2,570 research outputs found

    The discomforting rise of ' public geographies': a 'public' conversation.

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    In this innovative and provocative intervention, the authors explore the burgeoning ‘public turn’ visible across the social sciences to espouse the need to radically challenge and reshape dominant and orthodox visions of ‘the academy’, academic life, and the role and purpose of the academic

    A harmadik nagy átalakulás, avagy hogyan lehet Polányit átmenteni a jövőbe

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    Ostatni pozytywista

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    The Last PositivistThe polemics between Piotr Sztompka and Michael Burawoy was originally published in Contempo­rary Sociology. A Journal of Reviews no 40/4 as Debate on International Sociology. The starting point of discussion between Piotr Sztompka and Michael Burawoy was the publication entitled Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for a Global Sociology (Volume One: Introduction, Latin America and Africa, 316 pp.; Volume Two: Asia, 362 pp.; Volume Three: Europe, and Concluding Reflections, 296 pp.), edited by Michael Burawoy, Mau-kuei Chang and Michelle Fei-yu Hsieh (Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of Sociology at Academia Sinica, Council of National Associations of the International Sociological Association & Academia Sinica, 2010). Ostatni pozytywistaPrezentowana niżej polemika pt. Debata o socjologii międzynarodowej ukazała się w „Contemporary Sociology. A Journal of Reviews” 40, nr 4. Punktem wyjścia do dyskusji między Piotrem Sztompką i Michaelem Burawoyem była książka z 2010 roku Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for a Global Sociology (t. 1: Introduction, Latin America and Africa, ss. 316; t. 2: Asia, ss. 362; t. 3: Europe, and Conclu­ding Reflexions, ss. 296), pod redakcją Michaela Burawoya, Mau-kuei Changa i Michelle Fei-yu Hsieh, wydana w Tajpej przez Institute of Sociology at Academia Sinica, Council of National Associations of the International Sociological Association & Academia Sinica

    Redefinicja publicznego uniwersytetu: ramy analityczne

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    Celem artykułu jest diagnoza pozycji współczesnego uniwersytetu oraz wypracowanie narzędzi, które mogłyby stanowić podstawę przedefiniowania jego znaczenia. Jako dwa kluczowe czynniki strukturyzujące dziś pole akademickie autor wskazuje regulację i utowarowienie. Swego rodzaju przeciwwagę dla tych instrumentów/procesów ma stanowić idea uniwersytetu publicznego, rozumianego jako aktywny, krytyczny uczestnik dyskusji o rozwoju społecznym


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    Neste artigo o autor discute a posição do sociólogo e dos cientistas sociais como “intelectuais”, cujainserção política e institucional é variada, podendo ser profissional, crítica, pública ou voltada parapolíticas públicas. Em contraposição a um ideal wallersteiniano – de acordo com o qual o intelectual, porum lado, está mais próximo das camadas populares e mais distante do poder e, por outro lado, tem umaresponsabilidade ao mesmo tempo analítica, moral e política –, o autor considera que os cientistas sociaispodem adotar apenas uma dessas dimensões de cada vez, mas que as trocas entre os gêneros da práticasociológica integram, de maneira positiva, a sua dinâmica profissional. O artigo tem a seguinte estrutura:1) situa o sociólogo no contexto da sua prática, dando especial atenção ao caráter disciplinar vigente; 2)o qual é ele próprio conformado por diferentes regimes políticos nacionais; 3) para finalmente tratar doâmbito global. A conclusão geral é que os sociólogos não orbitam em um espaço vazio além da economia,mas cumprem suas missões em terrenos ideológico e político, que são locais e nacionais antes de constituírem-se como globais. Reconhecer esses terrenos é a primeira tarefa para qualquer engajamento crítico ouprojeto político, pois eles constituem os tijolos de qualquer Sociologia internacional

    Management, worker responses and an enterprise trade union in transition

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    We examine management and labour process changes in a Moldovan factory to examine their impact on the trade union and to test the utility of institutionalist approaches. Changes in management structures and work organisation have hollowed out key legacies, notably the ‘labour collective’ and informal bargaining, and evoked resistance from workers. The union is disconnected from worker resistance and is faced with major issues concerning its role. We conceptualise it as a ‘suspended institution’

    Uniwersytet w kryzysie. Z Michaelem Burawoyem rozmawia Anna Szołucha

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    Wychodząc od rozważań nad genezą i losami socjologii publicznej, Anna Szołucha dyskutuje z Michaelem Burawoyem o kryzysie uniwersytetu, jego komercjalizacji iregulacji oraz roli ruchów społecznych (Occupy czy Indignados) i studenckich (z Chille czy Kanady) w odzyskiwaniu i otwieraniu na nowo uczelni publicznych