9 research outputs found

    Wernecke Breccia-associated iron oxide-Cu-Au mineralization, Yukon, Canada

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    Iron oxide-copper-gold mineralization occurs within Early Proterozoic Wernecke Breccia and adjacent metasomatised country rock. Multiple phases of mineralization are evident and occur as disseminations, breccia matrix and veins. Brecciation is associated with widespread albite andlor potassium feldspar alteration, local ankerite-magnetite±hernatite alteration and abundant carbonatization. Breccia emplacement took advantage of pre-existing crustal weaknesses such as faults, fold axes and joints. Breccias occur as large zones with crackle brecciated contacts and smaller "dyke-like" bodies with sharp contacts. Mineralization associated with Wernecke Breccia is included within the Proterozoic iron oxide (Cu-V-Au-REE) class and is similar to deposits in other areas including those in the Cloncurry and Olympic Dam districts of Australia

    Wernecke Breccia-associated iron oxide-Cu-Au mineralization, Yukon, Canada

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    Iron oxide-copper-gold mineralization occurs within Early Proterozoic Wernecke Breccia and adjacent metasomatised country rock. Multiple phases of mineralization are evident and occur as disseminations, breccia matrix and veins. Brecciation is associated with widespread albite andlor potassium feldspar alteration, local ankerite-magnetite±hernatite alteration and abundant carbonatization. Breccia emplacement took advantage of pre-existing crustal weaknesses such as faults, fold axes and joints. Breccias occur as large zones with crackle brecciated contacts and smaller "dyke-like" bodies with sharp contacts. Mineralization associated with Wernecke Breccia is included within the Proterozoic iron oxide (Cu-V-Au-REE) class and is similar to deposits in other areas including those in the Cloncurry and Olympic Dam districts of Australia

    A review of iron oxide copper-gold deposits, with focus on the Wernecke Breccias, Yukon, Canada, as an example of a non-magmatic end member and implications for IOCG genesis and classification

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    New data indicate Wernecke Breccia-associated iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) deposits likely formed from moderate-temperature, high-salinity, non-magmatic brines. The breccias formed in an area underlain by a sedimentary sequence that locally contained evaporites (potential source of chloride and possibly sulfur) and was thick enough to produce elevated fluid temperatures. Metals (Fe, Cu, Co, U) were probably derived from host strata, transported as chloride complexes, and precipitated due to changes in fluid temperature and pressure during brecciation. These new data suggest that the spectrum of genetic models for IOCG deposits that typically invoke formation from magmatic or hybrid magmatic–non-magmatic fluids should be expanded to include those systems that formed in a non-magmatic environment. Modifications to the definition of IOCG systems are proposed that reflect the degree of involvement of magmatic and/or non-magmatic fluids and the nature of the mineralizing environment. A division into magmatic, non-magmatic, and hybrid magmatic–non-magmatic IOCG types is suggested. Typical magmatic end-member IOCG deposits include Lightning Creek and Eloise, Australia. Hybrid magmatic–non-magmatic IOCG examples include Ernest Henry and Olympic Dam, Australia. The Wernecke Breccia and Redbank deposits are suggested as possible representatives of non-magmatic IOCG end members. End-member magmatic IOCG deposits have similarities to some porphyry deposits, whereas non-magmatic IOCG end members share characteristic with some sediment-hosted Cu deposits, suggesting that the range of IOCG deposits may form a link between intrusive- and sediment-related deposits

    Fluid inclusion and stable isotope constraints on the origin of Wernecke Breccia and associated iron oxide – copper – gold mineralization, Yukon

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    Iron oxide – Cu ± Au ± U ± Co (IOCG) mineralization is associated with numerous Proterozoic breccia bodies, collectively known as Wernecke Breccia, in Yukon Territory, Canada. Multiphase breccia zones occur in areas underlain by Paleoproterozoic Wernecke Supergroup metasedimentary rocks and are associated with widespread sodic, potassic, and carbonate alteration assemblages. Fluid inclusion data indicate syn-breccia fluids were hot (185–350 °C) saline (24–42 wt.% NaCl equivalent) NaCl–CaCl2–H2O brines. Estimates of fluid pressure vary from 0.4 to 2.4 kbar (1 kbar = 100 MPa). Carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions of breccia-related carbonates range from ~–11‰ to +1.5‰ (Pee Dee belemnite (PDB)) and –2‰ to 20‰ (Vienna standard mean ocean water (V-SMOW); δ18Owater ~–8‰ to +15‰), respectively. δ13C and δ18O values for host Wernecke Supergroup limestone/dolostone vary from ~–2‰ to 1.6‰ and 12‰ to 25‰, respectively. Sulfur isotopic compositions of hydrothermal sulfides and sulfate vary from ~–12‰ to +13‰ and +8‰ to +17‰ (Cañon Diablo Troilite (CDT)), respectively. Syn-breccia biotite, muscovite, and actinolite have δD and δ18O values of ~–141‰ to –18‰ and +7‰ to +12‰ (V-SMOW; δ18Owater ~7‰ to 11‰), respectively. The Wernecke Breccias and the associated IOCG mineralization appear to have formed from largely nonmagmatic fluids — based on isotopic, fluid inclusion, and geological data. The emerging hypothesis is that periodic overpressuring of dominantly formational/metamorphic water led to repeated brecciation and mineral precipitation. The weight of overlying sedimentary rocks led to elevated fluid temperatures and pressures; fluid flow may have been driven by tectonics and (or) gravity with metals scavenged from host strata

    Conditions for Early Cretaceous emerald formation at Dyakou, China: fluid inclusion, Ar-Ar, and stable isotope studies

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    The Dyakou emerald occurrence is located in Malipo County in the province of Yunnan, southern China. The occurrence lies in the northern part of the Laojunshan-Song Chay metamorphic core complex, which is exposed in an area of approximately 2,000 km2 and extends across the border between China and Vietnam. Emerald mineralization is hosted by pegmatite and associated quartz veins that intrude deformed Proterozoic biotite-muscovite granofels and schist. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope results from the emerald channel waters and emerald, respectively, are consistent with an igneous fluid source. The δ18O fractionation between emerald and quartz yields vein temperatures of 365° to 420°C. Fluid inclusions indicate that the emerald precipitated from saline brines ranging from almost pure water to 10.5 mass percent NaCl equiv. Fluid inclusion isochores intersected with δ18O data yield pressures changing along the geothermal gradient from 1,500 to 3,300 bars. Ar-Ar geochronology of biotite and muscovite from the emerald veins yields consistent ages of 124 ± 1 Ma. These constraints combined with field observations indicate that the Dyakou emerald deposit is consistent with the igneous-related model for emerald formation

    The Paleoproterozoic Wernecke Supergroup of Yukon, Canada: Relationships to orogeny in northwestern Laurentia and basins in North America, East Australia, and China

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