MI patients had angiography procedure, 29.8% of angina patients and 54.4% of MI patients had angioplasty; 13.8% of angina patients and 11.1% of AMI patients had by-pass surgery. Prescribed medications at discharge among the angina patients were 68.8% for beta blocker, 79.6% Statin, 28.0% ACE inhibitor, 88.2% aspirin. Beta blockers were prescribed to 84.1%, Statin to 89.7%, ACE inhibitor to 60.7%, Aspirin to 95.3% of the AMI patients. Beta blocker was prescribed to 54.0%, statin to 39.7%, ACE inhibitor to 60.7%, Aspirin to 71.4% of the heart failure patients. CONCLUSION: The treatment uptake levels for most of the CHD groups at the hospital discharge are low. It is important to provide effective medications to all eligible CHD patients to reduce CHD mortality in the community

    Effect of processing on the drying kinetics and functional value of dried apricot

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    Apricots can be considered as a good source of phenolic compounds, which are beneficial for human health. Microwaves may be an alternative to the conventional sun or hot air drying techniques used to obtain dried apricot. Nevertheless, their impact on the functional compounds must be taken into account if they are to be recommended as an attractive drying option. This work compares the drying kinetics and the change in the organic acids, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of dried apricot when using hot air drying and microwave energy. Empirical (linear and Page) equations can be used to model the drying kinetics in air, combined air-microwave and microwave processes. From the obtained results, it can be concluded that the industrial processing of dried apricots may be improved by using microwave energy, as the drying time is considerably reduced, and the obtained fruit had a higher phenolic content, particularly of chlorogenic acid, catequin and epicatequin. Nevertheless, as the contribution of these phenols to antioxidant capacity was not significant, microwave dried samples maintained the same antioxidant capacity as the air-dried ones. When sulphite is added previous to the drying processes, care should be taken with the total phenols and the antioxidant capacity quantified as it may interfere with the results depending on the methodology used. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd.Igual Ramo, M.; García Martínez, EM.; Martín-Esparza, M.; Martínez Navarrete, N. (2012). Effect of processing on the drying kinetics and functional value of dried apricot. Food Research International. 47(2):284-290. doi:10.1016/j.foodres.2011.07.019S28429047