407 research outputs found

    Development of virtual polygon in Unity3D

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    The paper is devoted to research and designing of autonomous car - a self-governing car in which artificial intelligence will take the role of driver. In today's world, the present invention is necessary because today humanity cannot imagine being without any types of transport

    ICESTARS : integrated circuit/EM simulation and design technologies for advanced radio systems-on-chip

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    ICESTARS solved a series of critical issues in the currently available infrastructure for the design and simulation of new and highly-complex Radio Frequency (RF) front ends operating beyond 10 and up to 100 GHz. Future RF designs demand an increasing blend of analog and digital functionalities. The super and extremely high frequency (SHF, 3-30GHz, and EHF, 30-300GHz) ranges will be used to accomplish future demands for higher capacity channels. With todays frequency bands of approximately 1 to 3 GHz it is impossible to realize extremely high data transfer rates. Only a new generation of CAD and EDA tools will ensure the realization of complex nanoscale designs. It necessitates both new modeling approaches and new mathematical solution procedures for differential equations with largely differing time scales, analysis of coupled systems of DAEs (circuit equations) and PDEs (Maxwell equations for electromagnetic couplings) plus numerical simulations with mixed analog and digital signals. In ICESTARS new techniques and mathematical models working in highly integrated environments were developed to resolve this dilemma. The ICESTARS research area covered the three domains of RF design: (1) time-domain techniques, (2) frequency-domain techniques, and (3) EM analysis and coupled EM circuit analysis. The ICESTARS consortium comprised two industrial partners (NXP Semiconductors, Infineon Technologies AG), two SMEs (Magwel, AWR-APLAC) and five universities (Upper Austria, Cologne, Oulu, Wuppertal, Aalto), involving mathematicians, electronic engineers, and software engineers


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    Twenty-six specimens obtained from twenty human orthotopic liver allografts 10-968 days after transplantation were studied by light microscopy, electron microscopy, and immunofluorescence. The main lesions consisted of mononuclear-cell infiltration around the portal tracts, centrilobular cholestasis, liver-cell atrophy and reticulin collapse, obliterative intimal thickening of hepatic arteries, and fibrosis. Moderate amounts of IgG and/or IgM and complement (β1C/β1A globulin or C'lq) were observed in four of the liver samples and smaller deposits were present in another five. A further three specimens contained IgG without complement. IgA was detected in only one of the samples. The immunoglobulins were found in the walls of the portal and central veins and of the sinusoids in all thirteen positive liver samples, in the walls of branches of the hepatic artery in three, and in the cytoplasm of some of the mononuclear cells infiltrating the portal tracts in nine of the specimens. Fibrinogen was seen in eight of the samples, usually in the spaces of Disse. Accumulations of immunoglobulins and complement were less frequent in liver than in kidney and heart allografts. These findings suggest that in the failure of human liver allografts cell-mediated immunity and non-immunological factors may be more important than humoral antibody. © 1972

    StratIT– Ein Rahmenwerk zu den Inhalten von ITStrategien. Grundlegung und methodische Fundierung

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    Bis heute ist kein Konsens über die Inhalte von IT-Strategien vorhan-den. Daraus folgt eine gewisse Unsicherheit, wenn es gilt, die Themenbereiche einer IT-Strategie festzulegen. Dieser Missstand soll durch den Entwurf eines Rahmenwerks/Frameworks behoben werden. Die Fachgruppe Strategisches In-formationsmanagement der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI-Fachgruppe SIM) hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ein entsprechendes Rahmenwerk zu entwickeln. Dieses dient dazu, die Erstellung von IT-Strategien zu unterstützen. Der vorlie-gende Beitrag beschreibt den aktuellen Stand der Arbeit und zeigt im Sinne einer Diskussionsgrundlage auf, in welche thematischen Perspektiven, Domä-nen und Elemente sich IT-Strategien gliedern lassen. Darüber hinaus werden die methodische und wissenschaftstheoretische Fundierung sowie der „modus operandi“ der Arbeitsgruppe beschrieben. Das Rahmenwerk „StratIT“ entsteht in Zusammenarbeit von Forschern und Praktikern

    Differential responses of cryptic bat species to the urban landscape

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    © 2016 Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Urbanization is a key global driver in the modification of land use and has been linked to population declines even in widespread and relatively common species. Cities comprise a complex assortment of habitat types yet we know relatively little about the effects of their composition and spatial configuration on species distribution. Although many bat species exploit human resources, the majority of species are negatively impacted by urbanization. Here, we use data from the National Bat Monitoring Programme, a long-running citizen science scheme, to assess how two cryptic European bat species respond to the urban landscape. A total of 124 × 1 km2 sites throughout Britain were surveyed. The landscape surrounding each site was mapped and classified into discrete biotope types (e.g., woodland). Generalized linear models were used to assess differences in the response to the urban environment between the two species, and which landscape factors were associated with the distributions of P. pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus. The relative prevalence of P. pygmaeus compared to P. pipistrellus was greater in urban landscapes with a higher density of rivers and lakes, whereas P. pipistrellus was frequently detected in landscapes comprising a high proportion of green space (e.g., parklands). Although P. pipistrellus is thought to be well adapted to the urban landscape, we found a strong negative response to urbanization at a relatively local scale (1 km), whilst P. pygmaeus was detected more regularly in wooded urban landscapes containing freshwater. These results show differential habitat use at a landscape scale of two morphologically similar species, indicating that cryptic species may respond differently to anthropogenic disturbance. Even species considered relatively common and well adapted to the urban landscape may respond negatively to the built environment highlighting the future challenges involved in maintaining biodiversity within an increasingly urbanized world

    Influence of dietary conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and tetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA) on growth, lipid composition and key enzymes of fatty acid oxidation in liver and muscle of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.)

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the effects of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and tetradecylthioacetic acid (TTA) on growth performance, and lipid and fatty acid metabolism in Atlantic cod. The overall objective being to test the hypotheses that CLA and TTA have beneficial effects in cod culture including decreased liver size and proportion through decreased lipid content, and increased nutritional quality through effects on fatty acid compositions including accumulation of bioactive fatty acids, CLA and TTA, in flesh. Juvenile cod were fed for three months on fish meal and fish oil diets of basically commercial formulation, but containing either 0.5% or 1% CLA, or 0.5% TTA. The effects of the functional fatty acids on growth, feed efficiency, body proximate composition, liver weight and lipid composition, fatty acid compositions of flesh and liver, and key enzymes of fatty acid oxidation were determined. Dietary CLA and TTA had no effect on growth parameters in cod juveniles, but viscero- and hepato-somatic indices were increased in fish fed 0.5% CLA and TTA, respectively. Proximate composition of whole fish was not affected by CLA or TTA, and there were no major effects of either functional fatty acid on lipid contents and compositions of liver and flesh. Dietary CLA and TTA were both incorporated into tissue lipids, with CLA deposited to a greater extent in liver, whereas TTA was deposited to a greater extent in flesh. In liver, acyl CoA oxidase (ACO) activity, but not carnitine palmitoyltransferase-I (CPT-I), was increased by CLA, whereas dietary TTA increased both ACO and CPT-I activities. In contrast, ACO activity was reduced by both CLA and TTA in red and white muscle, whereas CPT-I activity was generally not affected by CLA and TTA in either muscle tissue. Therefore, the results only partially supported the hypotheses tested, as CLA and TTA had few beneficial effects in Atlantic cod and did not enhance growth parameters, or improve feed conversion or potential yield through decreased adiposity or liver lipid deposition. However, nutritional quality could be enhanced, and cod fed CLA and/or TTA could be beneficial in the human diet, through provision of bioactive fatty acids with no detrimental effects on n-3 PUFA levels

    A Holistic Landscape Description Reveals That Landscape Configuration Changes More over Time than Composition: Implications for Landscape Ecology Studies

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    International audienceBackground: Space-for-time substitution—that is, the assumption that spatial variations of a system can explain and predict the effect of temporal variations—is widely used in ecology. However, it is questionable whether it can validly be used to explain changes in biodiversity over time in response to land-cover changes.Hypothesis: ere, we hypothesize that different temporal vs spatial trajectories of landscape composition and configuration may limit space-for-time substitution in landscape ecology. Land-cover conversion changes not just the surface areas given over to particular types of land cover, but also affects isolation, patch size and heterogeneity. This means that a small change in land cover over time may have only minor repercussions on landscape composition but potentially major consequences for landscape configuration.Methods: sing land-cover maps of the Paris region for 1982 and 2003, we made a holistic description of the landscape disentangling landscape composition from configuration. After controlling for spatial variations, we analyzed and compared the amplitudes of changes in landscape composition and configuration over time.Results: For comparable spatial variations, landscape configuration varied more than twice as much as composition over time. Temporal changes in composition and configuration were not always spatially matched.Significance: The fact that landscape composition and configuration do not vary equally in space and time calls into question the use of space-for-time substitution in landscape ecology studies. The instability of landscapes over time appears to be attributable to configurational changes in the main. This may go some way to explaining why the landscape variables that account for changes over time in biodiversity are not the same ones that account for the spatial distribution of biodiversity

    Habitat Composition and Connectivity Predicts Bat Presence and Activity at Foraging Sites in a Large UK Conurbation

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    Background: Urbanization is characterized by high levels of sealed land-cover, and small, geometrically complex, fragmented land-use patches. The extent and density of urbanized land-use is increasing, with implications for habitat quality, connectivity and city ecology. Little is known about densification thresholds for urban ecosystem function, and the response of mammals, nocturnal and cryptic taxa are poorly studied in this respect. Bats (Chiroptera) are sensitive to changing urban form at a species, guild and community level, so are ideal model organisms for analyses of this nature. Methodology/Principal Findings: We surveyed bats around urban ponds in the West Midlands conurbation, United Kingdom (UK). Sites were stratified between five urban land classes, representing a gradient of built land-cover at the 1 km 2 scale. Models for bat presence and activity were developed using land-cover and land-use data from multiple radii around each pond. Structural connectivity of tree networks was used as an indicator of the functional connectivity between habitats. All species were sensitive to measures of urban density. Some were also sensitive to landscape composition and structural connectivity at different spatial scales. These results represent new findings for an urban area. The activity of Pipistrellus pipistrellus (Schreber 1774) exhibited a non-linear relationship with the area of built land-cover, being much reduced beyond the threshold of,60 % built surface. The presence of tree networks appears to mitigate the negative effects of urbanization for this species

    Representative Landscapes in the Forested Area of Canada

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    Canada is a large nation with forested ecosystems that occupy over 60% of the national land base, and knowledge of the patterns of Canada’s land cover is important to proper environmental management of this vast resource. To this end, a circa 2000 Landsat-derived land cover map of the forested ecosystems of Canada has created a new window into understanding the composition and configuration of land cover patterns in forested Canada. Strategies for summarizing such large expanses of land cover are increasingly important, as land managers work to study and preserve distinctive areas, as well as to identify representative examples of current land-cover and land-use assemblages. Meanwhile, the development of extremely efficient clustering algorithms has become increasingly important in the world of computer science, in which billions of pieces of information on the internet are continually sifted for meaning for a vast variety of applications. One recently developed clustering algorithm quickly groups large numbers of items of any type in a given data set while simultaneously selecting a representative—or “exemplar”—from each cluster. In this context, the availability of both advanced data processing methods and a nationally available set of landscape metrics presents an opportunity to identify sets of representative landscapes to better understand landscape pattern, variation, and distribution across the forested area of Canada. In this research, we first identify and provide context for a small, interpretable set of exemplar landscapes that objectively represent land cover in each of Canada’s ten forested ecozones. Then, we demonstrate how this approach can be used to identify flagship and satellite long-term study areas inside and outside protected areas in the province of Ontario. These applications aid our understanding of Canada’s forest while augmenting its management toolbox, and may signal a broad range of applications for this versatile approach