48 research outputs found

    Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from acute, sub-acute and sub-clinical staphylococcosis in rabbits

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    [EN] Staphylococcus aureus bacteria isolated from different clinical presentations of staphylococcosis in rabbits were examined for the production of various virulence factors using biochemical and immunological tests. In the total of 106 S. aureus isolates; toxic shock syndrome toxin-1, staphylococcal enterotoxin-C, DNase, ¿-haemolysin, ß-haemolysin, ¿-haemolysin, protein A and clumping factor were observed with a frequency of 33.2, 16.98, 83.96, 69.81, 36.79, 100, 78.30 and 54.72 percent, respectively. No SE-A, SE-B and SE-D producing isolates were recovered in this study. All the S. aureus isolates from acute staphylococcosis produced TSST-1, SE-C and protein A. While ¿¿haemolysin and clumping factor were not detected in any acute isolates, these factors were observed at a relatively higher frequency in isolates from sub-acute and sub-clinical staphylococcosis. Coagulase type III was observed more predominantly with a frequency of 45.28%, while coagulase types V and VII were not observed in any isolate. Most of the virulence factors belonged to coagulase type III followed by type VI. TSST-1 and SE-C along with coagulase types III and V Icould be correlated with the acute and sub-acute staphylococcal infections in rabbits in this study.Tirpude, RJ.; Batra, H. (2012). Characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from acute, sub-acute and sub-clinical staphylococcosis in rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 20(4):215-221. doi:10.4995/wrs.2012.1203SWORD21522120

    Comparative study between injection parecoxib and butorphanol for postoperative analgesia in laparotomy patients

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    Background: Pain is a complex, subjective experience comprising both physical and emotional components. Upper abdominal surgeries cause most intense pain and distress. Opioids and Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used for postoperative analgesia. Aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of analgesia between injection parecoxib and butorphanol.Methods: Prospective randomised comparative study included total 60 patients posted for laparotomy under general anaesthesia. Patients were randomly allocated in two groups. One group received injection paecoxib sodium (Group-P) and other group received injection Butorphanol (Group- B) half an hour before extubation. Pain score was recorded as per visual analogue scale at 0, 4,8,12 hours. The side effects if any were recorded and vomiting and sedation score was recorded.Results: Immediately in postoperative period VAS was less in Group B, but at 8 hours. VAS was less in Group P.Conclusions: Parecoxib has better quality of pain relief, minimal side effects compared to butorphanol which has good analgesia in immediate postoperative period

    Performance Evaluation of Fine-tuned Faster R-CNN on specific MS COCO Objects

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    Fine-tuning of a model is a method that is most often required to cater to the users’ explicit requirements. But the question remains whether the model is accurate enough to be used for a certain application. This paper strives to present the metrics used for performance evaluation of a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model. The evaluation is based on the training process which provides us with intermediate models after every 1000 iterations. While 1000 iterations are not substantial enough over the range of 490k iterations, the groups are sized with 100k iterations each. Now, the intention was to compare the recorded metrics to evaluate the model in terms of accuracy. The training model used the set of specific categories chosen from the Microsoft Common Objects in Context (MS COCO) dataset while allowing the users to use their externally available images to test the model’s accuracy. Our trained model ensured that all the objects are detected that are present in the image to depict the effect of precision

    Diaphragm ultrasound: A predictor of extubation in head injury patients

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    Background: Timing is critical when determining if a patient can be successfully extubated. The criteria for obtaining the optimal time for extubation are bare minimum and subject to variability. There are not many studies that are done to use diaphragm function or diaphragm thickness (Tdi) to have any role in extubation outcome as success or failure. Aims and Objectives: The aims and objectives of the study are to apply diaphragmatic ultrasound as a predictor of extubation to reduce morbidity and mortality in these patients. Materials and Methods: This study was conducted as a prospective single-blind study among patients admitted in post-anesthesia care unit and surgical intensive care unit, Department of Anesthesiology at Trauma care Centre during the study period of June 2019–November 2021. The ultrasonographer was informed of the intensivist’s decision to start weaning. Tdi is measured at end expiration and end inspiration. The percent change in Tdi between end expiration and end inspiration (ΔTdi%) was calculated as (Tdi end inspiration–Tdi end expiration/Tdi end expiration) ×100. Results: Mean age was 46.2±15.2 years, ranging from 18 to 66 years. Tdi was above 30 in 64% cases, whereas Tdi% at end of expiration was above 0.17 cm in 62% cases. Weaning was successful in 78% cases whereas weaning failed in 22% cases. Weaning success rate was significantly associated with higher Tdi at end expiration (≥0.17 cm) (P<0.05). Conclusions: Timely weaning off is very important. Delayed weaning may lead to further infection and complications. Diaphragmatic ultrasound plays a vital role in extubating the patient. Ultrasound-guided Tdi and diaphragm motion can be used as a predictor for timely extubation. Diaphragmatic thickness reflects the strength of diaphragm and hence would help us to estimate a successful extubation

    Original and Paper Pattern of histo pathological changes of liver in poisoning

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    Abstract Increasing trend of poisoning in rural as well as urban set up for committing suicides must drive attention of law enforcing agencies to restrict its use and providing better methods for pest control. One of the organs suffered by such poisoning is liver, which is studied in detail in this study with special reference to histopathological finding. Out of total 140 autopsies 78 cases revealed histopathological finding in liver which varies with treatment, duration of survival, death autopsy interval. This may be helpful to conclude cause of death in obscure autopsies or even at each poisoning autopsy where opinion is reserved till viscera report is available. This may cut short time required for court proceeding, insurance claims based on these opinions

    Quantitative Histological Analysis of Ligamentum Flavum

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    Perspective Chapter: Emerging SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern (VOCs) and Their Impact on Transmission Rate, Disease Severity and Breakthrough Infections

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    SARS-CoV-2, like all RNA viruses, evolves over time, and genetic mutations have been linked to increased replication fitness and evolvability. SARS-CoV-2 spreads quickly between countries, resulting in new mutations. SARS-CoV-2 genome sequencing reveals that variants emerge through point mutations, insertions, and deletions. Concerns have been raised about the ability of currently approved vaccines to protect against emerging variants. Viral spike protein is a component of many approved vaccine candidates, and mutations in the S-protein may affect transmission dynamics and the risk of immune escape, resulting this pandemic last-longer in populations. Understanding the evolution of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, as well as its potential relationship with transmissibility, infectivity, and disease severity, may help us predict the consequences of future pandemics. SARS-CoV-2 genome studies have identified a few mutations that could potentially alter the transmissibility and pathogenicity of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. At the moment, it is worth mentioning that a few variants have increased the transmissibility of SARS-CoV-2. The Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Delta+, and omicron variants are designated as variants of concern (VOCs) by the World Health Organisation and have been linked with an increased risk to the community in terms of transmission, hospitalisation, and mortality. This chapter thoroughly discusses the impact of SARS-CoV-2 mutations, mainly VOCs, on public health by mining many published articles

    Investigation of Neolamarckia cadamba phytoconstituents against SARS-CoV-2 3CL Pro: An In-Silico Approach

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    In present study, the inhibitory potential of Neolamarckia cadamba phytoconstituents was investigated against SARS-CoV-2 3CL protease (3CL pro) (PDB ID: 6M2N). Molecular docking was analyzed using AutoDock Vina software by setting the grid parameter as X= -33.163, Y= -65.074 and Z= 41.434 with dimensions of the grid box 25 × 25 × 25 Å. Remdesivir was taken as the standard for comparative analysis along with inhibitor 5, 6, 7-trihydroxy-2-phenyl-4H-chromen-4-one. Furthermore, the exploration of 2 D Hydrogen-bond interactions was performed by Biovia Discovery Studio 4.5 program to identify the interactions between an amino acid of target and ligand followed by assessment of physicochemical properties using Lipinski’s rule and Swiss ADME database. The decent bonding scores of secondary metabolites owing to hydrogen bonding with catalytic residues suggest the effectiveness of these phytochemicals towards 3CLpro. The results are further consolidated positively by Lipinski’s rule and Swiss ADME prediction. Thus reasonably, observations with docking studies suggest possibility of phytochemicals from Neolamarckia cadamba to inhibit the 3CLpro and consequently would be explored further as agents for preventing COVID-19

    Current challenges in glioblastoma : intratumour heterogeneity, residual disease and models to predict disease recurrence

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    Glioblastoma (GB) is the most common malignant primary brain tumour, and despite the availability of chemotherapy and radiotherapy to combat the disease, overall survival remains low with a high incidence of tumour recurrence. Technological advances are continually improving our understanding of the disease and in particular our knowledge of clonal evolution, intratumour heterogeneity and possible reservoirs of residual disease. These may inform how we approach clinical treatment and recurrence in GB. Mathematical modelling (including neural networks), and strategies such as multiple-sampling during tumour resection and genetic analysis of circulating cancer cells, may be of great future benefit to help predict the nature of residual disease and resistance to standard and molecular therapies in GB

    Applicability of T1-weighted MRI in the assessment of forensic age based on the epiphyseal closure of the humeral head

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    This work investigates the value of magnetic resonance imaging analysis of proximal epiphyseal fusion in research examining the growth and development of the humerus and its potential utility in establishing forensic age estimation. In this study, 428 proximal humeral epiphyses (patient age, 12-30years) were evaluated with T1-weighted turbo spin echo (T1 TSE) sequences in coronal oblique orientation on shoulder MRI images. A scoring system was created following a combination of the Schmeling and Kellinghaus methods. Spearman's rank correlation analysis revealed a significant positive relationship between age and ossification stage of the proximal humeral epiphysis (all subjects: rho=0.664, p<0.001; males: 0.631, p<0.001; females: rho=0.651, p<0.001). The intra- and inter-observer reliability assessed using Cohen's kappa statistic was =0.898 and =0.828, respectively. The earliest age of epiphysis closure was 17years for females and 18years for males. MRI of the proximal humeral epiphysis can be considered advantageous for forensic age estimation of living individuals in a variety of situations, ranging from monitoring public health to estimating the age of illegal immigrants/asylum seekers, minors engaged in criminal activities, and illegal participants in competitive sports, without the danger of radiation exposure