78 research outputs found

    Shocked Quartz in Polymict Impact Breccia from the Upper Cretaceous Yallalie Impact Structure in Western Australia

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    Yallalie is a ~12 km diameter circular structure located ~200 km north of Perth, Australia. Previous studies have proposed that the buried structure is a complex impact crater based on geophysical data. Allochthonous breccia exposed near the structure has previously been interpreted as proximal impact ejecta; however, no diagnostic indicators of shock metamorphism have been found. Here we report multiple (27) shocked quartz grains containing planar fractures (PFs) and planar deformation features (PDFs) in the breccia. The PFs occur in up to five sets per grain, while the PDFs occur in up to four sets per grain. Universal stage measurements of all 27 shocked quartz grains confirms that the planar microstructures occur in known crystallographic orientations in quartz corresponding to shock compression from 5 to 20 GPa. Proximity to the buried structure (~4 km) and occurrence of shocked quartz indicates that the breccia represents either primary or reworked ejecta. Ejecta distribution simulated using iSALE hydrocode predicts the same distribution of shock levels at the site as those found in the breccia, which supports a primary ejecta interpretation, although local reworking cannot be excluded. The Yallalie impact event is stratigraphically constrained to have occurred in the interval from 89.8 to 83.6 Ma based on the occurrence of Coniacian clasts in the breccia and undisturbed overlying Santonian to Campanian sedimentary rocks. Yallalie is thus the first confirmed Upper Cretaceous impact structure in Australia

    Palliative care and Parkinson's disease : meeting summary and recommendations for clinical research

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    Introduction: Palliative care is an approach to caring for patients and families affected by serious illnesses that focuses on the relief of suffering through the management of medical symptoms, psychosocial issues, advance care planning and spiritual wellbeing. Over the past decade there has been an emerging clinical and research interest in the application of palliative care approaches to Parkinson’s disease (PD) and outpatient palliative care services are now offered by several movement disorders centers. Methods: An International Working Group Meeting on PD and Palliative Care supported by the Parkinson’s Disease Foundation was held in October 2015 to review the current state of the evidence and to make recommendations for clinical research and practice. Results: Topics included: 1) Defining palliative care for PD; 2) Lessons from palliative care for heart failure and other chronic illnesses; 3) Patient and caregiver Needs; 4) Needs assessment tools; 5) Intervention strategies; 6) Predicting prognosis and hospice referrals; 7) Choice of appropriate outcome measures; 8) Implementation, dissemination and education research; and 9) Need for research collaborations. We provide an overview of these discussions, summarize current evidence and practices, highlight gaps in our knowledge and make recommendations for future research. Conclusions: Palliative Care for PD is a rapidly growing area which holds great promise for improving outcomes for PD patients and their caregivers. While clinical research in this area can build from lessons learned in other diseases, there is a need for observational, methodological and interventional research to address the unique needs of PD patients and caregivers

    Phase Heritage: Deciphering Evidence of Pre-Existing Phases via Inherited Crystallographic Orientations

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    The concept of 'phase heritage' (e.g., Timms et al., 2017a) involves microstructural recognition of the former presence of a phase that has since transformed to another via evidence encoded in crystallographic orientations. Phase heritage relies on the phenomenon that newly grown (daughter) phases nucleate with particular crystallographic orientation relationships with the preceding (parent) phase. This phenomenon is common for displacive (i.e., shear or martensitic) transformations, well documented in the metals and ceramics literature, but is relatively uncommon in geosciences. This presentation outlines the concepts behind this approach, showcases results from software for automated analysis of EBSD data, and illustrates examples of polymorphic and dissociation phase transformations in the ZrSiO4-ZrO2-SiO2 system, which has particularly useful applications for 'extreme thermobarometry' in impact environments (Timms et al., 2017a)

    SOFIA/HAWC+ Detection of a Gravitationally Lensed Starburst Galaxy at z = 1.03

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    We present the detection at 89 μm (observed frame) of the Herschel-selected gravitationally lensed starburst galaxy HATLAS J1429-0028 (also known as G15v2.19) in 15 minutes with the High-resolution Airborne Wideband Camera-plus (HAWC+) onboard the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA). The spectacular lensing system consists of an edge-on foreground disk galaxy at z = 0.22 and a nearly complete Einstein ring of an intrinsic ultra-luminous infrared (IR) galaxy at z = 1.03. Is this high IR luminosity powered by pure star formation (SF) or also an active galactic nucleus (AGN)? Previous nebular line diagnostics indicate that it is star formation dominated. We perform a 27-band multiwavelength spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling including the new SOFIA/HAWC+ data to constrain the fractional AGN contribution to the total IR luminosity. The AGN fraction in the IR turns out to be negligible. In addition, J1429-0028 serves as a testbed for comparing SED results from different models/templates and SED codes (magphys, sed3fit, and cigale). We stress that star formation history is the dominant source of uncertainty in the derived stellar mass (as high as a factor of ~10) even in the case of extensive photometric coverage. Furthermore, the detection of a source at z ~ 1 with SOFIA/HAWC+ demonstrates the potential of utilizing this facility for distant galaxy studies including the decomposition of SF/AGN components, which cannot be accomplished with other current facilities

    The Circadian Clock Protein BMAL1 Acts as a Metabolic Sensor In Macrophages to Control the Production of Pro IL-1β

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    The transcription factor BMAL1 is a clock protein that generates daily or circadian rhythms in physiological functions including the inflammatory response of macrophages. Intracellular metabolic pathways direct the macrophage inflammatory response, however whether the clock is impacting intracellular metabolism to direct this response is unclear. Specific metabolic reprogramming of macrophages controls the production of the potent pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1β. We now describe that the macrophage molecular clock, through Bmal1, regulates the uptake of glucose, its flux through glycolysis and the Krebs cycle, including the production of the metabolite succinate to drive Il-1β production. We further demonstrate that BMAL1 modulates the level and localisation of the glycolytic enzyme PKM2, which in turn activates STAT3 to further drive Il-1β mRNA expression. Overall, this work demonstrates that BMAL1 is a key metabolic sensor in macrophages, and its deficiency leads to a metabolic shift of enhanced glycolysis and mitochondrial respiration, leading to a heightened pro-inflammatory state. These data provide insight into the control of macrophage driven inflammation by the molecular clock, and the potential for time-based therapeutics against a range of chronic inflammatory diseases

    The molecular-gas properties in the gravitationally lensed merger HATLAS J142935.3-002836

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    Follow-up observations of (sub-)mm-selected gravitationally-lensed systems have allowed a more detailed study of the dust-enshrouded phase of star-formation up to very early cosmic times. Here, the case of the gravitationally lensed merger in HATLAS J142935.3-002836 (also known as H1429-0028; z_lens=0.218, z_bkg=1.027) is revisited following recent developments in the literature and new APEX observations targeting two carbon monoxide (CO) rotational transitions J_up=3 and 6. We show that the line-profiles comprise three distinct velocity components, where the fainter high-velocity one is less magnified and more compact. The modelling of the observed spectral line energy distribution of CO J_up=2 to 6 and [CI]3P_1-3P_0 assumes a large velocity gradient scenario, where the analysis is based on four statistical approaches. Since the detected gas and dust emission comes exclusively from only one of the two merging components (the one oriented North-South, NS), we are only able to determine upper-limits for the companion. The molecular gas in the NS component in H1429-0028 is found to have a temperature of ~70K, a volume density of log(n[/cm3])~3.7, to be expanding at ~10km/s/pc, and amounts to M_H2=4(-2,+3)*1e9 Msun. The CO to H2 conversion factor is estimated to be alpha_CO=0.4(-0.2,+0.3) Msun/(K.km/s.pc2). The NS galaxy is expected to have a factor of >10x more gas than its companion (M_H

    p38 MAPK Regulates Expression of Immune Response Genes and Contributes to Longevity in C. elegans

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    The PMK-1 p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway and the DAF-2–DAF-16 insulin signaling pathway control Caenorhabditis elegans intestinal innate immunity. pmk-1 loss-of-function mutants have enhanced sensitivity to pathogens, while daf-2 loss-of-function mutants have enhanced resistance to pathogens that requires upregulation of the DAF-16 transcription factor. We used genetic analysis to show that the pathogen resistance of daf-2 mutants also requires PMK-1. However, genome-wide microarray analysis indicated that there was essentially no overlap between genes positively regulated by PMK-1 and DAF-16, suggesting that they form parallel pathways to promote immunity. We found that PMK-1 controls expression of candidate secreted antimicrobials, including C-type lectins, ShK toxins, and CUB-like genes. Microarray analysis demonstrated that 25% of PMK-1 positively regulated genes are induced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection. Using quantitative PCR, we showed that PMK-1 regulates both basal and infection-induced expression of pathogen response genes, while DAF-16 does not. Finally, we used genetic analysis to show that PMK-1 contributes to the enhanced longevity of daf-2 mutants. We propose that the PMK-1 pathway is a specific, indispensable immunity pathway that mediates expression of secreted immune response genes, while the DAF-2–DAF-16 pathway appears to regulate immunity as part of a more general stress response. The contribution of the PMK-1 pathway to the enhanced lifespan of daf-2 mutants suggests that innate immunity is an important determinant of longevity

    Multi-wavelength lens construction of a Planck and Herschel-detected star-bursting galaxy

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    We present a source-plane reconstruction of a Herschel and Planck-detected gravitationally lensed dusty star-forming galaxy (DSFG) at z = 1.68 using Hubble, Submillimeter Array (SMA), and Keck observations. The background submillimeter galaxy (SMG) is strongly lensed by a foreground galaxy cluster at z = 0.997 and appears as an arc with a length of ∼15″ in the optical images. The continuum dust emission, as seen by SMA, is limited to a single knot within this arc. We present a lens model with source-plane reconstructions at several wavelengths to show the difference in magnification between the stars and dust, and highlight the importance of multi-wavelength lens models for studies involving lensed DSFGs. We estimate the physical properties of the galaxy by fitting the flux densities to model spectral energy distributions leading to a magnification-corrected starformation rate (SFR) of 390 ± 60 M yr−1 and a stellar mass of 1.1 ± 0.4 10 x 11 M. These values are consistent with high-redshift massive galaxies that have formed most of their stars already. The estimated gas-to-baryon fraction, molecular gas surface density, and SFR surface density have values of 0.43 ± 0.13, 350 ± 200 M pc−2, and ~ 12 7 M yr−1 kpc−2, respectively. The ratio of SFR surface density to molecular gas surface density puts this among the most star-forming systems, similar to other measured SMGs and local ULIRGs