1,913 research outputs found

    Exchange Rate Regimes and Poland's Participation in ERM II

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    In this paper we address some of the issues resulting from Poland's will to join the Economic and Monetary Union. Our attention focuses on topics related to the possibly soon entry into the European exchange rate mechanism (ERM II). We consider the possible paths of entering the system, providing a detailed analysis of the choice of fluctuation margins and the central parity. Further, we analyze the possible monetary policy strategies within the system. We describe the benefits and drawbacks of ERM II participation and consider the eventuality of parity revaluation. In this part estimates of the Balassa-Samuelson effect for Poland are provided.Transition economies, Poland, ERM II, Balassa-Samuelson effect, equilibrium exchange rate

    Concepts of collective intelligence and process of creating a knowledge

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    The purpose of the article is present the concept of collective intelligence models and their role in the process of creation collective knowledge. The author hypothesized that the Polish education system is dysfunctional for innovation, cooperation and action in the group. Notes that this highly individualistic trend extends to all levels of education, and is specific for the individual-oriented researchers. The author also points out that this individualistic trend is break by the concept of learning 2.0, which becomes the basis for cooperation with others

    Contemporary models of indexing and classifying the knowledge on the folksonomy and tagging example as mechanisms of the bottom-up indexing information

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    Artykuł podejmuje kwestie związane ze społecznościowym klasyfikowaniem wiedzy. Autorka zwraca uwagę, iż zmiany społeczno-kulturowe generowane przez nowe technologie implikują redefiniowanie takich terminów jak: wiedza, autorytet i mądrość. W świecie wikinomii stopnie naukowe, afiliacje, czy przynależność do grona tracą swój monopol i autorytatywność w określaniu tego, co stanowi rzetelną, niepodważalną wiedzę. Istotne znaczenie w procesie tworzenia wiedzy odgrywa mechanizm społecznego tagowania treści (social tagging), który nie tylko ułatwia proces klasyfikacji, ale również w znaczący sposób determinuje ich społeczną wartość. Folksonomia rozumiana jako organiczny, oddolny mechanizm klasyfikowania informacji ułatwia porządkowanie internetowych zasobów, stając się sposobem na okiełznanie internetowego chaosu spowodowanego nadmiarem informacji.This article aims to show the transformations taking place within the formation, classification and legitimization of knowledge. The author describes a bottom-up mechanisms for indexing knowledge which we can find in the web space. The population of the Internet users reject the representatives of the objective knowledge – scientists, specialists, gatekeepers, believing rather collective intelligence functioning through knowledge mechanism based on skills and abilities of individuals cooperating with one other. Thanks to the joint actions of individuals, the collective increases the level of knowledge and expertise of its members through the extensive cooperation and debate

    The Role of Knowledge Accessibility in Episodic Future Thought

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    The capacity to think about specific events that one might encounter in the future--episodic future thought--involves the flexible: re)organization of knowledge. However, little is known about the cognitive mechanisms that guide this process. The reported studies demonstrate evidence for the role of knowledge accessibility as one such mechanism. First, comparisons were drawn between episodic future thought and other cognitive tasks that similarly require participants to produce open-ended responses and for which the role of knowledge accessibility is well established. Second, three experiments: N = 270) provided direct tests of whether accessible knowledge becomes incorporated into episodic future thought. In Experiments 1 and 2, priming knowledge relevant to an upcoming episode generation task shaped the content of thoughts about the future. Experiment 3 revealed that, as with other open-ended production tasks, primed knowledge must be processed in a meaningful manner in order for it to exert an influence on the content of episodic future thought. These results further understanding of episodic future thought and suggest important avenues for future research

    Reduction of ensemble of classifiers with a rule sets analysis

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    The article shortly discusses the aim of classification task and its application to different domains of life. The idea of ensemble of classifiers is presented and some aspects of grouping methods are discussed. The paper points to the need of ensemble classifier pruning and presents a new approach for ensemble reduction. The proposed method is dedicated to committees of decision trees and bases on transformation of a tree set into a rule set and the new, suited to the pruning method, the weighted voting algorithm is also presented. There are also described experiments showing properties and effectiveness of the proposed method. Finally, directions of further research are mentioned

    A Proposal for United States/Polish Collaboration on Energy and the Environment

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