48 research outputs found

    Induced fit for cytochrome P450 3A4 based on molecular dynamics

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    The present study aims at numerically describing to what extent substrate - enzyme complexes in solution may change over time as a natural process of conformational changes for a liganded enzyme in comparison to those movements which occur independently from substrate interaction, i.e. without a ligand. To this end, we selected structurally known pairs of liganded / unliganded CYP450 3A4 enzymes with different geometries hinting at induced fit events. We carried out molecular dynamics simulations (MD) comparing the trajectories in a “cross-over” protocol: (i) we added the ligand to the unliganded crystal form which should adopt geometries similar to the known geometry of the liganded crystal structure during MD, and – conversely – (ii) we removed the bound ligand form the known liganded complex to test if a geometry similar to the known unliganded (apo-) form can be adopted during MD. To compare continues changes we measured root means square deviations and frequencies. Results for case (i) hint at larger conformational changes required for accepting the substrate during its approach to final position – in contrast to case (ii) when mobility is fairly reduced by ligand binding (strain energy). In conclusion, a larger conformational sampling prior to ligand binding and the freezing-in (rigidity) of conformations for bound ligands can be interpreted as two conditions linked to induced-fit

    Antidiabetic Bis-Maltolato-OxoVanadium(IV): Conversion of inactive trans- to bioactive cis-BMOV for possible binding to target PTP-1B

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    The postulated transition of Bis-Maltolato-OxoVanadium(IV) (BMOV) from its inactive trans- into its cis-aquo-BMOV isomeric form in solution was simulated by means of computational molecular modeling. The rotational barrier was calculated with DFT – B3LYP under a stepwise optimization protocol with STO-3G, 3-21G, 3-21G*, and 6-31G ab initio basis sets. Our computed results are consistent with reports on the putative molecular mechanism of BMOV triggering the insulin-like cellular response (insulin mimetic) as a potent inhibitor of the protein tyrosine phosphatase-1B (PTP-1B). Initially, trans-BMOV is present in its solid dosage form but in aqueous solution, and during oral administration, it is readily converted into a mixture of “open-type” and “closed-type” complexes of cis-aquo-BMOV under equilibrium conditions. However, in the same measure as the “closed-type” complex binds to the cytosolic PTP-1B, it disappears from solution, and the equilibrium shifts towards the “closed-type” species. In full accordance, the computed binding mode of cis-BMOV is energetically favored over sterically hindered trans-BMOV. In view of our earlier report on prodrug hypothesis of vanadium organic compounds the present results suggest that cis-BMOV is the bioactive species

    Chimeric design, synthesis, and biological assays of a new nonpeptide insulin-mimetic vanadium compound to inhibit protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B

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    Prior to its total synthesis, a new vanadium coordination compound, called TSAG0101, was computationally designed to inhibit the enzyme protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B). The PTP1B acts as a negative regulator of insulin signaling by blocking the active site where phosphate hydrolysis of the insulin receptor takes place. TSAG001, [VVO2(OH)(picolinamide)], was characterized by infrared (IR) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy; IR: ν/cm−1 3,570 (NH), 1,627 (C=O, coordinated), 1,417 (C−N), 970/842 (O=V=O), 727 δ. (pyridine ring); 13C NMR: 5 bands between 122 and 151 ppm and carbonyl C shifted to 180 ppm; and 1H NMR: 4 broad bands from 7.6 to 8.2 ppm and NH2 shifted to 8.8 ppm. In aqueous solution, in presence or absence of sodium citrate as a biologically relevant and ubiquitous chelator, TSAG0101 undergoes neither ligand exchange nor reduction of its central vanadium atom during 24 hours. TSAG0101 shows blood glucose lowering effects in rats but it produced no alteration of basal- or glucose-induced insulin secretion on β cells during in vitro tests, all of which excludes a direct mechanism evidencing the extrapancreatic nature of its activity. The lethal dose (LD50) of TSAG0101 was determined in Wistar mice yielding a value of 412 mg/kg. This value is one of the highest among vanadium compounds and classifies it as a mild toxicity agent when compared with literature data. Due to its nonsubstituted, small-sized scaffold design, its remarkable complex stability, and low toxicity; TSAG0101 should be considered as an innovative insulin-mimetic principle with promising properties and, therefore, could become a new lead compound for potential nonpeptide PTP1B inhibitors in antidiabetic drug research. In view of the present work, the inhibitory concentration (IC50) and extended solution stability will be tested

    Interaction between a Novel Oligopeptide Fragment of the Human Neurotrophin Receptor TrkB Ectodomain D5 and the C-Terminal Fragment of Tetanus Neurotoxin

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    This article presents experimental evidence and computed molecular models of a potential interaction between receptor domain D5 of TrkB with the carboxyl-terminal domain of tetanus neurotoxin (Hc-TeNT). Computational simulations of a novel small cyclic oligopeptide are designed, synthesized, and tested for possible tetanus neurotoxin-D5 interaction. A hot spot of this protein-protein interaction is identified in analogy to the hitherto known crystal structures of the complex between neurotrophin and D5. Hc-TeNT activates the neurotrophin receptors, as well as its downstream signaling pathways, inducing neuroprotection in different stress cellular models. Based on these premises, we propose the Trk receptor family as potential proteic affinity receptors for TeNT. In vitro, Hc-TeNT binds to a synthetic TrkB-derived peptide and acts similar to an agonist ligand for TrkB, resulting in phosphorylation of the receptor. These properties are weakened by the mutagenesis of three residues of the predicted interaction region in Hc-TeNT. It also competes with Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a native binder to human TrkB, for the binding to neural membranes, and for uptake in TrkB-positive vesicles. In addition, both molecules are located together in vivo at neuromuscular junctions and in motor neurons

    Ethnic Identification and Stereotypes in Western Europe, circa 1100-1300

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    Allosteric Binding of MDMA to the Human Serotonin Transporter (hSERT) via Ensemble Binding Space Analysis with ΔG Calculations, Induced Fit Docking and Monte Carlo Simulations

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    Despite the recent promising results of MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine) as a psychotherapeutic agent and its history of misuse, little is known about its molecular mode of action. MDMA enhances monoaminergic neurotransmission in the brain and its valuable psychoactive effects are associated to a dual action on the 5-HT transporter (SERT). This drug inhibits the reuptake of 5-HT (serotonin) and reverses its flow, acting as a substrate for the SERT, which possesses a central binding site (S1) for antidepressants as well as an allosteric (S2) one. Previously, we characterized the spatial binding requirements for MDMA at S1. Here, we propose a structure-based mechanistic model of MDMA occupation and translocation across both binding sites, applying ensemble binding space analyses, electrostatic complementarity, and Monte Carlo energy perturbation theory. Computed results were correlated with experimental data (r = 0.93 and 0.86 for S1 and S2, respectively). Simulations on all hSERT available structures with Gibbs free energy estimations (ΔG) revealed a favourable and pervasive dual binding mode for MDMA at S2, i.e., adopting either a 5-HT or an escitalopram-like orientation. Intermediate ligand conformations were identified within the allosteric site and between the two sites, outlining an internalization pathway for MDMA. Among the strongest and more frequent interactions were salt bridges with Glu494 and Asp328, a H-bond with Thr497, a π-π with Phe556, and a cation-π with Arg104. Similitudes and differences with the allosteric binding of 5-HT and antidepressants suggest that MDMA may have a distinctive chemotype. Thus, our models may provide a framework for future virtual screening studies and pharmaceutical design and to develop hSERT allosteric compounds with a unique psychoactive MDMA-like profile

    Reviewing and identifying amino acids of human, murine, canine and equine TLR4 / MD-2 receptor complexes conferring endotoxic innate immunity activation by LPS/lipid A, or antagonistic effects by Eritoran, in contrast to species-dependent modulation by lipid IVa

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    There is literature evidence gathered throughout the last two decades reflecting unexpected species differences concerning the immune response to lipid IVa which provides the opportunity to gain more detailed insight by the molecular modeling approach described in this study. Lipid IVa is a tetra-acylated precursor of lipid A in the biosynthesis of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in Gram-negative bacteria. Lipid A of the prototypic E. coli-type is a hexa-acylated structure that acts as an agonist in all tested mammalian species by innate immunorecognition via the Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4)/myeloid differentiation factor 2 (MD-2) receptor complex. In contrast, lipid IVa is proinflammatory in mouse cells (agonism) but it remains inactive to human macrophages and even antagonizes the action of potent agonists like E. coli -type lipid A. This particular ambivalent activity profile of lipid IVa has been confirmed in other mammalian species: in equine cells Lipid IVa also acts in a weak agonistic manner, whereas being inactive and antagonizing the lipid A-induced activation of canine TLR4/MD-2. Intriguingly, the respective TLR4 amino acid sequences of the latter species are more identical to the human (67%, 68%) than to the murine (62%, 58%) ortholog. In order to address the unpaired activity-sequence dualism for human, murine, canine and equine species regarding the activity of lipid IVa as compared to LPS and lipid A and, we review the literature and computationally pinpoint the differential biological effects of lipid IVa versus LPS and lipid A to specific amino acid residues. In contrast to lipid IVa the structurally related synthetic compound Eritoran (E5564) acts consistently in an antagonistic manner in these mammalian species and serves as a reference ligand for molecular modeling in this study. The combined evaluation of data sets provided by prior studies and in silico homology mapping of differential residues of TLR4/MD-2 complexes lends detailed insight into the driving forces of the characteristic binding modes of the lipid A domain in LPS and the precursor structure lipid IVa to the receptor complex in individual mammalian species