29 research outputs found

    Blend Gaps through Papers and Meetings? Collaboration between the Social Services and Jobcentres

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    The policy word “collaboration” is a political buzzword omnipresent within human service organisations in Sweden and other countries. Collaboration stands for services working together toward a common goal. It is understood as the solution for a multitude of problems, putting the client at the centre and involving the services needed for making them financially self-sufficient. Public service collaboration assumes gaps between entities, whether they are organisations or professionals holding a particular kind of knowledge or available resources. Gaps are seen as omissions and pitfalls in activities which should be removed. My thesis is that putting the gap at the centre reveals not only the disjuncture of the gaps but also the productiveness of the gap in collaborative projects between organisations. The article demonstrates how documents and meetings work both as makers and blenders of gaps between social services and jobcentres. If gaps are productive spaces, what does it denote for collaboration between organisations? The article is placed ethnographically in documents and meetings set to enable collaboration between social workers and job coaches. I will focus on the gap, the space between documents and organisations, as productive spaces in collaborative projects

    "The EU’s Nomads: national Eurocrats in European policymaking"

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    The paper focuses on the EU bureaucrats – Eurocrats – and their work. Special attention is placed on the Eurocrats’ work in EU Committees, working groups and council meeting. I have followed and observed their work first, through a trainee position at the Commission and second, by following the Swedish delegation to the Employment Committee meetings. The ethnographic study of the Eurocrats brings them to life as people of flesh and blood – beyond the stereotype. It shows that going by the book and forming technocratic EU decisions is not an option for these bureaucratic elites. They have to be flexible in handling their multiple roles and knowing when to play – and when to stop playing – the game. The paper shows that the roles Eurocrats play shift through the process: pendulum between articulating and defending ‘national’ positions and acting in the interest of the EU swings back and forth. In this way, the Eurocrats’ shifting roles contribute to the process of europeanisation. Sooner or later, playing the game in Brussels forces them to put on the hat of a ‘European’ formulating postnational EU decisions. These Eurocratic practices fashion that which we identify as the EU. We may debate if these EU policy decisions are changing the member states’ policies in any significant sense. Regardless, these Eurocrats are through their practices forming EU decisions that go beyond the nation state in a sense forming, if not to its fullest than at least, an embryo towards a postnational European community

    Neurotoxicity in mice after exposure during early brain development : A study of insecticides chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin

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    Humans are continuously exposed to chemicals in the environment. Some chemicals can be found in human adipose tissue and milk, exposing embryos, fetuses and neonates via the mother. During early development, the organs, the brain and the spinal cord are formed, which at certain critical periods are extra susceptible to xenobiotics. A critical period for the brain is the so-called “brain growth spurt” (BGS), which for humans start during the third trimester and continues for the first two years of life, peaking around birth. In mice the process is neonatal, continuing for the first 3-4 weeks of life, peaking at postnatal day (PND) 10. During BGS the brain grows in size to its adult structure, and there is a high development and proliferation rate of glial cells, neurite outgrowth, dendritic arborization, synaptogenesis and myelination. In the present study, male neonatal mice were given a single oral dose of insecticides (organic pollutants) 10.0 mg/kg BW chlorpyrifos, 0.5 mg/kg BW cypermethrin, or the combination exposure 10.0 mg/kg BW chlorpyrifos + 0.5 mg/kg BW cypermethrin at PND10, in order to investigate if the neonatal exposure would alter the levels of six neuroproteins in the neonatal brain, in the adult brain, and if the combined exposure would cause an interaction. 24 hours or 4 months after exposure the mice were sacrificed, and the neuroprotein levels were analyzed in cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Results showed a significant increase (p ≀ 0.05) in five out of six neuroproteins in the neonatal cerebral cortex (CaMKII, GAP43, GluR1, PSD-95 and tau), and in three out of six neuroproteins in the adult cerebral cortex (GluR1, synaptophysin and tau). Certain effects were transient, probably due to the brain’s own coping mechanisms, while others were permanent and possibly too severe to recover from. Some effects were heightened in the adult compared to the neonate, suggesting that a fluctuation in the protein levels was not picked up. For two proteins there might have been a trend towards an interaction. The conclusion of this study is that a single oral exposure to chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin or the combination of the two, during the peak of BGS, can cause developmental neurotoxic effects, manifested as altered levels of certain neuroproteins important for normal brain development and cognition, both in neonates and in adulthood. Both insecticides have previously been tested separately and caused changed neuroprotein levels, as well as behavior and cognitive impairments in adulthood. It is likely to believe that the mice in this study also would have shown the same signs of behavioral anomalies. Lastly, significant neuroprotein level changes, and behavioral impairments have been seen in many previous studies for several persistent organic pollutants (POPs), when mice have been exposed during the same period in early development. This shows that the BGS is a highly susceptible period in brain development, and thus an important period to study. MĂ€nniskor exponeras stĂ€ndigt för kemikalier i miljön, varav vissa kan Ă„terfinnas i fettvĂ€vnader och mjölk, vilket utsĂ€tter embryon, foster och nyfödda barn via modern. Under den tidiga utvecklingen bildas organen, hjĂ€rnan och ryggmĂ€rgen, och vid vissa kritiska perioder Ă€r de extra kĂ€nsliga mot xenobiotika. En kritisk period för hjĂ€rnan Ă€r den sĂ„ kallade “brain growth spurt” (BGS), en tillvĂ€xtspurt som för mĂ€nniskor börjar under den tredje tremĂ„nadsperioden under graviditeten och fortsĂ€tter under de första tvĂ„ Ă„ren i livet, med sin snabbaste tillvĂ€xt runt födseln. Hos möss tar hela processen plats under nyföddhetsperioden, och fortsĂ€tter under de första 3-4 veckorna i livet, med sin snabbaste tillvĂ€xt omkring 10 dagar efter födseln. Under BGS vĂ€xer hjĂ€rnan i storlek till sin vuxna struktur, och har en hög tillvĂ€xt och förökning av glialceller, neuritutvĂ€xt, dendritförgrening, synaptogenes och myelinering. I den hĂ€r studien fick nyfödda hanmöss en oral engĂ„ngsdos av insekticiderna 10.0 mg/kg BW chlorpyrifos, 0.5 mg/kg BW cypermethrin eller en kombinerad exponering 10.0 mg/kg BW chlorpyrifos + 0.5 mg/kg BW cypermethrin 10 dagar efter födseln, för att undersöka om en exponering under nyföddhetsperioden pĂ„verkade nivĂ„erna av sex neuroproteiner i den nyfödda hjĂ€rnan, i den vuxna hjĂ€rnan och om den kombinerade exponeringen gav en interaktionseffekt. 24 timmar eller 4 mĂ„nader efter exponeringen avlivades mössen, och neuroproteinnivĂ„erna analyserades i hjĂ€rnbarken och i hippocampus. Resultaten visade en signifikant ökning (p ≀ 0.05) hos fem av sex neuroproteiner i den nyfödda hjĂ€rnans hjĂ€rnbark (CaMKII, GAP43, GluR1, PSD-95 and tau) och hos tre av fem neuroproteiner i den vuxna hjĂ€rnans hjĂ€rnbark (GluR1, synaptophysin and tau). Vissa effekter var övergĂ„ende, troligtvis p.g.a. hjĂ€rnans egna försvarsmekanismer, medan andra effekter var permanenta och troligtvis för allvarliga för hjĂ€rnan att reparera. Vissa effekter blev förhöjda hos de vuxna djuren i förhĂ„llande till de nyfödda, vilket tyder pĂ„ att en fluktuation i proteinnivĂ„erna inte registrerades. Hos tvĂ„ proteiner kan det ha funnits en trend mot en interaktionseffekt. Slutsatsen för den hĂ€r studien Ă€r att en oral engĂ„ngsdos av insekticiderna chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin eller kombinationen av de tvĂ„ under perioden för hjĂ€rnans snabbaste tillvĂ€xt, kan ge utvecklingsskador i hjĂ€rnan, vilket uppvisas genom förĂ€ndrade nivĂ„er för vissa proteiner som Ă€r viktiga för hjĂ€rnans normala utveckling och kognition, bĂ„de hos nyfödda och vuxna möss. BĂ„da insekticiderna har tidigare testats separat och Ă€ven dĂ„ förĂ€ndrat proteinnivĂ„er, sĂ„vĂ€l som skadat beteende och kognition hos vuxna djur. Det Ă€r dĂ€rför troligt att Ă€ven mössen i denna studie ocksĂ„ skulle uppvisat liknande tecken pĂ„ beteendeavvikelser. Slutligen har signifikanta nivĂ„förĂ€ndringar för neuroproteiner och beteendeavvikelser setts i mĂ„nga tidigare studier för flera andra persistenta organiska Ă€mnen (POPs) nĂ€r möss har exponerats under samma period i den tidiga utvecklingen. Det visar pĂ„ att BGS Ă€r en vĂ€ldigt kĂ€nslig period i hjĂ€rnans utveckling och dĂ€rför en viktig period att studera.EU research project FP7:282957, DENAMI

    Hur leder dÄlig djurhÄllning till antibiotikaresistens?

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    I takt med att allt mer antibiotika anvĂ€nds och att vĂ€rlden blir allt mer globaliserad ökar och sprids antibiotikaresistensen. DjurhĂ„llningen i vĂ€rlden kantas av stressgivande miljöer som för smĂ„ utrymmen och för mĂ„nga djur per yta. Det fĂ„r djuren att drabbas av infektioner som vi botar med antibiotika. Antibiotika anvĂ€nds Ă€ven inom djurhĂ„llning i tillvĂ€xtfrĂ€mjande syfte och för att förebygga sjukdom och minska stress. Denna fel- och överbehandling av antibiotika i kombination med att vi anvĂ€nder samma sorts antibiotika inom human sjukvĂ„rd som inom djurhĂ„llning gör att vĂ„ra livsmedelsproducerande djur utgör en smittorisk för resistenta bakterier som hotar att nĂ„ oss via bland annat livsmedelskedjan. I och med att djuren medicineras via tillĂ€gg i foder och vatten och att upp till 90% av antibiotikan följer med fekalierna ut, sprids resistensen i naturen dĂ„ stor del av fekalierna distribueras pĂ„ jordbruksĂ„krar i fertiliserande syfte. Det ökar pĂ„ spridningsrisken samt utgör ytterligare en risk för oss nĂ€r vi Ă€ter grödorna. FrĂ„n akvakulturer hamnar ungefĂ€r 80% av antibiotikan i det omgivande vattnet och i sedimentet och kan dĂ€rifrĂ„n spridas till havets mikrober, vidare till fisk- och skaldjurspatogener och sedan till terrestra bakterier. ÅtgĂ€rder till dessa problem innefattar att minska spridningen och förhindra uppkomsten av resistenta bakterier. Man bör forska fram fler antibiotika exklusivt för en sektor, i första hand vaccinera och nĂ€r man mĂ„ste anvĂ€nda antibiotika bör det vara en smalspektrumsvariant. Man mĂ„ste ocksĂ„ förbĂ€ttra den globala djurhĂ„llningsstandarden, sĂ„ att risken för spridning minskar vid resor och handel. Det krĂ€vs ocksĂ„ ett ökat kunskapslĂ€ge och ett gemensamt internationellt samarbete för minskad och mer restriktiv antibiotikaanvĂ€ndning.As more antibiotics are being used in the world, and as the world gets more globalized, antibiotic resistance is a problem that is growing and spreading. Animal husbandry all over the world provides animals with stressful environments such as too small spaces and too many animals per area. The stress makes the animals suffer from infections that we cure with antibiotics. Antibiotics are also used in animal husbandry as a growth promoter and to prevent illness and decrease stress. This mis- and overuse of antibiotics and the fact that we are using the same type of antibiotics for human health care as well as for animal husbandry, makes our livestock a threat - we can get infected with antibiotic resistant bacteria through the food chain. As a result of us medicating the animals by putting antibiotics in their feed and water (where up to 90% of the antibiotics ends up in the faeces), the resistance is spread in nature, since the faeces often are used as fertilizers in agriculture. This increases the risk of spreading and is another threat for us when we eat the crops from the fields. From aquacultures about 80% of the antibiotics ends up in the nearby water and sediment and can spread through the microbes of the ocean, via fish and shellfish pathogens to terrestrial bacteria. Measuring steps includes decreasing the spread and preventing the rise of resistant bacteria. More research is needed to find new antibiotics, that should be used exclusively for one sector. We should also vaccinate more and when antibiotics are needed, use narrow spectrum antibiotics. Another step is to improve the global animal husbandry standards, so the risk for spreading decreases when travelling and importing/exporting. More education and international teamwork for reduced and more strict antibiotic usage is also needed

    Eurocrats at Work : Negotiating Transparency in Postnational Employment Policy

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    In the European Union political visions of a ‘Social Europe’ are being fuelled by the creation of common EU employment and social policy. The aim of the study is to investigate the workings and dynamics of policy-making in the area of employment, as an integral part of the fashioning of the European Union. Policies are channels for the cultural flows of ideas and notions and are in this way a part of forming ‘society’. The study is an ethnography of the work of bureaucrats in the European Union institutions and the member state governments, in particular in the European Commission and the Swedish government. In this bureaucratic culture of policy-making the Eurocrats move between different EU meetings to negotiate, discuss and decide on common ‘EU’ positions, in this way creating a postnational EU. At the core of the study is the tracing of the policy process of framing the vision of ‘Social Europe’ by the notion of ‘quality in work’. Particular focus is placed on turning this idea into ‘quality in work’ indicators. More specifically, the study explores the processes of making policy decisions quantifiable and transparent, and the assumptions underlying these processes. The development of indicators may be seen as part of a general global trend responding to demands for accountability, transparency and control over policy processes, a trend labelled audit society or audit cultures

    Eurocrats at Work : Negotiating Transparency in Postnational Employment Policy

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    In the European Union political visions of a ‘Social Europe’ are being fuelled by the creation of common EU employment and social policy. The aim of the study is to investigate the workings and dynamics of policy-making in the area of employment, as an integral part of the fashioning of the European Union. Policies are channels for the cultural flows of ideas and notions and are in this way a part of forming ‘society’. The study is an ethnography of the work of bureaucrats in the European Union institutions and the member state governments, in particular in the European Commission and the Swedish government. In this bureaucratic culture of policy-making the Eurocrats move between different EU meetings to negotiate, discuss and decide on common ‘EU’ positions, in this way creating a postnational EU. At the core of the study is the tracing of the policy process of framing the vision of ‘Social Europe’ by the notion of ‘quality in work’. Particular focus is placed on turning this idea into ‘quality in work’ indicators. More specifically, the study explores the processes of making policy decisions quantifiable and transparent, and the assumptions underlying these processes. The development of indicators may be seen as part of a general global trend responding to demands for accountability, transparency and control over policy processes, a trend labelled audit society or audit cultures

    Hur leder dÄlig djurhÄllning till antibiotikaresistens?

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    I takt med att allt mer antibiotika anvĂ€nds och att vĂ€rlden blir allt mer globaliserad ökar och sprids antibiotikaresistensen. DjurhĂ„llningen i vĂ€rlden kantas av stressgivande miljöer som för smĂ„ utrymmen och för mĂ„nga djur per yta. Det fĂ„r djuren att drabbas av infektioner som vi botar med antibiotika. Antibiotika anvĂ€nds Ă€ven inom djurhĂ„llning i tillvĂ€xtfrĂ€mjande syfte och för att förebygga sjukdom och minska stress. Denna fel- och överbehandling av antibiotika i kombination med att vi anvĂ€nder samma sorts antibiotika inom human sjukvĂ„rd som inom djurhĂ„llning gör att vĂ„ra livsmedelsproducerande djur utgör en smittorisk för resistenta bakterier som hotar att nĂ„ oss via bland annat livsmedelskedjan. I och med att djuren medicineras via tillĂ€gg i foder och vatten och att upp till 90% av antibiotikan följer med fekalierna ut, sprids resistensen i naturen dĂ„ stor del av fekalierna distribueras pĂ„ jordbruksĂ„krar i fertiliserande syfte. Det ökar pĂ„ spridningsrisken samt utgör ytterligare en risk för oss nĂ€r vi Ă€ter grödorna. FrĂ„n akvakulturer hamnar ungefĂ€r 80% av antibiotikan i det omgivande vattnet och i sedimentet och kan dĂ€rifrĂ„n spridas till havets mikrober, vidare till fisk- och skaldjurspatogener och sedan till terrestra bakterier. ÅtgĂ€rder till dessa problem innefattar att minska spridningen och förhindra uppkomsten av resistenta bakterier. Man bör forska fram fler antibiotika exklusivt för en sektor, i första hand vaccinera och nĂ€r man mĂ„ste anvĂ€nda antibiotika bör det vara en smalspektrumsvariant. Man mĂ„ste ocksĂ„ förbĂ€ttra den globala djurhĂ„llningsstandarden, sĂ„ att risken för spridning minskar vid resor och handel. Det krĂ€vs ocksĂ„ ett ökat kunskapslĂ€ge och ett gemensamt internationellt samarbete för minskad och mer restriktiv antibiotikaanvĂ€ndning.As more antibiotics are being used in the world, and as the world gets more globalized, antibiotic resistance is a problem that is growing and spreading. Animal husbandry all over the world provides animals with stressful environments such as too small spaces and too many animals per area. The stress makes the animals suffer from infections that we cure with antibiotics. Antibiotics are also used in animal husbandry as a growth promoter and to prevent illness and decrease stress. This mis- and overuse of antibiotics and the fact that we are using the same type of antibiotics for human health care as well as for animal husbandry, makes our livestock a threat - we can get infected with antibiotic resistant bacteria through the food chain. As a result of us medicating the animals by putting antibiotics in their feed and water (where up to 90% of the antibiotics ends up in the faeces), the resistance is spread in nature, since the faeces often are used as fertilizers in agriculture. This increases the risk of spreading and is another threat for us when we eat the crops from the fields. From aquacultures about 80% of the antibiotics ends up in the nearby water and sediment and can spread through the microbes of the ocean, via fish and shellfish pathogens to terrestrial bacteria. Measuring steps includes decreasing the spread and preventing the rise of resistant bacteria. More research is needed to find new antibiotics, that should be used exclusively for one sector. We should also vaccinate more and when antibiotics are needed, use narrow spectrum antibiotics. Another step is to improve the global animal husbandry standards, so the risk for spreading decreases when travelling and importing/exporting. More education and international teamwork for reduced and more strict antibiotic usage is also needed

    Neurotoxicity in mice after exposure during early brain development : A study of insecticides chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin

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    Humans are continuously exposed to chemicals in the environment. Some chemicals can be found in human adipose tissue and milk, exposing embryos, fetuses and neonates via the mother. During early development, the organs, the brain and the spinal cord are formed, which at certain critical periods are extra susceptible to xenobiotics. A critical period for the brain is the so-called “brain growth spurt” (BGS), which for humans start during the third trimester and continues for the first two years of life, peaking around birth. In mice the process is neonatal, continuing for the first 3-4 weeks of life, peaking at postnatal day (PND) 10. During BGS the brain grows in size to its adult structure, and there is a high development and proliferation rate of glial cells, neurite outgrowth, dendritic arborization, synaptogenesis and myelination. In the present study, male neonatal mice were given a single oral dose of insecticides (organic pollutants) 10.0 mg/kg BW chlorpyrifos, 0.5 mg/kg BW cypermethrin, or the combination exposure 10.0 mg/kg BW chlorpyrifos + 0.5 mg/kg BW cypermethrin at PND10, in order to investigate if the neonatal exposure would alter the levels of six neuroproteins in the neonatal brain, in the adult brain, and if the combined exposure would cause an interaction. 24 hours or 4 months after exposure the mice were sacrificed, and the neuroprotein levels were analyzed in cerebral cortex and hippocampus. Results showed a significant increase (p ≀ 0.05) in five out of six neuroproteins in the neonatal cerebral cortex (CaMKII, GAP43, GluR1, PSD-95 and tau), and in three out of six neuroproteins in the adult cerebral cortex (GluR1, synaptophysin and tau). Certain effects were transient, probably due to the brain’s own coping mechanisms, while others were permanent and possibly too severe to recover from. Some effects were heightened in the adult compared to the neonate, suggesting that a fluctuation in the protein levels was not picked up. For two proteins there might have been a trend towards an interaction. The conclusion of this study is that a single oral exposure to chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin or the combination of the two, during the peak of BGS, can cause developmental neurotoxic effects, manifested as altered levels of certain neuroproteins important for normal brain development and cognition, both in neonates and in adulthood. Both insecticides have previously been tested separately and caused changed neuroprotein levels, as well as behavior and cognitive impairments in adulthood. It is likely to believe that the mice in this study also would have shown the same signs of behavioral anomalies. Lastly, significant neuroprotein level changes, and behavioral impairments have been seen in many previous studies for several persistent organic pollutants (POPs), when mice have been exposed during the same period in early development. This shows that the BGS is a highly susceptible period in brain development, and thus an important period to study. MĂ€nniskor exponeras stĂ€ndigt för kemikalier i miljön, varav vissa kan Ă„terfinnas i fettvĂ€vnader och mjölk, vilket utsĂ€tter embryon, foster och nyfödda barn via modern. Under den tidiga utvecklingen bildas organen, hjĂ€rnan och ryggmĂ€rgen, och vid vissa kritiska perioder Ă€r de extra kĂ€nsliga mot xenobiotika. En kritisk period för hjĂ€rnan Ă€r den sĂ„ kallade “brain growth spurt” (BGS), en tillvĂ€xtspurt som för mĂ€nniskor börjar under den tredje tremĂ„nadsperioden under graviditeten och fortsĂ€tter under de första tvĂ„ Ă„ren i livet, med sin snabbaste tillvĂ€xt runt födseln. Hos möss tar hela processen plats under nyföddhetsperioden, och fortsĂ€tter under de första 3-4 veckorna i livet, med sin snabbaste tillvĂ€xt omkring 10 dagar efter födseln. Under BGS vĂ€xer hjĂ€rnan i storlek till sin vuxna struktur, och har en hög tillvĂ€xt och förökning av glialceller, neuritutvĂ€xt, dendritförgrening, synaptogenes och myelinering. I den hĂ€r studien fick nyfödda hanmöss en oral engĂ„ngsdos av insekticiderna 10.0 mg/kg BW chlorpyrifos, 0.5 mg/kg BW cypermethrin eller en kombinerad exponering 10.0 mg/kg BW chlorpyrifos + 0.5 mg/kg BW cypermethrin 10 dagar efter födseln, för att undersöka om en exponering under nyföddhetsperioden pĂ„verkade nivĂ„erna av sex neuroproteiner i den nyfödda hjĂ€rnan, i den vuxna hjĂ€rnan och om den kombinerade exponeringen gav en interaktionseffekt. 24 timmar eller 4 mĂ„nader efter exponeringen avlivades mössen, och neuroproteinnivĂ„erna analyserades i hjĂ€rnbarken och i hippocampus. Resultaten visade en signifikant ökning (p ≀ 0.05) hos fem av sex neuroproteiner i den nyfödda hjĂ€rnans hjĂ€rnbark (CaMKII, GAP43, GluR1, PSD-95 and tau) och hos tre av fem neuroproteiner i den vuxna hjĂ€rnans hjĂ€rnbark (GluR1, synaptophysin and tau). Vissa effekter var övergĂ„ende, troligtvis p.g.a. hjĂ€rnans egna försvarsmekanismer, medan andra effekter var permanenta och troligtvis för allvarliga för hjĂ€rnan att reparera. Vissa effekter blev förhöjda hos de vuxna djuren i förhĂ„llande till de nyfödda, vilket tyder pĂ„ att en fluktuation i proteinnivĂ„erna inte registrerades. Hos tvĂ„ proteiner kan det ha funnits en trend mot en interaktionseffekt. Slutsatsen för den hĂ€r studien Ă€r att en oral engĂ„ngsdos av insekticiderna chlorpyrifos, cypermethrin eller kombinationen av de tvĂ„ under perioden för hjĂ€rnans snabbaste tillvĂ€xt, kan ge utvecklingsskador i hjĂ€rnan, vilket uppvisas genom förĂ€ndrade nivĂ„er för vissa proteiner som Ă€r viktiga för hjĂ€rnans normala utveckling och kognition, bĂ„de hos nyfödda och vuxna möss. BĂ„da insekticiderna har tidigare testats separat och Ă€ven dĂ„ förĂ€ndrat proteinnivĂ„er, sĂ„vĂ€l som skadat beteende och kognition hos vuxna djur. Det Ă€r dĂ€rför troligt att Ă€ven mössen i denna studie ocksĂ„ skulle uppvisat liknande tecken pĂ„ beteendeavvikelser. Slutligen har signifikanta nivĂ„förĂ€ndringar för neuroproteiner och beteendeavvikelser setts i mĂ„nga tidigare studier för flera andra persistenta organiska Ă€mnen (POPs) nĂ€r möss har exponerats under samma period i den tidiga utvecklingen. Det visar pĂ„ att BGS Ă€r en vĂ€ldigt kĂ€nslig period i hjĂ€rnans utveckling och dĂ€rför en viktig period att studera.EU research project FP7:282957, DENAMI