162 research outputs found

    Understanding non-ideal paleointensity recording in igneous rocks: Insights from aging experiments on lava samples and the causes and consequences of ‘fragile’ curvature in Arai plots

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    The theory for recording of thermally blocked remanences predicts a quasilinear relationship between low fields like the Earth's in which rocks cool and acquire a magnetization. This serves as the foundation for estimating ancient magnetic field strengths. Addressing long-standing questions concerning Earth's magnetic field requires a global paleointensity data set, but recovering the ancient field strength is complicated because the theory only pertains to uniformly magnetized particles. A key requirement of a paleointensity experiment is that a magnetization blocked at a given temperature should be unblocked by zero-field reheating to the same temperature. However, failure of this requirement occurs frequently and the causes and consequences of failure are understood incompletely. Recent experiments demonstrate that the remanence in many samples typical of those used in paleointensity experiments is unstable, exhibiting an “aging” effect in which the (un)blocking temperature spectra can change over only a few years resulting in nonideal experimental behavior. While a fresh remanence may conform to the requirement of equality of blocking and unblocking temperatures, aged remanences may not. Blocking temperature spectra can be unstable (fragile), which precludes reproduction of the conditions under which the original magnetization was acquired. This limits our ability to acquire accurate and precise ancient magnetic field strength estimates because differences between known and estimated fields can be significant for individual specimens, with a low field bias. Fragility of unblocking temperature spectra may be related to grain sizes with lower energy barriers and may be detected by features observed in first-order reversal curves

    RESET: A Method to Monitor Thermoremanent Alteration in Thellier-Series Paleointensity Experiments

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    Accurately estimating the paleomagnetic field intensity recorded in terrestrial and planetary materials is the key to understanding dynamo processes. Thellier-series stepwise-heating methods with partial thermoremanent magnetization (pTRM) checks for alteration are considered the most reliable technique even though pTRM checks are shown to be incapable of detecting the entirety of thermal alteration. We utilize a recently developed multidomain-correction experiment (or RESET) to monitor thermally induced magnetic property alteration that may happen to the very specimen used in Thellier- series experiments. We also use rock magnetic property changes to track the physicochemical alteration of fresh companion specimens of Galapagos lavas that were previously used for paleointensity determinations. Our results show that laboratory heating induced thermal alteration of a typical Galapagos lava sample starts to occur at around 500°C. It escaped detection by pTRM checks but was caught by our RESET method

    Geomagnetic paleointensity in historical pyroclastic density currents: Testing the effects of emplacement temperature and postemplacement alteration

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    Thellier-type paleointensity experiments were conducted on welded ash matrix or pumice from the 1912 Novarupta (NV) and 1980 Mt. St. Helens (MSH) pyroclastic density currents (PDCs) with the intention of evaluating their suitability for geomagnetic paleointensity studies. PDCs are common worldwide, but can have complicated thermal and alteration histories. We attempt to address the role that emplacement temperature and postemplacement hydrothermal alteration may play in nonideal paleointensity behavior of PDCs. Results demonstrate two types of nonideal behavior: unstable remanence in multidomain (MD) titanomagnetite, and nonideal behavior linked to fumarolic and vapor phase alteration. Emplacement temperature indirectly influences MSH results by controlling the fraction of homogenous MD versus oxyexsolved pseudo-single domain titanomagnetite. NV samples are more directly influenced by vapor phase alteration. The majority of NV samples show distinct two-slope behavior in the natural remanent magnetization—partial thermal remanent magnetization plots. We interpret this to arise from a (thermo)chemical remanent magnetization associated with vapor phase alteration, and samples with high water content (\u3e0.75% loss on ignition) generate paleointensities that deviate most strongly from the true value. We find that PDCs can be productively used for paleointensity, but that—as with all paleointensity studies—care should be taken in identifying potential postemplacement alteration below the Curie temperature, and that large, welded flows may be more alteration-prone. One advantage in using PDCs is that they typically have greater areal (spatial) exposure than a basalt flow, allowing for more extensive sampling and better assessment of errors and uncertainty

    Palaeomagnetism of the Ordovician dolerites of the Crozon Peninsula (France)

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    In order to obtain a Lower Palaeozoic pole for the Armorican Massif and to test the origin of the Ibero-Armorican arc, the Ordovician dolerites of the Crozon peninsula have been palaeomagnetically studied. The samples show a multicomponent magnetization which has been revealed by AF and thermal demagnetization and thoroughly investigated with rock magnetic experiments, polished section examinations and K/Ar dating. Four groups of directions have been recognized, often superimposed on each other in an individual sample. One component (D) has always the lowest blocking temperatures and coercivities and is considered to be of viscous origin, acquired recently in situ or in the laboratory during storage. Two components (A and B) are interpreted to be of secondary origin and to correspond to the observed K/Ar age distribution between 300 and 190 Myr. These ages represent the time interval between two regional thermo-tectonic events, associated with the Hercynian orogeny and the intrusion of dykes related to the early opening of the Central Atlantic Ocean and the Bay of Biscay. A fourth component (C) could be of Ordovician or younger Palaeozoic age; it is not clear whether the age of the magnetization is pre- or post-folding, but a pre-folding age would yield a direction of magnetization similar to Ordovician results from the Iberian peninsula. The latter interpretation suggests a fairly high palaeolatitude, which is in agreement with a glacio-marine postulated for sediments overlying the dolerite sills.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/73214/1/j.1365-246X.1983.tb03785.x.pd

    A catalogue of Spanish archaeomagnetic data

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    International audienceA total of 58 new archaeomagnetic directions has been determined from archaeological structures in Spain. Together with five previous results they allow the compilation of the first archaeomagnetic catalogue for Spain, which includes 63 directions with ages ranging between the 2nd century BC and the 20th century AD. Characteristic remanence directions have been obtained from stepwise thermal and alternating field demagnetization. The hierarchical structure has been respected in the calculation of the mean site directions. Rock magnetic experiments reveal that the main magnetic carrier is magnetite or titanomagnetite with different titanium contents. The age estimate of the studied structures is generally well justified by archaeological constraints. For six structures the proposed date is also supported by physical methods. The data are in close agreement with the French secular variation (SV) curve. This catalogue represents the first step in the construction of a SV curve for the Iberian Peninsula, which will be of much use in archaeomagnetic dating and in modelling of the Earth's magnetic field in Western Europe

    Updated Iberian archeomagnetic catalogue: new full vector paleosecular variation curve for the last three millennia

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    In this work, we present 16 directional and 27 intensity high‐quality values from Iberia. Moreover, we have updated the Iberian archeomagnetic catalogue published more than 10 years ago with a considerable increase in the database. This has led to a notable improvement of both temporal and spatial data distribution. A full vector paleosecular variation curve from 1000 BC to 1900 AD has been developed using high‐quality data within a radius of 900 km from Madrid. A hierarchical bootstrap method has been followed for the computation of the curves. The most remarkable feature of the new curves is a notable intensity maximum of about 80 ÎŒT around 600 BC, which has not been previously reported for the Iberian Peninsula. We have also analyzed the evolution of the paleofield in Europe for the last three thousand years and conclude that the high maximum intensity values observed around 600 BC in the Iberian Peninsula could respond to the same feature as the Levantine Iron Age Anomaly, after travelling westward through Europe

    Action potentials in abscisic acid-deficient tomato mutant generated spontaneously and evoked by electrical stimulation

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    Action potentials generated spontaneously (SAPs) and evoked by electrical stimulation (APs) in tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum L.) cv. Micro-Tom ABA-deficient mutants (sitiens—MTsit) and its wild type (MTwt) were characterized by continuous monitoring of electrical activity for 66 h and by application of an electrical stimulation supplied extracellularly. MTsit generated SAPs which spread along the stem, including petioles and roots with an amplitude of 44.6 ± 4.4 mV, half-time (tÂœ) of 33.1 ± 2.9 s and velocity of 5.4 ± 1.0 cm min−1. Amplitude and velocity were 43 and 108 % higher in MTsit than in MTwt, respectively. The largest number of SAPs was registered in the early morning in both genotypes. MTsit was less responsive to electrical stimuli. The excitation threshold and the refractory period were greater in MTsit than in MTwt. After current application, APs were generated in the MTwt with 21.2 ± 2.4 mV amplitude and propagated with 5.6 ± 0.5 cm min−1 velocity. Lower intensity stimuli did not trigger APs in these plants. In MTsit APs were measured with amplitude of 26.8 ± 4.8 mV and propagated with velocity of 8.5 ± 0.1 cm min−1
